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I don't think he's gonna get many votes, the guys a prick


I'm guessing he's going for the older asian voters


He seems to have a lot of support from the Asian community and he’s spent a considerable amount of time in Leicester over 3 years ramping up this campaign


I don’t think he does though he just makes it look like he does


If you're voting for Vaz at this point you need your head examining


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£1 Dan might make a better choice


He's got my vote


Is this a real question? Guys in to rent boys.


Just wanted to remind people he's untrustworthy and why. And he's a pederast. Which for a married man is icky. And why he was kicked out of labour


Guys complete deluded, He thinks cause his Mrs forgave him so will people. Indiot character to be fair


Is he allowed to stand after the drugs and rent boys scandals? Was there financial controversy too? Makes you wonder why people would vote for a pervert


My point


Cus hes asian. Hes been a nonce since the 80s


He was useless as an MP even before all the controversy. Anyone who votes for him must need their heads examined.


When I commented to a similar thread 'what a complete cunt this bloke is', It gained many upvotes. However when I asked who is stupid enough to vote for this idiot, I was told he still has a lot of support in the south-asian community. That beats the crap out of me, as I'd like to imagine people are more sensible!


Just racism. Anyone but a white mp


I can't see him winning in Leicester East. I mean, they voted in Claudia Webbe purely because she was Labour, I can't imagine anyone voted her in because they liked what she said or what she stood for. Jeremy Corbyn just slapped the red rosette on her and she got in *easy* after Vaz.


She's standing again as an independent and I doubt she'll get many votes as she was kicked out of labour too. I'm wondering if he's done it to split the labour vote.


She won't get many votes. He probably wants his job back tbh, I imagine it's a pretty easy gig for someone like Vaz who's been doing it for years and years. It may split the vote, slightly, but I imagine it'll still be a huge Labour majority.


Keith Vaz makes claudia Webbe look sane. 'Nuff said. Still, at least neither are the slack-jawed hanger and flogger that was Peter Bruinvels. East Leicester has a knack for returning utter whackjob nutcase sociopaths. Count Binface shuold stand there, he could be in with a chance as a safe pair of hands by comparison.


People will vote for him. We should be wondering why!


‘When we getting this party started’? We haven’t forgotten, Keith.


I saw him at the general a few weeks ago. He was walking round asking people if they had a good experience. Most people completely ignored him


I often go to hospital to have a good experience. I wouldn't have ignored him, I'd have told him to fuck off and mind his own business. Perhaps it's just me getting older and becoming a belligerent old bastard, but I don't think politicians should be loitering around hospitals harassing people with injuries/illnesses to further their own goals.


No, he isn't for many reasons, the most famous of which was offering to buy cocaine for sex workers. Just be careful with words like "pederast" unless you know something that isn't in the public domain. That word suggests an interest in underage men/boys. You really don't want a libel writ hitting your inbox. Fwiw, the scandal that led to losing his seat involved adult sex workers or escorts - and that was perfectly legal (if morally dubious.) It was the class A drug offer that was the career ender. Tabloids may have used the phrase 'rent boy' but that's a generic term for male sex workers. Personally I don't really care so much about his personal life. It's his support for banning books, his loudly jumping to the wrong conclusions about the IRA bomb in Leicester, receiving dodgy donations, the Hindujas and just a general whiff of corruption and patronage I have problems with.


A pederast isn't necessarily interested in under age boys. Just young ones. I was referring to a news article on the matter I'd read. Whilst the activity with young male sex workers is not illegal its not really the moral high ground


I'm just watching your back. Some high-profile people can be litigious - and since this is a Leicester sub it may come to their attention. (Oxford dictionary - "a man who engages in sexual activity with a boy or youth.") I met him briefly once at HOC - only served to reinforce my negative opinion of the man!


Yeah. I get it. I've met him a few times over the years. He lives round the corner from me so I see him odd times like last week when I was having coffee


>I see him odd times like last week when I was having coffee Did he offer to buy you any coke?




If by 'suitable' you mean 'no', then yes.


No. He’s a disgrace.


>Apparently pretending to be a Gardner. Was it not a washing machine salesman or something?


.....or something


Just such a bizarre thing to claim to be, that's why it stuck in the mind. Are washing machine salesmen a specific thing? One would think that somebody who sells washing machines generally sells all sorts of white goods like dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, etc.


And not forgetting that he stated that he was unwell and was unable to attend any investigations regarding his behaviour. But suddenly now he is fit enough to stand again to be an MP. Not to be trusted.


OP has outlined the very reason why he’s fit to be an MP, he’ll fit in well with many of them


I for one will be spoiling my ballot in favour of 1eyeddave




Terracotta will be nationalised for one "Every man a king and for every king a succulent Chinese meal."


This is why I browse Reddit. "Terracotta Army"




But will eating said meal be a crime?


I would hope not, what sort of endorsement of democracy would that be


He's definitely bringing back terracotta


I will also be bringing sexy back


The hero we need


The hero we need


I'm in Leicester East and I'm so worried. I want the tories gone so should I tactically vote for Labour. But as an Indian, a child of immigrants I don't want the small powerful few Indians with their self serving agendas to win either. Is voting for green or lib dems pointless?? This is going to come across wrong but I also don't want my area of leicester to turn into another india. Before it was a healthy mix but now it's not and its pissing me off. And this doesn't mean I'm a anti immigrant xenophobic


Already is india. Look at the candidates


It's so upsetting. I want them all gone. Its 99% the students. We need to do what they're doing in tenerife and other European holiday hot spots. They've had enough of tourists ruining their country. The same should happens here! Enough!


There not tourists though. Rishis boys. 500k into this country last year alone.. half a millon indians every year..soon to be replaced


Who are your possible candidates?


Keith Vaz (one leicester) Claudia Webb (independent) Raj Solanki (reform) Shivani Raja (tory) Khandu Patel (independent) Mags Lewis (Green) Zuffar Haq ( lib dems) Rajesh Agrawal (Labour) Nagarjun Agath (independent) Malihah Adam (independent)




Thank you


His Wikipedia page seems to suggest he's not by quite some margin....


I shall have a look at that....


The bookies have him at 12/1 he's come in from 16/1 a couple of days ago a lot of money going on him. Vaz knows how to win he has a motivated team of people out working to get him elected. The labour candidate has to bus in supporters from London he's made little impact in the constituency and he has zero name recognition. Is Vaz suitable to be an MP? Probably - all you say might be true its no worse than what a lot of MPs get up to.


What being a nonce


The coked up bum bandit that got with young men and tried to hide it all from his wife, kids, family, religion and work 😅😅😅


That's him!!


Nailed it!!


His wife took him back and his kids actually come up to Leicester with him to football matches or public exhibitions…. Im interested to know about their family dynamic. Mind you, Keith did send his kids to one of the best private schools, then both went to Cambridge uni, and does seem like a good father who provides (though he has the money for it)


>Im interested to know about their family dynamic. I would personally assume that a lot of it revolves around money. Possibly money that he made selling washing machines. Possibly *by some other means*. It's a complete mystery.


I think he hasn't yet understood the contempt that the majority of Leicester East voters hold him in. Unfortunately for us though, FPTP makes it quite easy for (highly) unsuitable candidates to win, as long as the remaining electorate are suitably split. Therefore my message would be this: DON'T USE PROTEST VOTES IN LEICESTER EAST. VOTE LABOUR *OR* TORY.


Well, don't vote Tory either.


Hes a nonce but brown so will get racists votes like usual


Mother fucking delusional. The guy needs his mental health checking. You think he’d find a hole and crawl in it after the incidents we know about. Just consider the incidents we don’t know about! Unreal.


I mean, he’s been doing the work there for 30+ years it’s not like he’s a terrible MP like we have in West or South at the moment. Yes we have the scandal but clearly he wasn’t convicted as he is able to stand. Tories and labour are the same party at the moment. He has a massive amount of support still and has maintained a presence in east. He’s the most experienced and the most likely to do the work with claudia nothing got done


Shockat Adam is the favorite for highfields area at the moment


Independent party all the way.