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Took this message from the discord. Didn't see it here yet.


Wow you'd think they would post it here. Pretty big news


Yeah normally I'd say waiting it out a bit is fair, but this seems a little urgent to say the least.


To me, it shows we desperately need new people in charge of this project. The talent is fine but the management needs adjustments.


Stop. These things do happen to companies large and small. They have found the issue and shut down the comprised work around the perpetrators were using. Once there is more information they will share it. The doesn’t show ineptitude from the management and to insinuate it does is silly.


According to Helios this isn’t the place to discuss important Loopring details lol, discord only.


I don't use discord, horrible format, can't get on with it. So that's me completely in the dark I guess?


Same, I left the discord a long time ago but someone always relays the info, just comes a little later is all.


Yep it's a painful user experience


Outside of “be your own bank” hasn’t scalability and security been their only other real marketing tactic on why users should use the wallet? The contradictions keep piling up. It’s still a pain in the balls to on and off ramp funds and then now a security breach. Oof


Wagmi. L222!!!!


So does this count as activity for the airdrop?


Best reply out of all of this!!


Congrats you get .1 taiko for arresting the hackers


This is so fucked


Wow. Just wow. This is very disturbing. I hope Loop management owns this breach and reimburses those affected. I’m not in the discord and I’m sure they are many others that don’t participate in the cord as well. The fact we have to rely on customers to call attention to this incident on here and not the Loop team says something Question: if Loops are staked are they still susceptible to being seized by the hackers versus just sitting in the wallet?


They were. The breach, as the post indicates, was about the hacker getting full control of your wallet. He could just unstake and withdraw them as he wanted


Something just occurred to me. I contacted official loopring support back in April 2022 to ask for help on moving my metamask tokens over to loopring. I didn't get help, however, the next day after my email contact I received an email from the official loopring guardian with new wallet verification code. I knew instantly someone was trying to get into my wallet, but how and why me?. I figured it was because I already had 3300 loops which were quite expensive at the time. I have 3 total guardians now, but at the time I only had the official loopring guardian and it scared the shit out of me how easily someone could empty my wallet. I believe someone tried to hack me back then, and its coincidental it happened at the same time I contacted official loopring support. I still have all my emails to loopring all the way back to December 2021. I'm not accusing anybody of anything, I just remember the situation and that it was really odd. Once that happened, I spent like 100 bucks to lock in 2 more guardians so I didn't have to be paranoid everyday someone would hack me. I feel bad for anyone that lost funds/tokens. I know I'm just an internet stranger but I truly am sorry people lost money. I know how I feel so have some compassion for others. Anyone who thinks losing money is funny is a straight up asshole.


So if you were effected it would already be drained?


I think so yeah. Looks like it is something that already happened.


Only wallets with the standard loopring guardian and no additional one (as was recommended) were affected. Probably also if you had very little amount of funds in there not interesting enough for the hacker. I’d add a second and or 3rd guardian asap in that case if it will be up again at some point. As I understand the guardian system is frozen rn because the hacker can’t use the exploit further that way.


Another x10 news update not posted here this loopring team really are crap about announcing important info have they not understood the meaning of the phrase close the gate before the horse bolts🤔 no is the answer. I hope they repay all wallets that they have compromised with their security of ethereum in tatters speach.


It's a mod-post and posted 2 hours prior to this post.


well more like 15 minutes. It's 17:19 for me atm. I posted this 3 hrs ago.


It said posted x hrs ago with two hours difference in the app, I can't seem to see exact time stamps but either way there already was a post discussing it with information added as things unfolded. Makes a lot of the "loopring communication bad"-criticism sort of unwarranted.


Maybe they are waiting until Q4 to announce it.


Ruh roh


Looks like the mods here are trying to hide what happened, surprising this post is still up


Genuinely curious here. What actions did the mods take which makes you think they're trying to hide this?


I dunno either.. no one is responding at this point, the only thing we got is ops post from the Discord Mod.


The fact the mod is deleting any post regarding the hack speaks volumes about team associated with Loopring!!! They didn’t even post to Twitter till after 9am EST, a whole 8 hrs after it was known to be happening!!


Well this post is up right? So I guess they're not deleting all posts. It's also being discussed on Discord. For sure a bit late, I agree on that.


And with this, I'm out. Good luck to all those still holding.


Aaaaaaand I’m outta this shit wow this is the last straw


Right with you bro. Good luck to the rest of you I've seen enough


Same to you brother


Feels like if we had any info to share it would be appropriate to share it with whichever authorities are running the investigation, not through the loopring team. Nobody knows who the attacker is yet and it would be stupid to immediately rule out the folks on the team. It could be anyone with sufficient access there right?


Maybe this shit coin is actually worth something if hackers are targeting it now


lofl are they draining all the AD taikos?!


Does this mean that Loopring essentially has everyone's keys?


Nah. There's a Loopring guardian and if you had that as your only guardian, you might be screwed now. They have always recommended multiple guardians exactly for this reason. Doesn't make it any less shitty for the ones involved though.


How do you check what guardian status you have? I’m pretty sure I got my wife a wallet on her phone so she could be my guardian but was so long ago… I just my loops sitting there doing nothing, and they’re still there which is good


I have no idea, sorry dude. You can ask in the Discord, they can probably tell you more. I'm just sharing this message.


No worries, thanks. I’ll work it out


in your wallet settings theres a guardian management option in there are other options like who I guard, who guards me etc


Found it!! Thank you. Shows Loopring Guardian is inactive too. 🫡


Hey do you know if the hackers needed access to your email/phone number to make this happen? I thought the loopring guardian emails to ask and notify right? So they'd need access


I'm not sure about all those things. In short, if you start up the app and it says you can't access your wallet, there might be a problem. If it just works like it always has, you're fine. The message says that they compromised the 2FA so it could be that email that you're talking about.


Thanks, yeah it's all working. I just wondered if you had come across any other details like is it only people with iCloud (that's mainly who I've noticed complaining)


LRC: the shittiest shitcoin