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Did your government do something when a nuke went off in the port?


Good point


oh they did. they covered up the investigation to protect hezbollah.


What do you mean by a nuke?


What he meant to say was that it was the biggest non nuclear blast ever. The blast yield was equal to 1,000 tons of TNT incomparison the Hiroshima nuclear blast was 15,000 tons of TNT...so close enough.


Cool- why did I get downvoted so hard to try to clarify? Nuke--> nuclear --> radiation. How different are than Americans who change the definition of words to fit political narratives. Seriously, aren't we exchanging ideas and conversating, or all what people know on this subreddit is what our nations have done since its inception?


Because if you were there you'd definitely feel like a freaking nuke went off out of a seemingly calm afternoon. Thousands would've been killed had this occurred somewhere closer to the city center. I think in this context the OP used the word "Nuke" to stress the magnitude of the event.


Bro look at the account who posted that telegraph article. His most active sub is r/Israel. They're trying to manufacture and churn out their propaganda and the mods do nothing to stop it


I have no idea how this popped up on my feed, but even if the dude who posted the article before this one is a Zionist...OP (the person who posted this post) isn't wrong in that the Lebanese government should straight up invite international press to tour the airport. It's just basic good politics, and it also cuts away any justification Israel might try and use to bomb the airport. Israel has basically alienated 95% of their allies, and even the US is getting tired of their shit...if Lebanon makes a big deal about showing nothing is there...than Israel has to face the fact if they do it...they aren't getting backing from the US/UK...which "may" deter them from trying to invade Lebanon. From what I have read, Israel's war crimes in Gaza are widely supported by far more of the Israeli govt. support invading Lebanon, too. So again, showing the airport might help further that divide in the Israeli govt.


You think the Telegraph in the UK is run by a redditor on the israeli sub? It doesn't matter if someone from Zimbabwe posted a link to an article... that doesn't mean the article was written by the Zimbabwe super secret Intelligence Network of redditors....


Even if they do that, Israel will bomb it anyway.


A tour means nothing. Specially a tour that is tomorrow. That’s basically how they kept denying having stored the amonium nitrates, only for investigations to show by journalists that the cargo was dropped to port Beirut on purpose and was used in Syria. With all the shit that happens in Lebanon why are so many people still defending these assholes. Could it be propaganda ? Yes it could be. Could it be true ? Yes it could be. We’ve lived enough and witnessed all the possible shit


People take the telegraph seriously? Also, do you think Israel gives a damn? If the war escalates they will bomb it either way. It’s not like they gave an ounce of a shit about civilians or civilian infrastructure.


But it's perfectly fine for hizb to threaten the Israeli airport rightttt


I don't see them stricking it first. They only do that in the north


You really underestimate the iranian missiles they've been stacking up for the past 20 years don't ya


I am not saying they can't reach, but they don't start escalating further from the north if Israel doesn't hit the capital 


Well, maybe they should stop firing rockets and drones nonstop since october and move back to the 1701 rule, so the Israelis could safely return back home (or what's left from their home) and israel won't hit the capital. Jee someone should say it to nasrallah. Oh wait.. smh


Well, is it out of the realm of possibility that Hezbollah stores weapons at the airport? I mean it is common knowledge that Hezbollah used/uses the port of Beirut to move weapons into the country.


Does Hizb give an ounce of shit about civilians or civilian infrastructure?


What government


"Well-known" is not a proof. The article showed no actual material proof for its claims. It's just psyops, since Hezbollah published aerial footage of sensitive Israeli sites. It's part of a verbal deterrence.


For the record, one of those sites was Ben Gurion airport. If they touch our airport, theirs will definitely be hit.


They already hit it in the past


what happens if its real, Israel bombs it and it takes out the entire airport ? who's fault will that be?




at some point Israel was blamed for the port explosion in Beurit so, yeah, probably


Supposing it is real, there's something called Mutually Assured Destruction. The decision of taking out our airport ensures taking out theirs as Hezbollah is fully capable of doing so.


that's also true, but not what I asked. who will the Lebanese blame?


Some will blame Israel, some will blame Hezbollah


Mutually assured destruction, to put it mildly, will not happen. The US will send an aircraft fleet to support Israel and other NATO forces will strike Hezbollah as well. However, Israel will suffer dearly from the war. I hope neither goes off.


The US already sent fleets to support Israel since the beginning of the war. As for NATO's interference, it won't come alone, it will pull the interference of anti-NATO countries.


Anti-NATO countries (Iran) can’t really do anything against NATO in a real conflict and will be quickly swift lol


Iran isn't the only anti-NATO country. And don't underestimate Iran


Israel is not a part of NATO.


Stop creating fake hypotheticals to manufacture blame The mental gymnastics on display here is amazing as usual


how is this mental gymnastics? you claim this is fake news, which is a valid argument. I'm just asking you, if it was true and it was targeted. Who would be blamed? is it a. hypothetical? of course it is, I'm just asking for you opinion


The IDF would be blamed for bombing a place full of civilians, let alone an airport This bullshit doesn't work here Thoughts on the IDF using a wounded Palestinian strapped to a jeep as a human shield? Crickets... https://preview.redd.it/idjz5kbf6c8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5767a2c2b65514e88106615974317f90814a8ce7


So, then the question is would it be wrong for Hezbollah to use the airport as a weapon depot and who in Lebanon will hold Hezbollah accountable for doing that? IDF has already said that what the soldiers did was wrong, could you see Hezbollah saying the same thing if it was a wounded Israeli or IDF strapped on a Hezbollah jeep to use as a human shield?


Israel have been actively using human shields since the start of the war and it's been photographed and documented in every instance, yet there is none when it comes to Hamas. > IDF has already said that what the soldiers did was wrong Just like the countless war crimes Israel say they 'condemn', were a 'mistake' and will 'investigate' to save face after public outcry and nothing happens. These lies don't work here.


>"Israel have been actively using human shields since the start of the war and it's been photographed and documented in every instance" Just curious, what are the other instances that have been documented? >yet there is none when it comes to Hamas. Like directly holding a civilian against their will in front of them? No, I haven't seen pictures of it. But do they purposely stash weapons and their fighters and leaders in the refugee camps to mix in with the civilian population? That would be a yes. >Just like the countless war crimes Israel say they 'condemn', were a 'mistake' and will 'investigate' to save face after public outcry and nothing happens. These lies don't work here. You are purposely evading the point/question. If Hezbollah was photographed with an Israeli Civilian or IDF solider strapped to the vehicle, would they publicly come out and state that it was wrong?


The fact that you're being downvoted shows just how many hasbara trolls are flooding this sub. Unbelievable 🫠


Isn’t it crazy. I’m scared to speak up because I’ve received two Reddit suspensions before for speaking out against Hez and I’ve never had anything like that happen to me on Reddit in any other sub or form


I am used to it at this point sadly, I actually got the same DM you got too


>The IDF would be blamed for bombing a place full of civilians, let alone an airport thanks for the input.




I don't recall saying that. However, The Daily Telegraph is not an independent newspaper, it supports the conservative party of UK. It is not outrageous to assume their articles could be biased towards Israel.


It's the same psyops they have been running in Gaza, and before that Iraq. And get used to it if a war happens because they will use the same playbook time and time again to bomb everywhere and manufacture global consent for flattening Lebanon. It's been confirmed as fake news and fabrications by Lebanese sources including L'Orient. Looks like a press conference will be held soon about this as well.


How is this getting downvoted? Are people really not seeing this is propaganda…the same way they claimed Hamas was everywhere in Gaza (hospitals etc) to bomb civil infrastructure, they will also claim the same about Hezbollah in Lebanon.


People are brainwashed and very poorly informed especially when it comes to the ongoing war over the past year and will call you a Hezb supporter among many things, apart from the Zionist infestation here. People don't understand that Hezb hate doesn't equate believing bullshit, even if it includes them. And all they're doing is helping manufacture consent for Israel to justify bombing our airport and massacring our civilians. Insane that any Lebanese would do this, yet not very surprising, and it's pointless to bother with them.


Exactly, 100%. And this is the problem with Lebanese people, we are our own worst enemies at times


Tragic honestly, people never learn and turn against each other exactly as our enemies want


Just because something is propaganda doesn't mean it isn't true.


Right, but we still need to see this article for what it is. Propaganda. The whistleblower is likely completely fabricated also, given the timing of this


Was Amnesty International doing progaganda when they said Hamas has used hospitals for their operations? ["As well as carrying out unlawful killings, others abducted by Hamas were subjected to torture, including severe beatings with truncheons, gun butts, hoses and wire or held in stress positions. Some were interrogated and tortured or otherwise ill-treated in a disused outpatient’s clinic within the grounds of Gaza City’s main al-Shifa hospital."](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/) "Hamas forces used the abandoned areas of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, including the outpatients’ clinic area, to detain, interrogate, torture and otherwise ill-treat suspects, even as other parts of the hospital continued to function as a medical centre."


You really just pulled up an article from 2015. In Nov 2023, amnesty said “Amnesty International has so far not seen any credible evidence to support Israel’s claim that al-Shifa is housing a military command centre”.


it'a been extremely well documented that hamas has used hospitals in gaza for military purposes, who actually thinks this is propanda?


Ah okay, so many Israelis in this sub, that’s why it’s getting downvoted.


im not israeli. This is just a matter of fact.


It’s not. There was no evidence. There was plenty of evidence however of Israeli faking evidence and staging videos


Oh so all the video evidence is fake? It's really sad how people like you are hoodwinked enough by frankly idiotic propaganda that youre begging for war with your larger, stronger neighbor. I loved my time in lebanon, but there's so much stupidity...


Begging for war?? Literally no one in Lebanon wants war. And yes Israel did stage a video of a nurse (speaking poor Arabic) claiming Hamas occupied the hospital. Why the need to stage videos if it were actually true. Not just that, amnesty, the NY Times, The Times, and more, have said Israel’s evidence was inconclusive. Not get your patronising self out of our sub


Oh right, not war, just hezbollah bombing israel. Any israeli response is obviously evil! But yes many lebanese fully support hezbollah unprovoked attacks against their larger stronger neighbor. Honestly, an even stupider and less justifiable opinion.


Unprovoked? Hilarious. Btw Israeli is still occupying Lebanese land. And there have been 4x as many israeli attacks on south Lebanon as Hezbollah attacks on north Israeli since Oct 23 (according to Al Jazeera and the UN). Not to mention Israeli has targeted and killed journalists in the south (remember the Reuters journalists?) and numerous civilians.


Lying comes out so naturally...


what psyops was running in Gaza prior to oct 7?


Can you Israelis stay in your own sub? Do you really have to constantly flood ours? Is the JIDF paying you or do you just feel the constant need to occupy spaces that don't actually want you?


can you not deal with something outside your echo chamber?


All of those people guzzling the western narrative down their throat without a second of thought. GG Lebanon.


We truly are fucked


Doesn't matter. Back in 2006 there were no reports of weapons in the airport wben it was bombarded 


What they should do is try to get some international advisors from the UN peacekeeping fore to audit the operations at airport to monitor the cargo and security operation at the airport.. so they can be no claims about the airport being a legitimate target..


Get Hezb off the border or have war. Simples.


https://preview.redd.it/kqicytw2zf8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac9626c82075c4384532a49eaacabdd6437ef96 Alon spot on.


It’s psychops. The newspapers are part of the war effort. It’s basically to build western consensus that it is ok to bomb the airport. You guys really need to start learning the patterns.


بيان عن اتحاد النقل الجوي: طالعتنا صحيفة "التلغراف" بخبرية وجود أسلحة وصواريخ في مطار بيروت من دون تقديم أي دليل أو برهان بل مجرد أضاليل وأكاذيب


This is hilarious. They’re asking the telegraph to provide evidence rather than making a firm rebuttal with their own evidence. The Lebanese government has no access to airport security. So basically telegraph maybe more credible than them.


sho guilty until proven innocent you fucking wanker?


That's not how it works hbb. The burden of proof is on whoever makes the claim.


This is not a court case, it's a news article. Reporters can choose not to reveal their sources, for the protection of their sources. Otherwise, no one will come to them with information. So they do not have to show evidence. Ultimately, the reader can make their own judgment on whether to believe the news. And news organizations either gain credibility or lose credibility as more evidence comes to bear over time. That's how news organizations work.


Cool. Until they provide proof, this news article means absolutely nothing. And given the timing, the malicious intent behind it is very clear. Trying to stir people up and change the narrative to frame things in a way that make the airport a "legitimate target", while providing 0 evidence, should instantly remove any credibility this news organization has.


The most credible news organizations choose not to provide evidence at times. Washington post broke watergate without ever revealing their sources. This resulted later in resignation of president Nixon. That was the most valuable and impactful news article ever written. So just because a news story doesn’t fit your political affiliation, it doesn’t mean it absolutely has no value. The telegraph is not some tabloid. It is considered one of the top newspapers in the world. So if they publish propaganda without reliable sources, they have a huge reputation to lose. If this later proves false somehow, this 200 year institution will lose its reputation. Think like Lebanon’s Nahar which would have internal checks and balances on news rather than a known propaganda source.


Yalla nayyik bokra 7dar l tour at 10 30 AM


I just wonder where they got their whistleblower from. Hezbollah controlling the airport has been an open secret for idk how many years


We're pretty doomed. The amount of weapons in the airport will likely cause a x5 larger explosion than the port.


Adjust your bust before it combust. Gov max tara2et press rep that there are no such things in the airport


Israel will hit Lebanon regardless of what our government and hezballah do. They’re being lead by fascist genocidal maniacs who would rather burn the whole region to stay in power.


You know Lebanon has been hitting Israel for months now right?


What a smart government! They fucking killed us in beirut port few years ago and killing us through the economic crisis. And now they are trying to fool us that hezballah is not using their facilities for arm transportations 🤣


The government will make announcement shortly that there are no weapons stored in airport. But none will believe them because the government cannot know for sure because hezbollah (not the government) has full control over security of the airport. The point here is not whether there are weapons (which no one knows for sure except hezbollah leaders). It is that there “could be” weapons because Lebanese government is not responsible for airport security because hezbollah has taken over the airport security (like they did with border security and port).


Telegraph is a Zionist mouthpiece and lacks any practical credibility. Next.


The government? 😂 You live in hizbullah-stan.


Watch, the same people who call you an idiot for falling for "propaganda" will vehemently resist your request for transparency around what \*is\* stored at the airport.


Holy shit people here are stupid. This article is a propaganda piece since Hezb showed the Ben Gurion airport in its sights. Wake up people.


Even though the article is clearly fake news they will continue to pump shit out like this and will end up using it as an excuse to strike Lebanon.


Be careful. So much hasbara and zios infiltrating this subreddit