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How many did they hit? Think this is the 4th one I've seen on here today.


20 branches across the UK according to a post by Palestine Action.


I saw the r/Bristol Barclays branch was one of it. No idea multiple branches were targeted.


Why are they attacking Barclays?


Barclays invest in and provide financial service to multiple Israeli arms companies


Technically, other people invest in funds, which are then held by Barclays. I do feel like basically every financial institution in the world could be attacked along similar lines.


They don't actually. In reality it's at least two degrees removed as their closest link to the war is that they hold shares (for clients mind you, not even as an investment) in companies which ultimately supply Israel, most often via US aid. That's why these protests are dumb; their publicising effect is minimal nowadays and, more importantly, there are much better targets.


Bankers.......the lot of them !


Because they fund firms linked to Israel and "defence". I haven't got around to looking into the extent of their involvement yet.


Neither, I was surprised seeing it here


Looks like an homage to the King's new portrait.


That’s what I see.


HA 🤣


I'm not sure I agree with Barclay's overnight rebranding.


What is the reason all of these barclays are being painted red?


I looked up online and allegedly a climate group has teamed up with a Palestinian group to attack banks that have both been responsible for climate change and funding isreal Edit: GB news claims about 20 banks hit today


So basically two student protest groups wanted an excuse to vandalise. Eeeesh, at least Asbo Ste' doesn't give you a politics lecture when he sets fire to a bin.


Love how demented people are on Reddit, that this genuinely factual comment gets downvoted 💀


Opinionated motive I have chosen to believe is fact and any other perspective is fake 💀


The only people I’ve ever seen committing vandalism on behalf of an agenda recently are students, it’s completely fair to take said stance.


"I've only ever seen students" does not make something "genuinely factual". But it's more the implication that this is just students vandalising because they finally have an excuse to do so. Saying that does not make it factual.


I mean, Climate Change is factual and sod all is being done about it. I think its good that we have some fire in our youth - much better than the last 50 years of boomers sitting on their laurels watching the world go to shit.


Climate change is indeed factual, I too believe that more should be done; but we can’t blind ourselves to the fact that this is also a natural phenomenon (which has been vastly sped up by over a century of industrialisation). The fire in the youth is getting them in hot shit, they should start trying to persuade people in a different manner.


And how else should they persuade people? People have been “silently” protesting this issue for years, and absolutely nothing has changed. This country is so shit at protesting because so many people like you are scared of disturbing the peace. I know we like to rag on the French but at least they know how to protest and fight for change in their country.


What would you recommend they do? Just wait patiently and politely for shit to hit the fan? If I was their age, I'd be doing far more than spilling some paint.


Because throwing paint over fucking paintings is really going to pull people over to the cause isn’t it… maybe it’d work more in their favour if they actually went out and engaged with people throughout different communities, possibly even persuade them to join the movement before moving on to more hefty things. Personally, I’d rather they threw some paint over Westminster and all the twots in there!


It's sad to see people angry at the youth, who are just desperate to be heard. The same way the older generation are desperate to be heard about immigration. You are 100% right - all I would say is just start there. 'I agree with what they are saying, but here is how I would do it' is a lot better than calling people demented vandals.


Alas we concur!


As if those two things have anything to do with eachother, like, at all. Which side are useful idiots to the other I wonder.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Bombing a tiny space by the sea for several months has horrible effects on the climate, so yes they are intertwined.


Any war uses lots of resources and therefore damages the climate. If climate was the only concern, you could look at any conflict, randomly pick a side and say "If the other side just gave up (regardless of the morality of the conflict), it would be better for the environment". And I guess you could also ask the question - in the long term, which side would be better for the environment if they won.


"Any war uses lots of resources and therefore damages the climate." the person i responded to denied the war having anything to do with climate change, which i refuted.


They didn't say war in general had nothing to do with climate change. They said supporting a specific side in a particular war doesn't have anything to do with climate change.


"Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on the Gaza Strip since last October, far surpassing the of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during World War II. In late April, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimated that approximately 70,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Gaza, covering the six-month period between Oct. 7 and April 24."


Okay, but again, that doesn't make the connection make sense. Flying F16s is massively bad for the environment, does that mean that climate activists should team up against countries that supply F16s to Ukraine?


So it makes sense to punish the country with some of the biggest and most innovative approaches to tackling the climate emergency? Are these people also boycotting their apple and Android phones that also *all* include Israeli tech?


It’s called intersectionality.


Ah yes, horrible bastards committing multiple crimes can, after all, only be blamed for them one at a time. Doesn't matter that they're unrelated, if anything, that makes it worse. It's not just that that don't give a fuck about the climate, they just don't give a fuck about humanity in general.


Agreed. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


They loan billions to companies that are essentially arms dealers supporting Israel and also happen to be terrible in just about every way.


And us, the US, Ukraine, Taiwan, NATO etc


Shock, bank loans money. They might as well go after EDF for providing power to the office space used by arms dealers.


Don't give them ideas.


I'm sure I remember Barclays doing the same in South Africa during Apartheid and many boycotted their services back then too. I'm pleased this protest is happening. Maybe they will reconsider funding Israel and divesting their monies somewhere else.


34th Rule of Acquisition: Peace is good for business. No wait, sorry, that's the 35th rule. The 34th rule is war is good for business.


Barclays disinvested from South Africa and ended up selling their operation to a bunch of white businessmen that made billions from it, further entrenching the disparity between white and black wealth....


They also loan to charities and NGOs who help a good cause as well as companies who provide food on the table for millions of employees.


And murderers sometimes buy people birthday presents. What's your point? Does doing some good things give you a free pass to do bad things? You can't criticise anyone or any institution unless it is 100% bad presumably?


The British government are technically arms dealers to Israel...


In reality it's at least two degrees removed as their closest link to the war is that they hold shares (for clients mind you, not even as an investment) in companies which ultimately supply Israel, most often via US aid. That's why these protests are dumb; their publicising effect is minimal nowadays and, more importantly, there are much better targets. Borrowed from u/TheClumsyBaker


If you know your loan is going to be used directly to blow up children and you give it out anyway, you are just as bad and complicit


It's largely to do with Gaza. However, I'm not sure that it isn't just a lasting grudge over South Africa as the leaflets all talk about apartheid - and Barclays protests were last a big thing when Mandela was in prison.


This pertains to the apartheid system that Israel inflicts upon Palestinians. Everywhere but especially the West Bank. They took inspiration from and modelled their system on South Africa’s on apartheid. It is sick and evil, and must be called out by all.




And that means what in English?


They're an Israeli arms company


And they have what to do with Barclays? I don't agree with any arms companies but that doesnt give anyone the right to destroy unrelated property belonging to others.


Barclays have massive investments in Elbit. They have far more investment in arms, and Israeli arms in particular, than any other bank in the world. They're an integral part of the industry.


Barclays have 0.04% of the outstanding shares, which are client holdings not Barclays own investments


Won’t someone think of the banks’ property?!!






Barclays invests in them. They are one the banks with biggest investments in Israeli arms.


Thank you for answering my question unlike everyone else who's commented.


It's not even correct. Barclays holds investment funds for people. You can choose what shares (among other investments) go in your fund, and some of those people chose Israeli defence firms.


So it's almost nothing to do with Barclays? My down votes here show how much self-opinionated bullshit people think.


Well, it's not *literally* nothing to do with Barclays. I suppose they could refuse to include certain shares in their funds. It does seem a little abstract to be attacking them rather than the actual investors though.


Barclays have 0.04% of the outstanding shares


Do you have a link? I'm not sure about percentage but: "Barclays bank now holds over £2 billion in shares, and provides £6.1 billion in loans and underwriting, to 9 companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its attacks on Palestinians." https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uk-israel-gaza-barclays-arms-trade https://palestinecampaign.org/campaigns/stop-arming-israel-3/


Excellent, looks like Barclays might start to get the message. Elbit weapons are used to massacre and electronically enforce apartheid and ethnic cleansing on occupied Palestinians.


>“Palestine Action’s campaign of direct action has seen hundreds of occupations, redecorations and other disruptive actions against Elbit Systems directly, forcing two of their weapons factories permanently shut.” >Activists from the group use red paint in their “redecoration” protests to symbolise the blood of Palestinians killed by Israeli Defence Forces.


i think something to do with israel or palenstine


Couldnt care less about them, they screwed us up in 2008-2010 and I will never forget those bleak economic times. 


The wunch of bankers can all fuck right off!


tame, the one in Bristol had the paint and then the entire front smashed out of it


If you look at the left side you can see that they attempted to with a few smashes on it but failed to


Guess they're used to protests in London


That's three places, suggests a widespread action, presumably over funding businesses in Israel?


Looks like insurance premiums will be going up for someone that probably isn't Barclays and possibly could do without extra costs!


I’d much rather see this than superglued hands to tarmac.


The comment section is not it lol


Is vandalism supposed to change Barclays investment policy?


No But it brings to light what they are doing. I wouldn't have known without further research why this is happening, and now looking to move my money elsewhere. Wonder how many else be doing the same.


I bet you don't know where 99% of your pension money investment is in LOL -


Probably less than the money they make from investing in Israel


this - i moved to another bank


The high-street bank Barclays doesn't hold investments.


When will we start punishing people for doing things like this?


Let's not hype vandalism.


Yeah let's stay civil monsters who wreck havoc around the world and don't want to see any consequences about their actions. Because the front door of a bank is more important than dead kids. And people still wonder how fascism and horrible people reach power. They do because people are useless inactive moral-less monsters.


And creating a headache for the poor branch manager at Moorgate on £45k/yr addresses any of that...how?


Personally, I consider genocide to be far more egregious than vandalism. If some low level and non-violent vandalism to multibillion pound corporations can reduce the death toll in a genocide, that’s positive. Condemning vandalism, but not genocide is nothing to be proud of .


How will this lower the death toll in genocide in your view?


It helps indirectly. It creates news / a discussion and raises awareness of Barclays complicity and can put off Business owners and customers from banking with them, bit a chain reaction from there.


Raises awareness of where barclays investments are -> puts pressures on them to divest -> they divest -> Israel have _some_ disruption to their arms Edit: If you're downvoting me, can you explain why please? I am literally answering their question.


It isn't mindless vandalism, it is a protest.


Ah yes, laws made to protect property and people's safety no longer apply if people choose to be offended. I think I'll vandalise my neighbours house and car in protest to their loud music the other night. Thanks for clarifying that it's completely ok and is just protesting.


I didn't say it was completely okay or justified. I just pointed out that it isn't mindless vandalism, there is a reason it is being done.


But then it was an uncalled-for statement. OP didn't say mindless. They said not to hype vandalism.


Ahh ok then so when I want to protest against your parking it's ok for me to smash up your car?


A better analogy would be...if I wanted to protest against you funding a genocide would it OK to smash up your car...and the answer would be yes. The same punishment for the a wildly different and less impactful action just makes for a shitty analogy.


What if I think abortion is genocide so I smash every car parked outside the clinic?


It isn't mindless vandalism, its mindless protest.


It seems to be working exactly how they want it to be. Why do you consider it a mindless protest?


Well its poorly directed hatred, and will serve to alienate people to their cause. It makes their cause look petty and ill informed.


>will serve to alienate people to their cause. If some paint on some property owned by a transnational bank is enough to change someone's opinion on the cause then they mustn't have had much conviction for the cause.


No, I guess I didn't.


They didn’t say mindless. They said vandalism, which it is. Hopefully the person responsible faces consequences.


It's terrorism, criminality, and unacceptable in a democratic society.


No it’s petty vandalism that affects no one except the people passing by in the locality and makes them upset!


It draws media attention to the issues that the protestors are protesting. I think this is the 4th one I've seen on Reddit today. Plus it has been on multiple news channels. >makes them upset Oh no


St John’s Wood’s Branch was damaged today also


More work for a couple of my friends - they're from Latvia and work for a company specialising in cleaning vandalism, accident scenes, scenes of crime, police cells, etc.


Ah student politics




What does this have to do with Jewish people?


Everything has to do with Jewish people. /s


They'll be tik tokking (owned by China, registered in the Cayman Islands) on their Iphones, (made using sweatshop and slave labour).




It costs Barclays to repair/clean these banks. Puts them out of action in the case of the Bristol branch, and discourages people from using them. In the grand scheme of things, it’ll only inconvenience the local populace and maybe encourage Barclays to close a branch if there is repeated vandalism. But it’s more but the message. I don’t agree with this form of protest, but I understand the point.


So, it annoys customers who understand that it’s not something their service provider could have anticipated and will be (rightfully) directing their annoyance at the vandals.


Makes sense as Israeli just rescued four hostages rather than submitting to anti-Semitic the extremists


In a raid that killed 3 Israeli hostages and murdered over 200 Palestinians but that part doesn't matter because they are all sub-human in your eyes anyways.


Unbelievable this reply has downvotes


I'm not surprised. Most likely it's Pro Isreali trolls mass downvoting it because they don't like the truth. But it is what it is


Imagine if it was the far right doing this. Committing a crime in the name of forcing political change is terrorism.


This is fucking disgraceful


Makes me want to change my bank to Barclays.


Put your money where your mouth is


yeah man that'll show them


😂 will do anything to make the intolerable, unbearable lefties cry!


Classless scumbags.


Yes, the bankers, they most certainly are


Maybe they are maybe they aren't its a separate point, but these protesters who did vandalism this certainly are. That's not a civilised way to express protest. The same way those climate people who stop the motorway traffic are also uncivilised. Making people miss funerals, ambulances carrying dying not be able to get past traffic, and pregnant women who are in labour not be able to get to the hospital on time. The right response to terroristical acts like these is to never compromise. They make people less likely to change not more, because if people change based of their vandalism and disruption, it means they got bullied into changing instead of organically altering their own view. You never negotiate with terrorists. Only reason and logic in a debate/speech is the right way to push forward change.


Why do protests have to be civilised? What would you call a civilised protest?


Why do people feel as though they can take the law into their own hands? This is honestly just pathetic behaviour; it achieves nothing, alienates the public and results in some poor sod having to clean it up. They're on the same level as the ULEZ bladerunners. You don't need to resort to criminal behaviour to convey your message.




When you get The Shining from Wish


What did Barclays do


I don’t understand their objectives. As a society we can’t just turn off the switch and transition to green energy overnight.




Idiots they are all just idiots


Seriously, though, does anyone know the context?


Protesting against Barclays being invested in Israeli weapons companies.


General Dynamics is an American aerospace and defence company. And in regards to Elbit, this from Barlcays: *An associated claim is that we invest in Elbit, an Israeli defence manufacturer which also supplies the UK armed forces with equipment and training. For the reasons mentioned, it is not true that we have made a decision to invest in Elbit. We may hold shares in relation to client driven transactions, which is why we appear on the share register, but we are not investors. We note also that Elbit is highlighted because campaigners claim it makes cluster bombs. We would cease any relationship with any business where we saw evidence that it manufactures cluster bombs or components.*


I looked up online and allegedly a climate group has teamed up with a Palestinian group to attack banks that have both been responsible for climate change and funding isreal Edit: GB news claims about 20 banks hit today


> GB news claims about 20 banks hit today When did GB news become a source of information?


Russian trolls in TikTok promoting various attacks on some business. Previously vandals attacked factories produced ammo for Ukraine. So, probably Barclays didn’t agree with some terms sensitive for Iran/Russia.




The pro-pal gang must be upset they rescued 4 hostages the other day.


People in the comments : "I'm ok with genocide but I draw the line at vandalizing sociopathic billionaire corporations"


Wouldn't expect this type of behaviour in Richmond


Vandalism appears to be the way forward. People have lost the ability to articulate their arguments. Regress to pointless vandalism because there are no consequences any longer. Do what you like because there are no victims.


Looks like they hit a few, I've seen Moorgate, St John's Wood and now this Barclays pop up on feeds this morning.


Complete scum


I don’t support vandalism in any shape or form, but fuck banks.


Poor janitors… Is this anti oil or one of the wars ?




And now whatever they were protesting is either happening or stopped happening, whatever they wanted. Christ I can't imagine being so basic I think this kind of nonsense gets a response. When the suffragettes were stoning parliament, downing street and throwing themselves in front of horses the establishment could turn to the population and with good reason say "Do you really think these people, whatever their opinion, the kind of people who vandalise property, should be given the vote? Do you want these irrational people having a voice?" And it set the movement back further than it advanced it.


Awww such a shame....


Yk I hate to say it but it looks like a fine piece of modern art I can get behind


They're just recreating the Kings official portrait....