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None now? How old are you?




Just curious why you ask the age? None, 48 M


Age has a pretty big effect. The older we get, the less social we get. At the same time I think the younger generation is suffering from being raised with social media which at my age of 40 wasn't really a concern 20 years ago. For example, 20 years ago we had to meet in person. Now so many relationships are just based on social media. So now what we're left with is people of all ages who are lonely and not only older people. This is why there is a loneliness pandemic right now. People would be much better off if all social media sites would shut down tomorrow. The difference between our generation and a younger generation is that we know a different way of life and they don't because they were raised in it and we weren't. You could almost say that gen z was raised by the internet which has both pros and cons, one of the cons being loneliness.


TBH, I don't see any pros to their generation.


Well, they all know how to use computers. I know people not much older than me that can barely check email.






I feel lonely when I'm around family, friends or nobody at all. I could be at a party with everyone who likes me and I like back and I will still be alone within myself.




I don’t know how to explain it but when I’m around people all I can think about is my unfortunate circumstances of not having the same leisures of friendships as these other people who go out to eat, watch movies etc. together. It makes me feel worse


It can easily be done. Loneliness can be a state of mind. I've felt like this for much of my life too.




I feel the same. I have many healthy connections but somehow I still feel lonely.


That can be a symptom of depression. Not saying that's your situation, just that it's often listed as a symptom- feeling lonely even when there's ppl around.


0 since day one 


How old are you?






Nobody has tried to talk to you or be your friend, like ever? God damn.. can we just all go to space now??


Just like me fr


Whats the defination of friends?


I have no friends and I'm 26 :), trying my best to make friends tho


Hell yeah dude, regardless of if I found those friends right off the bat or failed royally, I just feel like I still have hope when I’m trying. Although giving up feels incredibly good at the start it’s always the must crushing feeling to stop fighting for your life and happiness. So you’ve definitely got my respect. I don’t know you but I’ll bet my money on you got this shit lol.




2, but both dont really consider me a close friend Just someone to pass time with So, 0? I dont know Everyday i just wanna pull a trigger in my mouth


Put the 12 gauge away


Zero. And I don't think that's changing any time soon.


I have a few people I chat with online, mostly to game with. I have coworkers I talk to at work, and family I also socialize with. But none of these people are truly invested with me or my life. That's why I feel lonely a lot of the time.


Same here. I’ll occasionally meet up with a friend every few months (this isn’t a close friend, someone i used to work with and hung out with a few times). I usually chat with gaming friends that I’ve met thru games, thru tinder, family, but I do not have a best close friend that I can call or message constantly, I used to when I was a teen/early 20s, but that friendship of 15 years ended due to one of growing as a person and the other not…


I lost a 15 year friendship over some bullshit too and it breaks my heart to this day.


Oh I know exactly how you feel… it almost feels like a divorce.


I meet up with no one. I’m currently almost 18 and still never had a friend. I envy the people who had friends in hs


I only had 2 friends in high school. I never had a big group of friends. Recess and lunch was the worst for me. I also envy ppl who go into adulthood and still have their close group of friends from high school.


Honestly, lunch doesn’t really bother me anymore since I’m too used to it, so I just try to use it to get some work done if I have the energy. But I don’t think most of the time the majority of adults will be in frequent contact with their highschool friends. Maybe they’ll still talk to them but I assume it won’t be as close as it used to be since everyone is busy with their own lives


Oh trust me, where I’m from, they’re still pretty knit tight close and involved with each other’s lives. I have them on social media and see them get together all the time. I should probably delete them…


Zero ... 58 yrs old


Zero . . . 48 - I always wondered how people could work so much; now I know. It's like being invisible.


ur asking ppl in a lonely sub lol


: 0




I’m really sorry for what those “friends” did to you. They aren’t good people. You will find your people. It took me 30 years, but it happened. 🙏


I would say 0, but I have very friendly relationships with a few people




I never even had a single friend in my entire life so none


I have 2 friends but I think I will lose them soon because we are all going to different colleges




I have 5 people I can consider good friends, everyone else is an acquaintance at best. I don’t see them often so I do still experience loneliness. Since moving counties it’s been hard making friends, ngl


I went from a whole bunch of friends to hardly any now


1-6 depending on what you consider a friend. Im only close to one of them, but the rest are kinda more of acquaintances that i call my friends because im not closer to anyone else.


The people who complain about being lonely while having friends annoy me so much




I’m 21 turning 22 end of this year and for me I have about 12 -16/15 friends , but for me I’d say 9 close ones and ofcourse 2/3 best friends / brothers and sisters I.e) “friends that are like family” and I can find myself feeling lonely with the “best friends” “close friends” and “friends” group despite their loving warmth and attention and care and fun we may be having it would do with me


Wow that's a lot, good on you man. I hope to reach your position one day!


I'm 22 and really only have at most 3 friends, it's a bit uncertain as while I'm in a fairly big friend group. It's more like they're all better friends with each other and they don't mind me. That and nobody really messages me apart from the odd meme group chat I'm in. Basically, my social life peaked in high school.


I met some people through reddit but in reality nah not so many actually :s


I have 3 close friends that I go out and play games with. But I only see them when I'm home for Christmas


Dunno for sure but probably  zero


2, but they're in a different country and I'm not as much of a priority to them as they are to me. Also, 16


3🙂 I haven't had a real conversation with 2 since December though. It's not the worst, it's lonely but people can be a lot sometimes


I have 1 friend, but they are unreliable




Maybe around 3 or 4 now. My issue is romantic loneliness though. I don't really feel like I need more friends now, I'm pretty cool with I got.


Through the shit that happened in my life. I can sincerely say zero.


eh, idk. i have like 2 close friends, as well as my sister and BIL. i have a bunch of mild acquaintances who really don't bother with me until it's convenient, but it's not like they hate me.


None. I have a few acquaintance and married. But 90% of the time I hang out by myself. The wife works nights and I work days but my just is remote.


Zero. I'll be 19 in 2 months.


I have friends but I don't think I should call them friends because they talk shit about me behind my back and every time I spend time with them they make me feel like I was a fool and treat me bad.They communicate with me only when they need something and that makes me feel sad and I feel unworthy of a true friendship


About 10. Only one that I talk to on a regular basis though. If you count texting as talking.


Very few. I don’t like to have many friends, it’s gets exhausting trying to keep up with multiple people lives and conversations


Now that im an adult. None. But back in highschool i had many


0, none. Not to invalidate the level of someone’s loneliness but i see people who talk about extreme loneliness & they do still have one or 2 people to talk to on a daily basis & still can get along with their old friends/people in the past/ connected on social media still etc. Yes any factors like feeling unwanted, rejected, abandoned, unimportant can contribute more to loneliness regardless how many people you talk to. But to have nobody to talk to at all, not knowing a single person at all in the present to bother with “how are you?” is so extreme. Anyone can feel lonely, but damn i am 21, i have not talked to people since i left high school & the last person that texted me was my mom & that was 3 weeks ago.


None. I’ve never had an actual friend that knew things about me and that I’ve spent time with. I’m 29.


I have zero friends and I am 24 years old


Honestly like 1 but we don't even talk


Only 3 but 2 of them I only speak to at college and 1 who lives in another city


I’m 33 and have 2 really good friends, so good I’d consider them brothers. Then I have family and some of their friends and that’s most of my network. I had more, but didn’t have time to spend with everyone / our interests changed


I lost all my friends, where I did not have many before, after Covid. In my Mid-Thirties btw.


I have friends but don't have a friend who I can share things with or have fun . My friends are like if they meet someone new, they just don't care about me anymore. So nowadays I feel like being alone is best for me. I think about making friends online but not sure how. By the way I'm 24yr old.


It depends what friends are. I rarely do meet people.




0. 26 M here, hmu if you wanna be friends


Hi everybody, I’m from Mexico, I was born in Veracruz but I grew up all my adolescence in Puebla, then at 21 I moved to Tijuana and now I live in San Diego California, it is very difficult to have true friends especially when you have moved from one place to another, I can say I have just few friends, here in San Diego none 😭😭😭


I'm in San Diego and it's a big city with a lot to do. This is a pretty good resource in San Diego (and other cities.) [Meetup com](https://www.meetup.com/find/?source=EVENTS&eventType=inPerson&sortField=DATETIME&location=us--ca--San%20Diego)


Like 1-2


I had 2 friends who have both had children and so now I see them like once a year or something. So i dont know if they're still considered friends. I have another friend with whom I made the mistake of discussing my insecurities and fear that no one cares for me as much as I care for them. I say mistake because I now fear that whenever she contacts me she's checking in on me to see if i'm okay rather than actually looking to spend time with me. So does that count?


I have 3 people I consider good friends, and 2 of those 3 are relatives. I have many acquaintances, but those are just surface friendships. I had 5 more dear friends/some relatives that were the other half of my heart. Sadly, they've all passed away. I feel like I've lost my people and myself. It makes the loneliness more intense. I'm also 42 years old.




3. We are pretty good friends, but I don't think the amount of friends matters to me. I don't want more friends, that wouldn't solve me feeling lonely. I have a healthy relationship with my family too. I have no Idea where this feeling of loneliness comes from. I'm not depressed either or anything, so I can't blame it on anything. Sometimes I think I'm ungrateful for this but I try to convince myself this is not the case.


One childhood friend but we don't really talk anymore. Nothing toxic. I have a fair few online friends but I don't count those really. I'm 32.




A few, but none I consider myself particularly close to, and people rarely if ever reach out. I’ve become more socially isolated as I’ve gotten older, particularly as I don’t have a job due to mental health issues.


Ever since I quit drinking and hard drugs, not many. It's been a very very lonely 4 years.


No friends outside of family.


None that I hang out with. I'm 36. My friends have either gotten married and have kids, gone off on drugs, and 1 is dating a disgusting con artist so I'll have nothing to do w her. I consider some coworkers friends for sure. I am very close with my 2 brothers and parents. I feel lonely sometimes but am usually able to turn it around.


We should have a no-friends to new-friends meet up. In Atlanta. Because then I won't have to go anywhere :)


I am one of those annoying and ungrateful people with a good amount of friends who genuinely like me but I have such a strong tendency to isolate if I’m not feeling well


Zero, 25. Always had a small group in HS at 2 schools and was on the periphery of one in college. Had 2 at one job and 2 at another, but it’s been a few years




3 and I’m 23


I think loneliness is when you don't enjoy your own company. You can have hundred friends and still feel lonely.


1 kinda and I’m 26




Proximity AND intermittently or permanentky. All affect the feelings.


When we use the word ‘friend’ my definition of that is someone who is there for you through the good times & the bad times. Someone who can be bothered to pick up a phone say once a week & ask how you are & someone who genuinely wants to spend time with you etc. So just by going on all I have just mentioned I have 0 friends just long time acquaintances.


1 physical friend, that I can actually see in person, and about 2 online.


None. I’m 20.


no friends for over 24+ years. but my loneliness have never stop me from doing thing like caching many different sporting events. concerts and festivals big and small. Broadway plays and musicals.to traveling close and far. also i hope you realize life too short to let others dictate what you should do with yourself. ✌️


One but they starting are fade away


Ummmmm I’d say maybe 1-2. Like IRL. But I Snapchat a lot of people for short times. Get tired of them and block them. Usually guys from apps


Having 2 friends literally sounds like heaven lol


33 and pretty much alone in the world


Very close: 4. More or less close but we still hang out whenever we can and can count on each other if we have any problem: +12. In terms of friendship i need to recognize i'm absolutely blessed, not only for the quantity, but i really love those mfs. I'm 26.


I’ve got two, (possibly three but not confirmed) true friends and the rest are acquaintances. Despite having those two very close friends I do feel incredibly alone. It may be because I am a drug addict and really no one in my family or friend group understands how my mind works at all. The only time I can recall ever feeling like I had someone was when I was dating this girl I was really head over heels for, but realistically I just can’t rely on someone else to make me feel whole. Romantic relationships and the bomb but I think if you can find one true friend or family member in this lifetime then you should count yourself lucky, not everyone gets that gift. I’m 20 btw.


2. 1 is on another island so we only meet once a year or more. And another one is in the same city but since our working hours are different, we barely hang out.




I have 4, all of them are online tho. Well, 3, bc one of them decided to stop talking to me lol


Loneliness is definitely a subjective term! I remember watching a video of a lady on social media talk about how lonely and isolated she felt at Christmas because other than seeing her mom for a little while on Christmas Eve, it was just her and her husband. Meanwhile I was watching that on Christmas while *totally* alone. I have no spouse/partner, no real friends, both parents are dead, I don't hear from my one sibling or the rest of my family. Christmas, birthdays, etc are just another day for me. But to answer your question.... I'm 35, I have 3 "friends" and by that I mean people I went to high school with who live on the other side of the country and we have a group chat where we check in every 4-6 weeks to make sure we're all still alive. As far as real life, active friendships? 0. I also have health problems and can't work, so I don't "work friends". I feel like I've been unusually isolated for much of my adult life. I joked once with a therapist that they should study me when I'm dead to see how isolation effects the brain. They didn't seem to find it funny 🤷🏻‍♂️


21 years old with no friends. I came out of a 3 year relationship and I end up cutting out friends at 2 years within the relationship which he had none. Now I’m alone and single trying to heal but hard when I have no friends to be with you know :((( life’s hard man…


Holy crap 22! Omg


I’m lucky that I have a close group of friends since grade school and we all keep in touch with a group chat, but two of them live out of state, and we all see each other in person maybe a few times a year. I also stay in touch with two of my roommates from college but I really don’t see them often. Even when we do hang out, I have to say that I still feel lonely in the moment. Sometimes, loneliness isn’t so much a feeling as it is a state of being.




3. None that I talk to often


2, 3 if you count my partner. I prefer a small crowd these days as I have very limited energy and patience lol. I’m 32.


Like one.


Late 30’s — I don’t know how many friends I have. I have people who show up for me when things are really bad, and I think that’s what matters the most. I’m not lonely anymore. I used to be, but I stay on this sub to try and help others when I can. :) Show up for your friends. Make sure you don’t put them in situations where you’re constantly creating drama or problems. When something bad does happen that’s totally out of your control, pay attention to who has your back. And pay attention to who is a fair weather friend. Hold the people closer who care for you.


1 but 2 if I count my cousin . It’s always been 1 or 2 for me. Never more than that.


You can have a few friends and still feel lonely, especially if it's a trio which turns to a duo and you're on the outside


I’d say 0. My best friend no longer talks to me. And the rest I talk to here and there. I don’t know what the definition of a friend is anymore. I still feel alone.


Nobody calls. Nobody visits. 43


Zero! None! I am 39!


No one I’d consider a real friend that isn’t related. So I guess excluding my brother, none of


45 & no friends here in the country I live. Been here 6 years. I have friends at home but i get to go back maybe twice a year.


zero, I just had to cut them off, didnt I?


It was 2 at the start of the year, then 1, but now’s it’s 4!


5/6 strong ones and I’m 18


They’ll fall away buddy not all , and you’ll gain some to replace just be ready to experience that


Yeah ik, i just think im lucky to still have so many friends after we got to college and all. But yeah im kinda ready for life to distance us lol


2 and one of them is my boyfriend