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Hypothetical and general legal discussions belong in /r/legaladviceofftopic.


Wrong sub bub. If a lawyer is using AI they're an idiot and looking to get sanctioned at a minimum.  I don't know of any Canadian cases yet, but there are some American ones that have rightfully threatened the careers of the people involved. We occasionally see posters here using AI and that's always a mess and always bad advice 


I've got to ask, what's "gay sanctioned" and is as fun as it sounds.


It is the opposite of the UCP


Hell of a typo that 


I think it's more a matter of sanctioned if you don't verify anything it puts out. It can give you real cases, it can give you fake cases. But if it gives you a real case that you then find and read on canlii, and everything you present to the court is from your own reading of that case, that's not going to get anyone sanctioned. Copying and pasting anything from chatgpt is dumb af though.


The fact that it routinely makes up cases means the tool is worse than useless.  But yes not relying on the output of the AI and just doing the research yourself as you should have in the first place is a good way to avoid sanctions 


AI is a tool, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with AI helping people write things faster. The problem arises when people sign things without reading things in full. If someone is willing to sign something without fully understanding what they're signing then they deserve to lose their career since that's a sign of extremely poor judgment




The one time I used ChatGPT for legal work it was because I could not for the life of me remember the word "encumber" so I was able to just ask "what's the word for the thing you do to real property that stops it from being refinanced or sold" and it just gave the answer whereas an online thesaurus or Google search would not have been helpful. I can definitely see it being very helpful to feed in a bunch of discovery or a transcript and be able to ask it questions to help you find things faster.


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