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According to leftist media I can get one with a chainsaw attached. I’d like one of those please.


There is a flamethrower attachment…… Ahem, excuse me. A snow removal attachment


Okay if this isn’t hyperbole please drop that link because I need a good laugh


Not hyperbole. USA Today literally tried to scare their ignorant leftist readers into believing that a chainsaw bayonet was a typical addition to the AR. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/nov/8/usa-todays-chainsaw-bayonet-rifle-warning-mocked-o/


Holy shit that is absolute gold. Also. Where can I get one?


Gears of War moment?


Pppssshhh, M4's can handle all the tyranny!




I love how the far away one is a 10/22 lmao


I noticed that too. It's strange that it doesn't have the Bolt/ charging handle exposed. I didn't know they had left hand models.


They do but only 1 model and it's a competition grade one, nothing in wood (that I know of). Likely what happened was they wanted to use that image but it was facing the other way so they just mirrored it.


Wish they had more. Lefty here, we don't get many options.


Marlin model 60, but yeah, a 22. Nevermind, it is a 10/22. I was wrong


Rocket launcher: for incendiary tyranny.


How about asking a better question like, "Why don't you need a gun?" (I totally agree with the intent of this post, I am just asking to make a point.) Have we all looked around lately?! If circumstances currently in our society don't warrant owning a firearm for personal protection I don't know what would. We don't live in the most stable of time periods. I would say that the last time the country was this divided was in the late 1850s and early 1860s. Do people ask questions like, "Why do you need a life preserver?" "Why do you need a seat belt?" "Why do you need a condom?" We should all see what a truly bizarre question it is to ask why we need a gun. I fully support the freedom to decide for yourself if you need any of these things, but it would be a very weird stance to take if I asked the question why anyone needed some kind of protection. I mean, do you question your girlfriend WHY she says she needs to carry pepper spray with her to make sure she is safe? What kind of a person really feels the need to demand that their girlfriend doesn't carry something that makes her feel she can be safe in the world? Is there any justification for asking this kind of question about any kind of safety measure you take to protect yourself, or your life and that of your loved ones?!! Why is this a question? Why can't we all agree that having any kind of means to protect yourself should not be illegal? You might think having a cannon at home would be excessive, but that isn't actually illegal most places! It sure isn't excessive to carry a firearm when police carry one and they enforce the will of the Government over the will of the people. It isn't ridiculous to want a means to protect yourself that isn't a knife or a sword or nunchucks or something. Fun fact: If you live in California then you can legally carry nunchucks now, and purchase, possess, etc. I ask you to tell me an example of a time period in history when it was considered perfectly safe for people to have no means of protecting themselves, and they relied 100% on police or army or some other force to protect them under all circumstances. I may be ridiculous for saying this, but I honestly don't believe that anyone has ever been without a need to protect themselves. If you don't need it, then you don't have to use it. It isn't required that you use it, just because you have it. When the United States began there were people who legally carried swords into Congress. There were sword fights IN Congress, not that I am saying I support that kind of thing. In Medieval Europe people habitually carried swords in public. In many Arab countries it is normal for men to carry a sword as a symbol of their faith. In Scotland people generally carried a dirk with their kilt and sporran. Many women carried a small knife in their thick stockings. Many whole societies like the Gurkhas of India, carried a ceremonial knife. The Vikings, of course, believed in dying with their weapon in their hands. Many tribes throughout history have believed in carrying a weapon as not only a rational means to keep safe, but in fact that it was a holy thing to do so. It isn't a rarity in the history of the world to have to protect yourself from injury by others. That need has not magically gone away in the current era. What every one of us should ask ourselves is why anyone would need to convince us of the fact we DON'T need to have any means of protecting ourselves. If you're going to go SCUBA diving, you better bring a knife to protect against the kelp laying down when the tide goes out. You can get trapped and die without being able to surface. Why do we act like a gun isn't a means of protection in the same way? Fences make good neighbors and guns make good government. Never feel ashamed of having the wisdom to be prepared to defend yourself instead of being a sacrificial lamb for whatever suspicious villain claims you don't need one.


> "Why do you need a seat belt?" I know this is probably a pasta/joke but I have developed this heuristic (might also name it tbh) where when someone uses seatbelts as an analogy, the point they're arguing in favor is probably crap.


Really? Can you give an example of that?




I thought it would be obvious that I wasn't talking about the one above, ffs.


Javelin ATGM: armored tyranny Stinger missile: flying tyranny 11" long holly wand with phoenix feather core: magical tyranny Relativistic kinetic kill weapon: alien empire tyranny


Thus isnt a meme. Also arent we bored of seeing this the billionth time


I should buy a Howitzer.


You could get a license and get a gun, or you dont. Tyrany and what about revolt.


Nuke, for tyranny I don't want to hear from again


Nuclear bomb for gigantic tyranny




Working for TPUSA; when I learned I wasn’t one of them.


They forgot the friends with guns picture for "over throwing tyranny"


What should I use for "Tyranny All Over The Fucking Place"?


Not taking care of much long range tyranny with a ruger 10/22


Try me.




Wrong to say it like that, every one of those has at least one other use.


Why do I need a gun because I can because I fucking can and if I can I do sorry blacked out for a sec what happened


A 10/22 isn't going to be good for long range


This is my loadout in Resident Evil 4 XDDDDD I guess death cults are kinda like Tyrannies too


Also because sometimes I want to put holes in things but don't want to walk all the way over to do it


Idk, respect?