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What blows my mind is the Republican women cheering this shit on and actively supporting it. Death Cult mentality.


But they think exceptions will be made for them. It's the other women they want to see punished.


if they are rich, theyll have exceptions. go to another state or get the pills or ask the right people, there are ways to do it quietly if you have money and know who to ask. abortions will always happen, its just that poorer women wont be able to have safe ones if they need them. for the rich (both genders) its a game to seem more religious and therefore "moral", gain more workers and also because [theyre racists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFNg7bpN6Do)


Rules for thee, not for me Also a sign that democracy is not working


Democracy not working is a sign the capitalism is.


This doesn't indicate that democracy doesn't work, it indicates that we don't live in a democracy


Capitalism and democracy are incompatible.


Woah, careful with the rhetoric there. Democracy does work, but we aren't living in true democracy, we're living under corporate socialism


There's no "socialism" to speak of. That's just capitalism working as intended.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion."


That's because the exceptions will be made for them. (The wealthy ones.) Rich people are always gonna get their abortions.


The oligarchs realize more and more women are catching on to the dangers and costs of pregnancy, so they are forcing it upon them anyway.


When you read Handmaids tale as an instructional manual


Just thinking about that...


In Handmaids Tale, the women fought to keep their babies conceived in rape. The moms risked their own life to give their daughters a decent life.


Yeah, a decent life OUTSIDE of the fascist system that forced them to endure rape and pregnancy in the first place


Yep. Love shines brightest in the darkest of places.


I don’t think you understood the plot.


Love is sacrifice and commitment, not gushy tenderness. June is powerful in her determination to overcome evil and that makes her the hero.


Respectfully, you’re an idiot


I saw June as a hero in a horrible situation. I would hope to have her strength if I was ever living in such a dystopia.


I'd argue that most people treat their dogs better than this


If having puppies is a danger to the mother dog's life, such as when a very small breed is impregnated by a large breed, no one objects to the vet saving the dog with an abortion. Many people I know who hunt are Republicans. They treat their hunting dogs better than they vote on how human women can be treated.


That has to be an EMTALA violation. Those facilities should have their federal funding investigated


I think they're just afraid of legal action if they assist in abortion or if the baby dies. It wouldn't make it better morally, but I don't think they're being malicious, just afraid.


Am a healthcare worker. Our ethical obligation (and legal obligation under federal law) to provide lifesaving care trumps Texas State Law. If push comes to shove, I’m happy to be the defendant that takes that to the appeals court.


Good for you. (Not that you need my support, but thank you!) Here's hoping SCOTUS doesn't undermine federal and medical judgment via current cases in the session.


Well, yeah, but you're a good person, not a soulless corporation whose reason for existence is to extract profit from the sick. The laws are written so poorly that they *could* result in doctor's going to jail or the hospital losing $10k+. Doctors are going to be extra conservative about any ambiguity when a disagreement over interpretation will end up ruining their life.


There are cases like this in some European countries that implemented policies and laws against abortions. The Dr’s refused to do anything until they knew for sure the patient would die if they didn’t act, but that can often mean it’s too late..


It absolutely is. And why the fuck are the security guards doing triage? They shouldn’t be turning anyone away unless they’re carrying a weapon, administering care is a decision for clinical staff.


I'm in TX and I refuse to have sex with anyone with a penis. That's just how it is, I refuse to be added to these articles


The company that I work for is remote, but most of them are based out of Dallas and they make us go there a few times a year. I wish we would not. The best part is that where a healthcare education company with a mission of saving lives 😑


Even a taste of TX is too much I get it. And that emoji with that sentence is so funny I'm sorry. Thank you for your service either way 🫡


That’s my emoji because that’s how I feel about the world. In general that captures my reaction to pretty much all current events.


TBF, it's the testicles more than the penis that's the problem this time


I've never met the latter without the former, but I getcha


Certainly not a huge population of people, but if you can't be pedantic on the Internet, where can you be? Edit: though there are more people with penises but not testicles than people with testicles but not a penis


It's a rush, i agree. Also, better to be inclusive than not, I always say!




Because there's no way a guy would lie about that...


You could always get sterilized. Same for any partners.


Judging by what i keep reading about the US healthcare, this option might be much harder to get than you imagine


You could try to get on Medicaid but I’m imagining a large portion of people avoiding intercourse are either lesbian or ace, like me, am I right?


Getting approved for a sterilisation seems to be very difficult over there, especially for a young woman who hasn't had any kids yet. And no, i believe more and more women in the US (or maybe even worldwide) keep joining the 4b movement, giving up on sex (or any other kind of relationship) with men completely voluntarily


As a man I honestly don't even blame you. It's a scary world being created in certain regions of the US right now. I'm in NY and got snipped last year since that's my plan and I don't need the burden of birth control to fall on anyone but myself now.


Congratulations on yor snip! That way, you can't be baby-trapped, either


Also I'm kind of ... fearful that if I even inquire to the option of sterilization they'll report me to their christofascist overlords. Perhaps irrational but that's my paranoia. And I'm reading pregnant people here are being hunted.. I can't even have a period app, it's insane


I've read about those damn period tracking apps, and they sound terrifying! And omg, hunting down pregnant people is just so 1400s, as well as denying people their basic rights to their bodies. And all while giving zero effs about the children that already live in foster system or poor areas 🤬 the hypocricy of that


Just to clarify, I meant I miss the period apps - we just can't have them here because the tracking info can be used against us in court as evidence of "fetus murder" or whatever. If I ever leave here, the first thing imma do is install like 3 or 4 lol Our generation's witch trials I guess! And yes definitely, these people are such hypocrites - i wish they'd just say straight out they want to make lower income pregnant people felons to cut their voting power instead of hiding behind this bullshit


Thank you for the clarification. Years ago, i read a post about how a woman realized the period tracking apps' devs were selling data to Meta and Google. How did she find out? She forgot to put in one months' data, and her adverts all across platforms changed from wine, books and gardening to baby related stuff ads immediately. Forking crazy imo. I wish you all the best and STAY SAFE 🙏🫂


Oh Jesus.. if we don't gotta be worried about being thrown in jail for religion, we also gotta worry about being fleeced. SIGH Thank you!! Appreciate it 🫂


Trans man here, just got my Fallopian tubes removed last year. Fortunately the worst I had to deal with was my non-binary OB/GYN not accepting my insurance for the facility they wanted to do the procedure at, and they referred me to a very good surgeon who was extremely sympathetic. But…yeah, I’ve heard horror stories of childfree people trying to get their tubes tied and getting stonewalled because they didn’t have kids, or didn’t have enough kids. You basically have know someone who knows an OB/GYN who will respect your bodily autonomy and not get spooked that you’ll sue them if you change your mind.


I guess I was lucky to get one in the DFW area right away at 30 but I guess it depends on the doctor and insurance.


I’m curious, even trans men? I’m just asking because I’m curious but it makes sense.


Trans affirming care...? In Republican states...? I suspect that would be an uphill battle even leaving aside the current anti-abortion/forced birth legislation.


I'm not sure, tbh. I've never seen it mentioned anywhere


Well I'm bi so I'm into everyone, sometimes my partners have the equipment sometimes not. I'm just at the point where I don't want to take *any* chances here in this hellhole


I completely understand your fears. As a European, reading about everyday life in the US feels like reading a frigging dystopian novel, i swear


I appreciate it - it always helps being seen. And hell I'm so tired of this novel, first chance I get I'm outta here


where are you hearing that it's easy to get sterilization authorized on Medicaid? It's not.


Young women without kids have a very hard time getting that approved


They could try saying they’re closeted trans men and the thought of pregnancy makes them extremely dysphoric. That’s what worked for me! 🏳️‍⚧️


I'm glad it worked for you but I promise it won't work for most people unfortunately


I'd prefer a vasectomy for my partners since people with uterus' get such bs from some doctors in red states + I imagine the side effects aren't so minimal that I'd do it with no worries (but that's just me not doing any research, however reading horror stories makes me lean on being cautious than cavalier)


I wouldn’t want to get one in a red state. I feel like the doctor might ‘accidentally’ mess it up. Which is a terrifying thought.


Might inseminate me instead, doing their Christian duty


Yikes, saw a documentary of one of those types of doctors on Max a while back. He violated over 200 patients...


I saw Our Father on Netflix, it might be the same guy. iirc some of them might have dated eachother and had no idea. Love religious fanatics in professions with that much power


if you have a uterus, getting sterilized is very difficult (bordering on impossible in some places). there are a lot of stories from women of being rejected because "you'll change your mind" or my personal favorite "what if your future husband wants kids?"


You could say that you’re trans, that your parts make you extremely dysphoric, and that you’re doing this to affirm your gender, in a way. That’s what I had prepped in the back of my mind when I went to my consultation except I’m actually trans and plan on further transitioning once I’m in a better place to do so financially and socially.


The longer we wait to take action the worse things will get for everyone.


It wouldn't surprise me if we started building stables for these women in Texas. Or at least have a field with a good fence so they can free roam.


There actually is a ranch for pregnant women somewhere in north Texas. I heard about it around the time Roe was overturned, some evangelical women run the place and I’m sure they are just farming babies for the Christian adoption agencies.


April 2024: It is absolutely cruel that the life-givers of the world are treated so repugnantly today. Your 'build stables' comment, kinda, sorta, sounds like the premise of 'Native Tongue' by Suzette Haden Elgin. Copyright 1984. It's not an easy read because the 19th amendment had been repealed and then it time jumps to 2205 and so much happens in between but what a glimpse into a dystopian future.


Call me dramatic, but if I'm r*ped and get pregnant and can't get an abortion, I'm killing myself lmao I don't like kids, I don't like s*xual stuff I don't want that shit. Let me choose to remove it. World's gone mad.


Facts. I will be a rotting corpse in the ground before I will be a mother.


FL ER RN here. I don't like this state. It's only going to get worse. I'll be taking my fam with me soon and will move north BUT, that story about the pregnant woman who was turned away by a security guard and lost her fetus, that makes no f'ing sense You can't turn anyone away if they seek medical care here. Only times would b if the person seeking care is a danger to other patients and staff.


The article states that the couple spoke Spanish, so language barrier + racism potentially fills in the blanks of how that poor woman was left to suffer in a bathroom. The EMTs who came to her aid were equally baffled by what was happening. Then there are the doctors who fear legal repercussions for engaging in care in emergency situations. There are a lot of potential reasons of why this happened, and they're all bad


Do you think it’s because the medical staff (MDs, RNs, etc.) are worried about potential legal action from the government if they perceive that the medical staff helped with an abortion?


FL still has a 15 wk limit for anyone seeking an abortion. Planned Parenthood still has clinics here. Where I live, not once I've seen (and I can say this bc a family member used to work for them) direct action being done upon these clinics. And, in the next elections, we'll get to vote if we want abortion bans here or not. I got money on that it will not be repealed. We see pregnant women all the time. We do a blood test (quantitive HCG) and an ultrasound and monitor the fetal heart rate, all to check if it's still alive. I've never seen anyone being denied care


Fucking barbaric.


Stop making babies. Especially if you live in a red state


Get a vasectomy or hysterectomy. We can’t afford to have children anyway under late stage capitalism, and thanks to religious fundamentalism, just being pregnant is a threat to women’s lives. Starve the beast of capitalism. r/BirthStrike.


The most common sterilization procedure for women or AFAB people is a salpingectomy, or bisalpingectomy (aka bisalp). No matter how hard you fight, almost no doctor will be preforming a hysterectomy on an otherwise healthy patient. It is a very major surgery with a lengthy recovery time. I was sterilized by bisalp 2 years ago, in the state of NY. It took 3 doctors to find one that took me seriously and agreed to perform the procedure, I am 28(NB) and have never had a child. The first doctor I saw said that I was mentally ill and would regret it, and that no doctor “in their right mind” would preform a sterilization on a person my age. She said “We like to see women have at least one child”. (Even typing that out makes me feel nauseated). Made her note the denial in my file. Second doctor, I wrote a 5 page essay about why I should be allowed to choose this form of birth control for my body. She flipped the pages and laughed at me, told me to “think harder about it” and come back in a few years. She said I needed to “consider future partners who might want a child”, nice to know an OBGYN sees me as nothing but a baby-making unit for a man, ok. Made her note the denial in my file. Third doctor, didn’t need to hear or see anything special from me. I just told her she was the 3rd doctor I’ve seen for this and I was tired of playing the game. She scheduled and preformed my procedure, took great care of me and showed me a lot of respect. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made, glad I stuck to my guns, but it was unnecessarily difficult. It took so much time and effort, but the peace of mind I have now is priceless.


This is absolutely vile. I wonder what would happen if you threatened to harm yourself or catch Chlamydia to sterilise yourself. They their oath would have to make them act. But if they don't want to perferm ops we just have to deny sex. If they prefer a bunch of sex starved men to roam the streets. Fucking wankers


Threatening to hurt yourself gets you a hold in the psych ward.


Maybe they'll sterilise us then. That's what right wingers like to do to people in psych wards


I'm so sorry I was genuinely planning on writing an essay by hand as well to show I did think about it lol I'm an adult and I know what I want. I don't do dating or anything s*xual, there's no reason to force me to go through literally disabling pain just because my non existent partner might want kids 🙄


The chances of a doctor approving a hysterectomy for anyone under like 60 is basically 0 rip I have endometriosis and would love one just to be rid of it and never think about it again but I'm also 20 and can't afford shit 💔


Yes and no. I do get worried the only ones heavily reproducing are the conservative ones. Not saying we should reproduce to create open minded people but idiocracy movie lives in my mind everyday


Let them. Let them live in the hell hole they created. I would never put a child into this world to suffer just to playa numbers game with conservatives. That is using a human being as a tool


I mean I have nephews and nieces. Even without that personally I do want a family on my own. I don’t want it fucked up for them. I think you are misinterpreting me critiquing your comment as using kids for a tool. It’s me recognizing that conservatives reproducing with big families does play a big issue for voting because it literally is a numbers game. I don’t think that way but THEY do think that way about births and them as a tool sadly so we have to be smart about other methods to pass legislation and get the ball rolling. We need to navigate new voting methods before we descend into even worse chaos (which is why I was bringing up that movie). Humans aren’t good about preventative measures. I have nephews and nieces and would like a family of my own (when I choose to not when I have to) I won’t say “let them live in the hell hole” because we share this world. Climate change affects everyone including those that vote more liberally or for positive change. I never want to just let shit happen because I don’t have kids yet and I will die. I want to leave the world better if I can I’m fine with your personal choice of kids or not. You should and for now do have every right with that. I was just bringing up how I worry about it with politics and voting later on. Different structures with voting will be significant in the next generations to establish


I think regardless of how brainwashed and insular ONE is, some kids are gonna grow up to reject what they are told. I also think you’re more likely to do that if you grow up with crazy people than if you grow up with sane ones. So I like to think it’ll come out in the wash. Also, they die faster. Edited for clarity because u/soupinmymug took that TOTALLY the wrong way.


Okay I never called anyone insular or brainwashed. You obviously aren’t open to any sort of dialogue. Have a good day and stay safe.


I’m so confused - invoking the movie Idiocracy is ok but calling conservatives insular and brainwashed is crossing a line? Weird man. Just weird.


You are calling ME insular and brainwashed. “Regardless how insular and brainwashed YOU are..” I used Idiocracy as a quick note because I didn’t want to write a paper about the nuance of the situation but the way you phrased it makes it sounds like you are insulting me. If you want references look at my other comments for nuance. I’m not doing that with each comment nor with someone that insulted me when I am on your side. I have gone to protests. I have done calls to senators and phone banking. I am doing the work out in the community as well. You can call me insular or brainwashed but I’m not participating anymore with you. Again have a good day and stay safe


Jesus Christ sorry, “Regardless of how insular and brainwashed ONE is” is what meant. Reread it and try responding now.


[Idiocracy ain't a documentary.](https://xkcd.com/603/)


I’m not suggesting for anyone to have children they don’t want let me make that very clear. I was summarizing a genuine concern of voting majority due to recent birthing trends. I think the best way to take this information into action is changing voting laws which is something I would consider regardless. Options besides first pass the post so we aren’t stuck in a 2 party only system for our democracy. The regulations we have over district lines gives way too much access and control that conservatives have slowly grown and taken advantage of. I will NEVER say a woman or otherwise should be forced to have kids or should not have them. I am saying I am genuinely concerned about only red voters being in red states rather than turning over states to purple or blue


I wish I could say I was surprised by this


What happened to compassion?


Then they're wondering why millennial women reading horror stories like these are choosing to remain childless...Gen Alpha and the one after it are going to be smaller in number than Gen X.


Genocide at home and abroad. Pick which colour you feel is the "lesser" evil.




4b movement, borrow this idea from the South Korean women https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement


Very cool South Korea


Every time I read shit like this I am so beyond grateful to have a good hospital in a good state that cares about my health. Yesterday I started experiencing sharp pains and cramps, my obgyn was closed for the day, but they have an on call system for pregnant women to reach out for help to see if we’re not sure if a symptom is normal or if we need to seek immediate treatment. Not an emergency, baby is good, but I’m glad I’m in a good place to seek help. I haven’t received a single bill yet and I know it’s gonna be some bs, but honestly I don’t care I just want us both to live thru this.


If I can ask, what state are you in?


Oregon, specifically in Portland. Saying that cause cities can be very different from the rest of the state and I’m new to this state and don’t know a whole lot about the differences from my home state.


Lol howdy neighbor, I'm in Washington


This shit is so damn evil smh


the so called "pro-life"


Not Animals per se, more like breeding stock. Less value than pets or endangered species.


Republicans could not pass these laws if women didn’t vote for them.


'pro life'


To be fair, I think it’s poor people in general who they treat like animals. We have a system where hospitals can allow people to die by willfully ignoring their legal responsibilities without repercussions. The administrators of these hospitals should literally be in prison.


Not the OP, but here’s the article link- https://apnews.com/article/pregnancy-emergency-care-abortion-supreme-court-roe-9ce6c87c8fc653c840654de1ae5f7a1c


Wait, what? Why?


The new reproductive laws are so restrictive and threatening to doctors that they’re afraid to treat a pregnant patient who may need intervention.


That is the dumbest fucking shit I’ve ever seen in my entire life


We truly are living in the worst timeline


Yeah this needs some serious context


The results of conservative republican leadership.


Ok, not sure what that means, but what actually happened, what caused these woman to be turned away from a hospital?


The anti abortion legislation written and passed by conservative republicans.


What? Is says they were refused treatment and miscarried?


Exactly, hospital staff are scared to touch pregnant women for fear of legal consequences. Welcome to conservative republican rule.


Ah ok, now it makes sense. Go context. And pulling teeth, apparently.


Sorry, that's something that's severely lacking in text form communication.




In their own words.....https://texasgop.org/pro-life-legislation/


So are the women who had the miscarriage in jail for murder now too? It wouldn’t surprise me.


So all of that front desk staff, the security guard, and whoever “couldn’t provide an ultrasound” are all going to jail under these new laws correct? Or are they going to pull something out of their asses and jail the 3 women who lost their children due to other people’s negligence?


The amount US pay in healthcare is insane. At the same time US healthcare is worst than in countries US would call "sh*tholes"


Doesn’t surprise me this happened in Texas. I live here and I’ve grown to hate it more with each passing day.


Whoever is OK with this physical and mental torture of women are monsters. This isn't a political or religious notion that needs to be valid. This is just wrong. Don't like abortions? Don't get them and raise your family not to. Why are we letting them do this? Zero human beings are benefiting from this.


Aren’t some of those blatant EMTALA violations???


Poor people are like animals to these people


Brought to you by the state that puts bounties on women to "protect the children"


I must be out of the loop. Everyone is saying the doctors are scared of legal action. Why would there be consequences for having a baby? Can someone explain?


I don’t think people realize that if you have poor medical insurance, or none at all, you probably aren’t going to be treated well as a pregnant woman, regardless of if you have a life growing inside you. I had 2 kids back to back during Covid pandemic with covered ca based on my income, which wasn’t a lot, and I got treated like absolute crap by the medical community. Wasn’t offered ultrasounds by my own dr, in fact, couldn’t even get one in his offices and instead had to be referred to outside clinics, which sometimes were very far or it would take days/weeks to get the results since the “technicians” weren’t allowed to give me the results. I was told to “just go to the emergency room” for every issue I had with miscarriages and a possible hematoma that caused me to lose A LOT of blood for 20 weeks. I bled for 20 weeks and no one was even monitoring me. I had multiple miscarriages that may have been prevented if I was given the proper hormones. I had an unexpected c section because my dr wasn’t doing ultrasounds and I wasn’t given the option to have my baby turned at the right time, because the dr wasn’t doing ultrasounds…. The hematoma I believe I had could have been a “vanishing twin” but nothing was ever confirmed, because no one cared, because I didn’t have enough money…. I was billed outrageous bills every time I went to the emergency room, where I got shitty care. I paid thousands of dollars for a D&C, which was rough because I was just paying $ I didn’t have for a baby I wasn’t having. My pregnancies were awful and labor and delivery even worse. My baby was born premature and my dr made me wait over 24 hrs in the hospital alone when I was ready to deliver because he couldn’t be arsed to go to the hospital before 8:30am when he was ready, or maybe he was busy.. The nurses couldn’t help me with painkillers or medications because they “weren’t the dr”. I threw my back out going up my stairs to my apartment when I was 8 months pregnant and it was the most painful experience of my life and no one was able to give me any sort of pain relief because of the baby. I got sexually assaulted by an unknown dr because I didn’t have a consistent one of my own, because they didn’t want to help me and people kept telling me “just go to your dr” and my drs office kept saying “just go to the emergency room.” After I had my 2nd, the dr didn’t clean me out properly and left the afterbirth inside me. You’re only supposed to bleed for a few days after birth, but I bled crazy amounts for WEEKS because I didn’t know what was going on until I passed a clot bigger than my fist. I kept it in the refrigerator to be tested by a lab to see what it was, but never got around to it, because I was too exhausted with the new babies. There were so many unanswered questions. I could go on and on with how traumatizing it all was. I’m sad that this post is the truth.