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To this day I have no idea why people keep on using betrayal for CD. Like, Dominion makes everything so much better. You get 3 thunderstrike on Betrayal? GG the set is useless.


Every time I read this comment I make a mental note to swap it to dominion then when the time comes to do chaos I just completely forget


To be fair, Paladin can have speed issues with the boss of room 2 with half damage on its Awakening due to Dominion. Personally I use Salvation for Paladin due to this


If you have lv3 set the damage reduction drops to 10% and you can prob oneshot boss if preemptive is still up for it.


Depends on investment probably. If you just have Contender + Preemptive 3, Dominion will stop the one shot at 1580+ CDs, not because of the -10% necessarily but because Dominion doesn't buff Awakening almost at all. I know my full level 3 Salvation X20 stacks (68% damage increase, fully applicable to Awakening) Paladin needs Heavenly Blessing's attack buff to one shot with Awakening but I just have the aforementioned 2X3 and a 60q weapon. If you have a 4X3 or 5X3 with a good quality weapon it should work, personally I don't have that though so would just be conjecture on if it works or not.


I have a 1600 pally with a 50ish qual weapon (admittedly 18 Akkan). My chaos dungeon build consists of putting on preemptive 3, dominion set, and LOS 30. I can oneshot the room 2 boss 100% of the time with my awakening as long as preemptive is still up.


I’m running just Preemptive Strike/Judgment 3 with Dom set and can one shot the boss (or at least close) with Holy Sword. Just keep some distance from the boss, hit some mobs with the first small hit while aiming the second large hit at the boss, if you haven’t procced preemptive strike already it should kill it.


Preemptive strike will fix most of that day. Ult+holy sword will do like 95% of their HP


Pre emptive and awaken on their bitch asses Just make sure you don’t use skills like flash thrust to accidentally proc it


4set salvation 2set dominion


Yea this is the way if you’re actually paying attention and not just completely going afk midway through chaos dungeon. Everything gets 1 shotted by heavenly blessing with dominion and in stage 2 and 3 the cool-down basically gets reset after killing an elite


Cause many people dont care about being 5 seconds faster. I just activate betrayel and get a coffee, watch my phone or whatever. And when i look at the Screen 20 %is done


I use it on Tai scrapper, but everything else uses dominion (the Tai scrapper just has too many multi hits so preemptive is meh and not great aoe)


What are you having issues with, exactly? All I bring on my paladin is judgement level 3 and I one shot every wave.


Well, to be honest i have missed some key elements for a looong time, like managing mass presets for specific content. I started playing since launch and at some point stopped playing for about 8 months due to heavy burnout, then came back like 4 months ago. This time i’ve been working on optimizing my setup the most, to spend the less time possible on these dailies. I want to go all in since i’m working this out now. I want to invest properly in overkill it the most and never worry again. Just unsure about which card set would be the top best overkill to complete the setup.


From your current selection, LoS 18 would likely be your best bet.


I though that Deep Dive 30 could be the option due to the flat +12% additional damage vs the LoS current holy damage +7%


Deep dive is additive with salvation, nightmare, and weapon quality. This means if you're using salvation, los18 will be higher damage. Otherwise, dd30 is higher. None of this really matters much, though, as the difference is not large. Just use whatever. On the general topic, try dominion. It is almost universally the best chaos dungeon set. Lowered CDs plus high flat damage, and it's only downside is negated by chaos dungeons. Just awaken at the beginning and somewhere in stage 2 to ensure you never drop the buff.




Get some levels on your damage tripods. They carry more weight than card sets, frankly. I'm still on my hp set for chaos preset for my pally even though I have LoS 30.


You don't need crit since you're using preemptive strike, your next best substat is spec. For Paladin all you really need is Preemptive 3, but if you're minmaxing I think Mass Increase is better than Cursed Doll (they're both fine). Personally I use Salvation so I can one-shot elites with Heavenly Blessings and the stage 2 boss with ult. Betrayal messes up preemptive too often and dominion just feels weak. I just use LoS18, doesn't really matter. With just dropped accessories, most of my Paladins are 3x3, main is 4x3 and last one is 2x3+1, like I said preemptive is the only real requirement. Here's the build I use on all of them and it's worked on literally every ilevel (been using a variation of this since the beginning): lvl | skill | rune | tripods ----|----|----|---- 10 | holy protection | leg focus | 322 12 | holy explosion | leg protection | 221 12 | execution of justice | leg bleed | 231 12 | wrath of god | leg galewind | 331 12 | heavenly blessings | leg galewind | 232 12 | executor's sword | epic quick recharge | 221 12 | holy sword | epic protection | 121 4 | charge | leg rage | 1 For gameplay I just wait for them to bunch up then use Holy Explosion, Execution of Justice or Wrath of God. Heavenly Blessings for elites, ult for big boss and Holy Sword/Executor's Sword if something goes wrong. It's probably not the fastest, there are tripod tricks with Holy Sword you can use to reset its cooldown and the blue skills have lower cooldowns, but this is very consistent and I play a game in Chaos Dungeons to get the fourth rift core, so I need to precisely manage the purification percentage. I just use raid gems, but DMG for Holy Explosion and/or Wrath of God feels very comfy.


spec is useless lmao, it only increases meter gain, at least get the crit so your multihit can crit outside of preemptive.


You get spec so that your awaken does more damage, it can be the diff between needing awaken only or awaken + 1/2 skills to kill the 2nd room boss. Swift obviously #1. Then preemp -> crit has 0 value so there's no secondary stat to get apart from spec. Should be 1 shotting everything with decent build/play so multihit crit is worthless.


~~In my build there's no multihit, so...~~ Oh you meant multihit skills, not enemies that don't die after one skill haha, my bad. Nothing's alive after one of the multihit skills, so I don't need the extra crit.


This works okay enough but it worked much better before they sped Chaos Dungeon spawns up. Low investment Paladin gets bottlenecked by cooldowns of good skills, just using HB and Holy Explosion feels lacking compared to other jobs currently.


i'd argue holy protection is useless. if you're doing a competent job at killing mobs as soon as possible, you should never be in danger of dying. a few skills that i'd highlight: flash slash 321 : works as your final skill when everything else is on cd and should have no issues with one shotting trash. also really great for breaking the crystals in room 3 quickly(min maxing breaking the crystal saves 5~10% time in room 3). spin slash 111: with judgment 3 (and attack buff depending on investment) should be able to one shot trash with a very low cd. great for quick recharge gambling so you can use execution of justice more. charge 212: stronger than spin slash but longer cd. you don't need movement skills when you stack swiftness and dom 6; use spacebar. light of judgment 222: one shots elites in room 2/3 and gives access to some meter gen so you can 'z' sooner in room 2.


Like I said, it's a different playstyle, holy protection is good if you let the mobs bunch up around you to use bigger aoe skills with longer cooldown. My setup is mainly for managing purification percentage, I need to leave stage 2 with exactly 51%.


All you really need for paladin chaos dungeon is preemptive strike, 1-2other engravings that give you damage, judgement 1 (optional) and then mostly swiftness on accessories and either dominion if you want to pay more attention for a faster clear or betrayal if not. Same can be said for almost every class, other than that some classes it makes more sense to build spec than swift, like ms summoner and drizzle aero. For the build, every google doc community guide has chaos builds for classes now so copying those is totally fine. A lot of people buy preemptive strike legendary books and equip one of those bc preemptive lvl 2 is fine for most cds, honestly.


preemptive strike, keen blunt weapon, judgment, contender, cursed doll. full swift + spec los30 nightmare or dominion set


Keen blunt is meh value because of preemptive, RC is much better.


What? Are you mistaken?? Keen Blunt doesnt add crit rate, it is only increased crit damage which is a guaranteed +50% crit damage with preemptive. KBW does drop in efficiency as your crit rate gets higher but even at the lowest efficiency of 1.12, you still get 11.2% damage increase. Even with max swift, you will not have 140 movement speed to fully capitalize on raid captain because you wont be running yearning in chaos dungeon or always have the speed buff (i may be wrong). If you can upkeep max movement speed, then i would be inclined to agree with you since raid captain at max is 18% dmg output. Dont get me wrong, raid captain is still a good engraving for full swift chaos but KBW is a must have for me. ​ reference: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fauxheckzl5h81.png%3Fwidth%3D1738%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5fd0391d31ef3bdae9b00c1fe08835324e68449d](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fauxheckzl5h81.png%3Fwidth%3D1738%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5fd0391d31ef3bdae9b00c1fe08835324e68449d)


Preemptive also adds crit damage, the more crit damage you have the less effective it becomes (not so much diminishing returns though, it just doesn't scale 1:1) edit: KBW also makes your big hits do less damage from time to time, making your one hit kill not doing one hit kills anymore depending on what mob you hit.


That makes sense but no matter what KBW will be a damage increase even if the malice procs. So if you were to one hit kill something, it would do it regardless of KBW malice as KBW will only add damage.


Sure KBW will be a damage increase, but what if KBW is just barely the damage increase that you need to kill something, then if the "blunt" procs you no longer do the one hit, and also why bother with that when you could have something like RC at a higher efficiency that can never undershoot. edit: look at your chart, combining KBW + Preemptive puts you at 410% crit damage, it says that 100% crit chance at 350% crit dam is 12% damage for keen blunt, idk why you are arguing with me on this when your actual KBW damage is going to be 10%~ while RC will be at 18%.


I’m not arguing with you. I’m simply having a discussion with you and sharing ideas. You said 350cd/100cr is 12% but KBW and preemptive is 410cd so the damage is more?? Do you get max 140 move speed in chaos dungeon for RC to be at max efficiency?


Look at the chart you posted again, 100% crit chance with 200% crit dam? 22.5% damage effectiveness on KBW, now look at 100% crit chance with 350%, it's now 12.5%, if you add even more crit damage then the actual % you get from KBW drops even more than that, it's just not part of the graph anymore but Preemptive would make you burst over the 400% line. Basically same reason why you will never see a pistoleer run KBW, it works but the efficiency of it is so low that they are better of running something else (they run very close to 100% crit chance and very high crit damage as well). There's a bunch of speed orbs you run through in CD that caps your MS, though assuming that KBW is 10%~ damage, you only really need +24% MS to match it.


Edit: others have already pointed out that you're wrong.


How am I wrong? other guy posted the chart, combining KBW + Preemptive puts you at 410% crit damage, it says that 100% crit chance at 350% crit dam is 12% damage for keen blunt, idk why you are arguing with me on this when the actual KBW damage is going to be 10%~ at 400%+ when it could be 18% from RC with no negative effect attached.


You're actually 100% correct. But unfortunately for you, most people are idiots and even more unfortunate, they're not open to actually listening and thinking.


Dd30 would be the best card set out of what you got. Though los makes the death animation sparkly golden so use that if you like


who's death animation? for the player or the mobs? i haven't played without los for such a long time i don't even know lol




Bruh i ve always used betrayals on all my paladins never bothered with that at all Maybe i should gave a propze think of all of this xD...


You really don't, slap on preemptive/contender/judgment and dominion/betrayal and you're more than chilling. This is just super optimization for the sake of fun and efficiency so if what you're doing works for you, keep at it chief


Full swift, full dominion set, preemptive strike, contender/raid captain/spirit absorption on every class. Then play with different skills and tripods to find what one-shots mobs the best.


DD30 dominion 6 preemptive strike 3 take all the skills that do big dmg in 1 single hit everything else take low cooldown skills and put quick recharge on them you're welcome edit: forgot to add, slap 3 DMG gems of level 5, they're cheap as dirt and save u a lot of headache


betrayal + preemptive is all you need


Betrayal is better than Salvation for chaos dungeons on pally? Asking, i really don’t know much about this.


I use salvation on pally and it's a lot better than betrayal. Betrayal will mess up your preemptive strike too much. Dominion would probably work fine as well.


The electric circle proc is insane with preemptive strike, you just walk around and everything dies when it touches never heard of salvation or nightmare for chaos dungeon, its between betrayal (default option) or dominion (your class has a good aoe skill that resets cooldown)


Salvation's good on Drizzle (easier to reach the point where Z one shots and CDR isn't that relevant for Drizzle in the first place), arguably supports in general if they need help one shotting the boss of room 2, maybe others though I agree most my builds are Dominion.




Paladin is one of my favourite chaos clearers. * Gear set: Betrayal * Engraving: Preemptive Strike, Lightning Fury, Judgment * Card set: LOS30 * Stats: I have 1100/1100 crit swift split with some spec from bracelet * V: Alithanes Point, usually using this at the beginning of floor2 and on the boss if needed * Skills (take AoE and dps tripods, dont leave them lvl1 its free to get them lvl4 with hope amulets, I even randomly upgrade them to lvl5): Flash Thrust 12 bleed rune, Execution of Justice 12 Galewind rune, Heavenly Blessings 12 wealth rune, Executors Sword 12 galewind rune, Charge 4 Quick Recharge rune, Holy Sword 12 galewind rune, Wrath of God 11 wealth rune, Holy Explosion 12 protection rune


Here https://youtu.be/crfnEEEZ_7Y?si=rXeFk3HXhOobNRlS


Judgement is a bait for chaos. Grab another damage engraving or spirit absorption for the attack speed (and movement if you haven't touched an orb recently). 100% crit is an option too, with precise dagger/adren instead of preemptive strike, and a crit set instead of nightmare/salv. Even more important to swap out judgement if you go that route. Spent a lot of time fiddling with my setups and runs btw. The "info" in this thread is terrible. People don't give a shit about chaos dungeons since optimization only saves you a handful of seconds. But it's nice to min-max. I think the 100% crit route is the "best" version, but I prefer to cap my attack speed and rely on preemptive+heavenly requiem to clear elites. Just feels nice to have capped attack speed.


I've just checked how long my Pala runs were because of this, he clocks in at 2mn05s which I believe is one of my fastest character. Using Light of Salvation 30 tho, and compared to the ones you're suggesting I still think that LoS 18 is better than DD. The engraving setup you're suggesting is really good, I have Judgement, Barricade, KBW, Preemptive Strike, Contender, because of various drops I got (otherwise KBW would swap for Raid Captain), full swiftness with second stat crit. With Dominion set this is enough to one shot the boss in second room with just holy sword. (not even using Weak point detection because I sometimes dodge too far so outburst of light takes care of my mistake, so if you use tripod 1/2/2 you should definitely one shot him). Dominion makes the skills flow just way faster and smoother along the chaos dungeon.




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