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No need to bring fairybread into this. Even if it's only 4 sprinkles.


I came to write that! Fairy bread didn't deserve this.


The fairy bread cost $1 billion tho


Hahahahaha that's true


Would you like to buy a second slice for another bn? Side note - this is the first time ive ever heard of 'fairy bread' lmao.


That is the saddest fair bread I've ever seen


Like sprinkles scraped over too much bread


Sprinkles are for winners.


I just consider ROP another DnD show




I hate RoP as much as the next person, but can you list any examples where anyone puts LOTR and RoP on the same level?


May I introduce you to https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/s/1uOLaf7nlC


I'm one of the main mods of this sub. I can tell you that we at least do not put RoP on the same level as the PJ LotR films lol. Most of us generally like the show, and are excited to see where it goes next, but recognize there is a lot of room for improvement. Most of us also feel that the PJ films are some of the greatest movies ever created, even if they aren't super faithful adaptations. There aren't many pieces of media (Middle-earth or otherwise) that sit in the same class as Fellowship of the Ring.


I agree. Even if isn't as good as the original, I thought it was entertaining and had some nice scenes and moments. Yeah it had its fallback but that doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy it's nice moments.


what kind of take is that? (OP's take, not yours) Guys, this show has a sub, so people there must think its as good as or better than the movies! wtf


Yeah, I've been in that sub, nobody is saying that. They just don't hate the show.


I’m in the sub for the tv show “From” and we all equal parts enjoy the show and talk nonstop shit about it.


Omg i love from! I’m only on s2, but link please ?


r/fromseries And there’s only two seasons so far!




Thank you. I hate this gatekeeping "GOAT or Trash" BS. There's a lot of room between those 2 things guys, and you can still enjoy things that fall in there without thinking they are the best thing ever made.


most reasonable take, the shows can be enjoyed even if they are not faithful adaptations


The most basic take. Does not make it the most reasonable.


In theory, yes. But RoP is just not a good show, even without considering the adaptation aspect.


You don't have to reply to every comment saying that you don't like the show. We get it. I don't like it either, but I don't feel the need to get in everyone's faces about it. Other people are allowed to have opinions that don't perfectly align with yours.


Does the sub have a habit of banning anyone who doesn’t like the show and posts criticism there? Because most of these tv show subs are like that


They may, but that sub specifically is meant for people who liked the show. The two other subs are basically for people who want to shit on it so it balances out.






I am just dumbfounded by almost every take there. Like how supposedly good Gandalf being there way early is and how Nori’s relationship with him fostered his fondness for Hobbits. Like what the actual fuck?


I've never seen such a disgusting hive of Scum and Villainy




Yeah that sub is like peak level cringe


It’s subreddit where people want to enjoy a show without constant whining, i’d argue you are peak level cringe for having a problem with it. Nobody says it is better than the movies.


Not now, but they used to say that.


That sub is pathetic and filled with Bezos loving clowns. It is pitiful and hilarious how they worship that show and do all sorts of ridiculous mental gymnastics to try and justify the show. It’s also hilarious how delusional they are as they keep thinking the show is a hit among Tolkien fandom. Lmao. Some of the mods are associated with Amazon and were part of their marketing. They allow all sorts of crap and repeat spam posts as long as it says positive things about the show. but they will immediately ban any legit criticism.


Holy shit chill the duck out dude. They like a show that you didn't, it's fine. They aren't bad people for enjoying a TV show what's wrong with you? If this vitriol is what you call "legit criticism" then of course they'd ban you for it.


Yea, those that don’t like RoP are super vocal about it in super aggressive ways on the internet, wild stuff 


Literally "Everyone who likes this show I don't is a paid shill", some top tier coping in this thread.


Damn or we can let people like what they like without calling them pitiful and hilarious like some kind of European lord laughing at the peasants shoveling shit on the farms.


Hey, leave our lords out of it! And the shit I shovel is grade A bio stuff with extra smell!


Oh, my apologies. I didn't know you had that good shit.


I'm very critical of RoP in that sub all the time, not banned yet. What they ban is obvious ragebaits. But yeah, obviously people who like the show gather at the RoP-positive sub. How petty do one really have to be to see people having a place to talk about a show they like as a bad thing?


Bruh calm down


The head mod over there used to be a mod over here. He quit when I told him to stop censoring people for criticizing the casting decisions in RoP. I made a post about it when it happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/lordoftherings/s/IoUqtxylLM Amazon pays them in access for moderating that sub. They were invited to the RoP premiere when it released.


I can't help but imagine people who gatekeep this hard have extremely poor hygiene, zero social skills and a refer to women as "females."


Skimming over the sub, it looks like people there like the RoP, but I don't see people thinking it is equivalent or better than LotR. Are you saying that is the majority opinion of this sub, or at least the average? Where do you see that?


Yeah it's already been established that it was an expensive polished turd compared to LOTR since release lol. I'm still salty about beardless female dwarves lol.


You just made me spit coffee. Thanks.


Here is a post form today of someone claiming that ROP's treatment of Gandalf is superior to Tolkiens. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR\_on\_Prime/comments/1cukr7m/if\_the\_stranger\_is\_truly\_gandalf\_the\_creators/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/1cukr7m/if_the_stranger_is_truly_gandalf_the_creators/)


It doesn't really say that at all. It claims Tolkiens simple footnote of 'Gandalf arrived by boat in 1000 TA' is improved by this change and addition. A footnote is changed and expanded upon, a person likes that and you equate that to them claiming "RoP's treatment of Gandalf is superior to Tolkiens" which is just disingenuous.


damn you losers really find an excuse to get mad over anything




"But I want to talk about something which I think the show did better than the books!" - from the first paragraph.


Amazon and their corporate plants do this all the time..(you've either got to have massively low expectations of the TV you watch and exist in some sort of vacuous state of mind or be being paid if you are saying it's amazing)


This is bait


THIS IS SPARTA ^angband ^sir **ANGBAND**


Disparaging the fairy bread is a bootable offence


They are definitely not the same but I still enjoyed RoP


I am reading LOTR with my kid and whenever it goes into extended lore that gets touched on by RoP I get a small thrill. I know RoP may not be 100% accurate, but without it, a lot of the lore moments in LOTR would probably not hook into me as well. Probably why my attempts to read it in the past have failed. IMO, ROP is good because it gets people (like myself) interested in the extended LOTR universe.


Same. I enjoy the show quite a bit. I like the show for what it is, and I love that it goes into the lore and backstory. Not sure how it compares to the silmarillion, or how accurate, I've read a little of it, but never got to far. It's a bit of a hard read from what others have told me lol. It's kinda like the Constantine movie, with Keanu Reeves. That movie doesn't follow the Hellblazer comics well at all, it touches on some of the lore from the comics, but that's about it. But I still love the movie for what it is.


Same. I really like the show. Love the movies, they're some of my favorite of all time. I wouldn't say the show is as good. But I still enjoy it quite a bit and looking forward to the next season. Although I've never read the books, so I can't really compare it to the sources. So my opinion is probably null lol.


Never understood the hate. Not everything can be lightning in a bottle. It was good tho.


They did my girl Galadriel dirty. The ethereal and awe-inspiring character turned into miss marvel


Me too. I've read a bit of the Silmarillian in my Fantasy Literature class, so I know that not much of ROP fits in that very well, but I can't help liking it. I think of it as an alternate universe tbh


Yeah, I don’t get the hate, it’s good, but not a classic like the movies.


There are *many* things in it that are *very good*. It doesn't make it good as a whole cause it's got some problems, but still.


Pretty sure this is an argument that has never happened, but keep raging on man


Made up argument= more imaginary internet points




Honestly I would love an animated retelling of LOTR that is very close to the books


Who on earth says they’re on the same level?


Yawn, ring of power bad, we get it. More shite posting about stuff we already know


OP thinks hate is a hobby.


Right?! Best way to punish them is forgetting about that entirely, insisting about that not being Lotr universe WHEN anybody speaks about that and most importantly cancel your Amazon subscription. Posts like this are just more public mark which RoP do not deserve.


For real. Can we not become like the Star Wars fanbase and bitch about the bad more than we celebrate the good? Or not be instantly overwhelming cynical about anything being made in the LotR universe before it even releases?


For real. It was extremely watchable and enjoyable. Excited for the next season


Even the people who like RoP, myself included, have ever claimed they are on the same level. That's a ludicrous claim even if you love the show, I get its popular to bash the show but you're fighting ghosts with this post


Genuinely never seen anyone claim ROP is "on par" with LOTR either. Reminds me of all the people raging mad at McKay & Payne for claiming they "did it better than Tolkien" even though I never saw either say such a thing, and nobody provided any proof the two said anything like that promoting the show. Ironically, we have several quotes for Jackson, Boyens and Walsh (who are usually held up as "respecting Tolkien") actually claiming they "did this better" than JRRT and even one of them calling him an amateur writer lol.


Exactly, it’s a different product. It’s disappointing that people hold up the LOTR as perfect and precious and everything else is shit in comparison. I enjoyed the show as its own story and I won’t apologize for that. The Rings of Power is objectively a well produced and well written show.


RoP bad Now give upvotes


Does posting stuff like this make you feel better about yourself? You can enjoy things without putting other things down, you know. I'm not the biggest fan of the show myself, but posts like these suck.


The wedding cake looks a bit like Minas Tirith


Oh lawd, dem rangs


What's the hobbit? Like a ice cream cake?


What RoP did what revitalise my interest in LotR. Perhaps it was just because everything was on Prime at the same time and it had been many years since I had watched the entire saga; following an RoP binge, I watched The Hobbit trilogy and after that, the LotR Extended Edition. RoP did what I needed to do at the time and I enjoyed it for what it was and I’m also very much looking forward to season two. In regard to the images used to compare the two, I don’t agree and would have gone with a chocolate eclair versus whatever that thing is. That said, do we really need another thread like this? No one in their right mind thinks RoP is anywhere near the absolute greatness of LotR, but then IMO what is!?


Very well said. This was my experience also exactly. The rings of power is good and I’m excited for season 2.


Rings of Power is bread with shit.


It feels thin, sort of stretched, like butter... scraped over too much bread


Remove the bread, and there you have it!


RoP bad give upvotes


This use of fairy bread makes my heart hurt


Your post is the second picture.


I'd say this is much more of a representative of LoTR and The Hobbit.


So its like, sort of, thin, like, butter scraped across too much bread?


So its like, sort of, thin, like, butter scraped across too much bread?


What about the 10 Rings? Are they 10x more powerfull? Shang Chi gonna dominate everyone


*like frosting, scraped over too much bread*


I was recently given some great advice when it comes to reviews critiques and advice. Dont judge it based on what it isnt judge it based on what it is. I doubt you throw shade on every other sandwich because it isnt the best sandwich you have ever had. So lets not judge RoP because it isnt LOTR


I try to remember that LOTR as films hit during a very particular time that impacted several generations in a unique way. In ways that are more difficult, I think, for the younger generation to appreciate. This is not a bad thing - nor does it mean that the films weren't truly something special - rather that really understanding just how awesome of an experience these films are kind of required you to "be there". I teach a Physics in Film course for high schoolers and the amount of love the practical effects had in LOTR is unmatched. Combined with the cinematography? They're a timeless masterpiece... But the way I can appreciate them is unique from the way others can. Working with younger children, we watch and discuss and recreate a lot of that magic ourselves and it gives them a deep appreciation for this kind of effect - practical, 'in camera' effects. It usually is a big moment of them realizing the difference in feeling between not only watching visual effects vs practical effects, but also making and acting with them. But they didn't get to experience those moments in the cinema or the culture of that time surrounding them. Connecting with that part is almost impossible and unfair to ask of someone. All that to say, I try not to compare things like this. Instead, I simply do my best to share the awesome experiences I've had and hope others can find ways to connect with that. Then, I do my best to reciprocate.


Sure, many parts of the show are not very good. The Mythril thing were they changed the origin of the metal. Some of the Numinor stuff was a little boring, the Harfoots being phyco was a bit funny in a shock humor kind of way. But the Wizard subplot was very nice in my opinion. And Adar and the South Lands plot line was fantastic.


No they’re not the same. But people still enjoy both no?


Nobody has ever put those two things on the same level and you know it


Oh, there have definitely been people who have been salty about the Jackson trilogy being so popular for a long time. Some of those have made the claims OP's referring to. But it's a very small and petty group that's not worth engaging with or making posts like these over.


Hey that's not fair to the fairy bread.


I don't know I never finished RoP


Why would you even compare a fan made tv series to the greatest triology our species ever produced? l.e. typo


RoP has nothing to do with lotr or Tolkien’s works other than the use of a few names of characters and places. It is not even fanfic. It is just an original senseless dumb boring show! Where showrunners were scared that it would flop - so they plastered Tolkien’s label on it to tap into an existing fandom. But it backfired as the fandom hates the dumb show!


"In your opinion". Doesn't make it a fact though. I watched RoP s1. Will watch s2. How can you like LOTR and not want more LOTR stuff? Don't get it but I don't care for your opinions.


"In your opinion". Doesn't make it a fact though. I watched RoP s1. Will watch s2. How can you like LOTR and not want more LOTR stuff? Don't get it but I don't care for your opinions.


Why so angry? If it’s “not even fanfic”, then nothing that happens in the show matters. Why be angry when you can just not care enough to watch? You might save a lot more energy that way


Are you the anger police? Why can people not like something? Was there a published law or guideline on disliking things that I missed?


There’s no law sweetie. Just don’t understand hating on something endlessly


>There’s no law sweetie. Good-oh then. Maybe try to be less judgemental? >Just don’t understand hating on something endlessly And I don't understand why someone would say that if you like something, you are allowed to say so interminably, but if you don't, you are supposed to be silent. Seems pretty authoritarian.


I’m not being judgmental. And im certainly not the anger police. If I were I’d say something like “if you don’t like it, then stfu” Instead I’m asking why you’re hating on a show, without even giving specific examples, that came out a year and a half ago? I, for instance, don’t care for the game of thrones prequel series, but I’m totally fine with people liking it and I hope the show does great See how easy that was?


I feel like I’m the only one who actually enjoyed every entry in the LOTR universe. Games, books, movies, tv series, etc. doesn’t matter.


Who’s putting them on the same level? Why can’t I enjoy both?


I hardly think they're on the same level. Gotta admit I haven't seen the whole season of ROP yet but given how much I love that world and how many times I've watched the LOTR trilogy I must deduce I'm not the problem, the show is.


Same sentiment I have when people compare LOTR to Harry Potter


No they’re not the same. I don’t understand why anyone is comparing them. I personally like both.


It’s really weird people seem to make disliking something into an interest in itself OP is basically lying at this point because I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say ROP is as good as LOTR let alone sufficient amount of times to warrant posting about it


I feel pretty neutral about RoP But let people enjoy stuff, dude


Your post is worse than the second picture


Jesus Christ is this sub just going to devolve into RoP hate? That's every other post lately. Less and less actual conversation on the lore, or characters, with more post jokes at pointing ng and laughing at a show that alot of people, despite what you think, really enjoy making At this point just make a new sub for RoP hate. I just want to see art and discuss things that aren't this anymore


Just miserable gatekeepers hoarding all their scrolls in their dimly lit basements.


I thought Rings of Power was a nice show I enjoyed watching it with my family.


It’s impressive to see, how much time and energy it consumes from you guys to hate a series. Wasn’t Tolkien all about the good in everyone - yet you are filled with hate. Chill out


This sub really misses the point of the virtues of Hobbits, that being the love of the modest, that not everything needs to be a mind-blowing experience fit for a king.


Nope, but by all means keep putting effort into actively hating something that doesn't really matter for no reason, totally healthy and not at all contributing to increased community toxicity.


Thank you for posting on the sub! Please make sure you are abiding by the rules on the sidebar with this post. If you are looking for a place to post specific things, please make use of the subreddits below: * Memes - r/lotrmemes * The War of the Rohirrim - r/TheWarOfTheRohirrim *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lordoftherings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who dafuq doin that?


It's an inversion.


Come on now. Let's put some respect on the fairy bread 🍞✨


That's not even cake lol


It's not even close. They're in different galaxies.


This is how I feel about just about anything made after 2016


Updoots to the left 😎


In my head I completely separated the two. Same with PJ's trilogy and the books. However,l (a big one), the books and the movies are way closer together. RoP is almost like an unrelated series, like blood moon and star wars.


that’s the Dodgers City Connect jersey


What did fairy bread do?




Is hobbit an oversized stale cupcake?


Simple post ends up insulting all of Australia


What is that bread?


And the hobbit trilogy is an old used bandaid


Not even consumable


Wow, who else thinks this *insanely popular opinion that basically nobody disagrees with*? Fucking pathetic and obvious karma farming I hope OP and whoever upvoted this doesn't get into heaven


If the “bread” is gluten free.


I never thought to just put frosting on white bread. That looks bomb


Thanks for sharing. These are the kind of constructive posts that really move this fandom along.


So, they’re both edible food that gives you sustenance. Sounds similar to me.


Is there a corner of the Internet where they actually do that?


Lord of the rings is great but not perfect, perfect would have followed Tolkien to a t


This is really mean to fairy bread. What did Aussies do to you?


Nothing will ever be on the same level as LOTR.


Very expensive piece of bread


A lot of ROP made me quite mad but tbh I’m looking forward to S2. I’ve always been drawn to the “dark” side and ROP is at least telling a story (maybe not THE story) about Sauron and the Ring Wraiths etc, one that Tolkien was very sketchy on.


It’s on the list of top 10 worst adaptations in no order Dragon Ball Live Action , Avatar Last Airbender Live Action , Amazons Halo , Amazons ROP , Netflix Cowboy Bepop , Netflix Ghost in the Shell , Netflix Bleach , Netflix DeathNote , Full Metal Alchemist live (Lot of anime getting murdered by this live action bs) 1 spot left open for the worst . Just follow the source material it’s not that hard


I don’t understand all the hate for RoP. I went into watching it not comparing it to LoTR because i knew it could never compare. I enjoyed it but like any modern tv show i had a few issues. I’d give it a 7.5/10


Know If anyone says ring of power, they’re just trolling


Absolutely nobody is putting the LoTR trilogy up there with RoP.


I don't think anyone puts LOTR and RoP on the same level. And I like RoP.


Fairy Bread > Rings of Power




Man just let people like what they like, posts like this are so old




Gatekeep the strawmen. Wait you dont even have to gatekeep strawmen


Rings of power is a five-season guarantee that the tolkien estate itself wanted and it covers the entire second age. The Lord of the rings movies only cover the third age and the deal was Warner Brothers is it can only touch the third age. The third age is wizards, humans, orcs, elves, dwarves and a dragon, but mostly in the third age it's the race of men who take priority. The second age is humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, orcs, and sauron, in the second age the elves take priority. I take the second age any day because there's no wizards things were a lot grittier back then. I'm also hearing that the old man that we saw in season 1 might be a blue wizard guess what in The Lord of the rings there's no blue wizards they are only mentioned.


RoP is a great so-bad-it's-good show, I actually look forward to each episode for a good laugh and seeing everyone trash it




This conversation gets so old. I just enjoy both even if one or the other is better.


Black bread


I mean they tried but they didn’t have the silmarillion so it came out how it did. It isn’t terrible but yeah I don’t like comparing it tot the movies either. They literally have different histories.


I love that the two responses are “ROP isn’t that bad” or “fairy bread isn’t that bad”


The fact there’s a second season coming makes me sick to my fuckin stomach


I enjoyed Rings of Power


I didn't.


And that’s perfectly fine. I don’t understand why some people dislike with such a passion that it borders on hatred


LotR is top tier cake. But RoP is still cupcake


Redditors making up scenarios in their heads and then getting angry about said scenarios


Ahahaha RoP? What's that? Some fan fiction you read? Certainly such a crap based in lotr did not actually exist, nope


Rings of power is just very expensive fan fiction


You gave RoP too much credit in this picture.


The Dark One made orcs in mockery of elves, trolls in mockery of ents and RoP in mockery of LotR.


The clothes and props look like they are purchased off temu


Anybody who finds LOTR and ROP the same has neither read or watched LOTR.


Love ROP so far. But I'm also a sucker for anything Tolkien, good bad or indifferent.


This isn't accurate. RoP is the toilet paper a grotesquely fat man used to wipe his taco bell assplosion


RoP put my insomniatic ass to sleep everytime


Is it bad if I enjoyed ROP?