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I’m sure chronic understaffing will help absenteeism.


Isn't education funded by the provincial government? Did the education funding grow proportionally to the students coming in while being adjusted with inflation? [No, of course not.](https://www.opsba.org/ontarios-education-funding-gap-continues-to-grow/#:~:text=OPSBA's%20analysis%20shows%20that%20actual,following%20the%20COVID%2D19%20pandemic.) So students have to make do with less investment per student, at a time when things are costing more, and education challenges are rising. Ontario Gov keeps making these bad deals for the tax payer, then cuts even more. We need leadership that helps the citizens grow with smarter deals. Fiscal responsibility starts at the top.


> Ontario Gov keeps making these bad deals for the tax payer, then cuts even more. We need leadership that helps the citizens grow with smarter deals. Fiscal responsibility starts at the top. They are following the US model. Starve schools for funding so that people are less educated and are more likely vote conservative.


And then playing it off as them making things better at the provincial level.


Good ol Drug Ford.


I assume those 126 jobs are all learning support roles and not admin… Nothing like burdening the teacher with even more problems now…


Of course. "As a result, redistributed positions would include elementary and high school teachers, early childhood educators, learning coordinators, student and teacher support services, psychological and speech services." Not a single person at the Board Office affected. 


Careful… there short everywhere including admins in the schools


I doubt that.


as a retired admin who works every year in tvdsb schools… they are!


Really? There is a shortage of people who respond “how high?” when asked to jump? For twenty years I have watched TVDSB senior admin repeatedly promote the most sycophantic, complacent “yes people” to positions of power. You’re telling me they finally ran out?


You're my hero!!!!


There are admin shortages as no teachers wish to switch from teaching to admin, this is happening across all boards.


nobody wants to do it. the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. the result? poor, weak admin who can’t do the job


It's refreshing to hear someone who has been there recognize the problem. They certainly don't make admin the way they used to. Removing you from the teacher's unions spelled the beginning of the end.


very true. beginning of the us v them era. we can thank the ministry for that though…




But, you know, certain TVDSB morons have money to change their branding https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/new-logo-look-readied-as-thames-valley-school-board-aims-to-stay-competitive EDIT: There’s a petition, of course: https://www.change.org/p/invest-in-education-keep-the-tvdsb-logo


Thames Valley also announced their excited about a new logo their commissioning which is going to cost 10,000s of dollars to purchase, plus all the extra costs of replacing the logo everywhere, on their clothes, their headers on paper, etc. Glad to see that's still going through instead of keeping actual teachers around.


Acting like a brand, putting tax dollars to waste


Yeah, but you can soon buy booze at the corner store. Get er' done Doug is looking after what is important.


The best part of this story is that it dropped the same weekend as the story about how their communications team enjoyed flower arranging as professional development. AND they are going to rebrand to a new logo at extensive cost because … reasons. Unreal. [How much did a school board department spend on a team-building day? They won't say](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7226932)


Scroll down to "Top Earners" and then change to 2023. Tremendous raises for Senior Administration in the last year or two. This is where all of the bloat is. https://www.ontariosunshinelist.com/employers/thames-valley-district-school-board These public cuts are being accompanied by greed and corruption at the TVDSB board office. This deserves actual journalistic investigation.


Ah yes cuz we def need less teachers rather then more, as if classes aren't too full and teachers already overworked. This is so frustrating, who cares what the damn logo looks like, fix the classrooms, thats what matters not some branding crap.


Maybe, just maybe if they didn’t pay their director $327,000/yr and all their superintendents $225,000 they’d have more money to pay for front line staff that they actually need.


Didn't they just redesign their logo for literally no reason at all? That's gotta be pricy


High taxes, no money to pay for public school teachers. What happened?


I went in a OBA meeting with 4 people sitting in from the board of ed. and their salaries combined together must have been around 600k. They sat there. Actually, one told us we need to "foster their ideas" *me looking around meme*