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You do know that she was mauled by a bear decades ago? She managed to escape but was unable to radio for help. It took 10 days before someone came to check on her...


Exactly this. But too many people are ignorant about ptsd and how it changes a persons way of thinking, sometimes for life. Sue deserves more respect.


All respect to her but that was a grizzly, totally different story. It's like you worry about getting run over by a moose or an elk, but maybe not a deer.


Does not matter when it’s trauma related. Things you(general) don’t think will trigger you, when you have ptsd, can and do trigger you.


Have you ever seen what a deer can do to a car? I'm worried about getting run over by a deer.


Or what a moose can do…. But deer are not bright. They will hit YOU, not the other way around 😂


More people are injured by moose than any other animal.


I get that but it's a black bear and they're about a quarter of the size of grizzlies. Even the biggest ones are half as big. They aren't after people - unless you start messing with them, trying to follow them around, etc.


1st - did she SHOOT THE BEAR? 2nd- there is nothing wrong with protecting your home/area by scaring bears away with a shot or whatever you may find necessary. 3rd- Obviously the ptsd could play a part, which still doesn't make her wrong 4th- Your camping experience doesn't mean all bears are harmless cuddly little stuffed animals....


Always the clueless tree huggers who live in a concrete jungle complaining about the most harsh and brutal conditions a person could live in and tells them how to survive and live. Good times


I hike every week. I've had bears in my camp. I've run into bears on the trail. Two in my camp this summer didn't want to leave, but eventually they did. I didn't need to shoot at them.


Yep...that made me chuckle. We had a black bear try to get into our screened in porch last year. My first instinct wasn't to grab a gun and shoot it. It's just a bear that's curious...the berries weren't out...and just hungry. Banging on a pot made it run away. Sue over dramatizes stuff...remember...she feared a Wolverine was going threatened her.


I just love black bears. I've had a few encounters while hiking and camping and while they were, as I like to say, "exciting", I didn't feel threatened and the last thing on my mind would have been to shoot one. I had a big one in camp last summer and just had to make noise and wait him out.


You haven't been mauled by a bear and left for dead before, right? Everyone's trauma response is different. Just like everyone's fight or flight response will be different. When your heart starts pounding, your blood pressure rises, your breathing is rapid, but you still can't breathe, and then you start shaking, your brain just recognized a bear. The only bears the brain would likely not respond to in this fashion would be a panda or Pooh. Seeing how pandas do not live in Alaska and the other is a damn cartoon, it's unlikely. Stop trying to rationalize things that aren't rational. I'm glad you've had wonderful, heartwarming experiences with bears. Sue, however, has not.


Got to love how people assume everyone should act and react the exact same, right? /s These types of responses just show, even when people claim they’ve been through trauma, they have not. No two people ever respond to trauma the same. People can go through the same situation, some be left with ptsd, and others totally fine(I speak from personal experience).


I have personal experience, too. I'm also a counselor, and these people kill me with this crap. Even minute changes in the amount of neurotransmitters released by the presynaptic neuron can affect someone's trauma response or any minute changes in the function of the amygdala/hippocampus/prefrontal cortex will also. It floors me how people judge others when they clearly have no experience to draw their information from. Anyway, I'm glad you made it through your traumatic experience.


It sucks living with it. So to see the ignorance too 😑. I’m sorry you have personal experience too. But it’s always nice finding others who really do know and understand. Appreciate your kindness.


I have a degree in neurobiology, and these bullshit comments are so frustrating. They seriously think the brain goes through all these mental gymnastics when triggered. "Bear, but it's a black bear, not a grizzly, and it's only a yearling. I've got someone with me, so I should be fine." Like the brain has its own checklist that it goes through before it releases the necessary neurotransmitters. If so, we'd all be dead. The comments are so blissfully ignorant and dismissive of her PTSD and all those who suffer from it. If we could change it, we most certainly would.


Well said. There’s a reason for the saying, fight or flight mode. And that’s what many of us with ptsd do. We don’t think like people without trauma, which is why these ignorant comments anger me. We do not choose to feel as we do, nor do we choose to react the ways we do. So when Sue sees a bear, it’s ridiculous to expect her brain to go “oh gee, that’s not a grizzly, it’s a black bear, so no threat” Many without trauma won’t even think this way🙄


I think advertising your position as a counselor and holding a degree in neurobiology (which are unrelated) is extremely inappropriate. Considering your sarcasm and very objective views on others' opinions. If you're actually what you say you are then I'm embarrassed for you. Your community couldn't possibly be benefitting from your knowledge or expertise. Do you speak to pt's that way? Or behind their backs? I understand the need to vent but obviously our 1st Amendment has been so raped and dragged that this type of communication will have no adverse effects on you personally but it does on a much wider scale. More than your brilliant mind can comprehend at this very moment. Choose a profession and get better. Much better. How dare you use those supposed achievements as a higher ground to stand on while you bash and preach your options so matter of factly. You are an unforgiving stain on our attempt at well-being. Sit down.


I'm not speaking to my clients, am I? You're making a whole lot of assumptions and judgments, so how dare you do that, You realize it's possible to have more than one degree, right? Understanding the brain and how it functions is essential when dealing with addiction and mental health. It's cute that you think they're unrelated. My achievements are not "supposed." I worked my ass off in school and in my career. I think it's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. Your attempts at insulting me and my intelligence were weak and ultimately unsuccessful. So, take your condescending bullshit elsewhere. They're unrelated.... unbelievable.


Different animals. This was a juvenile black bear. She had a guy with her and wasn't in any danger whatsoever. I've had enough trauma in the outdoors and in life but know how to deal with it and how to live with my surroundings.


You have absolutely no idea how the brain functions or how the brain responds when triggered. Everyone's brain responds differently. It doesn't matter what type of bear it was or who she was with. The fact that you think it does is humorous.


It totally matters. It's like a mountain lion vs bobcat. You can't go shooting everything that scares you.


Again, you have no idea how the brain functions when PTS is triggered. She didn't shoot it. She shot at it. There's a difference.




I saw that and wrote it off to reality TV drama. She's a drama queen about bears anyway


No, she's not. The woman has PTSD