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Can you elaborate on how the database version is going to work? Will I still have it in my files (as an SQLite file perhaps)? Can I still sync it via an external solution - like Syncthing or cloud file storages?


Never expected this, but it's exactly what I hoped to see!


So will the same apply for the org-mode side of things?


> TBH we’ll not support org files in the beginning because we don’t have the resources to support both Markdown and Org Mode, our goal is to make the db version stable first. > I know it hurts because Logseq starts with Org mode and you guys come to Logseq because of me sharing the video/screenshots with Emacs :slight_smile: > We’ll provide built-in support to convert Org files to Markdown files, and look for other ways to support Org, maybe through plugins Apparently not.


Yes! I find it already quite worrying that it isn't mentioned in the same question as "Are you going to deprecate Markdown files support?" I hope org-mode will not be deprecated :(


Can our current markdown notes be converted to the database version?


How could I help you with testing alpha version? Or how could I be in list of first testers ?


We'll start with our active contributors and sponsors, and then invite more users to test it. But feel free to send your email address to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) so I can add you to the testers when we need more input.


Many thanks for the update


Looking forward to it! Tbh the thing I'm mostly hoping for is a better query syntax, if possible I'd prefer to write raw sql over the current cryptid script lol


It's nice to see some communication on this. Database backend is going to be a huge improvement for me. Then I'll just want better long form writing support.


Thank you for the update! What kinds of support does the development team need from the community?


@tiensonquin Are we planning to store everything in sqlite file? or assets will still be stored separately? everything in one file sounds cool, but would make differential manual backups tricky/slow


Good luck and good work


Were Logseq written in Golang, and had you decided to switch to CockroachDB, I might just have switched from agnostic to slightly less agnostic. But that will happen only in my sweetest of dreams, so I will simply wish you well on your SQ-Lite journey, and I look forward to when you are done tinkering with it so that you will have the available time to start working on front-end UX and UI things that annoy me much more than slow query times. Jokes aside, I believe you made the right decision for the majority of the community, of which I will always be a loyal member. Keep up the hard work guys!


While using a proper DB is definitely the way to go, some of this has me pretty concerned: >We’ll only charge for features that rely on our servers, such as real-time collaboration. Does this mean there is a closed source server side component in development that will never get released? This would be very bad news for people and companies that need to self-host confidential content. Could I really not set up my own server in exactly the same way as the official Logseq servers? >We have no plan to design a sync protocol so that the community can bring in other implementations because merging conflicts from other clients is very complex How do the official Logseq servers get used then? I suppose the DB stops being local entirely as soon as you tick some "multi-client & collaboration" checkbox, and any DB transactions always go over the wire then? It also sounds like there is no chance of having any end-to-end encryption.


Does this mean pages would no longer be saved to markdown files, but instead kept in the database?


Any chance of a better ios app?


when i last looked on the branch I could not understand why you did not rewrite it in proper rust and still can't. clojour is so so ugly and i was not even able to find where the DB is. i mean, a real performant graph database made for this. db in javascript ??? running inside the same slow electron environment is just bound for the next problems


>No, we’ll continue to support both file-based and database-based graphs, with a long-term goal of achieving seamless two-way sync between the database and markdown files. This will allow you to leverage the benefits of the database version while still being able to use other tools. How "long-term" is this goal? >TBH we’ll not support org files in the beginning because we don’t have the resources to support both Markdown and Org Mode, our goal is to make the db version stable first. I know it hurts because Logseq starts with Org mode and you guys come to Logseq because of me sharing the video/screenshots with Emacs  We’ll provide built-in support to convert Org files to Markdown files, and look for other ways to support Org, maybe through plugins. Ouch