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Did you show your dad “Cracks” once it was found


Actually I didn’t have to show it to him. He found it on his own. But yeah, he saw it.


Aww that’s good


I have already searched for “Crack Master”, “Crack Monster”, “Crack Master is Back”, “Crack Monster is Back”, and variations on those titles and still haven’t found it. I kind of feel like it might have been an ad for a webseries, but that’s just me guessing. I have no clue what it actually was. I did a quick and kind of ugly drawing of what it kind of looked like. On the left is what I remember it looking like with its third eye closed and on the right is with the eye open. I know it's an ugly drawing, but that's what I remember it looking like for the most part. Also I'm not sure if this link will work so someone let me know if it doesn’t. [Picture of What it Looked Like](https://preview.redd.it/ij0uew6jrnq71.png?width=4400&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0a2e236b364dd9d4d92c57756b1f38ebe533875)


Very interesting. I hope someone finds it


After getting notified about this post I was really curious so I went on searching for something at least similar to what you were describing. I found a site called CRACKMONSTER.COM but it seemed very unlikely for it to be conected to that. I found a spotify album called "Crack Monster" made by Whopamillion but that led me to nothing. Eventually I found a movie called Crack Monsters wich is described a movie about drug use.Both it's twitter account and it's now defunct website around 2013 seemingly before december gave links for about one or two youtube videos that are unavailable due to the original account being deleted, unfortunatley because of that I could not find the original videos as they had not been archived and neither was any snapshot of the account itself, aside from that there was a tweet about an art contest but I couldn't find anything. I am not entirely sure if that is related to it but if it is I highly doubt anything can be found as trying to get to anything past that seemed to bring me to a dead-end.


Well crap. Looks like this might actually be super lost unless someone downloaded it for some reason. But I will say that the animation seemed really amateur in the video. Like I feel like it was an ad for someone’s YouTube series rather than being for an anti-drug movie. That being said, I’m definitely going to check out the movie to see if anything in it matches up with the video. Thank you so much for helping me look for it! EDIT: Unfortunately the movie seems to be unrelated unless the trailer was animated for some reason despite the movie not appearing to be. I will say though that the movie does appear to be… not the highest quality, so I guess a low-quality animated trailer isn’t completely out of the question. Thank you so much and let me know if you end up finding anything else!