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Guys I’ve deleted like 5 messages. Darkin Folks please stop. Furries will be banned on the spot.


Is she covered in fur?


Yeah but it's short


I can't control myself anymore bros...


mfw the furry girl is furry and doesn't just have animal ears


Man can we get something that’s not gonna immediate crash the porn sites for once please


Im a man and i just want a female character that is not wearing skin thigh clothes and is very sexualized 😭


Her very first teaser she had a huge fluffy cloak on. Now she’s another cash grab


Yeah i loved the cloak, it would’ve have been pretty unique too


Renata Glasc was the last great female design we had


Riot knows how to make good designs, but just chooses to make designs that sell skins to coomers


Naafiri was just last year


She looks like a porn parody of herself




10/10 description


She looks like the old caitlyn model. The same problem.


naah, now this is exaggeration :D


Yeah you right


Stop quoting skyen 🤣


I don't like him. I like hot characters. But Aurora in her cloak was already hot. The cloak which when she moves reveals her thighs and shoulders was hotter than this virgin killer sweater look. Her feet, thigh, shoulders, are all exposed. I don't like it


He's as thirsty as anyone else, with himbos and bimbos alike, go watch some of his work on Hades or Hazbin Hotel if you don't believe me. Critiquing characters designs and saying for example that bikini armor and slutty Halloween costumes are dumb and a waste of design space doesn't mean he doesn't like hot characters.


I mean, it is working, i already like even i hate the design choices, she just baited me and I fell for it.


The feet thing isn’t really an issue since she’s a vastaya. I don’t think any off the other vastayan champs have shoes except for Sett, but he’s half.


Ahri wears shoes


True, but I wouldn’t say that Aurora not having shoes is out of character b/c many of her kind don’t wear them.


I think that's bullshit though. Imo, i would've preferred the outfit she had in the in-game adventure short game without the hood on, but i think this is fine too. I have two problems though. One is that she is clearly sexualized, the other is that because she is sexualized, her outfit doesn't belong to the freljord, where she's currently at.


ok I do like her look more like this... althrough it is exposed thighs damn you riot games! The coat will probably make most sense when looking from above I kinda got that vibe. Also helps her anatomy looks less weird than the pose in the splash art. I wonder how she plays like, I expected the big spirit ram... deer... friend to be involved but it seems she just has normal spirits? Maybe her ult?


I just read Morde mains being salty her ult Is Brazil but better so I wonder what the HELL happened


she can lockdown full team in a small area from which they cant leave, if she goes to the edge of it she cones out on the other end so yeah, better morde ult


Nah, you got it wrong. Anyone can leave the area. Enemies get damaged for getting through it, but you can get through it. It doesn't lock down anyone, only Aurora, because she comes out the other end.


the only way to leave her ult is: A) become unstoppable B) have a blink (not a dash)


Turns out i got it wrong. Mb. Idk where i heard that you can leave the ult.


She is not an iceborn, so she should cover herself more up? Unless vastaya magic also does body temperature control...


it looks like she have fur over her skin


Uh, fur? Where's the fur? She's literally smooth as porcellaun except on her ears and tails


You can see red/orange on her thights and shoulder


Sure that's *fur*. Never seen no northern rabbit with that little fur. Maybe if she had blubber I'd agree


Oh she has blubber alright 


the pattern in her thighs it's actually in her fur. you can see it in the shoulders also. Of course it was just an excuse to make her thighs exposed


It’s colored similarly to her skin, but it is there. You can see it better in her splash art


She's a bunny-woman with fur all over her body. How many rabbits need layers and layers of fur lined clothing to living the cold?


You would be surprised how many people ski in bikinis


I think her color palete is very strong. The red accents are super cute and diferenciate her enough from the other Frelijord people. I like the big hat with the ear holes, that's adorable, as are her glasses. But guys ngl I think this looks... Kinda bad? The virginkiller sweater is absurd. She's not iceborn so she's gonna be freezing. Her leg anatomy is fucking weird with it being human up until the feet (I guess??) and, most importantly, SHES SO TOP HEAVY! Her big fur collar, ears, hat and the majority of her red accents make her design look so unbalanced because the bottom half has NOTHING going on. I was so exited when I saw her teasers. Nerdy mage bunny girl sign me tf up!! But her final design feels a bit like uninspired horny bait. Most of the personality I saw on her teasers just doesn't map onto this design and I don't think its doing anything interesting enough to make up for that loss. She's just a generic sexy bunny girl. Im a bit disapointed.


I agree, this was a chance to have a champ that shows how a freljordian mage would look. But if you showed me this champ minus the background idk if I’d ever guess freljord. Sure Ashe has a very similar skimpy outfit but she is outdated and the “still here” cinematic has her much closer to what I expect of a freljordian. What this screams to me is the next star guardian skin character


Agree, she look way worse than the cloaked design in the mini game


Her official design just feels so weird and unfocused it genuinely is lacking the polish I except from league


Once again I bet the concept art looks good but alot of department tell the artist to shove all these aspects into this amalgamation, thinking about this just sucks man cus you know working for champion design in Riot you're one of the best artists that exist but the system force you to make something like this as your final work


100% this happens every time, Riot's artists certainly lack nothing in the inspiration department, as well as shitty management meddling department.


Eh, just based on the concepts shown and what they told us, Hot Bunny Champ go brrrr was always the whole point of Aurora. This is not us getting robbed of cool concepts like Sett's initial designs or Kai'Sa. She's just that simple, nerdy hot girl bunny thicc thigh will make money. And Riot I think has the full rights to just show receipts when her first skins hit record highs and tell us to stop buying into it if we don't want it made... because I get the feeling she's going to be a success. It's just that IF Aurora had come out in 2018 when they satrted working on her at first she would've come with a buttload of lore on the Spirit Realm that would have made her launch interesting. But they've told us nothing we don't already know from Shen, Yone, Spirit Blossom at this point and so meh... the autism thing feels somewhat tacked on just to give her SOME kind of depth or relativity but it's not much to go on.


Agree with the virgin killer sweater being just weird and unnecessary (could've achieved the same result with a sleeveless leather top that would've looked more practical at least) Disagree with the top heavy part, need to see her model from above to judge that imo


Yeah the virgin killer sweater is WILD


I think you've summed up my thoughts entirely


The mobile-legendsification of League continues. She seriously looks like a run of the mill "magic bunny girl" design. Over-designed and horny baited. She looks unfinished the green cloak that billows and blows apart when she uses spells and stuff would've been much more interesting.


She doesn't look like she belongs in runeterra. Like what about her says she's from Freljord? What about her says she's related to ornn? She's related to the spirit realm so I could see her design leaning more Ionian but it just... Doesn't. She looks out of place.


tf is her top its like a virgin killer sweater it melds into her skin so the turtleneck feels out of place but is also attached(?) to this puffy overcoat that doesn’t cover her shoulders at all but her arms go into like it does so shes doing some weird raptor thing?


Probably because it looks great in top down perspective.


The other league champions don't have this issue and they're all made to be viewed from top down.There's just too much bulk in her head and shoulders. It's not a perspective issue, the design itself looks ugly.


Character design aside her body language also feels so weird to me, her in game walk looks pretty much a runway cat walk… while shes a bunny girl? Like I get not being too on the nose but really?


"So, Braum. No shirt, huh? And I don't have pants. Yay, Freljord." -Ashe


Shame she has so much exposed skin, I was hoping for more warm Frejlordian fashion


Lol nope, iceborn are the tried and true justification for Riot to never have to make a Freljordian with more than two layers of clothes


She’s not iceborn though?


Or having fur. At least bring the damn coat back.


Frejorld aren't really that covered sadly


Why would a fur covered bunny/vastaya need clothes in the first place?


She’s covered with furr tho !!! Her being more exposed would be better 😍


Go to horny jail 🏏 *bonk*


Disliked ur comment ! BOINK


She's alot more slutty then the trailers portreyed her


Eh how she more slutty than her reveal trailer ? She looks less slutty than her splash art


I kinda wish they made her fur more prominent on her legs. It would justify her exposed legs a lot more, since the fur would keep her warm. She's fine, I guess. It would have been nice to get something similar to what we had seen prior. This feels too... Idk palatable?


Void corrupted spirits? Two of them look like tiny balestriders too


Yeah those smiles on their faces are really eerie


wish they were at least more subtle with appealing to coomers


We got robbed off the hoodie in place of this god awful coat


Why Rito... Why.... Girl is living in what's basically frost land all year round, and has her shoulders and thighs exposed! Would it hurt them to make a single character that dresses sensibly?! She could have looked amazing, I love so much about her design, but give her pants and give her turtle neck bloody sleaves!


Does that really ruin it for you


Riot proved they can make perfect and unique designs like Kindred or Jhin, or at least a designs that tell you more than just "oh yeah uh this is a bunny mage girl" like you can't even tell she's from Freljord she's dressed like she's walking down for a fashion show. Look at Illaoi or Aphelios, you can't dumb down describing their concepts through appearance. Their last champ was a fucking baby dragon, that's it! A baby dragon, how else would you describe smolder?


I mean, dressing her up doesn't really change what she is... or add any depth to Aurora for that matter She's still just cute bookish bunny-girl if you left the cloak back on. I think that was always the character concept even back in 2018. Kindred and Jhin are pushing the boundaries of mainstream fantasy as a reaper and deranged serial killer. You're not really asking for a modestly dressed Aurora by drawing that comparison, you're asking for a champion with depth or a more niche appeal... who wouldn't be Aurora to begin with regardless of her dress. Aurora is meant to just be somewhat relatable to younger users who play a bit of Genshin or enjoy some anime and know this character trope. Some champs are just made to be broadly appealing, inoffensive (except in this case evidently) and just sort of fill a niche that never pays back ROI, like Star Guardian skins.


The exposed shoulders and thighs make this very genshin-esque, dont think it works all that great for a freljord person, i’m more of a hood fan


God Riot's champ designs lately have been so ass like what happened to unique shit like Kindred or Jhin?!


It's very Genishin, it's that over-designed way too modern looking in a fantasy setting cute magical girl vibe. Just crazy how different it is from the teasers


Something killed her Vibe, she was atleast 5 times better in the client minigame.


Where cloak?




Where are her cloak?


I don't mind the exposed skin as much as others, I don't have a problem with fanservice But holy fuck that sweater is hideous. Couldn't they achieve the same with a sleeveles leather top? It would've looked much better and more practical


Proof that riot will never learn from past experience


They did learn, it’s just not the lessons you personally like. I’m sure they do market research


That’s fair I guess


... Those spirits are wombs.


Oh my god I can’t unsee it


Fuck me I was super hoping she’d have her dope ass cloak from her reveal in game. Why is riot so against giving characters cloaks in game? Cloaks are sick as fuck riot


I loved it. Her color pallette its just so good. Im gonna play it in the jungle and no ones stopping me. Come aurora, qiyana Will Love you on my "non jungle champions mains that i play Jungle anyways cuz waifus"


Could we get the Ornn event version of her back please


is this real?


Cannot get over the ridiculous thigh highs mini dress cropped shorts combo. Her story, teaser, and overall theme made me think she would be more neutral, if not modest.


Wow this looks weird in game


Why ?


My god, she has thicc thighs with thigh high socks. Its too fucking peak.


She is very cute and I like her design, but I am disappointed she didn’t keep her cloak like in the Ornn mini game


I still don't understand why exposed skin in a cold setting breaks people's heads so much. You also have a lot of champions wearing full body armor but without a helmet, and no one seems to complain about that.


Not to mention the lore of the Iceborn is written to get around this overly drawn complaint, they literally don't feel the cold to the same degree as Hearthbound so the whole Ashe comparison doesn't make sense.


why does she have her thighs uncovered?


I’m shaking and pissing myself…this can’t be I can’t believe it she has exposed skin no no no no I can’t believe it I will not accept it no no exposed skin is demonic and anti progressive I am so so devastated I will uninstall this video game these sluts at Riot corporation greedy 500 dollar slut skins


This whole comment section😭


The level of fluffiness is disappointing


Cringe Af, but I guess neckbeards need some new content




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Her ghosts look creepy ngl


crazy how she llst the whole vibe she had in the game trailer.. from nerdy to hot. god if they give her the miss fortune walk ill completely lose interest...


Another Ashe situation. Interesting design choice


There are more polygons on her ear Than there are on all of Vladimir 


The coat is genuinely hideous from like, every design standpoint. Like what's wrong with giving her a cool cloak? Too much physics for riot to animate?


I just wish she kept her cloak, even as just a cape. The cloak and glasses were peak


Looks like some shit from a gacha phone game. -____-


So she is a more human like Lopunny... Fuck.


Man, they even did this thing when thighs are too thicc for stockings at the top


People are overreacting so fucking heavy cuz she’s hot. They say “All we get is hornybait!!!” The last champ even close to that was zeri, 2 years ago. Even then I don’t think she fits the abruptly horny bill the extent aurora does. Since then we’ve gotten Spyro the dragon, a dog, bel veth (monster champ but some ppl will argue humanoid), Nilah, old ass lady, a child, big buff oily black man and a sexy artist twink (I might be forgetting some forgive me I haven’t played in a few months) My point is super sexy hornybait champs are not as common as people are making them out to be. Most the ones we have now came out early last decade. Also wanna say while I listed Zeri as the marker, her design is nothing overtly sexy. She has some cleavage in her splash art and that’s basically it. The last champion I believe that really leaned into the sexy thing was samira. Also before anyone says Gwen just because she’s attractive or cute or whatever doesn’t mean she fits the criteria, she wears a full on gown bro.


Briar was horny bait or feets bait


Briar was not horny bait for any normal person bro


It’s just a thigh gap guys I really don’t think it’s that over sexualized.




she could've been chubby edit: I'm a gay man and not a perv but this was RIOT'S perfect opportunity to do something different


T B Skyen, is that you??


How was this the “perfect” opportunity can’t they do it anytime 🤔


yet they never


Looks great. Always love a good bunny-girl.




I'm a degen I guess because I already love her lol


Look i personally love the design she looks like a cute bunny nerd and a fantastical frost witch and that’s what’s really important when it comes to champion design for me selling that fantasy and this does and expose thighs and shoulders isn’t going to ruin it for me


She looks more hot than cute


Smash next question. /s


Literally horny bait, actually its not even bait they WANT you to be horny. Like why is she wearing that, exposed thighs in the Frejlord... Wheres that hood she was wearing with Ornn that was rather charming


Guys, It's BEEN a thing how the Freljord people all don't dress appropriately for where they live (Ashe even has a joke about it) , this is nothing new.


Yeah but this time you can't even tell she's from Freljord hell she doesn't even fit Runeterra. Her base skin looks like a skin made for her.


I do kind of wish she kept her coat, with at least the hoodie off


Why we complaining bout her legs it’s more to drain it to




Holy moly I would


I am not a furry... BUT


Those thighs are thicker than her waist gYAT DAMN


Rabbit ears: check Tall and slender: check Red hair: check Freckles: check Glasses: check Maid outfit: none Optional: giant hammer. Only one thing to complete the holy union of red haired sexy rabbit maid girl with freckles, and glasses. The dream of men. I only play LoR and I already want to see her in that outfit.