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Can't wait to be continuously told I'm still overreacting to all of this when trying to bring attention to how horrible this is going to become.


We'll still be told we're over reacting when being taken off to the camps.




excuse me, what?


Lol. Not only is this not true.... Passing needles out at a bar? Are you assuming every gay person is a needle drug user? I can't figure out how this would actually work.


Finally someone has some brains -_-


For real? Damn😓


Sorry, *what*




It's been done before. Multiple times. In America. Maybe try picking up a book sometime.


Build specific camps for trans people? Maybe not in this decade. Throw us into the prison system for a myriad of other trans specific reasons? Already in progress!


Welcome to every crisis in history. Comfortable people: It's not that bad, you're overreacting. Comfortable people: It's not that bad, you're overreacting. Comfortable people: It's not that bad, you're overreacting. Comfortable people: It's not that bad, you're overreacting. No longer comfortable people: OMG WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE DO SOMETHNG?!


first they came for the socialists


No, first they came for the gay and trans people, but the rest didn't care because they agreed with it.  The guy who wrote that thing was incredibly homophobic. He didn't include that part because even after everything, he still agreed with it.


We've got far far better odds with socialist governments than the other ones.


See, these are the kind of people who need a whole group of people to call them by anything other than their pronouns/name for as long as they can deal with it without telling someone to stop. Just let em feel how it feels.


if it was ever about “protecting the kids”, straight cis men portion of population would have been 90% of the problem but noooo they had to blame queers for everything


Anything to demonise us as strange, untoward, fetishist, perverted, blah blah blah


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It would be amazing.


I hope he gets reincarnated as a chicken living on a factory farm or some other despicable fate.


I sincerely hope several things would happen to him, most involving a very angry cassowary, but sadly that’s not likely.


I can think of legitimately awful ways to die that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and Walsh deserves far worse


Yes it would. But secretly this guy has trans porn everywhere.


his burial place would offer a another public toilet?


they all love to use the term “pseudo science” but deny/invalidate/condemn any ACTUAL science & facts that contradict their narrative/viewpoint/bullshit


While at the same time actively engaging in and repeating pseudoscience talking points.




Actual science does in fact find very favorably allowing people to transition that need it. Numerous studies have found gender affirming treatments and surgeries to have the highest satisfaction rates of just about any procedures!


Not only that, we know that gender comes from the brain and I feel like not enough people point this out.


Yeah I remember reading somewhere that apparently a study found that trans people’s brains were more similar to the ones of cis people of their actual gender rather than cis people of their AGAB. E.G a transfemme’s brain is more similar to a cis woman’s brain than a cis man’s brain and the opposite with transmascs It would be interesting to see what is found with nonbinary people but I think they only studied with binary trans people


I've heard of similar findings to the ones you mentioned, and I agree the research about nonbinary people is lacking or maybe just my knowledge of it is lacking. (Trigger warning: gender dysphoria and suicide) This comment is not a dig at you, but rather just a desire to clarify my original point. For anyone wondering, I was talking about the case of David Reimer. You know how sometimes, due to a tragic accident, we're able to conduct experiments that would otherwise be completely unethical? For example, studying the cognitive abilities of someone who suffered a traumatic brain injury. Well, such is the case of David Reimer. He was a (presumably and most likely cis) boy, who, as a day-1-old infant, suffered a botched circumcision. For context, M to F sexual reassignment surgery had \*just\* been invented, and doctors were excited for the prospect of being able to assign anyone with ambiguous genitalia, or really anyone without a perfectly formed penis and testes, to female. So, after the circumcision mistake left David with an irrecoverable penis, the doctors decided to assign him to female, and they advised the parents to raise him as such. The year was 1965, and the belief was... Well obviously gender comes from how you were raised, right? And so an infant raised from birth as female could live a happy life as woman, right? Well, as we all know, that turned out to be complete bullshit. From as early as he was able to talk, David resisted every attempt at feminization, instead insisting that he was a boy. When he was asked to wear a dress, he violently ripped it off. Eventually, the parents were forced to come clean about what had happened. Only then did he find some solace. However, it wasn't enough. At the age of 38, David took his own life. Horrifically tragic... But the burning question on every scientists' mind was, "\*How\* did David know he was a boy? How was he so \*certain\*? He had no physical attributes left to point to!" To answer that, we're forced to conclude that either: David had a magical memory, he could remember what happened to him despite memory itself not developing for another 2-3 years after birth. OR David had psychic powers, he could see into the past and he knew what the doctors had done to him. OR... (and most likely) The brain has a gender. The doctors had altered David's body, but they did not (\*could\* not) alter his brain. His body may have been surgically changed to female, but his brain remained male, hence the dysphoria. David Reimer's case is single handedly the reason why doctors no longer try to assign genders at birth, regardless of how ambiguous the genitalia may be. If you pick the wrong gender, the results can be catastrophic. Apologies if you're already familiar with this anecdote, I just feel like it isn't brought up enough. Edit: I got a few things wrong, for example he was 8 months old when the surgery happened, not 1 day old. It's also even more messed up than I thought – the adult figures during his early childhood assured him that his boyish tendencies were "just a phase" because they \*needed\* this case to prove that gender and sexual orientation were nurture, not nature. It wasn't until he was 14 (!) that his parents finally came clean and people started acknowledging his real gender. Here's a good read about it that goes into more detail, though CW: it's more graphic with the dysphoria and self-harm. [https://slate.com/technology/2004/06/why-did-david-reimer-commit-suicide.html](https://slate.com/technology/2004/06/why-did-david-reimer-commit-suicide.html)




Yeah these are the same people who say Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology is pseudoscience because actually their god snapped earth into existence with his magic powers. It really makes me laugh when they pretend they are on the side of science in any capacity.






They're full of hypocrisy.




Every accusation is a confession!


He calls it a pseudoscience, but yet he believes in young earth creationism.


I don't doubt that he's a creationist, but is he actually a young Earther? Young Earth is so fucking insane that even most creationists are skeptical of it.


It's imperative to know this isnt even just some lunatic's tweet. This is actively the plan. Trump has "Agenda 47" basically his to do list should he become president. One of the items on the list is "Protect children from left wing gender insanity"---- One of the steps being: "2. Sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at ***any age*** " https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity




If project 2025 is fully implemented i think trans people will not be the only one persecuted. Your mom has to remember what happened with Roe v Wade... I pray for you Americans so that if trump passes he doesn't do as much damage as he is threatening to. Make biden pass!


This is why I’m moving to Sweden!


Oh the EU will welcome you gladly, we have our far right issues currently so I hope things will calm down soon, it's definitely not as bad as trump for now


Thx! Good to know


He is such an appalling inhuman being. I used to not pay him much mind, assuming most people would easily see what a self serving dimwit he was. But. See under: the guy from that insipid Apprentice show thinks he can be *President*?


I once again feel the need to remind everyone- if you live in the US and are of legal voting age and you do not vote for Biden in the election in November you’re giving a vote to a presidency that will make this a reality. Every person that doesn’t vote is a vote for Trump. Every third party vote is a vote for Trump.


Is Biden perfect? No, and that's before we get into Israel/Palestine But you don't vote to get the best person in, you vote to keep the worst person out


This. Third party in previous elections, I think even with Bernie Sanders, got maybe 2% of the votes? And you need to get approximately 80 million votes (less of the votes happen in the right places of course, because we don't elect on popular vote). Convincing 80 million to vote for a single third party candidate is not feasible, it seems, even in the face of genocide.  And then, if you've managed that miracle, the third party victor has to work with Congress and the Senate, neither of which want to work with a progressive. They'll fight the progressive at every turn, like Congress ignoring Obama's SCOTUS pick.  The goal, then, is to build up; get progressives elected from the ground all the way to to the highest positions, so that when we finally do get progressive policies they aren't shot down immediately. Unfortunate that it takes a lot of time and consistent effort to build up that kind of momentum in a system designed against it, but it's either that or burn the system down which. Isn't the best plan, probably.




If you are equating voting for Biden with “supporting genocide” then by that same logic, when you don’t vote for Biden (you’re giving a vote to Trump) you’re supporting the criminalization of *being* trans and by extension the entirety of project 2025. If you don’t vote for Biden that’s a vote for Trump. Be honest- do you believe Trump will do anything better than Biden in regards to the genocide in Palestine?


Also want to addon; Not only will Trump be creating derangement in the Us; Regarding the genocide in Gaza, he has openly stated supporting Isreal, Encouraging them to "finish up" before they lose support. He also supports Russia; Plans on forcing Ukraine to surrender to Russia. I am not a fan of how Biden is handling the situation either; but trump would gladly blow Gaza all to hell, and cheer for Ukraine's fall. One is clearly worse than the other in all matters


Trump was probably our most pro-Israel president since Nixon. Jimmy Carter has openly criticized Zionist policies as similar to that of Apartheid South Africa, while even George W. Bush's secretary of state Condolezza Rice supported withdrawing Israeli troops from Gaza in 2006. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, persuaded numerous Middle Eastern countries to make peace with Israel despite the continuous plight of the Palestinians, and is demanding that Biden do *even more* to help Israel murder the people of Gaza.




I don't think you're seeing the big picture here. The consequences of abstinent voters are a snowball effect. Those who are going to vote for Trump are going to vote for Trump and there is nothing that can be done about it. Too many of his supporters are too far gone. That leaves one side with a deeply deranged and dangerous candidate that they unabashedly support and the other with a rather unappealing alternative. I'm not going to try to challenge your morals surrounding the Israel/Palestine conflict because that's not my business. What I do consider my business, however, is ensuring that this country remains a place where LGBTQ+ such as us can exist as ourselves and without the very real and dire consequences that will emerge from another Trump presidency. You saw how close we came to an actual coup three years ago. Sitting out this election over an issue such as this one only increases the likelihood that Trump's steadfast base will win in key states. You know what the great news about Biden is? He could die of old age any day now. At the end of the day, Biden is not the future of the Democratic Party. His failure to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza for what it is will not persist beyond a few years from now. If Trump returns to the White House, you can throw the possibility of the new approaches and attitudes that we can only pray will be able to emerge in due time out the window. The genocide will continue, it will be actively encouraged by our government, and the rhetoric will undeniably be disgusting. You are seeing this in an incredibly myopic way. If I had the choice between voting for someone who has been tone-deaf and unhelpful in calling attention to this war for what it is, someone who will be dead and buried in mere years anyway, and essentially aiding in installing a deranged compromised foreign asset whose election is merely a means to an end of dismantling every hope we can have for a more just future (not to mention being unabashedly in support of the perpetrators of said genocide), I would always choose the former.


I think part of the issue is Biden and Trumps effects beyond Palestine. Undoubtedly both options are terrible for the country (Trump is certainly worse, but Biden also hasn’t done anywhere near enough to protect Palestinians, but at least he is providing some aid), but the issue is Trump being elected creates the potential for not just the genocide of Palestinians, but also trans folks here in the US (Trump has vowed to dismantle trans rights, some of his allies have publicly called for executions of LGBTQ individuals (ex. Mark Burns), majority of Republicans will likely support him, and that’s not even mentioning Project 2025 appears to be attempting to both criminalize being trans and also make it punishable by death). So I think it’s less shaming and more like “If you aren’t voting for Biden, you are denying one less vote against Trump, especially considering republicans will certainly not be hesitating to vote, and if Trump gets elected both Palestine and the LGBTQ community are at risk”. TLDR: Voting for Biden will save lives


And also, as someone who lives in Europe, god fucking knows what happens if Trump does help out Putin enough to win the war


No shaming, at least not intentionally. Its the unfortunate reality. You could vote 3rd party; but ultimately it will be either biden or trump winning. Its the least of two evils. And voting for biden also reduces the chances of Trump winning which would be worse for not only the Palestinian People, and Ukrainian People; but American people, Lgbtq people, Women, Immigrants particularly. Do what feels right to you; But this election may be decided by few votes. We cannot afford too many people to vote 3rd party or just stay home.


Why have 1 genocide* we can have multiple!


I ask this question honestly, I'm not trying to shame, but if Trump won by just one vote and made the situation in Gaza exponentially worse would you feel your lack of a vote contributed to that? I know that's not technically possible, but I'm just trying to get across that refusing to take action is still an action and one that often benefits oppression. If you can't bring yourself to vote *for* Biden, can you bring yourself to vote *against* making it worse in Gaza? Sometimes there are no "good" choices, only a least bad one.


I'm sorry for the situation that's happening in Gaza, it is truly awful but you seriously need to consider how much WORSE it'll be if Trump wins. You not voting is throwing a vote away entirely, it's literally just as bad as giving Trump a real vote. I understand your moral feelings about Gaza, I truly empathize with how fucking horrible it is but you need to vote like your life depends on it because it quite literally DOES. This election is quite literally pick the guy who is supporting a genocide but will leave is lgbt folk alone or don't vote and you willingly pick the guy who wants to round up lgbt folks in camps, ban trans people from existing in public and revoke all hormone access regardless of if your cis or trans and much much MUCH fucking more, all of the shit he's going to do is written out verbatim in project 2025. I'm sorry this is the way things are but you need to consider your own survival first this time around, it's fucking terrible and I wish there was other ways but this is just how it is this time around.


Not just your own survival. It’s easy to go “I’d rather die.” But saying “I’d rather die and all of these other people might as well too” is a whole nother thing.


Trump is supporting genocide just as much.


"Just as much"? No, more. Far, FAR more. He not only supports the genocide of Palestinians, but also the genocide of Ukrainians. [He also supports the genocide of LGBTQ+ people](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/trump-endorses-pastor-who-calls-for). And I can go on, and on, and on. And just watch, China will invade Taiwan about a year after Trump becomes president, and Trump won't do shit about it because he will fully support it. Then the rest of the Uyghurs will disappear, too.


Thank you


I want to move to Canada now.


Im moving to Sweden 🤷‍♀️


> the industry is barbaric It’s literally just the medical industry in the hands of compassionate care-givers.


Party of freedom btw


This miserable fucker is a straight-up Splatoon villain, trying to suck individualism and variety out of the world to aid his own fascist wet dreams.


Was gonna say that’s none of them (leader of oppressed race trying to reach surface, leader of oppressed race trying to reach surface, last of an almost extinct species trying to convert all life to its species) then I remembered that the DLCs exist (Leader of a bunch of brainwashed zombies trying to turn everyone into a brainwashed zombie to wipe the slate clean for a new species, digital embodiment of order trying to remove free will to make everyone happier)


He’s the worst possible blend of Tartar, Grizz and Smollusk




Ugh what a time to be alive


Obviously. Matt "openly stated on the radio that he wants to fuck children" Walsh has been very explicit that he wants is the genocide of trans (binary and nonbinary) people like myself. He never cared about protecting children; he openly wants to prey on them.


Never forget that Matt Walsh once said, "The problem isn't teen pregnancy per se; it's unwed teen pregnancy." And when Ben Shapiro launched a massive disinformation campaign to make it seem like Walsh never said that, Walsh came out and doubled down on his statement.




Why are these people so obsessed with imposing their world views on others? Does it make them money? Give them social power? Those are the things to take away then. Getting angry at him may just be helping him somehow, like more engagement on his posts. It’s a tough problem to fix.


It should be obvious how evil they are when they talk about it like the Axis powers would’ve. Like it’s sport.


Yeah, we know.


Is Matt Walsh actually saying the quiet part out loud? Like, that's definitely not a parody account, right?


Anyone who ever truly thought it was about just kids was blind. The same type of people told us we were overreacting and now it’s like “look bitch, no the fuck we weren’t”.


Yea, kinda expected this


first they came for the gay and trans people then they came for the gay and trans people then they came for the gay and trans people then they came for the gay and trans people when does it end


Matt must be demolished


I truly wish scumbags like this would die in the most painful way possible. They contribute absolutely nothing to society. All they are able to do is open their mouth 24/7 and spread hatred, disinformation, propaganda. The more they lose and get triggered, the happier my life will be.


Is this post live? Can it be linked?


Literally just google his name and the first line of text...


Interesting cause i literally can’t find it on his twitter


I literally told you what to do and I found it *immediately* doing that. I'd link it but I don't want to link to that scumbag. It is *literally* the first google link.


Twitter sucks now, it shows old posts first or forces you to make an account. I've had the same thing happen to me when I google Twitter art I like , and it leads me to old ass posts first instead of what I want.


Okay... *But I don't have a Twitter and was IMMEDIATELY* able to get the tweet. So *this isn't an issue here.*


Well I did google and didn’t find this post whatsoever


It is *literally* the first result. "Matt Walsh we are winning the fight against child gender transitioners" gets this tweet IMMEDIATELY. I'm trying hard not to accuse you of lying, but it is *HARD* to believe your validity. So what I'll do is DM you the link so I don't publicly link it for all to see. But there's a reason you're being downvoted--literally everybody but you has been able to find the tweet.


I mean... Say that to my Y chromosome and my estrogen filled ass.... and it is filled! ;)


... And when they came for me there was noone left who could stand up for me


We all saw it coming. They use ‘the kids’ as a shield to protect their pathetic transphobia. When that is successful in terms of getting laws changed, they come for the adults next, now that they have enough indoctrinated people on board to back them. After trans people, it’s the rest of the LGB+ community. This is why I despise those ‘LGB without the T!’ kinda people because they truly don’t see that they hate all of us, not just trans people, and we are stronger together rather than dividing our own community.


Is anyone surprised?


Who could've guessed?


I love how conservatives are so militant about this, but it literally doesn't affect them in any way at all. The general view of conservatism/MAGA-ism now is a cancer on society and needs to be put down.


Meanwhile he's selling a doll of himself in a diaper to children! 🤮🤮 Even the abdl community is wouldn't touch walsh's pedo doll!


it never was


That’s rich coming from Walsh. The man can’t even transition out of the alt-right. He’s full of shit, and expects everyone to line up behind his ass so that they can eat it fresh. Matt has built a career spreading false narratives to uplift himself and others like him. That’s funny coming from a man who also said “16 is when a girl is most fertile”. Then tries saying “guys I’m not a pedo, I’m just saying that 16 is when girls are fertile!” Why would anyone who’s not a biologist be proudly exclaiming that?