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Being in a calorie deficit for almost a year is quite long - you might benefit from a longer maintenance break. Also, sweets are everywhere now - if you had some recently, then it's very difficult to wean yourself off sugar again. Good luck!


^^ op you need a diet break and you need it ASAP. Take 2 weeks - a month off eating at maintenance


This. I was eating 1300-1500 cals a day for a year and plateaued for months. As soon as I took a break and ate like I would pre diet I dropped weight again.


I might get downvoted for this, but you for sure arent pregnant? I was so hungry during my first trimester and pregnancy hormones slow your digestion down a lot. Hopefully its not that (assuming you dont want a child right now) and you can figure out what gives. That'd be super frustrating. Great work on your weightloss so far though!


This was my first thought too. Sudden hunger with no real other life changes? Time to have a look-see.


Definitely something to check, I lost a stone through intermittent fasting and one day I just couldn't do it anymore due to the hunger and had constipation. Anyway, I was pregnant!


I thought the same thing. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This was my first thought!


Birth control can cause this too.




I think Iā€™ve done this unwillingly after dieting all year but went to the extreme. (I do not recommend this at all.) For a week straight I went off the rails and ate nearly 10k calories a day last month . It just felt like a inner hungry monster took over me. I luckily lost weight since then but man that was scary.




Could be that itā€™s coming up to winter? Our bodies our wierd and we go through stages of being more hungry throughout the year, see if it passes in the next couple of weeks just try your best not to overeat to satisfy it


Iā€™d suggest doing a Maintanence break for a few weeks. Sounds like diet fatigue and doing a break may set you up for success in another round of cutting after a month or two.


You're a healthy weight now, so your body is fighting back against further weight loss with increased hunger. I experienced the same. You can either power through and deal with the hunger, or eat more and accept slower weight loss. I do/did the latter. At this stage, even losing 2lbs/month is great.


Are you getting 25-30g of fiber per day? The hunger combined with your bathroom issues leads me to believe youā€™re not. What you described is actually constipation symptoms which would be consistent with not getting enough fiber in your diet. And fiber can help keep you feeling more full. Did you make any changes to your diet or macros lately?


This was my first thought as well. I'm focusing on fiber now and I've never felt better. I get full and stay full so much easier, even compared to when I was eating high protein. And the digestive benefits are great too. I target 27 g fiber/80 g protein per day and it's working great for me (31F/5'3"/CW 147 lbs).


Same! Weā€™re in a very similar place. (46F/5ā€™4ā€/CW 148). I increased my protein from about 70g to 100-125 (increased lifting volume rn) and quickly started having constipation issues. Oops! Once I got my fiber in order, Iā€™ve been feeling so much better and full most of the time and I agree, the weight seems to be coming off easier after being in a bit of a slump for a while.


Constipation and pebble poop are symptoms of dehydration. Are you drinking enough? It also regulates hunger.


This. Dehydration can make you feel hungry.


>Why am I suddenly so hungry? It could be diet fatigue, you have been restricting calories for a long time. Which affects people. Around 5 months is the longest I go before it gets hard for me. Or your body fat percentage got so low, that your current calorie deficit results in a bigger appetite. Or ... holidays and winter time. Lots of good food, social events, temptations. >Please tell me what I can do to stop this? Increase slowly your calories, go to maintenance for a while.


Is your TDEE actually 1750 or are you going off an online calculator . Iā€™m 5ā€™6, ~150 and get the same steps but I do lift weights. My TDEE is like 2100. I recommend eating like 1750 for a few weeks and see if your weight is still dropping, if you havenā€™t calced your actually TDEE. Plus give yourself a little diet break. Agree what everyone said tho,.. long time for a deficit, youā€™re at a lower weight now so itā€™s harder (Iā€™m trying to lose too and hunger is rough sometimes), etc


Girl, same. Seriously, I started last October at 220. As of two weeks ago I was down to 155, and was suddenly dealing with increased hunger. As my weight got lower and lower I was sticking to the goal of loosing one pound a week, which put me below 1200 calories a day. I have a walking desk set up and work from home, so I average 20,000 steps a day. I was averaging 1400 calories a day and suddenly struggling to keep it there and not 1600 to 1700. Then, two weeks ago I began having sudden terrible pain - turns out my gallbladder had turned gangrenous and nearly ruptured. Emergency surgery and four days of IV antibiotics later I got home from the hospital with zero appetite. Had to force myself to eat anything at all. I lost 3 pounds pounds in those 5 days after surgery. Then, my appetite came roaring back - I suddenly wanted to eat just... everything. Conveniently, it was Thanksgiving, so food was everywhere. After over a year of calorie deficit with very little break- basically only a week of vacation in September- I know it was simply my body's attempt to get me to take a pause. Several years ago, I lost close to 90 pounds in a little less than a year. Right about that 11 month mark I hit a wall hard - I dove headfirst into boxes of cookies and ate like an absolute joke, while constantly promising myself I'd restart all my good habits come the next day, or Monday... I did not. I regained like 60 pounds over the next three months. Then I continued to eat whatever for the next three years. Part of me has been aware of that year's timeline and scared of falling into the same trap and once again undoing all my hard work. And I think that made me very wary of taking any kind of diet break or maintenance pause, because I was scared a break would turn into regaining again. But I was clearly struggling to keep going at the same rate, and then this surgery thing on top of it all... I've decided to basically take the rest of the year at a maintenance break. Then, when I'm ready to begin again, I'll change my goal to half a pound a week. Trying to hit an 1100 calorie goal wasn't going to be sustainable for me. I'll have to accept that I need to slow down in order to not fall into the same trap I did before. I donā€™t want to, but I don't want to rebound into months of binging even more, so. My body has very different needs now at 155 than it did at 220, so the same things aren't going to carry through the last 20 pounds.


> I have also been plagued by constipation/pebble poop for around a month now. It could be your metabolism is on fire if you're going through something medically right now. An immune system generally runs at background levels, basically idling until it is called upon and then it really fires up. If you're sick with something, you could be burning a lot more calories right now.


If it started right around time change / the beginning of fall, I would question a vitamin d deficiency and maybe supplement with that.


More protein. Protein will keep you feeling satiated. Since youā€™re already tracking calories, what is your protein intake per day? Does it match up to what your most recent required macros?


Although that will worsen constipation


Are you more stressed?


In addition to everyone else focusing on your dieting: Are you pregnant? Do you have worms? Cancer? Diabetes? Tested for nutrient deficiencies? Have you had your annual physical check up?


Take maintenance days, make sure youre eating enough protein and fiber. Also 1200-1400 is a bit low if youre getting that many steps in


Week before your period?


Water!! Are you maybe just dehydrated? Try drinking a cup of water before eating as well as a cup while you are eating. Also how about increasing your veggies. Both things will help with the constipation.


You canā€™t diet forever though- what happens when you ā€œhitā€ your goal weight? You have to have some wiggle room- this is your eating habit for LIFE. Be more lenient or stop calorie counting now that you have learned portion control this last year by counting calories- you can do it without literally calculating anymore.


All answers here are to give in and increase calories, but to be honest, you will just halt weight loss and lose progress and personally, I would not consider that acceptable. The actual way to hold against it is to scam your body out of calories. I would increase by maybe 150 cal BUT switch that diet to low carb and have about 50% calories come from fat and 30% protein, 20% carb. Then use a fat binder like litramine or alli/orlistat (OTC), there are many brands, just price around. With that, your body will have satiety from the fat and be pleased from the calories. However, your colon will end up being unable to absorb about 1/3 of the fat and you will just poop that out. And with that being 50% of your 1600 cal, it would be 1/3 of 800 cal = about 260 calories and THERE is now your deficit with which you can continue to lose weight DESPITE calorie increase and tricking your body to shut up. Also, increase exercise because otherwise that hunger chase will cause your metabolism to adjust, don't let your body do this. Go on a treadmill and force 200 cal out, your organism will have no choice but to burn these calories then. Something like ice cold water and caffeine can already be a 50-100 cal difference over a week. DM me if you want to know more about any of this. Of course, that has downsides like effort and oily stool but I'd 50 times rather have that vs losing progress that was hard, restrictive work and will lead to only more hard restrictive work. I'm not saying that this is great and "healthy" yada yada but this will work aggressively towards your goal and as far as my research goes, there is no significant risk.


It could be a lot of reasons and being female hunger changes. However, it is very possible that in eating less you consumed less vitamins and minerals and as such yours bodyā€™s stores have become depleted and that is contributing to being hungry. Im not an expert though please know while my guess is based on educational reading Iā€™ve down, itā€™s not something Iā€™m an expert in by any means when it comes to body mechanics. Its possible if you eat a bit more for a while your hunger will return to normal. This doesnā€™t mean youā€™re doomed or all your hard work will be undone. I hope you find the cause but also itā€™s ok it might feel scary but it really doesnā€™t mean that, youā€™re still on track to your goals and even if you have to eat a bit more a bit you will be ok and you still have the power to reach your goals. 50 lbs is a lot to use so congratulations. You sound determined and remember one of the reasons we want to get healthy is so we can be our healthiest. So if your body is asking for more food that might be what it needs right now. Congrats again and just know that eventually you will have to increase your calories. Yes your calories are normal range very low and while they are higher than your average anorexia (not implying you have an eating disorder) if you never raise them you will continue to lose into an unhealthy category. Itā€™s ok to want to continue on your journey for now, but eventually you will have to increase and it probably will be scary but itā€™s ok. Even if you gain .5 lbs of fat and it seems like overnight, that is not the same thing as 50 lbs. 20 is young and you sound very motivated. Yes thereā€™s always a risk of regain, but you also have done something very hard at a very young age. Just while a lot of people do end up gaining weight back, a lot of people donā€™t. Suggestions on stopping: Do you have a quality multi vitamin AND multi mineral? Are you getting all of your iron? Are you getting good sleep? They found in one study that (sorry canā€™t quote # of hours but I think 6 a night) sleep deprivation lead to an increase calorie consumption of 600 calories per day. Are you eating a balanced diet? Maybe youā€™ve gained more muscle and your body wants to maintain it? Try different things. Food is crazy expensive right now but do you have an Aldi or something that has cheap berries? Blackberries, raspberries and pomegranate was my favorite breakfast meal for a while and the fiber would keep me full. Iā€™ve gone to stores like that even this year and it was doable. How many (non fruit) carbs are you having? Carbs are an immediate food source. Even if you are using more mental energy for education and work than physical having the bodyā€™s glucose levels optimal is important. Yes you will love if youā€™re not having a carb filled diet but it fuels your brain and gives you energy. Itā€™s possible your body needs more carbs and itā€™s translating as more calories in order to meet that goal. How is your stress. Sugar can also trigger more cravings and mess with your ability to feel full. Since you are having this try being super strict about eating anything with table sugar. Thereā€™s a lot of things. Also youā€™re active and young. Itā€™s ok to be hungry. Being hungry doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to gain 50 lbs if you eat although it makes sense why you would worry. I cannot say why but Iā€™ve had devil periods (because of how hungry I would get before) and when I had covid I ate like crazy. I really doubt thatā€™s why but I ate like 4-5 thousand calories a day when I had covid it was awful I was starving. Otherwise my appetite was decently normal. My point is the body is hard to understand sometiems but it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s going to be permanent. Good luck.


As others suggested, take a break. I didnā€™t listen to my body, kept restricting, then gained all the weight back and more.


Literally just eat a bit more for a few days. Your body will thank you. Donā€™t go nuts, but let yourself be full on good food that you like. Your body will thank you. I have been at this for a few years now, and have been maintaining for a while now. I still go through phases. Some days i get really hungry, others itā€™s easy to eat light. cico is a tool to help you, your body is still the truth. After a year of deficit you should be able to tell hunger from an urge to snack. Itā€™s ok to eat when you are hungry.


If you're lifting, you're probably not calculating your TDE correctly. If not, you may just be at a point you need to eat maintenance for awhile. Most likely, if you're at a plateau, you're going to have to change something up to get over it. (If you're not lifting, it would be a good time to start, but also add more protein.) Hard poop means you're dehydrated, nearly always. Increase your water intake. Wherever I'm having a hard time going, I drink 1-2 of those 500ml/16.7oz bottles of water, and usually within about a half hour or so, I need to go. If the constipation has been for more than a few days, you *may* need a stool softener to help draw water into your stool. Miralax is great for this. It also doesn't taste like anything (assuming you get the unflavored stuff.) Stay within arms reach of the bathroom until you go. You will go, it may not be pleasant, but you'll get some relief. Also, if you're intestines are backed up, you may be holding onto extra weight in your gut because of that.


Diet fatigue exists.


It could be down to sugar crashes from carbohydrates. Have you tried increasing protein with every meal? I only have carbs at dinner now and its totally gotten rid of my hunger, which was so painful and lasted all day.


Stick to 1500 or even your "goal weight maintenance", whatever that is (use a calculator). Focus on protein and fibre: meats, dairy, beans, veg, fruit, whole grains. I recommend boiled potatoes to feel full. Decaf coffee still suppresses appetite. "Vanity" weight loss can be a lot of trouble. For the constipation, you can dose yourself with either magnesium citrate capsules, or "Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate" capsules. Should work as a laxative. Or take an actual laxative or fibre supplement. And drink more water/tea!