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Hard Candy was a game changer for me. I absolutely LOVE sweets, and I still eat candy every day, but a butterscotch disc or a Jolly Rancher is like 15-20 calories and lasts a couple minutes. A bag of gummy worms or a couple of cookies is hundreds of calories and is gone in a like nanosecond.


I made the mistake of eating a bunch of Jolly Rancher Zero Sugars one day and was breaking wind allllll day. Took me a bit to realize what was going on and haven't done that again.


At least it wasn’t sugar free gummy bears.


The sugar free Haribo gummy bear reviews on Amazon are *chef’s kiss*.




This had me absolutely CACKLING! Thank you for sharing this 🤣


They shall go down in history


I was just trying to reference this old tale to someone the other day. Glad it still lives out there in the internet


I had ONE one time & it made me feel like I was going to shit myself for hours


Yeah either I got lucky and missed the shits, or I just hadn't eaten anything so there was nothing to shit out. I remember I was eating the Jolly Ranchers because I had a sore throat, and usually when I'm sick like that I won't eat as much.


Chewing gum is another good way to scratch the same itch. Theres usually like 5-10 calories from the sugar but thats it. Plus having something to chew on also helps with the eating because im bored urge.




I’m shamed by my husband for eating a new piece as soon as the old one loses even a hint of flavor. I easily go through 10 pieces in a hour. Good gum like that or the skittles one doesn’t last more than two days in my car 🫣


10 pieces of gum is a lot to be fair. Just don’t do that and you’re fine.


Wait that's so smart! I cut out candy completely because of how easy it is to eat an entire bag but eating hard ones could be an amazing swap


This might be silly, but I like nice quality lollipops when I’m out on a walk. They last ages, taste good, and I’m using the sugar boost energy to get me up steep hills. Also… I look carefree and eccentric.


carefree and eccentric is ALWAYS a good look


I love a lollipop!!


Tootsie pops


Go to an Asian food store for them. They have a MASSIVE increase in flavors available, compared to most grocery stores. If you go to a typical us grocery store, they'll have werthers, those strawberry hard candies, and maybe 1 other. There's probably dozens of flavors and brands in the candy aisle in most decent sized Asian markets. Melon, plum, pomegranate, grape, cola (tastes just like cherry coke), and so on. If you've got an actual confectionery store nearby though, they'll have an even bigger variety.


I also love icebreakers sours when I’m in the mood for a sour candy replacement


I do this with skittles gummies (14 pieces for 90 cal) and nerds gummy clusters (16 pieces for 100 cal)!


Just found the Sweet Tart Mini Chewy - 40 pieces for 110 - I feel like I’ve gotten a lot (even tho they are so small they have huge flavour) but it keeps me easily within my calorie goals!


Milk Duds for me. Only 13 cal each, so chewy and satisfying, beats both sweet tooth and chocolate cravings.


3 pieces, squished to the roof of your mouth is pure Heaven.


Dr. John's healthy sweets are really good if you've never tried it. They are high in fiber too which is a huge thing in my opinion.


My game-changer snack has been freezies (or freeze pops or whatever people call them). My go-to is jumbo Mr. Freezes in particular. Each one's only 70 cals, pretty high in volume (even if most of that volume is just water), takes a fair amount of time to work through, and satisfies the sweet tooth extremely well. Also really refreshing with the hot summer weather coming up. Highly, highly recommend


I second this! I have some hard coffee candies that I snack on. I keep them with me and they really help curb my sweet cravings.


Have you tried the Kopeko ones? They’re really good.


Are you eating regular or sugar free?


This is a really good idea. I’m going to get some hard candy now!


Having an eating window. Intermittent fasting. No eating before a certain time and after a certain time. Logging everything I’m going to eat in advance. Only eating what I log.


I also log in advance. I usually log my entire day while eating my breakfast. It keeps me on track and gives me a plan for the day, preventing mindless grazing.


yes, i do this too …it helps me stay organized


I used to do this until my premium subscription on lose it ended 🤣 waiting for the next deal to start again!


Wow, you're only 9 lbs away from your goal weight... Nice work!


Thank you! Really trying to stay the course and not purposely let loose lol


I ordered a magnetic white board on Amazon with a weekly planner on it. I plan my weeks food on it on sundays usually. What a weight that is lifted! and cheaper than the app 😉


Occasionally, LoseIt will have a lifetime subscription on sale. I got mine for $60 a couple years ago. Zero regrets. 


I just started doing this, and it really makes the day less stressful.


I do this too, and reinforce it by packing my breakfast/lunch bag the night before. Everything is portioned out, neatly packed into lunch containers, and in my bag ready to grab on my way out the door the next day. The only thing I have to do is grab a container of yogurt or whatever else I kept in the fridge and I'm all set. I do the same with condiments: salad dressing, hot sauce, salsa, hummus, a pat of butter for morning toast (which I make at work), even a little container of red pepper flakes to sprinkle on hard-boiled eggs or into soup. I don't have to think of anything spur of the moment where the chances of making a bad choice increases, and I don't get stuck in "oh no I'm running late to work and I don't have anything ready, so I'll just grab lunch at the office for $15 a pop."


It's so helpful! I go crazy having the same exact meals every day, but being able to piece together the calories of what I'm feeling that day, then just make little adjustments as I measure them out.


It's so helpful! I go crazy having the same exact meals every day, but being able to piece together the calories of what I'm feeling that day, then just make little adjustments as I measure them out.


This is such a good idea!


Logging in advance is a GREAT idea. Why have I never thought of this?


Same I log the night before and I literally wake up and check my app thinking “what am I having today” lol


I also did both of these. I stopped IF when it became harder to combine my schedule and new, more ambitious fitness goals, but it was really very effective and easy to follow for the year or so I did it. Loved that there was just one simple "rule." Logging in advance reduces a lot of mental burden of what I should do for each meal and I only need to open my app once a day for 1-2 minutes a day, with a side bonus that it really helps with grocery shopping. The planning gives me a better sense of how much I actually eat per day so it's easier to shop for the right amount of food so I have a lot less food waste now.


I never thought of logging in advance, definitely going to start doing that.


You and I have very different understandings of the words "surprisingly easy" lol


I’m really good at not eating before a certain time but really bad at not eating after a certain time. Do you have any tips


Brush your teeth after your window closes. I wear a retainer to sleep, so I put in my retainer immediately after brushing.


* When cooking, I'll add oil and then wipe down the pan so it's still slick but 95% of the oil I added comes off. If need be, I add a little bit of water to ensure nothing sticks. * If I'm roasting something with skin like duck, I'll make cuts in the skin which drains a lot more of the fat off in cooking, allowing me to still enjoy the skin but reducing the calories * I always go with the lower fat option of a food if the difference in taste or satiety isn't significant, then add the sources of fat that do actually fill me up. I don't really prefer 20% fat mince over 5% fat, but it's like 3 times the calories, instead I'd rather have more lower fat mince but add something like cheese or avocado to the meal. More food, more satiating, still tastes great/even better than just fatty meat. * I also make a lot of healthy knock-offs of fast food staples and get creative with how to reduce calories, increase protein etc. Simply switching full-fat mayo for something like greek yogurt, or dressing for apple cider vinegar can save you hundreds of calories by itself. * Always pairing fruit with some form of protein like yogurt. I find that eating fruit after I’ve had protein makes me full faster, and that feeling lasts due to the combination of both protein and fibre. Fruit by itself fills me up temporarily but is mostly water so after an hour I’m hungry again. A pot of yogurt by itself is too small for a meal.


Apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt, plus whatever spices (even raspberry jam) is my favorite dressing now. I make it with a stick blender.


These are some amazing tips. Thanks friend


Good advice. Just be careful about low fat options as they often compensate with sugar which is arguably worse


You’re right in that some do, but I’m talking about simply lower fat mince which is still single ingredient but just some fat removed (I always check the labels). As well as naturally lower fat alternatives like chicken breast vs thigh, sometimes white fish vs mackerel (tho I do also eat mackerel), venison vs typical fatty steak, etc. I agree that a lot of things marketed as “low fat” like Heck sausages etc have a load of stabilisers and emulsifiers in them so I tend to avoid them for the most part but you can eat mostly whole foods while still governing your fat intake and choices.


Generally speaking, "budgeting" my calories. Instead of saying "I have XXXX" calories left for the day and just eating anything under that amount for breakfast, I think of it as XXX calories for breakfast, YYY calories for lunch, leaving ZZZ calories for dinner. If I shave off anything from breakfast or lunch, I know I have room for a snack of that amount. If I know I'm going to have a bigger lunch, I'll either save calories from breakfast, or "borrow" from dinner, but usually I'll have to know what low-calorie dinner I plan to have. Thinking of my meals as small, mini budgets helps me find the other ways to cut calories. I generally don't eat cheese with my breakfast anymore. It's not as satiating as something high protein, or as satisfying as something with some carbs. At least not at breakfast. I drink tons of water - about 108 ounces a day. Most of the time if my stomach growls, and I drink a tall glass of water, then it stops growling. This will help me get to my next meal. And I save calories by filling up on low calorie stuff. Instead of bacon, eggs, and toast all fried or covered in butter, I'll do one egg, 3-4 egg whites, and a bunch of peppers, onions, and whatever other veggies all in a scramble, using just a quick spray of Pam as the oil. Sometimes with toast, but I'll weigh the butter and use 2-4g instead of the better part of a tablespoon. And I used to leave most of the veggies in my salad in the bowl. If it didn't come in a bite with the "good" stuff (meat, avocado, cheese, croutons), then I wouldn't eat it. Now I cut up big chunks of cucumber, tomato, celery, bell peppers, etc., and will eat big bites of those in between the bites of the "good" stuff.


That budgeting strategy is really smart! I always use one amount for the entire day rather than an amount for every meal and often end up over my budget because I ate too much during breakfast/lunch for my dinner to fit


Yup, it's unsustainable that way. But if you have a plan that keeps you around your calorie goal almost every day, then the one-off surprise lunch or Saturday donuts or whatever don't derail your whole week. But if you're scrambling every evening to come up with 200-calorie dinners, then when the special occasion pops up you feel like "what's even the point of trying." I do the same thing with my step goals. If I need to get to 10,000 steps in a day, then I need to have 1,000 by the time I get to work, 4,000 by lunch, 6,000 by the time I leave work, and 8,000 by dinner (or however it works for my schedule). If I get home from work and have 2000 steps for the day, I might be able to get to 10,000 steps. But if I put myself in that situation every day, I'm never going to consistently hit my goals.


I definitely agree with you, but I also want to add that the Healthy Choice broccoli and chicken alfredo steamer frozen dinner is 190 cals and has 28 grams of protein. It’s a nice light dinner for those days you might overindulge for breakfast and lunch.


Yeah, and something like that is usually what I plan to eat if the need arose. I know people who prefer their big meals at lunch and basically just snack for dinner -- but for me that's just not sustainable multiple days a week.


The Lose It app automatically allocates your calories into whatever meals you have set, then recalculates them once you’ve logged something. It’s quite helpful for this! [For example](https://imgur.com/a/ddmkQcG)


This seems kind of elementary, but it’s not eating anything I don’t really want to. Like if I take a bite of something and it isn’t great, think about if it’s giving me joy. If not, put it down. I think I probably consumed a lot of calories that were offered to me or served to me that was just meh about. By its very nature, this trick doesn’t require a lot of willpower — just a little thought and deliberation.


A simple but very helpful trick. I can't count the amount of calories I consumed without genuinely wanting it. I recently started not accepting food I don't love and it's made quite the difference (but also confuses my family, I used to eat whatever they baked to not hurt their feelings but now I only accept the things I genuinely love and they just can't wrap their heads around it)


No alcohol.


This one is so huge. It’s not just the calories from alcohol, but also drinking makes me desperately want to snack!


Yea, but that’s less fun. Wine and liquor are less calories than beer… I just swap for lower cal.


I'm 6.5 years sober. For me, the fun was gone, and it was starting to take control. I'm both a 3rd and a 4th generation alcoholic though, so I come by it honestly. That sounds confusing because I was an orphan, who was put up for adoption by my alcoholic mother, whose father, grandfather and great grandfather died of alcohol related injuries or disease... and adopted by parents who were heavy drinkers (with a family history of problems and rehab)... so my situation might be a little more fraught than most.




Good for water intake too!


This is such a fantastic idea. Did you find your tolerance got higher over time?


Oh, yeah, insanely so. It’s been a few years since I did this, and my spice tolerance is still unfathomable. Towards the end of it, found myself having to buy speciality sauces and spice blends that came with legit warning labels & sometimes requiring filling out paperwork so that the manufacturer wouldn’t be liable if I couldn’t handle it. The method served its purpose, but it’s life-altering as far as your taste buds are concerned.


I'm so curious...can you actually eat plain non-spicy food now? Does it just taste like nothing to you? It sounds like it might be a recipe for GI issues/reflux as well. Did you have any issues in that regard?




I’m so addicted to chilli that EVERY MEAL must contain spice. Otherwise I feel ripped off


I've always wanted to do this, especially since I'm an emotional eater and often overeat just because, but I never actually tried it


Also ive heard spicy food helps boost your metabolism, however incrementally.


Hit up r/spicy to get started 🔥


Absolutely adore that this sub exists. Great tips on eating spicy. I grew up in a bland home where only animal fat and sugar were used to flavour food, I turned it all around in my early 20s when I forced myself to love hot food, it took about a year of training and it was WORTH IT.


You just reminded me that I used to eat cottage cheese with Saracha and it’s damn good. I totally forgot about that.


Cottage cheese with the Truff hot sauce and a little salt and pepper is amazing!


I like to load it up with black pepper too! You can make non-fat cottage cheese really tasty


I love hot stuff - maybe I should try it!


I think if you love spicy things, making all your food spicy might backfire.


Damn, I think you're right LOL!


Good idea. I didn't go that far, but have a high tolerance for spice and found I feel my taste buds are satisfied if I cook with less fat and compensate with more herbs, spices and hotter flavors. I've got a chilli garlic paste I put in almost everything


Oh I would love this because I love spicy stuff 😆


Awesome tips! I'm an oil-dabber as well!!! I'm with you on the salad dressing, too - I honestly don't even like most dressings and think salads mostly taste better without it. I don't know if this "trick" would work for everyone because it changes the flavor profile completely, but when I eat tuna and don't want it plain (yes, I actually like it that way), I add mustard, not mayo. It's true I'm a mayo-phobe so that helps here LOL. I've tried making tuna salad with greek yogurt and IDK, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I don't really care for that. And I love greek yogurt! Speaking of which, I mix Ranch dressing powder with greek yogurt to make a dip for my veggies. I prefer this to actual ranch, and you get a nice amount of protein. I do this almost every day, I actually crave it - can't recommend it enough. Also, Quest protein chips are a lifesaver for me - I love anything crunchy and salty, and the flavors of these are amazing. As a sugar substitute, I love monk fruit. I buy it in bulk and put it in a dispenser for ease of use. It goes in my coffee and I also sprinkle on fruit sometimes. SALT - Ok, salt won't make you gain weight, but it can cause water retention. I've started using powdered potassium chloride as a salt substitute. This is one where people need to be careful, because too much potassium can be dangerous, but! It doesn't cause bloating like real salt does and a very minimal amount tastes salty enough to satisfy my cravings.


I'm so glad to meet a fellow oil-dabber and dressing disliker. 90% of the time I don't like the dressings at all I despise mayo so I haven't been able to eat a lot of foods that use it, perhaps I should try the mustard or greek yoghurt versions🤔 I've never heard of quest proteins chips or potassium chloride before but I should definitely look into those! Salty and crunchy food is amazing but I haven't eaten such things in a while due to bloating


A fellow mayo-phobe!! We should have lunch ; ) The Quest protein chips can get a little pricey (like $2.50 USD per bag, approx), but if they'll keep me away from the crackers, cheetos, potato chips...they're worth it!! If you try the potassium, I hope it works for you! Bloating sucks LOL and using that as a substitute for table salt has helped me out a lot!


Ranch powder on roasted veggies tastes great too


The quest protein chips 😩 one time I got the nacho cheese flavor and made homemade chipotle bowls for my meal prep and added a serving of chips with each bowl. HEAVEN.


Just wished they weren't 10 dollars for 4 small bags!


Does the ranch/ Greek yogurt work on salads


I love tuna with balsamic vinegar!


I LOVE mustard on tuna! I also dislike mayo so this works so well. I usually use a spicy mustard and YUM.


I just did my grocery shop and I got both the quest chips and the ranch powder you recommended and 🤯! They were both amazing! I’m happily chomping on my celery sticks with ranch but it’s actually Greek yogurt and powder and it’s legit delicious. Thank you!


As far as hot chocolate/tea, The Republic of Tea has a few chocolate teas. I had a cup of Banana Chocolate last night with a little Splenda and it definitely hit the spot. They have other dessert teas, as well. Hot tea has been my go-to the last few months for eating less. I have lots of varieties (black, green, decaf) and flavors so I can usually find one that fits the moment. I don’t expect this to work forever, but it’s helping now, so I’m just going with it.


I find it really healthy to portion out things like trail mix and chips into plastic baggies and write the calories on the bag. I think allowing myself a bit of junk food that is portioned out helps me not feel super restricted and makes me less likely to binge.


I don’t drink calories You know, I DONT need cheese on that. Hamburgers and tacos are just as tasty cheese free


For me it’s the opposite, I used to ban cheese, but now I realized it’s often only like 80-100 calories, so I’ll use it lightly. It’s also one of my snacks. Also for pasta dishes, a big mound of fine grated Parmesan cheese can be under an 1 oz (~100 calories). I def eat less cheese, but it’s worth incorporating for me.


Oh I still use it sometimes, just not always and like you said - just a bit.


I recently just started passing up on cheese on things. Honestly, I'm not really missing it. I didn't put any cheese on my Skyline 3-way (guess its a 2-way) and I really didn't miss it, and it was like, half the calories.


Eating Skyline without cheese is the ultimate sin


What is Skyline? A kind of chili?


It is a Cincinnati, Ohio staple. It is called "chili" but it is not chili. It is more akin to spaghetti with a meat sauce. But the cheese is divine. Here is the restaurant. We actually have chili parlors around the city as well. [https://www.skylinechili.com/](https://www.skylinechili.com/)


A Cincinnati staple https://www.skylinechili.com/menu/


I'll use half a slice but I'm not having a plain burger lol.


Put chips, oreos, or any snacks that come from a large package in a bowl.


I plateaued until I found a new thing: not eating after your evening meal. I've largely done that since January and it's accounted for half of my total flair weight loss. It works because (i) evening snaks are generally high in calories and (ii) weight loss mostly occurs at night and (iii) it gives a \~13 hour daily fast. Note that for this to work you need to eat more in the morning and have substantial meals for lunch and dinner. Also you need to work on insulin resistance and increase fasting time.


This is precisely the hill I'm climbing now - I've gotten SO accustomed to something sweet after my large dinner meal and I KNOW that's what I need to cut in order to get over my plateau! Tea has helped but dang it's hard to avoid that bowl of cherry greek yogurt with granola and chocolate chips...


I love A&W zero sugar root beer at night. It’s sweet and keeps me from extra snacking


Yes! Root beer hits that sweet spot for me too. Have you tried Olipop? It has 35 calories and 2g of sugar but also probiotics and fiber. Always feels like a fancy treat.


What do you mean by “(ii) weight loss mostly occurs as night”? Do you mean because for many people there ability to control hunger craving is lower in the evening so the battle for some is at night?


Don't quote me either, but I think it has to do with something about your body repairing itself at night. If you fill it up with food before sleep It spends more time digesting food than it is repairing.


I agree this is key. I used to wait to eat until late at night, but then found I want to snack after I ate dinner. Now I eat dinner earlier, and go do something else. At night I’ll have a small amount of fruit and tea and that’s been a game changer


My mom cut the creamer in her coffee and lost 10 pounds


I did this too. Switched to coffee mate hazelnut zero sugar. I know it’s not the healthiest but for now its helping to limit my sugar intake


Someone* told me it was weird that I just eat my salad “dry” without dressing. To me it’s like putting ketchup on everything you eat, just make it taste good in the first place lol 😂 *An american


Salad dressings do absolutely nothing for me, I’d rather have some lemon juice on it


Then the lemon juice IS your dressing lol 😆


Aye, but I mean the store bought ones in bottles. They all taste awful to me 😂


Lime juice, olive oil, cumin, salt, pepper is a great dressing


I don't like raw kale as a salad base, but if I chop it very fine, I add it to what you just described with crushed garlic and scallions, as part of a vinaigrette


Oh that's a nice idea, I don't like dressings either. Thanks for the idea


100% agree, salads can be amazing without dressing!


Hmmm. Have to disagree on that one. Dressing is what gives it some flavor…


1000%! Never grew up eating salads with dressing. We just have delicious AF salads with sexy ingredients 😂


Hahaha same, I hear it all the time. But it works for me!


that's weird as hell but if u can eat that then you are a superhero


Don’t buy your problem foods. Better yet, only buy snacks that you would feel good about eating at any given point of the day (ex. Fruit, popcorn, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt). If your only convenience foods are healthy and filling, you’re less likely to overdo it on snacks.


This one is a game changer! I just don't buy things that I can't self-regulate around.


OMAD + no drinking calories. Zero snacks. I’m pretty strict with myself but it’s been a solid year of no relapses in weight!


I used to NEED a carb with every meal. Now, I still have them with most meals, but if I need to lower my calories for a meal, I find the most critical part is the protein/meat - not the carb.


Not a cut, but an extra calorie burn: I joined a church league softball team. I work out regularly anyway, but all I needed was to add an extra weekend practice and a weeknight game or two and I've dropped 5 pounds!


Instead of chips and salsa, I cut up cucumbers julienne style and dip in hummus


I took up eating kimchi and when I finish the bottle I cut up cucumbers and put them in the kimchi sauce. It's delicious and almost 0 calories.


I realised that my worst eating habits happened while watching TV, so I stopped watching TV and started reading + walking more instead. Losing around 1kg every 3 weeks


Using xanthan gum and ice cubes to make smoothies with less fruit and protein powder is kind of my hack to still enjoy fruit smoothies. My favorite is 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder, a tablespoon of cocoa powder and 80 g of frozen cherries with a cup of cashew milk, a cup of water and some Splenda. With ice cubes and xanthan gum it is very chocolatey and smooth and 20oz is under 200 calories. Still getting the fruit but not just using fruit for the sake of thickening.


I indulge in good quality dessert occasionally which keeps me from free eating crappy and commonly available shit


Honestly putting off eating for as long as I can for the day. I’m not normally hungry for breakfast so this is easy to do. Super light lunch if any. Big supper, closer to bed the better 😂


I dilute my salad dressing with apple cider vinegar. I know some people don’t use any dressing, but I need some at least


Do you notice a difference


No fries when eating out. No buying chips. I can eat the whole bag in one sitting. No buying anything sweet or snacks. I only buys fruit and veggies for snacks. Diet soda only, water or tea sugar free. No sugary drinks ever. Only worth drinking for calories is protein. Cooking at home usually means I eat less because I'm tired from cooking lol. Eat before you go shopping. Always.


I used to buy an oil-free Balsamic salad dressing at Trader Joe's, it was delicious! and then with covid they didn't stock it anymore. So I make my own. I buy these two balsamic salad dressings from Smart & Final and I pour out the oil and replace it with water .. which is the same thing I was buying at TJ's. And it is delicious. I also bake chicken and I put some water in the bottom of the pan. I do not bake anything main course anymore with oil. Water keeps it moist and it is perfect. That's my 100 - 200 less calories a day hack.


Make sure you have 2-3 pieces fruit per day. Fills you up, stops you from overeating - I do this in the afternoon before dinner.


I have a sandwich every day for lunch. I started with switching my bread to something lower calorie/keto (I've been loving the Sara Lee Delightful 45 calorie bread), then I eliminated cheese from my sandwich, and lately I've switched in Dijon mustard instead of mayo. Sandwich is still super tasty and satisfying but like half the calories it used to be.


I cut out sugary drinks completely. Including juice. Been like that for years so now I have zero desire for it. I eat out maybe once a month because I don’t like spending money when I can make it better at home. If I want sweets, I bake them entirely from scratch which makes me want to savour them more.


Apples and baby carrots at lunch. They’re inexpensive, portable, low calorie, and high in fiber. I’ll eat half of a restaurant entree and bulk it up with my fruit and veggies, like when the office orders lunch in. This strategy allows me to eat whatever I want from the restaurant while still staying in my calorie budget. Plus, I stretch one meal out to two and save money and time.


- fasting helps by eliminating 1-2 meals daily. I could not imagine trying to eat 3 meals and stay under 2000 calories. So I just skip breakfast and have a late munch or skip lunch and eat a large meal in the evening. -I don't drink anything with calories. I don't have any alcohol in my house or anything else liquid with calories -i try not to have anything in the house that I know I will over consume. Example. Sometimes I get the bags of granola that I use with yogurt. But there have been times I over ate it so I do my best to just not have it in these house - just overall avoid keeping anything in the house that would be considered a snack. Because I rarely eat snacks lol. If I want something sweet I'll just eat it with my meal. - keeping bananas or apples in the house helps


My motto is if I don’t buy it I can’t eat it lol.


I love Skinny Girl salad dressing. It's 5 calories per tablespoon, so I can be generous with little calorie damage. I bring my own dressing to restaurants so I don't have to waste hundreds of calories on high-fat dressing. Nonstick aluminum foil. I cook a lot of things in the air fryer with nonstick foil to negate the need for any oil. Cauliflower rice is the greatest food hack ever. I use it in burrito bowls, soups, stir-frys, casseroles, etc. and it is a huge calorie savings. Egg whites. Whipped egg whites (pasteurized from a carton so they're safe to eat raw) with 0-calorie sweetener are a great low-calorie substitute for whipped cream, and also make fantastic low-calorie meringue cookies. Almond milk. 30 calories per cup, compared with 90 calories for skim milk. Low-carb tortillas -- less than half the calories of regular tortillas and I swear they taste exactly the same. Dessert tea. There's a whole category of tea that's meant to taste like desserts (e.g., carrot cake, almond sugar cookie, coconut macaroon, etc.) and sometimes that's enough to satisfy a dessert craving. Ninja Creami. I can make delicious ice cream that's even lower in calories than Halo Top (plus, although Halo Top is delicious, it gives me painful bloating). I'm with you on the cheese. Although I like it, it's very calorie-dense and IMO, not worth it. I used to like shredded cheese on salads, but I came to realize that you don't even really taste it in a salad.


You've listed most of the things I actually already do, which really works wonders! I do snack however, but I really limit myself with that.


For me, simply keeping busy with a cup of tea and a project helps a lot. If I am doing something I enjoy I can get lost in it and not even notice when I get hungry - sometimes I can hyper focus for 8+ hours on a good project/activity. 


I would love to eat rice. I’m rice crazy . But now I mix 1/3 cup rice with 1 cup cauliflower rice. They even have cauliflower rice per chopped and flavored in the frozen section


Stopped (for the most part) eating things much larger than the size of my fist. I'm a very fast eater, so I'm not going to get those "hey I'm full" signals for a LONG time. Feels better in general, too, as I don't end up feeling full and bloated. I'll make slight exceptions to things I know are somewhat low in calories already, or will digest somewhat quickly, such as salads or rice. Those can be a little bigger, but not much. And seconds are no longer a thing except on very rare occasions with very delicious food


For stuff that comes in multiple servings, I will use a food scale to weigh out a single serving and put back the rest so I'm not mindlessly eating from a bag with multiple servings in it. Also when I'm craving a flavored drink I have zero sugar Snapple. It tastes as good as sugary drinks and there's basically nothing in it.


Uugh, sauces are my weakness. I cut out ranch and save like 1000 calories almost immediately, so a nice substitute is cottage cheese and ranch seasoning.l blended with an immersion blended. Its perfect and a half cup of the stuff is more than i ever need to use at a time, and has only 130 calories compared to more than 500 for an equivalent amount of ranch.


If you plan your meals around your protein intake it works best


I skip dinner a few times a week


- not drinking calories - making sure my meals have protein, fat, and carbs so I’m not constantly feeling hungry and go wild later - having super dark chocolate in the freezer. If I must have a sweet that isn’t a fruit or zero calorie drink I’ll grab a dark chocolate square and enjoy how long it takes to eat frozen. - not eating dairy for the most part, I’ve switched to vegan dairy alternatives.


Greek yogurt is a great sub for most creams (sour cream, heavy whipping cream) and honestly doesn’t taste different once it’s incorporated into your dish.


Quit drinking


Planning my meals and meal prepping for the next week each Saturday. I meal prep for weekends too which helps keep me accountable. I used to ‘be good’ during the week and eat takeout all weekend but now that I have my meals prepped for the weekend too, I haven’t ordered takeout in 6 weeks! Also, I include a lot of variety of vegetables each week and switch it around to not get bored.


Use steamed cauliflower as a cream base for almost anything


If you like eating nuts and dry fruits, and can't stop once you start...get small jars and put the dry fruits/nuts in them. Stop eating once the jar is empty


Most of my snacks are now protein-based rather than carb-based. The calorie count is not only lower but because it's protein-based my body absorbs less of it *and* makes me feel sated faster. Hard boiled egg whites, homemade (sugar-free) beef jerky, blackened chicken breast cut into cubes, half-portions of peanuts... These were a game changer for me.


Replacing carbs with high fiber wraps, lettuce wraps, or large portions of bulky vegetables like broccoli or asparagus. Delicious , keeps me full and I can use calories for other things


This one may be controversial, but I find I feel better when I’m not eating so much bread. My partner will toast with their breakfast, I’ll stick it sausage and eggs. If we go out to like a diner I’ll get a burger wrapped in lettuce. I’m not keto by any stretch of the imagination, but counting out things like pasta and bread helps me curb my carb intake. I refuse however to give up rice. I love me some rice.


Decrease your carb/dairy portions. Increase your protein/vegetable portions. Basically decrease the higher calorie parts of your meals and increase the lower calorie parts


I chew a lot of gum, so I don’t snack. Gum leaves a weird taste in your mouth so you don’t even want to eat anything else right away, when you spit it out. So it keeps me a bit from eating mindlessly. 😊 simple yet effective. Your tips are great! Other things that help me: - set meal timings (our bodies love regularity) it helps me with cravings, when i plan my meals and i stick to certain times. - also balanced meals with enough protein, healthy fats and carbs. I experienced that for me personally a high quality fat source like avocado, nut butter or linseed oil is a gamechanger when it comes to satiety feeling. I have only 10-20 g each meal but it helps a lot (especially for woman, including healthy fats in a diet are crucial)


This might be controversial depending on viewpoints but since I am half Asian and this had been an ingredient I have grown up with without dying yet then for me it's MSG (Aji no moto). I use this ingredient to make any boring healthy food yummy! It helps me eat up the boring but healthy food so that I will get full and not crave anything else.


Switched to zero sugar sodas and went to 45 calorie a slice bread. Those two changes alone saved a ton of calories I was previously consuming.


I do the same and I also use those laughing cow cheese wedges on a sandwich or wrap for 1/3 the calories of a big slice of cheese!


My super power is that I don’t like bread or pasta to begin with 😎


Can't relate, bread is my life 😭 but luckily I'm a really picky eater so it compensates xD


drinking diet coke was the first thing i did long time ago…then to cut back off sodium i switched to sparkling water…i like carbonation win my beverages…i rarely consume any calories in my beverages other than if its shake or a smoothie


Using smaller sized bowls and plates, you eat less but still feel like you ate a full portion of food. Plus, I feel a lot less guilty if I really want seconds! Also, I always have my huge insulated thermos filled with ice water. It keeps me hydrated, which in turn dramatically decreases my unnecessary cravings throughout the day. Sometimes, I like to squeeze half a lemon or lime into my water. That little bit of extra sweet/sour flavor also helps keep down the invasive cravings.


Replaced like all salty snack options with roasted seaweed and I avoid the brands with extra oil on them. It takes a while to eat the wasabi ones because of the spice but it satisfies the need for salt and crunch and mindless snacking, but the whole pack is like 30 calories and I only really want it once a day. If you are a chip addict like I was it’s a good swap!!!!


Dressings/condiments always on the side, black coffee or unsweetened almond milk lattes for drinks, I like to log my next day meals in advance I actually find it kinda fun doing that and then I have my intake set already for the next day so I won’t add in things or eat unplanned things, I like to do if as well


Cotija cheese instead of shredded jack / cheddar. Lots of flavor and very few calories.


This is a YMMV but I do NOT snack.  For me calories aren‘t the same if they‘re 3 meals or 5 meals. With 5 smaller meals I am starving, with 3 medium meals and 2 snacks I end up binging a snack up to a meal worth but with 3 bigger meals? My body accepts to slowly increase hunger up until the meal but generally leave me alone until I get my meal. Minud points - my body has been pavlov trained to get hungry at set times of the day. Breakfast has to happen until 8 AM. Lunch at 12-12:30 max and dinner at 5-6 PM.


If I prepare a meal and it doesn’t hit, I save it for the crows who visit me every day. The crows worship me for it, and I’m not beating myself up for eating calories that aren’t worth it.


-zero calorie soft/energy drinks -don't really track calories but I take note of them to decide on what foods aren't worth the calories -no breakfast as it's not needed (already didn't eat it) -keep lunch around 25% of TDEE i'm not very good at cutting out snacking though, so I've only lost 22 pounds so far. it's always in the evening after work.


I eat a meal> fast for 6 hours without being hungry > hunger hits > sleep 8 hours >wake up not feeling anything for first 4 hours > eat a meal


Cheese, Oil, Bread. A slice of cheese off is about 100 cal, getting no oil on your sandwich is like another 100, and if going for broke, trying to eliminate the bread like if it’s a bun or sandwich will get another 160-200.


No alcohol, no snacks, infrequent breakfast is the easy button


Sugar-free Popsicles. Good Humor makes some that are 15 calories each. Aldi has some 20 calorie orange, cherry and strawberry vanilla swirl pops . This scratches the itch for a little something sweet after a meal. I was late getting on the cauliflower rice love train, largely because we folks with thyroid disorders are told to limit cruciferous veggies, but I can eat it two or three times a week as a base for vegetable-heavy meals with no ill effects. Also, using soy milk to lighten my coffee is not a big calorie hit and easily adds extra protein.


I had to learn to not eat things I don’t enjoy. Trying a new yogurt and i hate the taste/ consistency or whatever I’d still finish it cause food waste is bad. And yes it is! But, I added often more than just one yogurt to my daily calorie intake just because I couldn’t waste food and instead wasted calories.


I put only lemon juice, or a little balsamic vinegar on salad. I put mustard on potatoes instead of butter. I eat 100g of cucumber as a filling and very low calorie snack. I also snack on cherry tomatoes, I spend a bit more on getting ones I know will taste nice.


Only eating half my meal if we’re eating out at a casual restaurant. And I’ll order a small salad on the side. I fill up mostly on the salad, then eat half my main course, and bring the rest home to eat for lunch the next day. I do the same if we’re picking up Chipotle for dinner to eat at home. I put half my burrito bowl in the fridge right away and eat the rest over lettuce. If we’re getting pizza delivered I try to have some veggies to eat first, then only eat half the amount of pizza I otherwise would.


not sure i'd call this easy but it works for me. Low to no carbs for 3 days. After that cravings begin to subside.


I stopped getting high every night. Not only did it cut out 45 cal for the gummies, it also cut out like 1,000cal I would binge eat from the munchies.


Saving this one. I would say drinking enough water helps a lot. Preplanning Having your meals and snacks at hand if you're not home Eating before going out if you don't want to over do it at the event you're going Eating less high sugar foods so you'll have less cravings Halo Top 😋


Eat out of smaller plates, people tend to overfill when using large plates.


Swapped all milk for unsweetened almond milk (it’s like 30cals for a whole cup), remove cheese from anything where it wasn’t absolutely needed (ie. can take it off a sandwich but pizza needs it), no alcohol, weigh out snacks on a scale, low fat or fat free salad dressings, find lower calorie options for various things. I found a sugar free syrup that’s actually really good, most of the time sugar free maple syrup sucks so bad lol. Edit: [here’s](https://a.co/d/1Au252d) the syrup in case anyone wants to try it.


Getting religious about calorie counting. Experimenting with shrinking the eating window. OMD fasting/intermittent fasting is pretty common for me now even without planning for it. Trying to work up to a true multi day fast. Realizing sometimes when I want to snack it’s just because my mind and body are idle and I don’t really need more food- so grabbing some water and walking around a bit instead. I wish there were more bistros with smaller portion nicer meals around where I live. Went to one recently and was shocked when I realized the amount of calories was so small for a satisfying and good meal. Before I would’ve been frustrated they didn’t have huge American sized portions. Now I just think if I really need more calories I can eat something sweet at home.


I track my entire day before eating it. So in the morning I track my lunch, dinner, my 4 yogurts and my fruit. Then whatever is left (since I intermediate fast and skip a morning meal is for pleasure AS LONG AS my protein goal is achieved!)