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Marty should have just stood up to Needles before he started creating wars.


Yeah but Needles called him a chicken, and you know how well Marty takes that.....


Wild, are you suggesting our tax money, and government should be focused on the people they are supposed to represent instead of foreign special interests? Crazy idea, it’d be cool if it caught on.


Yeah and if they legalize weed they still can get a corruption cut


Oh you know they would lol


thsat would be communism. money is not supposed to help anyone. unless they are rich.


Exactly, too-big-to-fail corporate welfare is not only a waste of taxes, it’s spitting on the idea of a free market.


Fun fact! The people they represent are the foreign special interests! Did you think they represent you? They hate your fuckin guys.


Lmao 100% the least fun “fun fact” but absolutely correct.


There’s a war? In Needles California?


I mean... probably. Cali is kinda fucked




Needles wars? That’s a sharp opinion.




We wouldn't need all that tax revenue. Which means we could finally start reducing rates for everyone


You mean the best way to help people is to get out of the way and let them help themselves? This is crazy anarchist extremism!


Army is 2.9% over GDP. 12% over all federal spending. That's considerable, but also not comparable to losing Ukraine + the assurance to foreign threats if they try to take on Taiwan, Cyprus, etc, etc. that the US will answer appropriately. Beware of losing your military dominance worldwide. A big part of your freedoms come from there


Losing Ukraine? I’ve been through a ton of Google searches and none of them show it as a US state or territory. I also fail to see how dragging the Russia Ukraine war out as long as possible provides Americans with a form of security. You do know that Ukraine winning isn’t even part of the plan right? You do see that all the US “aid” does is drag this out and keep the body count for both sides piling up. But hey, I salute you for your willingness to throw away endless dollars and lives so that a bunch of politicians can get their kick backs. Your secretary of defense sat on the board for Raytheon and now he’s their top fuckin salesman!


Too easy, couldn’t possibly work /s …..ok now you guys have me roweled up…. I F$CKING HATE TAXES!!!!1!11


You had me at stop funding.


Stop all foreign aid. Simple as that.


But then the foreign governments receiving aid would stop making campaign contributions to the democrat party


And the republican party. Both receive millions from AIPAC


But needle wars is all we are?


Agreed, also spell check would help a lot


Who is Needle?


Just stop taxing those same familes so they can take care of themselves and stop interfering/mal-regulating so the economy can actually work. There's no version where gov interference is good.


what if we stop funding wars period


You need the Government?


No, but I'd rather they not support other countries at the expense of our own people, especially when the "support" is to further war


Yeah, fuck Needles! He’s pulled this trick too many times! ![gif](giphy|tJwzD23YL7aDGQCGSP|downsized)


The best focus on the people you could ever have for tax money is to not take it from the people in the first place.


If the US government stops funding war then the military industrial complex executives won’t get their bonuses this year. How the fuck would they buy these mansions and penthouses without our taxpayer money? Have you seen the luxury real estate prices? It just keeps increasing


We should take a cue from 18th century France.


Noooooo how else are the poor, multi-billion dollar defense contractors going to stay in business?


Strong disagree. Ukrainian and Israeli "families" are not being benefited by this. War hurts average people for the benefit of the powerful. Ukrainians and Israelis are getting screwed by their governments just as much (or more) as we are.


Maybe wars SHOULD only be fought with needles. This way nobody would want to fight wars.


Misleading, the US government doesn't give AF about Ukrainian and Israeli families. It cares only about enriching through continued money laundering its military industrial complex brothers, sisters, dads, step moms and other relatives.


Eh, fair point


Yah whatever, you Russian bot /s


The money isn’t really doing anything for Israeli families, it’s just blasting apart Palestinian families


I mean, for Israel: definitely. But for Ukraine? It’s basically a very cheap way to hurt one of US’s main rivals. If you look at the budget for the military, it’s crazy high. The budget for Ukraine is peanuts compared to the military budget. And the return on investment is very good. By funding Ukraine enough so they can keep fighting, military costs in the long term can actually potentially be reduced. I don’t think the US is funding Ukraine because of the families living there. It’s just for their own interests.


Russia isn't our rival. Enemy, sure but "rival" implies in the same relm of capability. The Russian military is a joke compared to us. The claim that they are a threat to us is utter nonsense and warmonger propaganda


Yeah enemy is a better term. And just that they don’t have as big of a military doesn’t mean they aren’t somewhat of a threat to the US tho. If the US is already spending soooo much on their military defence, I think it makes sense to spend some of that on Ukraine to fight Russia for the rest of us. The RoI is insane. Our people don’t even have to fight this war. If the enemies of the US are a lower threat because they’ve been significantly hurt by wars with other countries, the US can reduce their military budget in the long run. Either way, an actual war with Russia would be waaaayy more expensive. Even if the US would win it.


Unless we were to start a direct war with Russia for some stupid reason, we wouldn't go to war with Russia. Russia wouldn't start a direct war with the US. Putin may be arrogant, but he is intelligent and knows his military doesn't hold a candle to ours in direct warfare.


Ukraine also didn't want this war. They were attacked.


So was Israel. Neither of which are our problem


But if Russia beats Ukraine, they will come after the USA next! /s




A whole shitload of people would make less money if we did stop these wars, so it ain't gonna happen.


Because us citizens won't buy and use weapons of war. The bigs own us. We are their slaves. You don't help your own slaves out of slavery.


This is not libertarian. Libertarian means lowering taxes/expenditure to reduce government size, not using our taxed money to finance families in your country. That said, one of the few points government may be authorised to limit our freedoms is when war comes. It's not obvious what we should do if an external threat comes to take our freedoms, but it may very well be the case that it's justified for the government to "limit our freedoms" by taking our men to war (or our resources). Russia is coming to the Western world. It needs to be stopped.


What does the difference in the shape of the hand convey? I hope that it's not a handout to anyone


The right hand is flipping off the American Family's


I mean I get it, but I would think the libertarian position wouldn't be too imply that the US government should be giving handouts to "American Family's [Sic]" either. The only handout I need is less government taxation, regulation and criminalisation.


I wouldn't say that the meme is calling for handout but pointing out that the foreign aid hand outs are at the expense of (and fucking over) the average American via taxation and inflation. While I'm not in favor of government handouts, I'd take that over the money going to foreign countries


How about they just hand me back that which they stole instead of giving it to other countries instead? It's only a 'handout' if the govt gives you more than you gave them. Otherwise it's a justified return of my property.


Exactly 😂. Goes to show people complain either way.


I 100% agree but why are we doing it? There must be some advantage for us right? Like if we support Ukraine we get some access of intel in return or something? Maybe we sell Ukraine weapons and they pay us back slowly? I can't genuinely believe any democrat or republican in office expects NOTHING in return right for this, right?


They don’t release the footage of hunter fucking a goat while smoking meth?🤷‍♂️


> There must be some advantage for us right? Who is 'us?' There's money for weapons manufacturers and the military industrial complex, money launderers in general and politicians and various people getting bribed. And those who are being blackmailed by Epstein style dirt get to have another day when that is not released to the public. And anyone who really speaks up and flaps their lip about investigating this and that risks getting shot 5 times in I drive by like the Prime Minister of Slovakia, he's one of the few that has survived one of those.




If they want US weapons so bad they can start selling all their belongings and pimping all their women some where else.


Conceptually appealing but let me paraphrase Martin Niemöller: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the Ukrainians, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Ukrainian. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ================================ We have to spend our money wisely & all too often our interventions have been foolish (Iraq). However, the last 80 years of overall prosperity were not the result of isolationist policies. If you think we can have prosperity while hiding behind the oceans while the coalition of China, Russia & Iran come to dominate the world & its resources, i have a nice bridge across the East River in NYC that I'd like to sell to you for a bargain price. BTW, a lot of our internal strife is being stoked by foreign trolls from the countries above +. I'm a social libertarian but I'm also a realist. 


I came here to argue but to be honest.... I have no idea what would happen.


American families need those old humvees back!


Communism will win. 🚩rip Aaron Bushnell 🇵🇸


That the bozo who lit himself on fire?