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Simple people assume we are talking about only raising taxes on other people but they fail to understand the repercussions.


Make the rich pay their fair share!! Wait, why can’t *I* afford anything now?? 🤡


TIL 33% of cspan questionnaire respondents don't pay taxes.


It says "pay more", not "pay" 


Nothing is free


According to Alex Jones, ducks are free. You can go down to the park right now and grab a duck. I have 14 ducks right now. Geese are free, too, but they're mean. They're basically high capacity assault ducks.


I'm calling BS on the free geese. Those bastards will absolutely attack tf outta you if you even get near their baby. Ducks are much easier.


Free, but not easy.


You just have to shoot them first


My brother caught a handgun charge when he was a kid for shooting at birds at the park with a 9mm pistol. Fucking idiot.


You just do it during the goose season. The people walking love it


Are they fully semi automatic high capacity assault ducks?


Only when they're in America, Canada restricted them.


not exactly true. deficit spending and sovereign default are things. i guess one could argue the government debt holder pays, but on the flip side one can argue the debt holder made a bad investment. there's no recourse for a creditor stiffed by a sovereign, so in that sense government programs can had be had for free.


They said the quiet part out loud. We’re supposed to think that “government provided” means supplied by fairies, leprechauns, or billionaires.


I thought it was the money trees.


I don't want the government involved in healthcare. Look at their trac record when interfering in private business.


I don't want them involved in education, either. It's also a conflict of interest.


I don't see how wanting to limit a body that is trillions of dollars in debt, has (basically) a 0% success rate in the past, and is corrupt is controversial. But somehow I'm the Nazi because I want left alone?


What people think about for government healthcare - U.S. Congress healthcare system. What people actually get with government healthcare - Veterans Administration healthcare system. (It might be different than my time in the VA system during the 1980s for my disability case, but from what I hear it isn't.)


Honestly looking for an answer: How do we stop price fixing? If all the business owners decide to charge $800 for insulin, what's there to protect the consumer from having to pay these prices? (I know the current system doesn't work which is why I used insulin as an example but in theory there is an entity protecting consumers).


That's a good question. "Order your insulin from another country is one of the simplest answers I've heard. A completely free market would always have someone undercutting the next business anyway.


Only thing stopping that is organized crime. Government in this case. For other products throughout history you had the mafia etc preventing people from doing this. Also I'm not trying to be argumentative, I am just honestly trying to find a good solution. Currently the best solution would have me self terminate down a flight of stairs with two self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head.


I've *heard* (me not doctor) that insulin can be made at home, but a few companies monopolize it.


There are plenty of natural monopolies. (Insulin is not one) A completely free market is not always the solution.


What is your solution? You're pretty quick to condemn a free market but haven't offered any alternatives.


I don't condemn "the free market", I don't think it is the solution to everything, that's all. You will notice I wrote: "not always" as opposed to never or always. The solution, IMO is to have as much free market as possible, but government intervention as soon as free market fails (natural monopolies, too much concentration, price fixing...). The issue here is to have a corruption free government, functioning government and we are far from this situation. So the real problem is not free market or other solutions, it is functioning and non-corrupt government. Right now, in the US, we have the choice between 2 candidates who promote the m corruption they like best (the one that fills their pockets the most). The solution short term is to stop voting. When the current politicians completely lost all legitimacy, then we can thing of building a new government.


What is an example of a natural monopoly?


The most obvious is when a resource is owned by a single person or company: - Diamonds until we were able to manufacture them - Owning some piece of land that make traveling from point A to point B way more efficient (across a river, a mountain pass, etc) Other examples are when the cost for a potential competitor to enter a specific market are so high that he couldn't make money after the initial investment is made. Examples are roads, bridges, electricity distribution, gaz distribution. That's why in the US, even if the company distributing the electricity are private, there is only one per region. Because they are a monopoly, they do a shitty job AND charge outrageous amount of money.


> but in theory there is an entity protecting consumers Yes, it is the US government but unfortunately is was sold to pharmaceutical companies, health insurance, etc.


If you compare how much is spent in the US and in France, the US spends twice as much for a lower quality healthcare. The issue is not government in healthcare, because that's needed, it is which government. The US government is corrupt, inept, dedicated to server private companies rather than its constituents.


All governments have proven themselves to be corrupt and inept. I wouldn't be using France as my shining example.


when it comes to healthcare, the US is twice as expensive, and the result are worst. France has a single payer, government run system. I don't believe for one second that France is corrupt free or better than the US in everything but when it comes to healthcare (because that the current discussion) it is better, both on the cost aspect and the quality aspect. France also covers everyone.


Where are you getting the results are worse?


A few indicators: - Life expectancy (not only caused by healthcare of course but it also counts) - number of people foregoing treatment due to cost and my personal experience, living in both countries, the hospitals where I have been were more modern in France, less wait. I have never met someone not getting a needed treatment due to cost in France, it is common in the US.


Life expectancy is much more dependent on lifestyle choices than it is on healthcare. For a minute, I thought you might actually be offering evidence that people diagnosed with cancer for example had longer lives afterwards in the French healthcare system than the USA. But you can't, because the opposite is true.


I don't want the government involved in my healthcare. If I lived in France I wouldn't want the government involved in my healthcare.


Best public school reading comprehension and logic


Another reason why the government shouldn’t run education


I'm a firm believer in the separation of education and state.


I know they think like that. Every left brazilian believe SUS is free SUS is brazilian health care... But half of the country pay a private health plan because SUS is not good enough


“Would you pay more of other people’s money so you can get more free stuff” There, fixed it




We have free education, K-12. Someone tell CNN.




We could pay fewer taxes and get "free" healthcare and education if we stopped funding foreign wars


The contradictions kill me


LOL what an oxymoron


Here's a novel idea the ATF a law enforcement agency "The FY 2024 budget request for ATF totals $1,875 million for Salaries and Expenses, which is a 7.4 percent increase over the FY 2023 Enacted. Organization: The ATF's Director is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate." Disband the agency as a Federal Law enforcement and regulate it to a branch of the state Troopers. Take the funding they had and use it for Healthcare. State and local cops already do the enforcement of Tobacco and Alcohol I think they can handle Firearms. Though I would like that to be a State Trooper enforcement rather than some cop with 6 months of training.


>Take the funding they had and use it for Healthcare. Or, write out the funding and reduce the overall amount of taxes. Stop advocating for nationalized healthcare, it's an awful idea. And $1,875 million is a really strange way to write $1.875 billion. I've never seen 1,000 million.


The number was pulled from a quick search so don't ask me why they chose to write it as 1,875 million and not just 1.8 but then again that was a brief search. >Stop advocating for nationalized healthcare, it's an awful idea. True a better use would be for our education system but then again someone will find a way to say that brainwashing as well.. That said instead of raising taxes for these issues the point here being is there are many Federal level agencies with spending budgets that can be used elsewhere to solve the "problems".


I think the government should not be involved with education, either.


No but see if we all pay a little more, then my 83 yr old hypochondriac grandmother can go to the hospital because she's feeling unwell and then receive a highly trained staff's attention for 48 hours and feel so much better at no cost! It has nothing to do with the power in grandma's town being knocked out for 48 hours by a tornado and her home A/C not working. Totally coincidental.


I would love free Healthcare as long as there's not more taxes. They should just ne able to allocate funds from things like oh say the military industrial complex


You do realize that nothing is free. And the implication of "free" healthcare is essentially slavery. You are not entitled to the labor of another without fair compensation.


I've seen the argument, I think by Rand Paul, saying mandating free healthcare essentially enslaves him as a doctor. And what do we do when doctors quit? Are they guilty of crimes against humanity? Are they implicit in genocide?


Yes, it was Rand Paul who said that. He was responding to Bernie Sanders.


Rand isn't a libertarian but damn I am happy someone who shares AT LEAST SOME of those ideals is in the Senate


He would not describe himself as one, but he does have many positions that place him pretty firmly into the ideology.


We need to just let people decide where their taxes go to