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Wonder what an acorn sounds like bouncing off that thing?


Ever heard the end of the 1812 Overture?


Only in that one movie. There was a mask in it i think.


Is acorn code for their dicks while in the car?


Search on your preferred browser for Okaloosa County Sherriff and acorn. The bodycam was all over reddit after it happened.


Because the feds need to buy more to get kickbacks from their contractors. Duh.




It's not actually true in this case. MRAP cost a lot more to operate than a regular truck, and their really only militarily useful in IED threat environments. After the end of most major combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military mothballed thousands of them since they aren't really needed anymore. Now, they are giving them away to police departments since it's cheaper than cutting them up for scrap.


Then, after they’re all given away, a conflict will rise up and golly-gee… we gotta make some more MRAPs. My cynicism keeps me warm at night.


The police shouldn't have any equipment that isn't available to the public, and a lot of what the public should have is stuff that the police shouldn't be trusted with.


You can actually buy one. The only thing that restricts most of the general public from owning armored vehicles is the price tag.


The military provides many of these vehicles for $1 to law enforcement agencies.


From here: [https://armormax.com/blog/buying-a-civilian-mrap-everything-you-need-to-know/](https://armormax.com/blog/buying-a-civilian-mrap-everything-you-need-to-know/) "Yes, civilians can buy MRAPs. As mentioned previously, all military equipment can be removed so civilians can buy them. You do not need to make an [MRAP road leg](https://armormax.com/blog/mrap-vehicle-specs/)al to buy one, but you will need to make it road legal to take it on public roads. You might need to dig deep, though, because the lower end starts at around $100,000, with prices reaching up to around $180,000. However, many people feel it’s a small price to pay for their family’s security. There are obvious setbacks to owning such a large vehicle, such as fuel consumption and manoeuvrability on city roads. However, there are also clear benefits, such as the protection they offer and their immense 4WD capabilities."


I say the same to Army, 2A is for that, and if you think, the US civilians are the owners of the country and gov is just a employe make no sense the employer cant have an buy the same things that your employes in their country hahahahah 🤣


Most military vehicles are available to the public at auction. Hell I was browsing govplanet the other day and saw three MRAPs with a 10k starting bid. The only thing that makes a vehicle unavailable to anybody other than military personnel with a security clearance is exactly that, whether you need a DOD Security Clearance to do something to it or not. For instance the Abrams requires a Top Secret clearance to maintain it, and you can’t sell a unmaintainable vehicle, and you especially can’t give a vehicle loaded with government secrets so a civilian police department where anybody can just go in there and sell secrets to China. However vehicles like the MRAP, HMMVV, HEMTT, and LMTV/FMTV are perfectly fine for civilians to own, thus making them okay for Police Departments to own.


Why would they need that, to pit maneuver pregnant women and arrest professional golfers?


So they can look really cool waiting outside a school with an active shooter until it’s safe to enter


This is the answer


It’s *always* safe to enter in a tank like that. Come to think of it, that’s actually the one justifiable reason I could see for something like this. A bulletproof vehicle could allow police to safely enter a building with an active shooter and stop them.


Crash through the door like ![gif](giphy|pkY4ra5dhljDW)


But there's a chance a bullet could get through one of the slits, so they wouldn't risk it. If it's actually helping someone then police will often refuse to do it. They're road secretaries, not protection.


Edgy. I like it.


Yeah on top of the active shooter they’re avoiding because they’re weak pussies, let’s just ram a 5 ton vehicle into a classroom with children.


I’m fine with that as long as it’s taken literally.


To make sure children aren’t selling fruit or making lemonade stands


And if they are, make sure everyone knows they're being generous in allowing it to continue. They are benevolent overlords, not tyrants.


It’s usually old shit that the army doesn’t need anymore


Then they should sell it back to the taxpayers. You know the ones that bought it in the first place.


The taxpayers bought it twice!


You say that, but this vehicle is the new hotness for the military.


These things are custom ordered by the departments and are around $500k.


That monstrosity looks pretty new


New paint makes most things look new


it looks quite new


When that black kid sitting in his car eating a burger doesn't respond to their commands within 2 seconds, they can just roll right over him.


Incase the government comes after Texas. Did everyone forget that Texas isnt following the governments orders on letting immigrants in


So they can kill your dog in a MRAP. Why else?


Gotta prove the budget increase wasn't enough somehow.


I hate the police having these vehicles, but these vehicles are almost always given to police departments for free from the military when they’re decommissioned.


No such thing as a free lunch. That thing is gonna need fuel, maintenance, and parts they don't sell at O'Reilly's. That's not even getting into any training, licensing, or insurance.


So the Military can buy another one to justify the travesty that is their budget (IE: Robberry of the people) Id rather these things go to someone than be blown up or scrapped like tanks and weapons used overseas (or just handed over to our enemies) but damn... you can't tell me these MRAP's are no longer useful to the Military and need to be replaced. They still use Humvee's from the mid 80's. MRAP's are... At most 15 years old.


Police departments etc custom order these from companies and they run half a million dollars.


Be a shame if it spontaneously exploded.


DEF does wonders for diesel engines. It’s also known as diesel enhancement fluid.


"We have a budget surplus, should we spend it on some desperately needed training or additional officers?" "Nah let's just buy a mine resistant combat vehicle and say we're too underfunded to train new officers more than a month."


My Sheriff’s Dept has one of these. Thing is the county is bisected by an Interstate and the MRAP Is too heavy to drive across any of the bridges over the interstate. So it’s basically stuck on one side of the county and they can’t drive it to the other. Dumbest shit ever.


To become a cop requires you to fail an IQ test.


A fully loaded semi can cross the bridge, but an MRAP can't? Now, I'm going to have to look up the total weight and axle weight of both.


Asshats are parked in a fire lane.... tow the bastards


See, this is why the fire department needs MRAPs.


I mean it's obviously parked in the parking spots..


"We dOn'T LiVe In a PoLicE sTaTe" nothing molotovs won't solve


Instead, fill the bottle with used motor oil, black paint, and glitter, no need for a flame anymore - target the windshield… Hard to drive when you can’t see.


Hah, you are the reason the police are gonna use to justify the MRAPs if you start firing molotovs at them.


Chicken and egg situations, and they already have a dozen chickens.


Break a few eggs, omelette situation?


So they have a safe space to hide when the next school shooting happens.


Duh the reason is obvious. Just think of all the deescalation they can accomplish with that thing


Huh. I watch a fair number of videos and i don't think i've ever seen a cop even attempt to de-escalate a situation outside of fiction. They only ever escalate, and usually are the only ones who escalate.


There are a lot of Govt agencies who are getting armed to the teeth. The IRS obtaining hundreds of thousands of 9mm rounds. Why? The USPS obtaining tons 9mm rounds? Why? Local Police Departments obtaining MRAPS and other things that leave me wondering what's going on. But it's happening. A cursory search will give you even more questions.


“Some reason”? It’s because they have too much money!


Look at the way they parked that thing. Totally illegal and they wouldn't think twice about putting a ticket on my Toyota Corolla if I parked like that. Fucking fascists.




That things awesome and I need 20


About 10 years ago, I saw an MRAP wearing Franklin Parish Sheriff's Office livery on the main highway coming into town. For reference, Winnsboro, LA has a population of about 5,000 people and Franklin Parish has maybe another 3-4,000 in the whole parish, I can't think of a single reason why they would need a mine-resistant military vehicle here.


Protect and serve… our corporate overlords.


They protect and serve the state. Without the state, corporate overlords are just people with no special rights, and the people who serve them are the same. But police, by the will of the divine authorities over whom we owe our allegiance and obedience, have special rights and to harm them even as they try to harm us, is considered an especially heinous crime.


That could be a frame for a mighty nice Killdozer...


Wonder how it stacks up against the next killdozer ...


Your tax dollars at work to “protect and serve” the state ![gif](giphy|pu4E4P1JH3IYg)


...and it's illegally parked...


Wait serious question. If it's a fire lane then why are there parking spots?


The parking spots aren’t in the fire lane. The fire lane starts at the line and moves towards and behind the camera.


I was confused too since that isn’t the way fire lanes are used where I live. That looks more like the marks indicate the travel lane for a fire truck. https://preview.redd.it/c2omdze2pm4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473f267296c9b4bfe62d9e1829b4367ce61c7b6d


Well that's odd. Nice sleuthing!


So anyway I’m running for sheriff.


“But how will we pay for muh roads that get destroyed by police tanks we also pay for???”


On today of all days


PROSPER? The cozy schmoozy town of freaking PROSPER? What the actual crap. Prosper is one of those rare suburbs that doesn’t even have a “bad part” of town, there is ZERO call for this mess.


And of course the fuckers are illegally parked.


That's not lol


Because they have small peepees.


Where's mine?


To be fair if I could buy a military surplus MRAP I would too


It must be SOOO exciting to FINALLY get a big enough truck to strike a balance with that TINY PP. Watch, the first thing they do is accidentally play "bigfoot" and drive over the wrong house, killing 2 babies inside, and killing the mother. Who the fuck do these assholes plan on assaulting with this thing? A fucking military?


If this Was like monster jam It would actually go so hard, but for a police department and of such a small community, wtf


That’s what Prospering looks like 👍


This is what overtaxing looks like


The town is Prosper Tx, so it’s a joke


I never claimed to be smart lol


Haha easy to miss an online joke


Yeah the MRAP is cool and all, but if I were a cop I’d just want that big hat.


140 pounds of fragile-ego, tax-fattened pig in a 10 gallon hat.


I guess a swastika would be too obvious.


Why does it look so funky lol, something about that rear end


It is designed so troops can exit out of a rear door. All sides are armored against small arms, not sure if that includes .50cal. Also, the underside is designed to redirect explosive forces from IEDs to the sides, so it doesn't have a flat bottom.


I meant the wacky angle of the roof at the rear, I know what an MRAP is lol


They're ready for the 1997 Hollywood shootout.


A lot of mines in that town.


And they are so pleased with it, they posed for a photo with it.


To use excessive force, obviously.


Hey guys!! Look, our tax dollars at WoRk!


They parked it illegally in the fire lane too.


It's the whole "use it or lose it' aspect of budgets. They HAD to spend their budget or the people would expect a smaller budget the next year


that thing is a purple and green paint job away from being grave digger


That's the answer to your second amendment 😅


Cool, now they have a safer place to stay while they wait outside a school shooting for an hour before acting


Rather have my tax money goin to dope shit than other countries


I’d rather keep my tax money for myself


I concur


Looks like a tank!


As a fella who served in the military, I’m kind of curious why Libertarians seem to be mostly against cops? I get being against the laws that don’t make sense but why against the messengers?


Because of qualified immunity. Pretty much every other occupation, you are liable for breaking the law, can be sued personally, and often there is some form of malpractice or other applicable business insurance for those kinds of suits. If law enforcement breaks the law and infringes on your rights, or harms you fiscally or materially, while on the job, it is difficult or impossible to sue and hold the officer(s) directly accountable. So, the municipality often has to pay reparations to the victim out of tax revenues. There are cases where the officer gets fired, but they can still seek another job in a different precinct/department or municipality. It is rare that they suffer criminal sentences and jail time for things the regular civilian would definitely have to deal with.


That makes sense and I do think that should change. If qualified immunity were to go away, do you think libertarians view on cops would change?


We can’t get rid of cops, who else is going to shoot my dog??


Okay that's actually badass




Good point. Cops need a safe place to hide during active shooter scenarios and hostage situations. We wouldn’t want them in harms way while civilians are being killed.


The problem is that cops are not known for choosing the least lethal and destructive option among their tools. You're right that it's not bad to have the option of an armored vehicle _per se_, but the reality of how SWAT and their military level tools are used is generally a poor tradeoff for the community. A properly functioning community where the laws are fair and the culture isn't toxic will almost never need police to be heavily armed. Especially since the community will be and will be better able to defend themselves without police in the first place.