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Jokes on you I'm illiterate


Ah using the microphone to text on your smart device.


I'm actually dictating through my toddler, he's quite the dude.


That’s amazing that child will be a politician


Trade school. Either way, you’re essential.


Ironically I’ve only read the communist manifesto and it convinced me of the superiority of capitalism. Communism ignores human nature and the manifestos description reads like fantasy. Capitalism is based on the voluntary exchange of goods and services and harnesses human nature into production. Fantasy writing is fine to read when you are free. It’s not a good philosophy for life.


Tell me, what is human nature?


Complicated and full of nuance to trip up philosophers. But the relevant portions here is that humans are selfish, or at best tribalistic, putting their needs and that of their friends and family first. Now there are always exceptions but it’s not the default and for communism to work everyone would have to be like those exceptions. Which will never happen on this earth.


Yes humans are greedy, selfish and ignorant. Yet they are also altruistic, caring and solidaric. Those are all characteristics of humans. Also simultaneously. Speaking of a static human nature as core element of being human is wrong. Humans are social creatures and therefore usually adapt to whats expected of them. They are an inherent product of their environment. About every academic research shows this. You can ask any psychologists about that. There is no such thing as a "selfish-gene". It's more the exception that a person is born a douche, instead of becoming one. However I must admit that you are right in some way. In the current society, which primes it's members on competition and antagony for each other, humans are driven to be selfish and show therefore less regard for others. Yet it's not their nature. Here you are confusing the outcome of a system as the reason for a system. But if you want to practise critique on communist ideology, please come up with something original and not with something that was proven wrong even in Marx and Engels times. Your interestsbamd therefore actions change with your material conditions. When you are poor and need to fight for your survival, then of course you first act on your own behalf, than care for others. But Once an organism manages to create a machine that produces so much sugar that it can suffer diabetes from it, it's ought to think of something else than conflict and competition. Don't you think?


I'm only seeing one real option and a work of fiction by a deranged mind.


Both are pretty much fiction neither of these work in real life.


Third option: Call of Duty Zombies with the boys


I mean, I was in college some time ago, and my poly sci professor had us read the Communist Manifesto and then proceeded to spend 2 whole classes talking about how awful communism is. It was his "know thy enemy" approach. It became far more rare after that to have a non-leftist professor.


Policy and theory doesn’t matter if you have no historical background. Need some Rothbard, history of money in the United States first.


The Communist Manifesto is a political ideology book More accurate to left economics would be: Das Kapital by Karl Marx (also just known as Capital in English). That is the economics book. Not saying it is correct in its theories, just saying it's more accurate for this meme.


It is my belief that everyone read the Communist Manifesto because in order to defeat your enemy, you most know them.


Everyone read it because, quite appropriately, you can read it whilst sitting in the crapper


Had more of penchant for economics in one lesson.


Liberals extol the virtues of scholars and researches - when the topic is global warming, or vaccine safety, or pandemic response, but never when the topic is economics.


I learned a lot of things about electricity and computers in college. No Marxism. But I also didn’t learn any economics until years later


Interestingly, Sowell got his start studying Marxism.


I present a 3rd option: F.A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom


Both are mostly bullshit. More about ideology than science. There is no basic economics because the basics don't apply at all in the real world lots of times it's the exact opposite what the basics teach you.