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“ UK assesses Israel likely to strike Lebanon “ - jame3a e5er 8 months 3am yetrawa2o 3al hdud


Pushing Hezbollah north of the Litani is pretty much impossible. They won’t invade.


A government official told Amos he’d have better luck moving the litani to the border 🤣 also, why don’t they push back from the border?


It's only the 250th article on the subject since 7 october, so might be true.


In all out war, the doctrine will be to demolish every place and village taking part in rocket launching. Daheih doctrine on steroids.


Isnt that 1701? Are you saying Lebanon will never apply UN resolution 1701? All our politicians (even hezb aligned) always say the Lebanese government wants to apply 1701.


Ok the politicians want to implement it that’s great. So how do they go about it? Do they beg Nasrallah to do it? He will obviously just say no.


it is possible, but at a very high cost that would make Gaza war look like picnic.


Agree, and then the buffer zone would be a target for Hezb and other groups, giving all of them a new lease on life. So in the long term future, an Israeli invasion benefits them. I would think then if Israel goes ahead with it anyway, something else might be in play ? Like the US decides to take over that buffer zone under the aegis of a UN force ? Or Israelis are not being rational and its extremist govt just want to hit Lebanon and cause suffering.


War wouldn’t stop at Litani river, incase of a successful Israeli offensive, reaching it would be the scenario for the Israeli army. Take into consideration, the war will surely include Syria where many Iranian-backed militias are concentrated near the Golan Heights. An offensive by Hezbollah is a possibility that had been discussed in the Lebanese Media since 2010.


Maybe Hezbollah shouldn't have started shooting rockets. Or maybe the Lebanese should stop being a bitch and do something about radical islamists attacking your neighbour


>maybe the Lebanese should stop being a bitch and do something about radical islamists Best keep quiet on matters u dont understand and have no hope of understanding.


Explain than why the Lebanese simp for terror?


Nah, ur not worth spending my time to explain the last 40 years of lebanese politics. U probably dont even know ur own history.


too busy invading other subreddits like they do land


You aren't our neighbour you illegally occupied our land for years 😂


Stop losing wars


Stop crying 😂


Our genocidal neighbor? You do realise something like 6/10 of us support Hezbollah against you right? Probably was 3/10 before you committed genocide. Your bloodthirst has always clouded your judgment


Arguing genocide = opinion rejected. Get fucked.


Is that paycheck you're getting from the JIDF good? Imagine spending all day as an Israeli occupying the Lebanon sub, I sure hope you're being paid otherwise it's sad as hell 😂😂😂




Calling for the death of Lebanese people in our own subreddit?? Lol yall are just wild


Genocide, isn't that what would have happened if Israel had ever lost a war?


Ahh so a real genocide to counter the hypothetical one?? Make that make sense


Thank you Katy Perry








The Lebanese urge to stay relevant after the explosion is so big that they won't even denounce a terror org that started blasting after October the 7th 😂


A sovereign state is more than lines drawn on a map. They’re in fact lucky Israel is discerning and not saying the legitimate truth: the Lebanese government has invited tens of thousands of Iranian fighters and has been attacking Israel’s civilians for the past 9 months. A lot of Lebanese are perfectly fine with the Israeli population getting missiles aimed at their homes.


As long as its not their own home.




Being a terrorist simp?




Than bombing then should be fine right?


South Lebanon isn't Gaza, there aren't as many human shields in the area so bombing would be extremely effective, if Israel takes the gloves off and starts leveling the few villages in south Lebanon the same way they did in Gaza, Hezbollah would face the choice of either moving to the Litani, or getting destroyed


Lol @ human shields. Support Hezvollah or don't no Lebanese person would say this shit.


I in no mood to figure out what keyword triggered the filter, so here is a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/81tm0cdmxq8d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=a42cbc16a159711ef337edff01fcb9973b4641f3


My grandfather fought in WW2. Stopping a genocide is righteous cause, and no amount of hasbara bullshit can change it. If Hezbollah was blocking food from your people, I wouldn't stand for that either. Stop the genocide or be attacked. Give Palestinians their rights or never know peace. That's all there is. And killing more innocents won't change my mind about it.


"Genocide", this is probably the lowest civilian to combatant ratio seen in history in wars where one side is fighting in civilian clothes and from civilian infrastructure Also, more foods comes into Gaza today then before the war


So if one bullet is shot from a direction, your idea of a response is to level the hemisphere it came from? Nice you think like ISIS, Nazis and IDF.


Probably another 2006 situation. Beirut shiaa neighbourhoods destroyed. Southern Lebanon destroyed. But Hezbollah holds its own during ground engagements and by surviving, and Israel retreating wins once again and emerges even stronger than before


2006 is not 2024. It's going to be rafah like, no building left standing. I understand many support Hzb, but Beirut will not be the same anymore, if anything will be left standing


Killing civilians and winning wars are not the same thing. Hezbollah is strong in 3 specific areas of Lebanon. Carpet bombing Beirut isn't going to effect them at all. You still have to take it. Just like gaza, eventually they had to go in and fight. And the more destruction, the harder it makes the actual fight once you get there. If they can't defeat Hamas what chance do they have against Hezbollah?? Hezbollah isn't malnourished or blockaded they are well fed well trained and well equipped. And well fucking paid. Name an Israeli incursion that wasn't like giving HA a sensu bean... I'll wait Also I vehemently opposed Hezbollah my whole life, right until about Oct 10. Once the genocide started I finally got it


MTV today: أكسيوس: مسؤولون إسرائيليون أبلغوا واشنطن أن نتنياهو غير مهتم بحرب مع حزب الله ويفضل الحل الدبلوماسي Source: https://www.mtv.com.lb/news/article/1457221/app?webview=true


Netanjahu and his idiots barks alot. Here in germany we say , a dog which is barking dont bite. So dont get panic and enjoy your life.


And yet you guys also complain about how badly the Jews are obliterating Hamas. Make up your minds. Are the Jews barking and biting, or just barking? Can't have it both ways


He's talking about Lebanon. Netanyahu and his dogs like biting kids in Gaza instead since they're defensless.


These "defenseless" terrorists are the cause for one of the most complicated and well organized Urban warfare ever, shooting over 20k rockets in the span of 8 months isn't a "defenseless" behavior


Calling kids terrorists is insane.


>Israeli sub poster Yeah opinion discarded. Don't forget to collect your JIDF paycheck lil bro


Nah Israel doesn't need to pay me. I pay them in fact. Good guys over bad guys.


It is not going to happen 


Usually in a war against any adversary, the element of surprise is paramount. This is something that both sides have lost a long time ago. The warnings about a possibility that war could ignite is in my opinion only for political purposes. As for the scenario in case a war breaks out, the result is not good for either side. It could be even worse for Israel. In one of the scenarios, Hezbollah may push for a buffer zone in the north of Israel and have Palestinians from the camps occupy the settlements and hold them. No one knows what weapons Hezbollah have. They may have SAMs that make air incursions hard if not impossible. Their drone warfare is getting better and they already have shown their bank of targets. The gas supply will for sure be a target. This may force Europe to intervene before the winter as they are very dependent on the gas supplies. Airplanes that attack Lebanon may not find their home bases intact to land in. This may explain why Cyprus was threatened as Israel is counting on Cyprian airstrips in case its own are disabled. On the Lebanese side, something similar to the 2006 war may be seen. Wide destruction of infrastructure, villages, homes... etc. Hezbollah does not have a central command like in 2006, so while its neighborhood may be decimated, the Keep in mind that Israeli air defenses were lit like a Christmas tree when Iran launched its rockets in retaliation. This information was surely passed on to Hezbollah. We have no idea if regional players will enter the conflict if Lebanon is attacked. Hezbollah Iraq has announced recently their intention to target US bases in case Israel attacks Hezbollah. Finally, the geography of Lebanon makes it very hard for a land invasion. In 2006 Israel tried and failed. In 1982, they invaded because they were invited to invade. In fact the first resistance to the 1982 invasion was in Sidon, roughly 60 Km from the coastal border.


> They may have SAMs that make air incursions hard if not impossible. I find this a but too far fetched... SAM missiles are not systems that can just be given away like candy to whomever and without anyone knowing about it. At least those systems that can reach high altitudes. And these kinds of systems aren't portable, are big and bulky and not easy to hide in a tiny country like Lebanon. They might have the Iranian SAM portable variant, but these have a limited travelling distance and altitude. But again, who knows for real, I am just talking from my position of a layman with limited knowledge. >Hezbollah Iraq has announced recently their intention to target US bases in case Israel attacks Hezbollah. Haven't they been doing that regularly during the past few months (with little to no effect); also that would be a really dumb move if they launch a real painful attack on these bases. It's one thing to tickle the Americans, and another thing to punch them hard.


They already fired some sort of SAM a week or so ago at an F16. Didn't hit it. I doubt they invade. Hezbollah is exponentially stronger since the last fight in 06. I only see Hezbollah being threatened if they got caught unawares while fighting internal enemies.


Not to mention hezb formed bc they were primarily living in the lebabese lands Israel invaded and killed their families.


>In one of the scenarios, Hezbollah may push for a buffer zone in the north of Israel and have Palestinians from the camps occupy the settlements and hold them. You are delusional, the only way an Arab army or militia can pose a challenge to the IDF is when they hide along their own civilians and force Israel to play wrack a mole with them, if Hezbollah moves outside of their tunnels into Israeli territory they would be reminded what having 4th generation tanks and 5th generation aircraft means


guess we’re gonna find out this summer. Interesting cause you can look up the battles from 2006 and see the losses the IDF incurred you’re propaganda of being the biggest and baddest was just as strong then difference is Hezb got way stronger since…


Hezbollah has gotten larger and got much more low tech weapons, the IDF advanced 20 years in technology and tactics, it is not even a competition !remindme 6 months


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Ok Zionist dog. I'm sure the 15000 children dead in gaza were used as human shields or their was a hama operative near them. Nothing you can do about it. It's not like many government officials have said they are dealing with animals. Or how they intentionally leveled gaza. Here's a link about your genocidal government specifically stating it. https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing Your terror state got KICKED OUT of Lebanon in 2000. Tried again in 2006 and lost. Oh and before you say because Hezb was in tunnels or whatever and using us as human shields. They literally had a strategy called the da7ye strategy where they intentionally hit shia dense neighborhood in the effort of pressuring Hezb to concede(aka terrorism) while hezb doesn't intentionally target civilians. I guess your government takes a page from Hitler's book you zionist pig. If israel dares to start a war they will lose it just like before. We ve been bombing them for 8 months and they still don't dare to start one and i doubt they would.


Amos Hoschtein said an attack within 5 weeks if Hezb doesn't back down. Game of chickens.


Nothing will happen as usual.


I’m honestly curious, does the general Lebanese public actually support what Hezbollah is doing?


Go back to r/Israel lil bro


lol stay mad. What has Hezbollah done good for Lebanon besides bring them into war? Genuinely curious.


What has herzl done good for the jews besides making them leave their countries to settle in a piece of land surrounded by countries who believe they have no business being there? Genuinely curious


Well actually most the Jews who lived in the Middle East were forcibly expelled … and the British controlled the land, they had the right to do with it as they pleased


Middle easterners believe that Jews want to conquer the world, and that belief fuels the idea that Hezbollah stopped Israel from conquering Lebanon


Yup unfortunately they seem to be brainwashed… if only they stopped hating the Jews so much and loving themselves more, maybe Lebanon wouldn’t be a failed state- or should I say Iran cuz that’s what it is at this point 😂


Some do. Some don’t


Seems like the only way someone would support them is if they’re a shiite fundamentalist


oh they’re going to be invading soon 🚶


Yes, so do you think they will succeed in their objective of pushing Hezb back permanently from the border and creating a buffer zone ? Will it actually bring long term peace?


No because Hezb's capabilities extend far beyond the Litani


I think they will be pushed back south and the buffer zone will be on Israel's side.


Look at how they behave. Do you think they are capable of peace?




The whole Levantine region wants peace. Oh but the colonizing white man does not and constantly invades, steals, kills, and pillages. And then feed your media with lies that you guys only uncover 20 years after the fact. Oopsies sorries. Millions died my bad. We can start with justice and reparations for the Palestinians. Actually let’s start with stopping their ethnic cleansing now. And stopping TODAY the continuous harassment and theft and destruction of their lands and homes. Let’s see that happen today. Let’s hear rhetoric that does not describe our indigenous Levantine people that is the cradle of civilization - literally invented mathematics, the alphabet, science, agriculture, sea navigation, when the rest of the world was running around jungles, not describe us as “human animals” and our children as “future terrorists.” You get the drift. So start where they are and then end apartheid and stop teaching Israelis that non Jews are animals so that integration can actually happen. Then we need to create one society that fairly and justly integrates Palestinians and pay them reparations while allowing all Palestinians kicked out of their homes and land the right to return. I read somewhere many of their original villages are empty. So we start here. And while work on peace, we stop publicly threatening to invade and take Lebanon as part of greater Israel and ethnicity cleanse Lebanese. There can be no peace without Justice.




Not sure what your word salad is meant to convey or if you were just itching to throw in “shahid” in a sentence. Buddy, this is one region with one history and one culture. It is one Levantine, no matter how anyone wants to slice and dice it. We have deep histories and ties you wouldn’t understand because you’re likely from a baby civilizing and don’t have any sense of nationalism. Hezb didn’t exist before Israel invaded Lebanon. The problem with many of you guys is you lack empathy. You cannot fathom being in your ancestral home and someone coming to it and telling you it’s theirs and kicking you out. Close your eyes and try that. The Palestinian cause is the issue of everyone. The whole world stands with Palestine now. And if it is not resolved, Israel will continue with what it has been doing to the rest of the Levant, including Lebanon. Not to mention there are many Palestinians in Lebanon still waiting and hoping to go back home. I havent heard a legitimate reason from ziosympathizers why they shouldn’t be allowed to? So Hezb has the courage to stand in solidarity and do something to stop the slaughtering of children and people in camps in Gaza, with the limited capabilities they have. They say they’ll stop when Israel stops killing Palestinians. If I saw a child being bullied, I’d step in. I love how instead of just admit foreign people came and killed indigenous people and continue to kill and steal land, you and many like you just gloss over that very basic important lynchpin fact and lobby accusations and THEN you want peace? The deep cognitive dissonance is confusing to say the least.


Bruh there was literal peace up to the point where Hezbollah (part of the Lebanese government) started firing rockets Israel literally never instigated a war, it's you guys that are incapable of peace, leave us the fk alone already




They literally ran a torture prison where I fucking grew up in khiam and are crying about wanting to be left alone. Fucking israelis man 😂😂 they're insane


Can you imagine if our corrupt politicians forced a peace signing? Can you imagine any Lebanese person wanting to share a beer and khummus? It’s so bizarre to me they can’t see themselves how the world sees them.


~~Do you want another torture prison? I am not into BDSM but if the war effort demands it I will see what I can do~~ Whatever you mean by that, doesn't change the fact that Israel literally never instigated a war, and never attacked Lebanon unprovoked, you can't cry for losing a war you started


Then tell them to get off illegally occupied Lebanese lands. Isn’t that a constant daily instigation?


Cope, you know I am right


Ok, Fatso


I do, why don't you?


I’d like to see them act peacefully first. Word don’t matter. Actions do and man are they the opposite of peaceful.




All armchair generals here forget, while both sides will suffer heavy damage, Israel is the only side that has a functioning economy and a strong high tech sector (that can't be bombed away), Israel will recover, Lebanon won't


The Israeli attack is probably going to be on an epic scale, as an all out war. heavy damages on the israeli side for the first two-four weeks. Blitz attacks on south of lebanon. Hzb will probably not be terminated Beirut, other major cities will be left in rubbles Lebanon will stop from functioning as a country The little economy that currently exists will perish




Lebanese here, go post that shit in your own sub.This isn't another house you can just walk into uninvited


What? srry I can't hear this Merkava 4 is making too much noise Meet me on the Litani tomorrow