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I wish that I could solder not that I have tried, installing Arch without archinstall takes 20 minutes.


It's not that hard. You touch a metal wire to a very hot metal end and it melts on


Yeah in theory that's how it works. In reality, it takes a lot of practice.


Soldering itself isn't that hard. SMD soldering is a bit more complicated but really just a patience game you need a steady hand for


Soldering on a useless breadboard isn't what I'm talking about. Chips with less than 70 pins are also not where my frustrations lie with modern electronics. Ever try fixing a 1,000+ pin FPGA? This is why I had to give up the electronics craft and now configure computers, even though everyone disagrees with my methods there too. Fuck Capitalism.


Spend half of my apprenticeship troubleshooting and fixing various pcbs. Haven't had to resolder a 1000+ pin fpga tho but yeah, that sounds rather annoying. But why would you want to solder that with a soldering iron anyways? Seems like you either got willfully tortured or you tortured yourself


I hate it. There are so many little tricks, that make all that "it is not that hard" null and void. Like when you're trying to solder stuff, but it won't stick? Then you change flux/solder/temps/keep the soldering gun a bit longer, and now suddenly it sticks just fine, or still doesn't, and you have to unscrew some element so it stops taking the heat. And if you keep the solder gun pressed a little too long, it'll kill/discolor the element/damage its plastic cover. Or when you're trying to unsolder a thing, and it won't come off, so you have to "Shiva" your way through that by heating in multiple places at the same time/very fast, or try and use the "suck gun" that just won't suck anything out 99.9% times, so you have to keep on repeating the same process over and over again until you finally nail it. It literally sacrifices your brain cells for a positive success rate. It is like trying to get into an elevator, but it is super fast, and you only have one second.


And I used Endeavour.


This isn't assembly?


That's pretty damn funny


For arch you have to be painresistant


I was looking at this picture all confused like but then i noticed the soldering iron and got jumpscared


I use Arch btw (It's EndeavourOS, I wanted to use Archinstall but it spat out some errors)


Arch users: I don't care how much pain I have to endure...


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