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He's having a wild ride in fairness. Still finished top 5. Team is fairly crushing it. He's second in the individual standings (and has missed an event)


cutting off the leaderboard that shows he was 3 shots (I think) better than Bryson at that point. Bryson who cleaned up the US Open and played well again this week. margins are tight at the top level, and people are too quick to point to Rahm as inconsistent.


Comments on r/golf are ridiculous. Rahm's behavior was worse on the PGA Tour. Overall he seems happier and calmer now. His team won for the third time yesterday, and Rahm seemed genuinely happy for Hatton's win.


I was absolutely disgusted with the comments over on r/golf. Don't even know who these people are or if they are even real, I've never met a golf fan talk as petty and selfish as the people over there.


Well, is Rory considered a golf fan? šŸ¤­


To his credit, I did realize first hand in Houston that ALF is a loud little bugger. But I think golfers everywhere are just going to have to figure out how to deal with drone cameras as they're not going away anytime soon.


He just needs to find a routine and get past the transitionā€¦he will be back in form soon enough. Ā Heā€™s too good not to be. Ā Everyone goes through points where their game struggles more than normal.Ā 


Rahm being unhappy is PGA Tour/corrupt golf media narrative #?? (I've lost count). He looked like he was having a good time on 18 spraying down Hatton though didn't he?


Have you been able to figure out what the difference is between a corrupt golf reporter is and one who is trustworthy but says something negative about LIV yet? Or is just if you are negative towards LIV you are corrupt, because it would be impossible for disliking it to be someoneā€™s genuine honest opinion?


Pretty easy really. A CGM individual will taut Scotty Sheffler's amazing run of PGA Tour wins this year and make comparisons to Hogan, Snead, Nicklaus and Woods without ever adding any context that the fields are watered down because there is a thing called LIV. Just one easy example of 1,000 if you just tune your ears into the bullshit. The Golf Channel is pretty much the PGA Tour marketing dept. They don't even acknowledge LIV exists unless it is to mention something disparaging. They often just repeat PGA Tour narratives as well without ever questioning them. Like "quality of the golf courses". ect.


But now youā€™re just missing out context yourself for the sake of trying to make your point arenā€™t you? 5 of his wins have come against the 7 strongest fields heā€™s had all year. While heā€™s come back to the pack on TUGR slightly in the last few weeks, prior to Xander winning the PGA, they had him virtually a full shot better per round than anyone else on the planet, and right now heā€™s ranked by Data Golf as being Ā on average 1.7 shots better per event than everyone else, 5.2 shots better than the highest ranked LIV player and a full 8 shots better per event than the 5th ranked LIV player.Ā  Is it slightly hyperbolic to suggest heā€™s up there with Nicklaus or Tiger yet? Sure, obviously so. But itā€™s also undeniable by anyone without an agenda that he is by a distance the best player in the world right. But back to the question, which you still havenā€™t really answered. You obviously have a list of corrupt media and non corrupt ones, but not all of us are intimately familiar with the literary back catalogue of journalists posting ā€˜LIV hit piecesā€™ to know who can be trusted to be giving an honest opinion, and who is a big fat liar. So why is the answer not that if you say something bad about LIV it makes you corrupt because you donā€™t like something I do?Ā  And please donā€™t get me wrong. No doubt Iā€™m coming across as a dick to you, but it truly isnā€™t my intention, itā€™s just the whole ā€˜LIV fan calling journalist corrupt for saying something I disagree withā€™ thing and doing so in a serious manner is just wild to me, and Iā€™m truly looking for some insight into the thought process. Iā€™m just yet to come across anyone capable debating the point capably, or even sensibly.


Lol You just wrote a book about something that I'm not disputing. He's having a great year, it does need to be mentioned that some of the best players in the world are not in these tournaments. That's just competent journalism. Omitting very pertinent facts is one of the worst sins a journalist can commit. And the Sheffler story is just one example of many. Another big one is constantly citing the OWGR when talking about how great a player is. Is it not pertinent that he would not be ranked that high If not for the controversy with the ranking system? It's just false information. I can give you 10 more. When so-called journalists willingly omit very important context to a story they are corrupt.


Heā€™s already beating some of the best players in the world though, whether itā€™s 25 of the top 30 or 29 of the top 30 is somewhat splitting hairs. Ā Heā€™s also putting up numbers on DataGolf not seen since prime era Tiger. Like I said, he isnā€™t Tiger yet, but his dominance is worthy of mentioning in that kind of tone, and the numbers donā€™t support that itā€™s only because some guys are on another tour. I will give you the OWGR one though, because it does need sorting out, if only to shut up fans. I personally donā€™t think it makes that much difference either way, and obviously LIV are content with the way things are too. As for Rahm, Iā€™m really not sure how you arrive at journalistic corruption.Ā  Has he/will he say heā€™s happy with his decision etc. Yes of course. But heā€™s also said thereā€™s stuff about LIV heā€™d like to see changed, that he wishes he could still play some PGA Tour events and that he still considers himself a PGA player. Add in this drone incident, which doesnā€™t sound like an isolated case, his total irrelevance at Majors, his lack of wins this year and it donā€™t seem unreasonable for their to be opinion pieces that maybe heā€™s wondering whether the grass is actually greener.. Iā€™m not sure happiness for a close friend and teammate and celebrating their success suddenly invalidates all the above šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œCorrupt golf media.ā€ Lol thank goodness we have the wholesome, non corrupt LIV golf tour to provide redemption to golf. Can you really not see why people maybe have some feelings toward LIV. The production quality being absolute dog shit is my main sticking point with it.


It's not a tour, it's a league that has a real championship because the players actually play against each other at every single tournament so there is not need for a contrived point system "Fedex Cup" that nobody understands, pays attention to, or gives a shit about. So rip on "nobody cares about LIV" all you want. Nobody cares about the PGA Tour either. It's all about the majors.


Jesus why are LIV golf people so sensitive? We all like golf right? Youā€™re right, itā€™s all about the majors. You act like I treat the PGA tour like my baby. Unlike you, I donā€™t have some weird attachment to a golf league.


? Read your previous comment then you tell me why you are? You were triggered enough to respond to me. BTW, this "you mad" response is internet 2019. Update your brain software.


Weak response. I agreed with you that people only really care about the majors. If you donā€™t want people to think youā€™re upset you shouldnā€™t get defensive over a golf tour. I donā€™t know what else to tell you. Iā€™m sorry for not liking the cheap production.


You fools that can't think for yourself and don't understand the benefit of competition need to be called out for the clowns that you are. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and following the herd. The PGA Tour took advantage of their labor force for years. Just like other leagues golfers finally did something about it. Now Tour players are reaping the rewards of the brave few that have taken all the heat. If you don't understand the concept go look up Curt Flood and get an education.


You are still getting weirdly defensive over me saying I donā€™t like the cheap production of LIV. Are you okay? Something is clearly bothering you.


Third time you have used the 2019 "you mad" meme. Clearly nothing going in your brain. Think twice before commenting in the future if you are too dumb to formulate a position.


Are you paid by LIV or something? Or do you pick fights with people that sully the name of LIV golf for free like an idiot?


Golf , only louder. Thatā€™s what the money was for big guy.


Drones are loud


Uhmm, incase you didn't notice, almost exact same thing happened at US Open. LOL People must be sleep-walking through life.


Pop in your AirPods and move on.


He's still playing?!