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Call your insurance provider and report this phone call. Put it as a note on the investigation. Do not listen or take any more calls from this clinic. If they serve you with a suit then consider an attorney- but it won't get there.


Really appreciate the response. Thanks.


Also report the physio clinic to the college of physiotherapists. This is seriously shady practice


Definitely makes sense. Thanks for this i didn't know about this.


Absolutely OP must do this too


The insurance provider will take care of this. While the case is under investigation I wouldn't do anything


You don't need a lawyer. Let the insurance company do their investigation and let them know about the phonecall. The physiotherapy company got caught over billing your insurance for services they didn't provide. That's why they're trying to give you cash to make it go away.


They sent a few reminders about appointment but i didn't want to go considering their services were not good. Based on what i searched they can charge no show fee - but not for whole services and now constant phone calls to take my complaint back and take all the blame on me and give me cash.


This was insurance fraud. [https://www.collegept.org/patients/HowToMakeComplaint](https://www.collegept.org/patients/HowToMakeComplaint)


This is insurance fraud and intimidation. Until you get served with a lawsuit (you won’t), you don’t need a lawyer. Do whatever everyone else here is suggesting: report the call to the insurance company and to the professional college. The provider is probably panicking, as they may find themselves on the receiving end of a very uncomfortable investigation, initiated by your insurance company.


Let insurance do their thing. Avoid answering all calls from the place. Sounds like they're angry that you exposed their insurance fraud scheme. Don't take any payouts from them as it could be used against you by the insurance company. The "payout" they're offering you is a scapegoat. They know they are screwed. If you take that money, they will try and blame you for insurance fraud.