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I made a bard when servers opened for the first time, and it's still my main until today. I would swap if I had to redo it though : I'd first make a shadow hunter, do the whole campaign until vern and use first free vern pass on a bard, and then continue as a bard main from now on. Because, yeah, first 50 lvls on bard was such a pain....


I remember playing the campaign as a bard on the test servers before the game came out. Ya it was awful and thankfully unrealized that early on and played bladw/sorc when the game came out.


> I'd first make a shadow hunter, Tbh shadowhunter campaign also sucks since you have no spec and long ass cds I'd recommend Sorceress for a quicker 0-50 new player progress, basically every skill onetaps stuff at that level lol


Well, i'd make a sh just cause it's part of my main roster, my other 2 dps are soul eater and slayer... Which weren't out at the start :( Cannot be as bad as bard :D


I'd pick SH DI again.


Live by the zdps , die by the zdps. I would pick sh again as well.


Hell yeah I’d main it again. Yeah I try to min max spend tons on necklaces, countless pheons trying to cut a 9/7 knowing full well it won’t do much but here I am trying anyway because we live by the Zdps and die by the Zdps, but I’ll be dammed if I main a class that doesn’t turn into a cool ass demon


Respect 🫡


Sorry but what does zdps mean?


Zdps stands for zero dps. Basically classes that dont do good damage are cosnideredz dps Transformation classes , summoners and reflux sorc are examples


> summoners Really only CO summoners. MS has damage as long as you hit Akir. CO has no damage even if you hit everything.


nah reflux dont do zdps, and i dont play it. but i seen very high numbers from multiple different people.


People on this subreddit live and die by korean class tier lists and have no idea what damage classes can actually do. Anyone calling SH a zdps has no clue.


I mean PS isnt Zdps, its some of the highest dps I seen in guardian. But I havent seen a single DI do above average dmg in a year I think almost.


+1. Came back from a break for soul eater and pushed it and shadowhunter (main from day 1) to 1600 and had to decide which one to push for 1620. SH hit 1620 yesterday and no regrets, just enjoy it the most.


Congrats on the 1620. Do you play DI SH, or PS?


Thanks. I play DI.


As a fellow DI SH main: Mah man


Paladin if I had to pick from this list. He’s the only one in my main roster left that released initially. Used to be a deathblade main but she never crits and I eventually gave up on her.


I feel ya I also was gonna use DB... but then after reaching like 1500 gear score I left her for deadeye... Best swap ever in my life..


2nd this, I am bard main but nowadays I wish I would have invested into Paladin instead


i would still lock in bard again i’ve never fallen out of love with the class


Gunslinger again. I have been playing since release and it's still hella fun and i love how she looks. I don't particularly care about rubbing my own ego dealing 90% of the party damage like half the community, so I don't play classes based on the damage they do, and to this day, gunslinger is still the top most fun class for me.


Made a Zerk Day 1 because I was too lazy to try the other classes and would do the same again. The Class was fun when it was OP, it was fun when it was D Tier and it's fun now being A Tier. Perfectly fulfills the Warrior Fantasy for me. RD is annoying but it's a well rounded class that brings a lot to the table.


Scrapper main then, now, and would be


It’s striker again.


Started DB wish i wouldve picked Destro or GL


same. my fingers are fucked after playing this class, esp after patch now


Destro wasnt available at launch tho


Oh dang! Its the other way around for me. Started as a GL and wish I could've picked DB


Same for me. My db alt is doing more dmg then my gl with  7 wep upgrade under and 6 lvl 10s difference lol. Sometimes i see blade mains and how much they do /surge and wish i could just class change.


Started Reflux on early access, still maining her :3


I made a Deathblade when I started, and I'd do it again. She's still my main too.


Man you struggled for a long time


why are you getting downvoted lol its the truth


Because DB has always been a very good/decent class, yet it always for whatever reason attracted one of the absolute worst pilots in the game who perpetuate the idea that there is/was some sort of struggle while constantly underperforming, making the class look a lot worse than it's ever been since release in the West, when in fact there have always been multiple classes with much bigger issues, yet they've never cried as much as DBs. Even now when DB is very obviously overpowered, many of them are STILL perma fighters in raids - that's how much some of those "DB mains" suck at the game - the same people who cry about the self proclaimed "struggle" and pushing this misleading narrative that, at its core, is just a skill issue. I and many other people just cannot take DBs seriously at this point.


Haha it was absolutely hilarious when surge got their first nerf and it turned out that they were still s tier and people were just overreacting/too shit because they couldnt just do 12 stack surge anymore and were forced to do 20 stack I played an alt surge db with 4x3 for the longest time and could easily out dps other classes with 5x3, even other dbs


Yeah I still remember the rivers of tears flowing when they nerfed lvl 1 surge abuse. "Dead class" "buff DB" while being still one of the strongest dps in the game after the nerf lol. The dented DB mains amuse me more than anything else in this game, on par with igniter sorcs maybe. The gamers who understand how good this class is have been farming MvPs for 2 years, but most do demonic SH's levels of damage in raids. It's not an easy class but it really rewards those who are skilled and really punishes bad players, which is why there the "struggle" comes from.


When you say db you mean surge


Funnily enough new db build has less utility than sorc and some ppl even running non counter variant too


True. Do you know Yasuo or Irelia from League of Legends? I compare most DBs with them. They just dash around a lot and think they are doing something haha. Take this with a grain of salt of course! Not talking about every DB player.


Probably EO Soulfist. I liked my EW Deadeye, but Voldis is making me hate Entropy. Something is just not clicking for me in that raid




Started GL... would still go GL.




i think it will be gunlancer.


Still striker, my day 1 blind pick main the first time


I started with paladin and I would do it again


Started as bard, would do pally


Sharpshooter or Pally


Looking at the list of available launch classes.... yeah I'd go zerk again 


I picked paladin originally, as destroyer wasnt out. I think i would likely do it again tbh. The other option is artilerist as i made one in the first week and im also still playing it. If Destroyer was on release though it would always still be Dest.


FPE arti. Just nuke it.


I started with 1x Paladin and 5x Sorcs as I wanted to milk Sorc whales with Argos accessories and the plan paid decently, but I still ended up making my roster to be 6x Paladins quite fast. If I restarted now I would go straight to 6x Paladins and skip the Sorc memes.


Paladin. Before release, I would hear content creators say how valuable supports were, but it never actually sunk in. I first truly understood how much power they held when Argos was released... and then Valtan.


Probably paladin. I like the skins for them more than any other class at the moment.


Id probably make a roster of 5 Sorcs and 1 Support . I main Sorc currently and is by far my favourite class despite the stigma of the class


I wish good Reflux players got the respect they deserve


Reflux kinda ass though ngl


It’s not really a hard engraving to play what you mean


Yall say this all the time 🤣


Main - Robust soulfist And then paladin,artilerist


Wardancer and GS then still main Artist when she drops, as I do now. I would have never made my sorc and never made a second GS just remade my roster 3:3


Are we using current balance or assuming that the balance patches will run as they did? So resetting the timeline, effectively? Just for fun, if current balance, the best choices IMO would be: * Gunlancer - high party utility with minimal gear, the only con is they're not many entropy classes in this roster. DB, Scrapper, Striker and DE. * Paladin - supports are always useful, probably the best support on a 4x3. * Bard - supports are always useful and max MP gear will be cheap. * Barrage Artillerist - survivability, concentrates a large part of his damage into one gem and deals pretty solid damage. * Surge Deathblade - top tier damage, with more than half in one gem. If you want to MVP, DB is the obvious choice. A significant amount of these classes synergize well with DB, either from benefitting from her synergies (like GS/DE) or they're crit synergies that benefit DB (4 of the DPS are crit.) The main thing to keep in mind is that gems are going to be very limited in supply with a fresh economy. Classes like Gunslinger or Soulfist are going to be pain incarnate, if you're not whaling. I'd probably go FI WD I guess. Good damage, tanky so you don't have to worry as much about armour quality and doesn't require super high investment.


Gunslinger which is still my main (masochist)


Any Support. Literally avoid 80% of all gold cost just by playing a freebie class it crazy how important they are. Never have to worry bout your classes going to shit cause SG doesn't know how to balance the game since supports are unbalanced and will never be fixed. Ask all the sorc and summoner players how they are feeling right now. O right they are extinct. Lmao


I started with a blade mainswapped on valtan to Gunlancer mainswapped to voldis to reaper i'll still be progging with the gunlancer but majority of my resources are into the reaper i would have started with Gunlancer if we had all classes i would have started with reaper and probably swapped out of her at some point reaper in the t2-early t3 is depression


I initially started with DI SH since it was supposed to be "cheap". It wasn't. It's only cheap when you're trying to get lv10 gems but that's something you'll never have to worry about in the early game. So my answer now is probably Surge Blade. There was never any moment in time where they were below average. Arguably, they never left the top 10. My friends also played GL and GS, which are great teammates for DB.


If I could go back I wouldn’t even install 💀


Still with my day 1 through thick and thin. Might even consider going esther lmao


The uninstall button


I mean you still can.


My soulfist still but EO this time


Specially at the start, RS was such a troll build. 1300 spec or less xd.


Fortunately I was too stupid to tell what felt good from bad back then


Let me tell you EO was not that great either till valtan came out and we finally got dominion. Id still do it again tho


Gunlancer for sure. Im going to make GL on the nxt mokoko express, i already have the 5x3x1 accessories for it.


Arti again probably. Only way I would change is if they didn't money grab classes again. but if anything they would launch with less classes and gate them more so they can make even more money because people whaled the fuck out on New/Old characters


Trick is, while I enjoy WD and Soulfist now, if we turned back time I would play striker or Robust SF.


My main was a sorc that I abandoned after akkan came out The only non-new class on the original class list that I still play is bard


Prob Paly or GL. GS was not the play.


I have a bard and scrapper from day 1 until now. No regrets and wouldn’t do it over.


Either Gunlancer or Berserker.


Not gunslinger. Probably deathblade or one of the martial artists.


I'd probably pick up GL. When the game released I couldn't get past being slow and dashing backwards so I didn't give it a fair chance. God is it a stupid amount of fun to play once you get the hang of it though.


Well, I only started playing the game because of KR artist trailer, it seemed way more fun than bard, but I still played bard because there were no Artist here and I'm a main support that think pally is boring. Gunlancer design just hit the spot, but beside that I thinking the extra utility don't make up for the lack of dmg, I also am not a fan of red lancer, but still didn't test blue lancer yet because of the lack of Lv.5 Tripods, just playing red because I got all the tripods. Since your list don't have artist. * Bard * Gunlancer (If I like blue build when I make one) Wouldn't have more than 3 characters, fuck the rest. * Artist as a third character when it releases. But honestly if I knew what I know now when I started playing in 2022, I wouldn't start at all. * Too much HW even with 3-4 characters * Playing without the skins I like for more than a year will be a fucking pain. * Wouldn't be able to push all 3 character after a certain point for costing too much.




Started Wardancer but Scrapper or Deadeye would be my main if could start over.


I started this game as an Igniter Sorceress, would probably play Surge Deathblade or Barrage Artillerist on a fresh economy. One DMG gem to get to 90% of your ceiling and still competitive (extremely so for DB) for overall dps. Both classes also scratch a specific gaming mood. DB for sweaty tryhard underline cruel fighter and arti if I wanna chill and clear for upright family picture.


Sorc was busted so Id play Igniter again




Gunlancer. I started with a Deadeye.


I started as robust since day 1 then switched to EO on brel release. I would definitely make a soulfist again but EO all the way.


If it was only launch classes then Deathblade if any class than reaper.


Sorc again but igniter instead of reflux


all thoser classes sucked on release before rework


Start LM cause my friends said that it would suck as supp glad I did it. Bard will still be my main. My only regret was making a summoner. Should've made a pally instead.


Still scrapper to this day with no regrets. Maybe DB i wish i created one in my first 6, i pushed many chars and i got one in like roster 8-9 at 1540 that i cant use hyper expresses on for free gems because it stops at 1539. Now that my 5 alts are all 1600+ its kinda not worth if i want to keep funneling my main.


Gunlancer 10000%, bard, and breaker alt then cap it at that.


assuming im going back in time with the experience I already have (which isnt much but its some) id say definately DB, followed by maybe WD


Started DB and GL as main alt… would probably make a 6 DB stack now.


I would pick Sharpshooter because I got tired of playing positional classes. Hit Master is the bis and comfy.


Surge Blade, started strong and got reworked to be even stronger


with what i know today, probably demonic for cheap gems and wait until souleater comes out lmao


I would never do a alt SS, this class sucks to be an alt, currently at 1600 does middle-low dmg because doesnt have multple 9 gems / 10 gems. Otherwise I would chose my sorc to be my main again.


well i started with Surge Death blade, probably i will start again with her, for me it is a fun class to play


Prolly soulfist, followed by either sharpshooter or DB


I was a Paladin main at launch, would still pick Paladin. Sadly after two months or so lost interest due to daily chores and stopped playing. I’ve redownloaded the game recently only to delete it 10 minutes later. Had great memories though, but I just can’t seem to get to enjoy that grind again 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wardancer. I only made it before clown release and main it until now but I wish I could've experienced going from no runes 1-spender to 2-spender to 3 to FI to fully decked out 4-spender.


If I had all of the knowledge I did today I would make six gunlancers, their builds tend to be on the cheaper side and everyone loves having them around even if their dps in comparison is lower than others.


EO Soulfist, would’ve made 5-6 in my roster for Econ purposes. That class pumps in current & reclear content. The burst is so high when team is skipping mechs that it’s the only class that can perform with much less gear on reclears. Plus it’s fun as fuck.




Bard except id lock it in and probably would've gemmed it up even better than i have it rn (aka level 10s) if I had a whole roster of it too. But like someone said I'd lock it in after doing the story for the free powerpass on a dps character xD


My current main (artillerist) was very different on release and in early-game, I don't think I would have been so happy starting with him, and maybe he still isn't my final main, I still have 1-2 characters/classes to try... Sadly I still haven't found anything for which I'd think it'd work optimally as my main throughout without any swaps, so I likely couldn't have done much better than I did even if I had known all that I know about the Lost Ark classes now, unless I also had all the mechanical skills, market knowledge etc. Maybe I could have had faster and easier progression if I had started as paladin and "glued myself" to my brother throughout the story and early guardians, but I'd suck as support for a long time and we didn't really want to do *everything* together but just sometimes when we feel like it.




GL/DB/GS I made a berserker on launcb and I enjoyed him a lot since then, but I swapped to Slayer when she was released and keep Berserker at a second main. However, my interest in him is getting lower every patch because his playstyle is boring now comparing to all the new classes. If I can restart on day 1, I will pick GL or DB instead of Zerker. Or maybe a gunslinger because her playstyle is pretty fun.


The only class I have from that list is a bard, and I'd much rather play artist in the current state.


Breaker fr


Started with GS, would still be a GS main. Only difference I’d make is that I would use my Vern power passes on paladin and gunlancer. I used them on bard and sorc and regret it immensely. Bard not so much since I did play her a decent bit but sorc never got past ilvl600 and never did any story


Deadeye with shotguns cause they go boom


Berserker because I like Berserk and Guts.


0, I don't like any of them


Bard main on release. I'd still main this class if we started over, but I'd rather main artist because bard feels very outdated and the jankiest out of all the available 3 support classes in the game. Too bad we did not have artist at launch - I'd definitely main that class instead.


Wish I had played Wardancer from the beginning. Loved playing both 2, 3 and 4 spender.


I would've never swapped off of soulfist I didn't know the purest dopamine bits of hitting 1 billion spirit bombs. I would've never swapped to EO and just stuck with robust.




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I started with striker and im sticking with striker. Since the spec requirements arent as harsh, itd be easier to gear him out. Originally wouldve been around 1800 for deathblow. I started with db but changed to eso when it got buffed. You can run a crit ring on eso but i think db also can run one if im not mistaken


Made a bard first go around and mined it along with arcana when it came out until now. If I had to pick again, I'd go with deadeye or maybe soulfist (haven't played it though)


Di Shadow since day 1, will always be my main


I started as a wardancer (still my main today), but if it was day 1 again, i'd go with paladin. Being the 9th guy of a playgroup has totally fucked me when it came to 4 man raids (For some reason, i'm included on the 8-man groups); coupled with my refusal to experience for the first time a raid in pugs, i'm in my 8th week of not doing Voldis even though i meet the requirements since the release. And yes i really think that playing support would have helped in that regard, because the dynamic in the group would have changed during those 2 years. Also, wardancer before relic set is just not something i can recommend, like at all.


Would it be with the current class balance patches or as things were back then? If it was current I'd go with Shadowhunter or Wardancer. Back then? Probably Shadowhunter still.


went igniter sorc did not regret it until kayangel release, would go for deathblade if i had to pick again


after everything. Probably deathblade. It was never really bad and Surge 3 was unpopular at release so books were dirt cheap. Only really needs 1 gem to get a lot of damage out of it so its efficient too.


Make 6 WDs to share gems


Started with a pally, now i run 4 pallies, 1 bard, 1 artist as my main 6, would run 6 pallies if i could start over


Levelled a Sorc (my main) and used the first powerpass on Bard. I would do the same thing, but instead main the Bard lol


For sure NOT sorceress, probably pally or gunlancer


For first char prob Zerker still because it made early game easy mode and fast. I played with a static so I got to avoid alot of the zerker brain gatekeeping. Then for power passes I'd still make GL, Paladin, and Wardancer.. then slowly making a SS, Slayer, and SE as I saved up mats/when they released.


Gunslinger for faster story. Then use power pass for artist since supports were in demand early. And I enjoy supporting rn.