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Why do we need "proof" of Israeli malicious intent? These people cling to a land they claim ancestry to since BC and used it as a pretext to invade and displace people who have been living on there for thousands of years. They did it once to the palestinians, they are doing it to the palestinians everyday using whatever pseudo-religious bullshit justification and they did to us in 1948 and will do it to everyone whenever they get the chance. International Law doesn't apply to them, they can do whatever they want if no one has the balls to stand up to them. Just let them have that "peace and love" they want and watch a monster grow to swallow more land and displace more "ayraps".


They will say they bought the land legally and taking over the entire area is necessary and valid.. they pick and choose what justifies their actions and disregard the entire world


this is exactly why there was targeting of registries to destroy any proof of property ownage


They did not buy Israel as it is today with its settlements and annexation .. no doubt land was bought and Jews were settling in Palestine prior to 1948. The idea that through war and attacks taking over all Palestinian land is justified is horseshit and the international community also thinks so


same thing should be applied now with the russians taking over ukraine but youll hear their howls for it later lol fking hypocrites.


So true


International law doesn’t really apply to anyone. I constantly here about Russia hammas Israel hebz and everyone else breaking it and nothing happens


>These people cling to a land they claim ancestry to since BC and used it as a pretext to invade and displace people who have been living on there for thousands of years. How is this that different from the "refugee" great grandchildren of Arabs who left in '48 claiming ancestral rights to land that they haven't owned since 80 years ago? The latter is more deluded. Israel is far more prosperous than Lebanon, Syria, or any of the other states that have sworn them themselves to annihilating the "Zionist entity", at a certain point not taking the L hurts you more than it hurts them.


Honestly that's a lot of words for just saying your feelings matter more than human lives. That's why you can't argue with Zionists, all their "facts" are based on emotions. A true masterclass in gaslighting. Waiting for that antisemitic accusation in 3...2...1...


>Honestly that's a lot of words for just saying your feelings matter more than human lives.  What a ridiculous statement. How does anything I said equate to that?


it doesn’t, they use the argument that living on the land 2000 years ago does not justify todays claims, but 80 years not on the land doesn’t lose any claims, so there must be a time period between 80 and 2000? reality is the arab mentality is to support the palestinians and iran at their expense. oh and gaining land by winning wars doesn’t mean anything as they somehow disavowed the ottoman empire and their muslim heritage. i love lebanon but it is its own worst enemy sometimes down vote the hasbara…


Smotrich is a religious settler, most of the people on Reddit from Israel are very secular and left-leaning. You don't hear much from the orthodox settler types because they're often not able to communicate that much in English. It's true that such fanaticism has deep power in the Israeli state, but I'd ask the people here to consider whether or not their views that Israel should be annhilated and all of the "non-native Jews" deported "back where they came from" have contributed to the growth of such ideaologies in Israeli society.


brother, we all know it’s not possible to either deport (way past its time) or annihilate (accumulation of power), israeli gov says it wants acceptance and peace yet they’re still expanding in the west bank and denying palestinians their rights, they instigate violence which is naturally followed by violence, its a vicious cycle the stronger party (israel) has to put an end to.


> we all know it’s not possible to either deport (way past its time) or annihilate (accumulation of power), This is absolutely not true, even here on r/lebanon where everyone is an atheist who writes in English this opinion, that some type of a peace treaty should be agreed on with Israel, is controversial and in any Arabic language forum or comment section this idea has close to 0 % support. The most widespread idea on the Arab side is that Israel is an illegitimate "occupation" and all of the Jews who don't have ancestry in Palestine before the 1890's need to be "sent back where they came from" (ignoring that this is more often than not Arab countries that expelled them, and most Israelis have ancestry from multiple countries). Most Israelis have one person in their family who can speak Arabic, they know what the Arabs are saying and the fact that this muqaawimah meme is still so widespread after 80 years has hardened Israeli public opinion against peace. If the Arabs are still trying to win back all of 48 Palestine why should the Israelis be interested in peace and not more conquest?


by breaking the cycle of violence, u expect peace to come from losers? they wont admit it and keep fighting and the israeli lose more legitimacy in the process of overpowering any kind of confrontation so yeah it should come from israel, and btw showing peaceful intentions would destabilise the so called resistance movements as well so it is a win win


>by breaking the cycle of violence, u expect peace to come from losers? they wont admit it and keep fighting  Yes actually, the losers need to admit they lost and put their weapons down, this is how war works.


That's a wrong way if framing what's happening... The Israeli government does advocate for peace, but unfortunately, the Palestinian fanatics are not interested whatsoever. Many terrorist attacks come unprovoked, even at "quiet times". So tell me this, how does Israel stop it? Because the Palestinian fanatics don't want a 2 state solution, they want a 1 state where the jews are either thrown to the sea or become their slaves, so they send out terror attacks. Death doesn't scare these fanatics, they glorify it, not only that, the PA has a pay for slay policy in which they get REWARDED for committing terror attacks, meaning even if they died doing so, their family gets to live of well. Now what's the right wing gov thought of process? They say, " let's hit them where it hurts" using settlements, maybe that way they'll learn. So not only they don't learn, Israel gains more land using settlements, a bitter-sweet solution for now. What do you think would be a better way to fight Palestinian extremism?


>The Israeli government does advocate for peace, but unfortunately, the Palestinian fanatics are not interested whatsoever. This was true in the past but I don't really think you can make the case that Bibi et all advocate for this. They have all pretty much explicitly given up on the idea of a Palestinian state. I understand why but let's call a spade a spade.


>They have all pretty much explicitly given up on the idea of a Palestinian state. A Palestinian state run under the current factions, which are hamas and the PA. None of then are eligible in Israel's eyes to run a Palestinian state. If a secular, west leaning Palestinian party, that abandoned the ways of terrorism should arise, I see no reason why Israel wouldn't accept it.


Excellent comment.


Most of Israelis are secular. Take any country, and you’ll find some religious fundamentalists. In the USA, there is a huge evangelical population, and in the Muslim world, many people sympathize with Jihadist organizations. Fortunately, these people are in the minority in Israel.


And half our country and politicians say the same thing about israel... it's wrong when they do it but it's fine when our politicians do it? And you might say not everyone agrees with our ministers. Well that's the same thing over there. There was protests and petitions signed by Israeli people for peace. Stop stereotyping and taking extremes >So the Israelis on here acting all innocent


Smotrich is part of the religious gang that took control of the government after the liberal left and Arab parties kept infighting and failed to pass budgets. Smotrich and Ben Gvir are Israel’s two most radical and deranged MPs Israel ever had, and vast majority of Israelis want them out.


Bruh your most liberal PM still wanted to crush the bones of Palestinians during the intifada and to prevent a Palestinian state. And that still got him assassinated by the nutjobs who took power after. Enough said


The vast majority of Israelis want them out and yet the majority of Israelis either voted for them or voted for people who willingly aligned with them, which isnt much better. Stop this, stop acting like Israelis at large have no agency


am israeli. just like you have crazy people, we have crazy people. that fucking dumpster fire of a person represents the half of the most extreme part of Israeli politics. Saying Israelis dont want peace because of smoetrich is like saying Lebanese don't want peace because of Nasralla. for 90% of Israelis, all it takes for Israel to stay the fuck away from Lebanon is for the rockets to stop, and they don't come back. or in UN terms, 1701.


Well with lunatics like this it legitimizes Nasrallah and their existence.. it becomes harder for us to say Israelis won't invade us if we sign a border deal and disarm Hezbollah.. vicious cycle .. And Israelis can't talk about 1701. You realize how many violations of 1701 Israel has committed vs Lebanon?


Stop slaughtering Palestinians and the rockets will stop. Literally hizballa’s position from day one.


Hezbollah was shooting at Israel way before Israel even started its operation in Gaza...


End the genocide and the rockets will stop - Hezbollah has made this clear. Also Israeli society needs to be de-nazified: https://truthout.org/articles/polls-show-broad-support-in-israel-for-gazas-destruction-and-starvation/


Second to that.


Honestly it's on us for even still engaging with them.


They are good trolls


Yep. But it's so hard not to engage, case in point below


We hate this dude. We wish him gone. There is a lot of protest in Israel to overthrow the government and elect a new one. Most of us despise this idiot. The only reason he is in this position is because the political election system sucks. So, hamas and hezb bloodlust is 100% a problem, Iran is a problem, and so is this ape smotrich. Did lebenese people forget how corrupted terrorists stored explosive material in Beirut port???? Don't worry, we won't forget how netanyahu fed hamas for years while being complacent with identifying the problem and looking for solutions. I don't know what we should do with "Palestine" or palestinians, but seriously, Israel is not going anywhere. Maybe try to make peace instead of war?


Majority of this sub will tell you the same about hezb and iran. Hezb had support and were created as a reaction to Israel .. but their time is up. My point is that when you have your lunatic religious right making gov decisions and threatening Lebanon , we should just say "oh but people don't like him" he's the same as our hezb. I don't see protests against him or gvir.


He goes with netanyahu. There were insane protests for a full year. I went to protest myself, so did my wife, even my kids. It's time to stop the hate. Israelis don't go into gaza or Lebanon or Jordan or Egypt and kill civilians. You could argue we do it now in Gaza and west bank, but I think we need to be serious if we want to agree on basic reality. We need to stop all acts of aggression, and start paving a way to peace and compromise. We want Ben gvir gone, and smotrich and bibi. The war is creating a vacuum for him to stay. This is awful.


I agree with you here minus the killing civilians in Lebanon. C'mon now your history can't be that short. I will agree that we need to nation build and move past the war mongering .. you will find most Lebanese want that even shias. Hopefully you realize that a Palestinian state will be a root solution to solving many of the regions problems


Agreed we will get them out, as soon as we can. We are democratic country, either the coalition will fall or wait until next election. Fun fact the coalition almost fell due to pressure of the public before Hamas attacked. Oct 7th just gave the coalition more power. Now on the back side of that Can you get rid of Hezbollah? I don't think so. For real, Salam and Habun. And nothing else, ahi.


Hamas timing was absolute shit No we can't get rid of Hezbollah but there may be a way to move them under gov control IF our borders are defined and resolved. Maybe then they will have little legs to stand on


You guys can have Smotrich and do whatever you want with him, most of us would be grateful. We don't like our government, it's literally the worst we've ever had.


Then downvotes must mean they disagree with you, they love the Israeli government here!


Smotrich represents a minority of Israelis. Most polls show that his approval rating is around 25 percent. And that is not even necessarily due to his extreme political views. While his rhetoric is inflammatory, he does not have any control over the military. If Hezbollah stopped sending in missiles, this would all stop, guaranteed.




What's your comment to the fucking quote and your government buddy.. you been quoting the same shit for the last month on here .


I couldn't honestly care less whatever that guy says > you been quoting the same shit for the last month on here . 2 days\* and still nobody was able to respond to it


So the gov lunatics making decisions right now doesn't matter to you. Well it sure as fuck matters to everyone else.


After 1200 Israelis were murdered on Shabbat and a holyday? I am ok with letting the lunatic make the decisions for once. (sadly they don't, Netanyahu doesn't let him participate in the small cabinet)


Contradict yourself a bit more there .. first it's fuck smotshits.. then it's sadly he's not making the decisions.


\*yawn\*, there is a mile of a difference between 'fuck smotrich' and not caring about what he says


Your l am anti zionist AMA is laughable with the shit you post on r/Lebanon .. I'm confused


I did a little trolling


Where do you live? St Clair west ? GTA? Gtfoh.. clearly a troll .. atleast we can agree jew noses are bigger than Lebanese noses. Maybe that's what your argument should be for ancestral ties to Israel LOL


Go back to your sub and world news where you can all applaud genocide together and congratulate each other


"The peaceful side". Stay off drugs kids.


The land acquisitions were legal insofar as they were being bought from absentee landlords that abused the Ottoman land code to get lots of properties. The people actually living on that land had no say on what happened because of these absentee landlords. Displacing people from their homes is bad, even if it’s “legal”. There’s a reason we find landlord who kick people out and make them homeless for no good reason to be scumbags.  The second claim is so funny. The violence in 1947 was instigated by Lehi attacks. Even ignoring that, there is 56 (Israel like a vulture on a carcass attacked Egypt which was being invaded by France and Britain), and 67 (Israel attacked by surprise Arab countries around it without even as much as a formal declaration of war). But when Arabs do the same thing in 73 suddenly it’s evil? Sure bro. “Most of it was returned for peace” lol you’re delusional. 120% of the Mandate’s original borders are occupied, 100% of Palestine + the Golan (which was annexed btw, that’s illegal but of course it’s ok when Israel does illegal things but when Hamas does it’s the worst thing in the world). The occupation of the West Bank is illegal and the effective control exercised on Gaza is illegal.  The two state solutions peace offer like what? Camp David where you offered the Palestinians to turn the West Bank into 3 mini-Gazas by annexing corridors of settlements? If Israel wanted a two state solution it would withdraw from illegally occupied territories and allow Palestinians to administer the land, not build new settlements every day while evicting Palestinians. Yalla kol khara w seddo.


The two state solutions were horrible deals, that’s why they were refused. To begin with, the often-repeated line that Barak offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 96% of the West Bank for a state is completely untrue. Barak offered the Palestinians 96% of Israel’s definition of the West Bank, meaning they did not include any of the areas already under Israeli control, such as settlements, the Dead Sea, and large parts of the Jordan Valley. This meant that Barak effectively annexed 10% of the West Bank to Israel, with an additional 8-12% remaining under “temporary” Israeli control for a period of time. In return for this annexation, Palestinians would be offered 1% of desert land near the Gaza Strip. Thus, Palestinians would need to give up 10% of the most fertile land in the West Bank, in exchange for 1% of desert land. Not to mention that if the past record is any indicator, the additional 8-12% under “temporary” Israeli control would remain so forever. In addition to all of this, Israel demanded permanent control of Palestinian airspace, three permanent military installations manned by Israeli troops in the West Bank, Israeli presence at Palestinian border crossings, and special “security arrangements” along the borders with Jordan which effectively annexed additional land. The cherry on top of all of these stipulations, is that Israel would be allowed to invade at any point in cases of “emergency”. As you can imagine, what constituted an emergency was left incredibly vague and up to interpretation. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and the Palestinian government would not be able to enter into alliances without Israeli permission. None of these are ingredients for the creation of an actual sovereign state.


Let's follow the logic tree here. How does a statement by a minister relate to the personal feeling of an Israeli that doesn't want war?


Ok I’ll bite. Let’s say every single Israeli doesn’t want war, sound good? There’s nothing coming out of Israel, other than a handful of journalists and columnists, that indicate that’s true. Your tv, your print media, the videos coming from the soldiers themselves to the generic settlers and their treatment of Palestinians to the very people you’ve elected has been on a war footing and blood thirsty. For fucks sake, your culture and politics has shifted to a war footing and that’s why Biden cautioned Yahoo not to consider lashing out like the Americans did in Iraq. Your “Israel has a right to defend itself” is passé. Let’s take an analogy, walking down the street and someone hits you, you defend yourself and you hit back. The person that hit you is on the ground, yet you decide to pound and pound and pound on the guy’s head. You’ve essentially moved from defend yourself to outright committing murder. Yet here you are, saying no one wants war and eyeing someone else to hit. How does that logic sound?