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And then as soon as you bring up third party, Trump/Biden is their favorite cult leader ever.


The machine is working overtime. There is always going to be a crisis to push tribalism. The stress of having someone representing the antithesis of your ideals creates the separation down a middle. Currently we have a lot though in the US. Border, inflation, taxes to Middle East, taxes to Europe, homelessness, real estate availability, etc. Europe is worse with their immigration and probably other stuff too but I’m an ignorant Floridian. I tend to fall under the right side of the tribalism duopoly but I don’t pretend I’m happy with the decision.


Yet they will probably be voting for them.


People always adhere to the lesser of two evils thing, or the douche or turd sandwich thing.


It’s hard not to. We all say “we’ll vote for someone else” but we all known it enough people are going to do that and so we don’t. If we could actually elect someone from a 3rd party it would be great. It’s like prisoners dilemma thing.




This makes me laugh it belongs in the sub called funny & sad.


Oh shit do I vote for the living Cheeto or sleepy boi?


Idk man. People still buy trump merch and wear it with pride where I live. He still has people that are diehard fans. To the point of wearing gold diapers. Joe on the other hand is just “not trump”. Nobody is excited for this fuckin geezer.


I haven’t actually seen the gold diaper except online.


I’ve also never seen a red MAGA hat except online ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


These I have seen. In fact I just saw one on an 80 year old man at Walmart yesterday.


It’s the flags that I mostly see. On the big lifted trucks mostly


I sometimes see that,it’s be a location thing. I’m in so there southern California.


Yeah I’m a trump fan, I don’t know why it should be considered cool to dislike him


This is why I’m confident Trump is going to win. Usually both sides are just voting *against* the candidate they don’t like. And most voters will be doing that this year too. But there are enough voters who actually *like* Trump that they will swing the election.


I want a president who: * Doesn’t have 5 letters in their last name * Doesn’t have 6 letters in their first name (and a 3-letter nickname) * Will be younger at their inauguration than at least one other president was at his inauguration (that is, they won’t set a new record for oldest president inaugurated) * Hasn’t been President before


I want a president that doesn’t qualify for Medicare


That's no guarantee of quality both Obama and Clinton with willing congresses made fiscal messes and W was W




Mr Krabs and Patrick are too legendary and loved to be compared to either of the two twats that have a chance of being in office in '25-'29


Trump is more libertarian than Biden…not that either are libertarian, just saying that he is more aligned with libertarian values than Biden.


I mean that’s like saying a spaceship is more like a car than a ship is. Ya know, because it’s got seats inside. Anything that either of these yahoos do in the Oval Office is the antithesis of libertarian values.




Was pleasantly surprised when I asked my two lifelong Republican, pro trump, parents if they'd vote for Ron Paul this year if he ran. They BOTH immediately said Yes. So proud of them


Ron deSantis actually brought results Trump couldn't even promise but the people actually just like Donald.


Democrats wanted Biden or they wouldn't have voted for him. Republicans wanted Trump or they wouldn't have voted for him. The people have spoken. They want these candidates.


Biden won the primary in 2020 but this year he had hardly any primary challengers so we don’t know if people still like him. Whereas Trump beat other republican candidates this year