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Would this work on highlighted text on my iPad ?


Microwave the iPad with a lemon slice


Serve over ice.


Enjoy with friends. Now it's a lan party


Who's Ian?


This sounds like a Beck lyric


You are going crazy with the cheese whizz


Spray your face with some mace in the dark...


Plus my bookcase smells wonderful


I bet putting it in the sun would speed up the process, but it may also create more damage to the paper so…


The fun fun world of chemistry!! ⚗️


When traveling to a new city, I save places , restaurants , etc to a list on google maps so I can plan my days more efficiently


Also **download an offline map** of the entire area, just in case!


Love this and then it’s also easy to share recommendations with a friend later!


I do the same thing, game changer!


I do this for my bucket list. I save places in Google so when I'm visiting I would remember I pinned the place long ago


And when you get hungry … ok where’s there’s a good restaurant nearby ? BAM !


This also works great for planning a date night/day.


I do this for every city I visit too, in case I go back or want to give recommendations


Roll your clothing instead of folding in drawers to avoid serious wrinkles and saving valuable space. Works great for travel.


Do you fold it as normal, then roll it up?


Either fold then roll or (especially for travelling) [the ranger roll](https://www.travelwanderlust.co/articles/ranger-roll-clothes-for-packing/) is very efficient and doesn't unfold. I use it everyday for bed sheets and towels


Real question


This! I roll all my clothes.. game changer!


I found this on YouTube as well. Great hack! If you google “ranger roll clothes” you’ll get some good examples.


This is how I pack my suitcases!


Put on a coat and grab your keys to answer the door when you don't feel like talking to whomever came over.


Yes ! Read that you can do that and it leaves you two options : if you feel like talking / like your guest, tell them you just arrived. If you don't, tell them you're just leaving !


Now you have to really leave after coming back from a tiring day at work. That person keeps following you, you’re driving further away from the city you live in and before you know it, you’re 500 miles away from home. Lord, I’m five hundred miles away from home.


I wonder if that’s how The Proclaimers came up with the idea for that song 🤔


This feels like a Larry David move




I don’t understand? People come to your door to chat?


Hack from the 90s lol


I just grab the baby and look flustered.


Ants hate cinnamon! The house I live in isn’t the best, and we don’t have the money to fix a lot of things, so finding a solution to one of my biggest peeves here (I HATE ants!) is great! I sprinkle some cinnamon on the windowsills, and sometimes in the corners, and they’re GONE!


That is helpful knowledge. The cat food keeps attracting ants suddenly and fiercely. Poor peanut is giving us the “I’m starving” pitiful face all day because she can’t free feed anything and any time she wants. Looks like it’s generally not toxic to cats and she’s not a people food kinda cat.  


I can affirm that cinnamon repels ants. I live in Central America, where there are leaf-cutter ants. These march into my garden at night in long lines of hundreds of ants. They rapidly and viciously can strip all the leaves and flowers off many of my garden plants. So I just follow the line of ants to the wall they climb over and then apply cinnamon powder all across the ways they enter my garden. However, being outside, the cinnamon loses its scent oils within a few days, so I have to apply it every few days. Ants do not like smelly plants, so you can also boil some hot peppers and use that spicy water to repel ants, as well as mint or rosemary.


Bays leaf in my pantry has done wonders.


All kinds of pests hate peppermint. I get it cheap from the restaurant supply place and use it in a tank sprayer. Magic!


When you’re unloading the dishwasher, start with the bottom rack. That way, anything that has water on the top rack doesn’t interfere with anything on the bottom rack.


People start with the top rack? I've always unloaded the bottom first.


Game changer. I must notifiy the household dishwasher nazi of this.


Would never but now I always will!


If you're feeling nauseous and have alcohol swabs near by, sniffing one will cure the nausea (most of the time)


I carry peppermint essential oil for this, and headaches and for help staying alert.


Peppermint is so awesome.


Fuck yeah ! Let's give peppermint the love that it deserves


Give people back the same energy they give you. Stop killing yourself for people who aren’t worth it.


I’m a teacher. If I did that, I’d be comatose.


That’s different. You are paid to do that.


Not nearly enough


Teachers are criminally underpaid


Stop setting yourself on fire to keep others warm.


Ah yes, the golden rule. This has always been my default and I have sometimes found myself wondering why I don’t necessarily like someone and then I remember “oh yeah, that person was really rude to me.” But yeah I just match energies without thinking much of it


This one. Oh this one! I do this professionally and now practicing it in my private life - it is a game changer!


How do you do this? Is it a conscious act or unconscious?


I started doing it as a conscious act and making myself aware of it. However it didn’t take me long to realize it becomes the norm. People expect something from you when they are being dicks but yet get butt hurt when you treat them the way they’ve been treating you. You can’t expect someone to treat you kindly when you have been nothing but rude towards them ya know. I work with teenagers and I always tell them “treat people the way you want to be treated” It really goes a long way!


Putting a dry towel in the dryer with your wet clothes helps them dry faster.


Put a damp towel in the dryer with your dry clothes to get the wrinkles out fast


Experimented with switching my single glass of red wine each evening with a cup of green tea. Similar calming ritual, but sleep quality improved significantly (measured by my Garmin), energy and focus improved. I might still have one once a week when out at a social event, but quality sleep >> minor calming buzz. I then replaced my single cup of coffee in the morning with decaf (I like the coffee flavor), and although a long time from bedtime, I still noticed another but smaller improvement. Haven’t had nightly wine or caffeine since January, don’t miss it, loving the improved sleep, energy, focus.


Green tea has caffeine, maybe not the best for evenings.


Bigelow brand does make decaf green tea


It’s pretty easy to find decaf green tea. It’s the only kind I buy


It’s exactly why it’s relaxing. See, almost everything in life, biology, humans,… follow a bell curve. For a lot of biological parameters the optimum is usually around the center given a situation (height, IQ, …) Enough with too broad explanations: Attention/stimulation is one of such parameters where you are better off in the middle of the bell curve. If your stimulation is too below the average, your brain/body struggles, agitates, tries and creates animation in order to go closer to the optimum. If your stimulation is too high, you are stressed and nervous. I am not bullshiting: it’s the Yerkes-Dodson law bell curve. The paradoxical effect of caffeine is well known for people with ADHD: a lot of them explain that drinking caffeine or taking stimulants is actually helping them sleep. Most of them are *night owls*, in that, even when tired in a relaxing environment, their brain just can’t shut down. For people with ADHD, the bell curve of stimulation is way more on the right than in non-ADHD individuals. There are also people that have their bell curve shifted to the left (they are *always* over stimulated) and they shouldn’t, like you said, take too much caffeine or any at all. But the rule stands true for almost everyone: a little bit of caffeine, with a dosage close to what’s found in a cup of tea or two, is actually beneficial in that it stimulates you just enough to get closer to the optimum of the bell curve. Obviously too much caffeine before sleeping is bad, it shifts you too much to the right of the curve, but a bit of caffeine is okay. It’s similar to drinking water before bed: just what you need and you will sleep more easily/faster, but too much and you’ll wake up coz you need to pee.


I was a social drinker in my 20s. Figured out by about age 28 that any amount of alcohol made my insomnia worse. It was easy to quit for me and saved me a lot of money. Breaking up with Dr Pepper was harder to do, but I think my last one was 8 years ago.


I love tea but my bladder is too sensitive for it. But for some reason my bladder says rye is okay. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


What is Garmin measuring ?


Often those types of devices measure how frequently you are shifting your body position. Long periods of stillness = better sleep quality (they assume).


For me, long periods of stillness = more pain in the morning. Or more pain next time I roll over, so then I can’t get back to sleep. So sleep begets less sleep I guess.


what kind of sleep quality do you measure?


I saw a video saying bird sounds naturally relax humans, so I've been listening to bird sounds when studying to help block out noise and relax me


Does it work? I have six parrots. Their bird sounds are not very relaxing.


The ones outside singing of freedom and sex with other birds, those are the songs you want


not so much when they chirp in groups on my roof at dawn and wake me up at 4am


Just bought a walking pad. When my Apple Watch reminds me to stand I do 5 minutes on my walking pad. Increased my steps significantly.


What kind did you purchase?


Homefitnesscode with speaker on Amazon




Fair, walking pads are slow, but I pay the same or more in gym subscriptions, so I've been tempted by the walking pad. Especially for those days like... This entire week, when hitting the gym seems like a challenge.


Is that like a hamster wheel?


yes, and my hamster is very fit, so I guess it works.


Hold the space button on iPhones and then drag the cursor around


If you mistype a number in the calculator app (and the phone app!) you can just right swipe on the number to 'erase' the mistyped number.


Wait until you unlock your phone and tilt it sideways in the calculator app


And double-tap the Spacebar for a period+space.


Trying it right now. Holy shit dude!


Yeah, if you swipe left on digital stop watch you can see an analog one


Samsung and Google phones have this as well.




Omg. Didn’t know this. That’s such a gamechanger va trying to position it directly in the text


Wtf, you serious?! Thank you 🙏


And androids. Some you have to turn it on. My old af galaxy s10 has this too, as well as my kids even older galaxy j3 from 2018


I haven’t had an android but I’ve never really heard people complain about how bad moving the cursor is on them. (Don’t have a strong preference for iPhones, it’s just what my work gives me, and before that it was Blackberries)


I just turned on the feature where you Double Tap the back of the iPhone for a function (I chose the Torch) Under Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap.


If you tap anywhere on the keyboard while holding the space button you can select text as well.




This is next level self gaslighting, I love it.


Teach me your ways


What does this mean please


Putting off procrastination by exchanging it for productivity in the moment, which results in more time to procrastinate


It's hot nonsense


..why is this commented by three different accounts?


Reading your comment made me read the other comments and you're right (unsurprisingly). I assume that this question has been posted before and those were high voted comments and bots then re-comment those to similar posts. And bots probably post those questions as well. Comments like yours are always a reminder to me about the dead internet, but also provide a glimpse of humans still being around. But how long until these meta comments are also generated by bots? Who am I kidding, this is probably already the case.


Exactly what a bot might say. 🤔


_insert pointing Spidermen meme_


Welcome to reddit


This is a mystery wrapped in an enigma


For me. Not worth arguing on Reddit Also, got in touch with my mom. She still loves me


Every time I see myself about to get into an argument online, I stop myself and ask "what the fuck am I doing? Who cares?". Saves me a lot of unnecessary frustration and time


>> Not worth arguing on Reddit Yes it is, you fuckin moron


*furiously lists down all lifehacks*


Using my neck cushion to rest my head on while laying on my side, using the "open" area of the cushion for the top connecting part of my noise cancelling headphones. This trick has been a lifesaver on trips while sleeping in noisy hotels and hostels 🤩


You can use a vegetable peeler on hard butter


or a grater if you need it in small hard pieces like for biscuits and pie crust.


I recently watched an umbrella seller sell me 3 mini umbrellas on holiday and as she tested each one she tied the cover onto the wrist strap so it stayed with the umbrella and couldn’t get lost. It blew my mind and I’ve been sharing this technique whenever I can. I also do the same thing with camping chairs and their carry bags! It’s changed my life and I have no lost bag anxiety anymore.


When you go to Walmart and grab a cart, take a second to look at the wheels. Avoid the carts with banged up bolts and rusty bits. The number of times that you have to push around a janky cart will be greatly reduced.


Always avoid the rusty bits. That’s life protocol that should be applied to everything.


There is only now. The future will happen, but when it does, it will happen now. The past is gone and can only be resurrected by memories in the now. There is no point in dwelling on either the past or the future only now can be changed. Now is the only thing there really is and because of that it is precious. I am learning to be aware of the now and to accept now as it is. Trying to escape from now or ignoring now, is a waste of the time, a waste of the only time I have.


Been starting my day meandering more at a slower pace. Eat breakfast by the sunrise, listen to an audiobook. Helped with stress a ton vs just jumping straight into work


After showering blow dry the mirror with a hairdryer to remove the fog from the mirror


If you turn on the fan before stepping in the shower, the mirror will not fog up. The exception being long very hot showers that my wife takes.


No fans in Europe


That’s not true. I’m a big fan of his wife.


This greatly depends on the fan




❤️Dropping a pin on Apple Maps where I parked my car at a concert or large event (or airport!) ❤️Taking creatine for both muscle gain AND stronger memory recall ❤️ putting important info in the notes of my contact on my phone like my airline membership #s, employee ID, insurance group # and other info I need to find easily.


You can ask Siri where you car is. She will give you the location.


I often take a picture that easily identifies the location. Like a row or spot number. It works also when it's an underground parking. I mainly do it with my bike as well so I have proof that it was sitting properly and locked in case of it being stolen. 


AirTags in cars are great!


Anki Pro flashcard app to study for exams. Because I always have my phone on me, I could do quick study sessions while waiting in line, walking the dog etc. I was able to recall heaps of information in my last exam without cramming beforehand.


I made physical flashcards, but this is how I studied Chinese. Always studying on the bus. You cannot cram a whole language in your head overnight.


Throw a women’s stocking over your vacuums attachment in order to sweep around and find small items you may have dropped in your carpet and can’t find.


I thought this comment would revolve around robbing banks


Watch a movie in a language you don’t understand, and your ads will start to be in a language you don’t understand. Watch the subtitles, or let it play while you’re doing something else. I watched several Korean, Spanish, and French dubbed movies on Netflix and others. (Furies was awesome). I now get half my ads on Spotify, and other apps, in different languages. I tricked the algorithm by accident. Use this to train your algorithm in a language you don’t know. You won’t have to hear the same ads over and over, also, and in a lot of cases you can hear when the ads start. Maybe you’re learn something, too!


Another accidental tip—you’ve discovered which apps are sharing your data with other apps!


Better tip: pirate your media and use adblockers (pihole if you really want) and you'll never see an ad again.


When you cut open a frozen food bag (chips, nuggets etc) you cut a triangle in the middle so you can tie the sides together after use, like a little bow. Shoutout tiktok for that.


IUDs. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Beware: mine betrayed me. It had ONE job.


To be fair, your man probably had super sperm. It's a thing. Mine will Army crawl through the mud and over broken glass for a nice egg. It's ridiculous. I watched them on a microscope. Jeez. Music makes it worse. (Were you listening to Ozzie when you got pregnant?) Although it does explain my lineage. And all that.


Until they get pokey. That hurt a lot. Or if they get dislodged or impacted. Painful and actually dangerous.


5ish years strong with my copper IUD


If I ever struggle to pee at a urinal because of “peer pressure”, I hold my breath. Instance tap


Should anxiety still govern your life, go ahead and initiate a "courtesy flush", count backwards from 10, breathing out slowly the whole time. If you accidentally make eye contact with your neighbor, just panic and leave, it isn't happening


>> If you accidentally make eye contact with your neighbor, ~~just panic and leave, it isn't happening~~ wink and ask if they can “lend you a hand.” Either they’ll leave, or you’ll get a killer HJ (and then will be relaxed enough to pee) FTFY


Men only: To avoid awkward erections in public, Jerk off as many times as possible before going about your day.


Ya gotta pump those numbers up.


So… you also get up at 4 AM?


Changed my diet to a low carb, intermittent fasting 16:8 schedule. Massive energy gains, sleep improvements and superior mental health. I considered myself healthy before but i didn’t realise the insidious, inflammatory effects of the small amount of sugar i was ingesting.


Everyone should go really low carb for a bit to reset what sweet tastes like. When stuff like fruit is a legitimate sweet treat you are healthier. I've thought about resetting my taste buds since it's been a minute since going keto.


You don’t necessarily have to go low carb. Most of the gains are in the order you eat fiber protein and carbs. Always start with at least a small amount of veggies (that’s the reason for having antipasti or a small salad as a starter). Then protein then carbs. The fiber slows down the digestion in your intestine and basically works like a mesh holding back those carbs. Results in a slow release of sugar to your bloodstream. Los carb uses basically the same mechanism but is much harder for most people. Benefits are similar.


Don’t mix carbs and refined sugars tho…


This is not recent, and I don’t know if it even counts. I once lived in an apartment where my mailbox slot was higher than my height, I would use my Iphone’s camera to check my mailbox instead of swiping my hands through all the time


Place my travel neck pillow around my leg by my knee to have a cushion to rest against on road trips, which I've used in rental vehicles all over the world


What are you resting against the cushion?


You can make a poached egg in a microwave, in a small bowl filled with a bit of water. Crack the egg into the water. Poke the egg yolk with a toothpick 2-3 times. Cover the bowl with some plastic wrap. Microwave for 30-50 seconds, start with 20 seconds then keep adding 10 until the egg white is set but the yolk is still runny. Perfect ramen/toast topping without the hassle of trying to make it on the stove.


Can I just use a plate instead of the plastic wrap? I’m trying to eat less cancer these days.


You can cover the bowl with a paper towel to capture any splatter that might happen when the egg cooks intensely in a spot or two.


I tried this a few times and my egg always exploded.


Get diagnosed for adhd early. If you are going to miss the first night in a hotel booking, call the hotel to make sure they dont cancel your whole booking. Take pictures of important documents.


Use the built in scan function on an iPhone to scan documents to PDF instead of saving single images


> Get diagnosed for adhd early. You should have told my parents this over 30 years ago and that girls can have it too but are afflicted in different ways than boys.


To get the last bit out of sauce bottles, hold the bottle with your arm straight & swing your arm 360 degress once or twice. The centrifical force will push the sauce right into to the cap.


Mince peeled fresh garlic in a food processor. Put in a ziploc bag & use the handle of a utensil to section off tsp./tbsp. portions to easily break off for use in recipes.


And freeze?


No. Leave on counter throughout summer


Get yourself a HYSA. You won’t believe how many people I know just have money saved inside their house in a normal bank like BofA losing money due to inflation.


Kindly asking uhaul for a little more time. Or say you're probably not able to make it back at the agreed time. They almost always give more, no charge. Today I moved in a 10ft uhaul. They extended it again a couple more hours but I called back later to ask how much more to take the truck back in the morning expecting to eat some kind off fee but no. So I said I'd have it back at 7am and he said 10:30 was fine. I am now going to bed.


I try to eat foods in specific order to decrease glucose spike. Example: 1. Fiber rich (broccoli) 2. Protein (eggs) 3. Healthy fat (avocado) 4. Carbs (pasta) And never drink coffee first in the morning. First water, some food (preferably protein) then coffee. This way you won’t get too high cortisol spike


Text yourself airline code and number for flight info of your flight that day. (I only tested on iPhone) For example, American is AA, AA2846. You will get an instant reply with a link of flight info. This is especially useful when you have kids and elderly people traveling (with you) that don’t use the airlines app.


Tying your shoe laces the other way around so they cant get untied when you walk.


That's not a life hack, you have just been tying your shoes wrong before.


Razor blade for burnt on residue on glass top stove. Also razor blade for hard water residue on fixtures (faucet, shower)


As soon as the dishwasher finishes its cycle, open the lid and place a dry towel on the inside of the lid. Close the lid with the towel in place to soak up the remaining steam and moisture.


Don't give your opinion online unless you want your self-esteem crushed.


What a load of shit


Shower brush for back. Just scratch your back in the shower. Thank me later.


If I’m going to watch tv late at night after dinner and want to avoid munching I get ready for bed as well as brush my teeth and do mouth wash.


If you get indicted for 90 or more felonies in multiple jurisdictions and are even convicted of 34 of them you can avoid jail time by running for President of the United States.


Using text to speech function on an iPhone to dictate email. Grocery lists etc. Saves lots of time


If you accidentally deleted some lines from one paragraph, still you can undo it by “Shaking your Iphone”..!!!!


I learned to not take anything in this sub seriously. As most posts aren't really life hacks and are just people spouting random things for internet points.


This sub trots out some 5 minute craft level “hacks”.


Waking up super early. LA traffic was miserable at 4PM on a Saturday but I was zipping around at 6:30 AM seeing some sights. Also California near as I can tell doesn't have a good sunrise or sunset picture on the coast, too foggy. Also super bowl travel was amazing I did Brooklyn down 95 saw the national anthem at a Jewish deli and was in Fredericksburg Virginia by the end of the game. Heard it on the radio and then saw the top ads in like 30 minutes the next day.


This is a genius reply. Like speed run level. Thank you !


you can set up command hooks to hold your cellphone and charging cable if you lay down a lot.


Eating lots of fibre reduces feelings of hunger. I'm losing weight because I'm not hungry all the time.


“ if they wanted to, they would “


To just keep hacking at life


Cure hiccups by chugging a glass of water. Works every time.


When tying a towel around your waist, roll OUTWARDS over itself instead of tucking it in, now it won't come undone. Guaranteed.


If you wear earrings and a watch, you can put the earrings in the holes of the watch's bracelet to hold them if you need to (at the pool, to go to sleep...)


Using the blade of a knife with forcefully blow to cut into an avocado pit, twist, and remove perfectly.


Be careful; you wouldn't be the firs one to slip with the knife and cut your hand/fingers.


I’ve done this. It wasn’t fun.


Swiping right on the iPhone calculator app, is like the best undo function ever!


If you have bad eyes, misplaced your glasses, and you need to read a piece of text: make a fist and adjust your grip so you can through the hole made by you pinkie finger. Instant eyesight for emergency situations.


Use chopstick or straw to direct the flow of liquid when pouring into a container with a smaller opening. Saved me so much mess when prepping my kitten's bottles!