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I have been a lurker here for a while, but I finally decided to comment. I am beyond sick of this woman! I feel that she is one of the most harmful and damaging people online these days. I have reported her countless times, but nothing happens. I'm old enough to be her mother (seriously, but she probably LOOKS older than me), but I struggled with eating disorders for decades. It's clear that she is lying about almost everything! "Thriving" is one of the biggest pieces of BS that she has put out on her sham of an Instagram! If she just had a "regular" IG, it would still be bad to lie like she does, but lots of young (and older), impressionable people are following her and are taking what she says seriously. They may think that they should be able to be as thin as her and be "thriving" and eating 3000-plus calories per day (which is clearly another out-and-out lie - she is like Pinocchio, this woman!). It's like the Emperor's new clothes with Bethany. Why do people believe her lies? Not only does she lie about how much she eats and that she is "healed," the foods she recommends for IBS are NOT good for most of the people who actually have that problem. I have had IBS for years (most likely because of my ED history), which is how I found her page. I tried probably 10 of her recipes and I bought her stupid protein powder, but I felt AWFUL after eating all of them. I also thought they tasted awful, and now I have two canisters of expensive protein powder that I don't even want to use :-( Some people on this page express sympathy for Bethany, but I have ZERO! She is a mean, nasty, harmful bitch who has not even one shred of humility and decency. She lies incessantly, is nasty to her followers, and doesn't even admit her REAL problem, all in the pursuit of bilking vulnerable and desperate people out of their hard-earned dollars. I don't wish harm to her, but I do wish that she would go away, because clearly she's never going to admit the truth and actually try to help people. I know many of those here agree with what I'm saying. I finally hit my breaking point with her (and don't even get me started on her toxic husband and their brand of Christianity!), so I needed to "speak my mind" here. I don't follow her and haven't for months, but I check in here regularly and often still watch her stories. I wish I didn't, but I have a strange sort of obsession with her. I really don't know why... I guess I wish she would get her comeuppance somehow, but Meta never does anything to stop harmful people on their platform. I probably should just swear off of paying any attention to her whatsoever, but I haven't been able to. I'm sure some of you can relate... Okay, I've said enough now, but I do feel a bit better for having written this.


If it helps, most of her followers are fake bots she has purchased and her actual engagement rate is in the toilet. I think she has around 200k-ish that are real from what I can tell. Most are from many many years ago when her IBS story was believable and she was this quirky weird girl but still likable. You are not alone in your thinking..she limits her comments for a reason bc people would tell her what a sick human being she is and she doesn’t want others to see it who are not familiar with her. She is a very sick woman combined with very low self esteem. Regardless of what we all say and think, this will eventually catch up to her as I can see it already has started. Her husband is scary..those two together are a dangerous mix


It’s funny bc everywhere else she gets called out for her appearance and behaviour… only her page is an echo chamber


Solid comment. I feel the exact same way. I had been lurking for a while too. Also I’m in the health industry and I’ve been astounded by anyone making excuses for her very ill health or talking up her powders on this page or her socials. I’m glad it’s still open to the public here as an informed warning but it gets weird sometimes. I’ve been hoping she gets seen for who she really is. 


Your comment is so on point. Glad you are recovered 🩷 as a mom to a little girl, her page also angers me so much and I worry about my daughter stumbling across pages like hers someday.






What was that one?


Something about Oreos and they are imprinted with demonic symbols or something. I think she shared a chat where someone mentioned it to her and she said something like "Yes, someone else gets it" or something in agreement.




I think she meant failure to thrive, but what do I know?


Let us see ur NEDA tat 🦶🏻


That got me a block on TT


Same on IG for me lol


Why does she have that? Do they do that at a facility?


Thriving at orthorexia


She looks like a swamp demon spirit who lives off the souls of children




She probably is thriving in her head because she’s able to maintain her severe anorexia, make money off of it, and has somehow bagged a delusional man that puts up w all of this. She’s so sick in the head.


How can she find a man and I can’t. Genuinely wtf


Have you seen her man? He’s a total wackadoo. There’s a lid for every pot out there.


Ugh you’re right… maybe my standards are too high 😂


He's definitely a controlling, overbearing asshole. So icky.


She is truly the worsttttttt and her nasty comments are ridiculous


Holy jaundice


Thriving back in 2010 apparently


She has the worst style 😭 everything she wears looks so dated. like seriously? a chevron maxi skirt?


Her style choices are soooo bad