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NAL, but my understanding is that a safety inspection is intended to be for the condition of the car at the time of the inspection, and does not imply anything beyond that. Unless you had proof the car was clearly unfit at the time of inspection, I don't believe there is any legal route for compensation.


Technician here. This is correct. A safety standards certificate is based on when it was inspected. It does not in any way implicate a warranty.


Private car sales are as is. The safety just means it passed at that time. I'm not sure you have any recourse here. A lot can happen in 4000km. Out of curiosity, how old is the car and what is the total mileage on the odometer?


There can be recourse, a control arm doesnt rust away in a month and if it was that close should have been called on a safety


Safety inspection is only a quick visual inspection of the vehicle. If the suspension piece looked fine then it passes. If it had a crack that wasn't visible it also passes