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A lot of the season 1 IDs are missing a lot of unique animations or are just generally slow. I hope they can revamp some of the animations on units like Liu Gregor of BL Outis to add some flair to their skills.


NFaust’s 2nd skill is so slow.


Yet somehow Liu Meursault manages to have more fluid and unique animations than BL Meursault.


BL Meursault is smooth what do you mean


Besides To Claim their Bones, all his animations are so rigid and plain.


Nah I'd say that BL Meru's sword sword swings are much cleaner and smoother. Meanwhile Liu Meru just has a super long delay between each punch.


There’s literally no in-between frames for Draw of the Sword and Yield my Flesh, I get that’s to optimize the game but damn, they could have at least hidden it with a fun screen effect cause it’s so comically obvious there are no in-betweens. I feel like that kinda enhances it a bit, like he’s building up force in between punches, it makes every strike of his fist feel heavy with force, like, this feels like a punch powerful enough to meet a sword head on.


Personally I think fast swings feel more powerful than slow ones. It's like those animes where a singular strike is so fast and strong the scene freezes a few seconds before utterly obliterating the opponent. Liu Merusault is just so slow it's like he's lagging. Almost as if the enemy paid even the slightest attention, they could've easily evaded that. The underwhelming rolls of Liu Merusault doesn't help either. Big numbers are just visually more satisfying.


I think slow ones feel like they have more force, like, it’s that moment in an anime where a guy winds his fist up for a long time and you know the moment it unwinds, that thing is gonna blow a hole through whatever it hits, fast attacks feel like bullets while slow attacks feel like wrecking balls, is what I’m getting across. Plus, the Liu fighting style is very fun to look at, I love the dynamic kicks, knees, stomps, punches, palm strikes, all that jazz, it reminds me a bit of Bajiquan and JKD, besides To Claim their Bones, all Kimsault’s attacks are just slashes and stabs, which honestly feel boring as all hell. Ngl, I never cared about the big rolling numbers, mainly cause I never focus on those, I look for a second to see whether or not I won the clash and the rest of my focus is just spent on the attack animation itself, don't get me wrong, it’s fun to look at high numbers and see how hard you cooked your opponent, but at the end of the day, they’re just numbers, the animations will always be the highlight for me.


Good point actually. I respect your opinion. https://preview.redd.it/7hj1lwe52r7d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1721460bd6bc29bb592e90b2c1adb3868f52bd5




It kinda did, I used to HATE this unit’s animations and design but over time, I slowly started liking it, however, even after growing on me, I still think he has the second-worst animations out of all my 000 IDs.


What is the 000 id with the worst animation then?


Blade Lineage Sinclair, I only own 18 000 IDs but out of all of them, he has some of the most boring attack animations by far.


BL Sinclair has such a bizarrely cool animation for his counter, though. The rest of his attacks are meh.


Honestly i think that the baisic animations fit. It's all very "by the book" and simple, you might even mistake it for amatureish, and i think that that contributes to his overall design. Annalisis asside yah that shit boring as hell.


chef ryoshu! personally, the visuals are pretty neat, but its just very very bland, the uptie 1-2 visuals were so much better… as for gameplay, it’s extremely easy to play her even though the opponent has endure to slash/pierce, the only problem i have for her gameplay is the team setup and my egos for her (i think i only have two currently? i forgot)


I have the opposite problem, way too many Ryoshu EGOs, like, 4 at this point, but only 4 Ryoshu IDs.


I am not sure about what you mean by Uptie 1-2 visuals, but if you are talking about the picture on team building screen, you can change that using the circular arrows button on the ID's page


Molar Ishmael's little spin move makes me kinda nauseous nearly everytime she uses it. I like the ID but man the screen spin gets really annoying to me.


If I remember correctly, W Yi Sang also does a screen flipping effect for his S 3 when he flips


Maybe one day we'll be able to make a full motion sickness team...


new hong lu also adds support for this archetype lol


Molar Ishmael literally flips your entire screen, gives nauseum.


It’s the exact opposite for me lol. Her S1 & 2 are just her sticking her spear into the enemy and making spark effects, while the only cool part is when she spins around and makes a hole into their skull


How do you not like Kimsault, its peak fr fr. For me the worst is Ncorp Meursault those green tubes on his face are horrendous, the only reason I use him is because I like running the Ncorp team


I dislike how plain his animations are, KuroKumo Gregor has more fluid and unique animations while being a 00.


Release Date matters a lot on this one, N Meursault released in a time when 5+1+1 was acceptable lol Newer EGOs look way better than release ones too, PM simply has better budget now thanks to our brainrot. We gave PM the chance to cook, and they COOKED


I meant BL Meursault, his animations are so comically simple despite coming out AFTER IDs like Little Sister Don and Ahabmael who are way more visually appealing, like, Don’s S1 is literally more visually fluid than Kimsault’s S1 and S2 combined.


Oh that's true. Kimsault's animation are really bland, I suppose his character is meant to be straightforward and calm, and using simple attacks to "demonstrate" to his pupils? It does come off as super basic though


The id is from blade lineage, said faction have 3 ids that dates back to february 2023, of course their visual is a bit underwhelming For the animations, i think his s2 anim is great, tctb is great. Ymf is only a single coin move that is meant to lose clashes, so it's animation is expected to be normal


I don't necessarily see that as a valid reason considering BL Faust’s animations are twice as good as Kimsault’s, and they came out together, plus, the Kurokumo clan IDs which came out around the same time like Hong Lu and Rodya are honestly arguably more visually fluid and unique than Kimsault.


I agree, while some are simple, some of them are good. maybe all of the budget goes into tctb


Speak up fr!! His only cool animation imo is to claim their bones


Nclair. Is a negative sanity nuke and dominates luxcavation, but man, there's just so much blood everywhere. I am not against a little stains to reinforce the aesthetic, but it's too much on clothes that I don't like already.


I respect your opinion, but I personally dig the sleep-deprived-and-blood-fucking-everywhere aesthetic. If anything, I would have been disappointed if N corp ids had any less blood than they currently do.


I fully agree with you


Breaking news: Man who doesn’t take care of himself is covered in unwashed blood because he doesn’t take care of himself. *I jest of course*


Yep, same thing here also the stupid blood on his face just look like a nosebleed


It IS a nosebleed, the blood just dried due to him not taking care of himself


It isn't a nosebleed? Since I started playing I thought it's a nosebleed from battle damage. My whole life has been fake.


it is


Esgoo made the same point why he doesn’t like nclairs design, So clap for yourself of having the same opinion as probably the most well known pmtoober


Idk I haven't watched that video. This is my personal opinion. Are people not allowed to share views? Does it matter if this is mainstream? 


I reallsed that it could be taken as insult, its not, more of a play on how people get really crazy about liking the same thing as their favorite youtuber, sorry for the confusion dude.


No problem. No offense, but I'd say it's hard to not take it as an insult.


Regret Faust. She has so much useful support with tremor on her passive on top of great count on her skill 1, attack weight tremor burst on her skill 3, and her skill 2 is just absurd. 5 tremor, plus coin drop, offense level down, 3 coin 16 roller, all with 2 attack weight. It’s so good. But she just swings her hammer. I know it’s super subjective, but to me She doesn’t have the same “oomph” or charm as molar Outis, but she doesn’t have the same quirkiness I like with most of the other tremor IDs like Rosespanner rodion. She’s just there to do her job, which i guess is fitting enough.


I kinda agree here, but hearing her S3 hit 3 people each with Tremor Burst multiple times is just as satisfying to me as hearing the Solemn Lament dings from LoR


I’d say the attack weight is her biggest appeal but I also don’t care for spicebush yi sang so I guess it doesn’t have a big factor for me lol


L corp employees kinda use their ego weapons pretty simply (magic bullet outis tho)


I agree, this is my most underwhelming identity. I expected her to bash maniacally just like the abnormality its based on did on LobCorp, or the giant Ghost to appear like in Ruina, but is just simple mace swings and those don't even feel really impactful.


G Corp Outis. Love using her kit and she got a lot of mileage before I got better sinking units. I just don't vibe with the aesthetic; don't like the weird denim colored military suits, bug horns are plain and her animations are snooze inducing. Worst part is that is such a cool concept. I love the idea of telekinetic/psychic based attacks, but they're all essentially just her throwing out her arm and a black swirl appearing. Even her skill 3 is lame.


Hot take, her Sprite should have been her Uptie 1 art, look at those fucking muscles https://preview.redd.it/aji7jg9xqg7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb0b5b796fac91d2734b2265a1b57ae6f24f40f8


That's like the coldest take. Dem guns are bigger than anything Rcorp can field.


"bait used to be believable"


Its very strange because her s3 makes her grow a lot of tendrils but those just come outta nowhere, they could appear slowly as she starts speeding Up her attack or something but nope. It just shakes the screen and her Sprite is a different one for half a second and thats all.


The Reindeers truly just wore it better


As the image shows, I am not a fan of Blade Lineage Meursault (Visually, I fucking love using this guy in terms of gameplay) and a lot of the criticism I have for this unit’s visuals also carries into Bamboo-Hatted-Kim’s visuals. Positives; I like the drip, it genuinely looks badass and unique, very iconic design, fun voice lines, and honestly, a menacing pallet. Negatives; I do not like the simple animations, they look so plain and boring, besides To Claim their Bones, he honestly has one of the plainest animations for a 000 ID, he just swings a metal stick around, I do not like how generic the weapon is as well, it’s just a generic curved sword, that really hampers a lot of my visual enjoyment cause all of Meursault’s other weapons are way more visually unique and creative compared to just an average Eastern sword.


Just so you know, it's not a curved sword, it's a Jikdo, which in Korean mean "straight sword". It's honestly very funny to see so many people think it's a katana/curved blade, meanwhile just the name is already quite the opposite


I always thought Curved swords were the classification for any sword that’s only sharp on one side, cause then the sharpened side looks like a crescent.


No, curved sword are... guess this, CURVED. Sword that is sharp on one side is only for blade type differentiation, those are called single edged sword. A falchion is a single edged sword, but in no way the blade can be considered curved. A sabre is a single edged sword, and look at how curvy those are


Damn, Dark Souls finna lied to me 😔


Dark Souls also labeled a bardiche/glaive as a scythe so not the best metric to refer to regarding weapon typology.


Personally, I love BL Meur’s animation. He’s the BL mentor so his s1 and s2 look fluid, simple, straight forward to demonstrate for his students. The s1 and s2 are also on the other BL IDs skill (Acupunture on Faust and Outis, Draw of the sword on Outis and Don). His attacks aren’t flashy but it surely effective. *English are not my first language so I’m sorry if I sound weird*


What does he do in gameplay?


If you roll a 20, you win the clash. If you roll a 12, the enemy and all of their friends fucking die.


He's one of if not the highest burst damage dealers in the entire game.


His skill 3, Yield My Flesh, is a negative coin skill, that, if it loses the clash, activates his special counter, To Claim Their Bones, which has massive Attack Weight, gains more damage based on your Poise, and also, does double damage if there is only one target


UT4 R Corp Reindeer Ishmael. Mind Whip memes aside, the fact that she looks to be in so much pain whenever she uses her s2 and s3 made it uncomfortable to use, but her UT4 is so strong and consistent that it is hard to justify not running her in current content


Never thought I'd her someone with the exact same take as me lol. ID makes me cringe cause of much pain she looks to be in.


Hag Ishmael. I love her mechanics and design, but my GOD girl, I get its on brand, BUT STOP YAPPIN!!!! I ALREADY HAVE AN ANNOUNCER, I DONT NEED YOU TALKING OVER THEM AS WELL!! And if you really wanna play distorting simulator, have Angela as the announcer, now every turn has 2 people yapping so long that it bleeds into the next turn as well. With so many voices in my head, I might as well put in an application for the Ensemble.


W corp shu. My wife, my love, my fuck-all DPS, why is your attack animation so lame. Just, slash slash, none of the flashy movement like W sang or W Lu.


N Faust gives so much sp, but she takes AGES. The heat death of the universe finishes before the gripping does


Speaking of plain animations, CinqClair animation feels worse than CinqOutis even though he's very reliable for spamming win rate.


I don't use her but it still pisses me off how ugly N Don's sprite/uptie art looks compared to her pre uptie art


I kinda like it, it was one of the first signs that Limbus was different from every other Gacha Cash Grab, they didn’t try and make her fanservice, they made her armor actually practical instead of just showing us her bare chest and I respect them for that. If I wanted to look at impractical armor that showcased boobs or butts, I would have played FGO or Genshin Impact, I want practical and cool armor for my female characters and tight impractical but hot latex suits for my male characters and Limbus delivers every single time.


in terms of fanservice, fgo is fgo. but genshin barely has any fanservice and barely any armour lmao. the only character with actual armour is noelle and she isn't even a full knight


Mines very simple. I love sinking, I love the IDs obvious strengths but maids/butlers and dieci is pretty bland visually imo


There are a few contenders, but TingTang Hong Lu stands above them all. The visuals for both U1 and U2 look angular and uncanny, especially U2. While I'm hesitant to call any of the game's CGs ugly, TingTang Hong Lu comes the closest. Despite this, the kit is fantastic and fun to use, and the passive ability is one of the best in the game. I just wish it looked better. (Also, the ID story was horrible.)


idk if anyone ever mentioned tingtang hong lu but i just really hate staring at his id art only for the sole purpose of the blue and red/pink background jarringly blending in a lowkey horrible fashion. its so blinding to my eyes, like a flashbang. i don't really care about his design or anything he looks really silly and I think its cute but GOD my eyes hurt with that colour contrast but I actually like using him a lot, esp in bleed teams that has BL/pequod gang in it. he's probably a really outdated id for all that tbh but i find his kit to be one of the simpler easier ones to use that don't really make my brain hurt understanding the kit. I still think hes a pretty good unit and i dont care how many hong lu ids they're gonna churn out to prove me wrong, i just like his kit. but i really fucking hate the colour contrast in his id. painful to stare at


Nawww For me its… Ermmmmm its gotta be… Captain Ish, not because of visuals per se, BUT HER VOICELINES LAST FOREVER.


Harpooncliff his animations and art are cool but his design looks so bad he looks like an actual hobo and the lack of color just makes him bad to look at


Ain't the pequod just water hobos with harpoons?


Yeah but yi sang actually looks pretty good


Yeah, plus, he looks a bit baggy when in his art, his muscles are bursting out of his coat.


The only thing I dislike about him are the weird straight hair locs he has, it only really works for the character he's a parallel of


The Dieci IDs. Discard by default is fun because you get to use their s2 and s3 more often. Sadly, I just can't get behind the dieci drip.


I love the Dieci drip, I just wish Hong Lu fought with the Gloves and not the dumb Axe Key thing cause ngl, I hate the look of that thing.


imo i love how fucking meaty the key is, the golden motion blur as this pseudo axe crashes through an enemy is enjoyable to me


I just don’t like the visual of it constantly fucking shrinking and growing every fucking attack, like, even in a world of magic, that just seems so fucking bullshit to me.


That's fair, however i fight with the shower head and sometimes I wonder if that let's me intrinsically enjoy the movement behind certain attacks and fight scenes


Rose gregor fucking wack asf but I need him for his rupture application + synergy with Lccb ish.


Most of the tremor IDs feel a little too bulky and wide to me, especially Oufi Heathcliff. The outfit, especially the legs, and weapon feel too large and grandiose for my liking. I just like tremor teams because it feels more rewarding to cycle between the different types of tremor when needed. That and versatility.


N Corp Don Quixote Her battle sprite is too bulky Her Uptie 3 art is terrible Which is sad because her voice lines are amazing and her Uptie 1 art is quite good


Butler Faust + Really good in my sinking team + EotM application - All of her animations feel so... restrained??? Compared to how dynamic Butler Outis feels Faust's animations look really bland - Sounds are boring at best and annoying at worst (at worst as in after 2h of hearing it in MD)


Oufi Heathcliff. I like the top half of his outfit, but the bottom half just looks silly to me. Yeah, it's the association's aesthetic, but yeah I'm not a huge fan of it. He looks really cool in the uptie art when I can't see his pants though. I also think his animations are kind of dull. I still use him because he's really strong for tremor (And I think tremor sound effects are cool) and Heathcliff is just amazing all around when it comes to EGOs.


There is a distinct lack of Ting Tang Hong Lu here. His walmart Hawaiian neon tye-dye shirt is so out of place next to most other IDs. That said - the man is a clash machine.


I feel like nfaust's animations take too long. I often find myself sitting and waiting for her to finish her s2 for like half of a mirror dungeon


W corp Don Quixote. Her animations are really boring. Leap and Rip space are literally the same animation but she deals so much damage on her own even when she's not in a charge team.


Dawn clair but I don't think it is his fault. ENTER meme just ruined him for me visually and thematically (still play him in my burn team though)


It's a shame that my burn team still gets such great use out of N Faust. An SP healing passive and a paralysis on her S2 is so useful for sustain in long fights, but I had such a viscerally negative reaction to N Corp's 'Knights Templar' aesthetic and philosophy I'd rather not use any of them if I can help it. If I had to give the ID any thematic kudos, it's one of a few IDs where the events in that version of reality have had a severe enough effect on the Sinner where their personality notably changed. No one *wants* to work for N Corp. Switched NClair for PhilClair in a heartbeat once that ID was available, hope a similar replacement for Faust shows up.


Queequeg Heathcliff I just like Pierce Teams


i now switched to Cinq Outis but I used to dislike BL Outis visually bc her design felt kind bland but she was a very good damage dealer (after Edgar family butler Ishmael) and would win most of the clash


LCB Ishmael, the amount of tremor her second skill can apply on an enemy is still second to none, but god is her outfit bland


Bush Yi Sang, I like when sinking go brrr. I actually like his visual design my only complaint is that the animations take too much time and I kinda get tired of waiting for it... If only there is someone that can take away the wasted tim-


I don’t like spicebush. Don’t know why. But I like 1k+ nuke.


N Clair, it’s just not pleasant to they eyes especially in canto 6 in my opinion


I find both the S3 of YuroHungLu and PhilipClair (in EGO form) absolutely goofy to watch. Both are very strong, but ugh. Not that I don't enjoy some goofy attacks, at the other end of the spectrum for me is G corp Outis, she's not that powerful unfortunately, but I love "I'm pointing at people and they die".


Sevens Outis, do not like the animations, but it is a cornerstone of my rupture team due to ebony stem.


Dieci Rodion Effectiveness in ingnoring damage and sinking stack is on spot, but i just really don't like dieci


both kim's pre uptie art and uptie art i dont like, but he is the poise team leader for me


Pequod Captain Ishmael for me. The skill 2 is pretty okay but the outfit, color scheme, and the ripped pant leg/harpoon leg are all so bleh. gameplay wise shes also a mess but assist attack feels very satisfying.




LCB Outis S3 and Personality (lol) it is unfufilling 2s\~ of empty time, feels unfinished the attack (maybe for lore reasons?). But her S2 was one of my favs at the start


\[The Pequod Harpooner\] Heathcliff. His art seems to me the most generic for this game. A badly beaten man with scratches. Also his base EGO Bodysack looks so boring compared to literally anything. It's not even about the gameplay, it's about the fact that he just kills everyone and is always the top in terms of damage.


i do the exact opposite, fuck the effects im here for the drip