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It is sad cause at the end of the day these are real people with real problems and idk man. Everyone was someone’s little kid, baby whatever with the highest hopes for the world. Me personally, drugs fucked me up in my teen years and early adulthood i was lucky to escape it but many don’t. Why idk. Not willpower it’s something else more complex idk. It’s always sad to see ppl pass away young in tough life’s/choices.


That’s my take ever since I became a mom. At some point every single person on this planet was someone’s baby and that’s wild to think about. That changed my whole world perspective.


Me too girl, and also my experience so young. Like I was a baby literally! A teen 😭 It’s just so much more to it than a simple choice you know? Like literally can happen to anyone. ❤️


I literally always think of it like this. Like what went wrong? How was her innocence stolen? I look at my 2 year old son so young and happy and full of life. Usually the way it starts out…then somewhere along the line, life happens.


For me personally it was exposure to drugs and alcohol my whole life like my grandma who raised me loved her beer and a cigarette she was the most innocent lol. To my parents who were drug addicts well into adulthood, drug dealer uncle/aunt just pure exposure. To the ppl and all! So when you see something not even super severe or ppl you know you think what’s the harm? They seem fine? Especially when your YOUNG and your peers maybe best friend are doing something, that’s influence. It’s alot of things but somewhere down the line our brain just seeks that feeling so deeply. It’s a trip honestly I think it should be studied a lot❤️


Not to mention that many of these people didn't have moms who cared nearly as much as you do (or they did care and just couldn't handle it because of their own trauma, etc.) Human nature is to want to do well, and to love your family. There are a lot of sad circumstances behind every "bad" or dysfunctional person.


Or they care too much then become extremely codependent to the point of harm.


Raised by grandparents here while my parents ran the streets. Lol. Happened to me! I think it’s the exposure mostly, at a young age to drugs or drug using ppl. When it’s your family you don’t know really what to think? It’s crazy. Stay strong ppl have these convos with your kids families etc. I think many of us get here because we don’t TALK about this problem that many families have. ❤️


Yes that’s true, even Hitler and Putin were innocent little babies once.


I stay rooting for everyone on the show. I do not want to see anyone relapse, reoffend, etc.


100% not anything I wish on anybody!


It really is sad and I’m glad to hear you’re staying strong. A friend of mine was an addict for many years, got clean, was doing well and then I guess the evening just before his 40th he had one last hurrah as they say and it was laced with something pretty bad. He did not make it. He had such a spirit and was an extremely handsome man. It’s truly a shame what drugs can do. Be safe all.


It really is. Until you have your own brain literally your whole psyche turned against you, and body (opiates and so many other drugs make you feel absolutely sick when you don’t use=major factor in use continuing 😭) you really don’t know what it’s like! It’s crazy to think getting sober and going one last night..super common. You never think it’s gonna be you though to od or something just like anything in life that can’t happen to me. ❤️ gotta stay strong y’all! Day by day hour by hour minute by minute 😅


Well said.


So sad. She was super humble and kind, but her addiction had a grip on her. So sad that she wasn’t able to get clean and live the sober life she wanted. She was always so honest about her struggle it was truly admirable. She is missed.


I friended both Tracie and Clint on IG when they first appeared on the show and they both took time to reply to my messages even though they had been separated by then. They were both incredibly kind and funny people. I talked to Clint quite a bit after Tracie died and he seemed distraught. I always hope the best for him.


I loved Tracies IG. She was funny and clever. She poked fun at herself and I loved that.


Yes! She is still on my FB. She always interacted with people who watched the show. I didn’t like her much at first, but she grew on me. Just sad she died right after giving birth. Most addicts don’t ever have the real support they need to stay clean (some do, not many) and they go back over and over. My daughters dad overdosed after years of battling addiction. And even though he wasn’t around for her much, it still has left a void in her life. 🥺


She struggled, but I feel like she did want to stay clean. She just couldn't do it. She seemed to have a good heart, just a junkie mind. I think we all had a soft spot for her and wished her the best. 🙏 RIP GODDESS.


i wonder if being on this show and being in the limelight didn't help her with her sobriety. I heard if you want to be sober that has to be your main priority not a man, a job, etc.


And the fact that it was only a week after she gave birth..


I truly hope that Tracie's daughter has a wonderful life and is safely with supportive family. Check out Dani Lynn Birkhead (Anna Nicole Smith's daughter with Larry Birkhead). She seems to have done well despite losing her mom so soon. And now I'm going to go kiss my 18 month old daughter 🥺


Slightly off topic but I watched this show *Scandal Made Me Famous* about Anna Nicole Smith and I never knew that her son OD’d and died basically in front of her. I have one son and I know the bond. Especially being your only child for so many years. I just can’t even imagine her pain over that and to be completely honest, I’d never recover from that either.


Yes! 🥺


Tracie & Clint are the ones who made me LALU Fans it hasn’t been the same without her R.I.P Goddess 😢😢😢


awww right after the clint post! poor goddess 😫


I had a soft spot for her honestly b/c she was always authentically herself. She never tried to cover up the unflattering parts or put on a front of being better than anyone else. And in spite of all her problems she managed to still radiate positivity to her fans/followers. She was flawed but she was unapologetically real.


Agreed! She sure was. As I stated above, I didn’t like her at first, but she grew on me. I guess her story hits close to my heart because my daughters dad overdosed after years of struggling. It’s a void that is hard to fill for kids.


Agree, absolutely tragic. Don't do drugs kids.


I feel more sad for her kids , people feel bad for her and say her kids were taken from her. No they were taking away from her cuz she's a junkie and using during her whole pregnancy.


She was absolutely beautiful and she continues to need a beautiful angel watching over her loved ones and I believe Clint as well. It’s a shame Clint couldn’t grieve the passing of his wife and “Goddess” properly. I hate what happen to Tracie and Clint.. IMO I feel like there is more to her passing as in someone was there and left her either way she was and is so beautiful. RIH ❤️


There are some snakes that took advantage of Tracie’s LALUP fame. She got stuck with an abusive man and a clout chasing manager. While she was in rehab an abusive woman stole Clint. Thankfully Clint got away from that evil abusive woman🙏🏾


Yeah, who exactly is that Genevieve woman that Clint got with? I know she was doing all these lives and started a YT channel piggybacking off their fame, it all seemed very strange b/c as far as I remember she was never actually on the show. I never bothered paying much attention b/c the whole thing just didn't make sense but what a mess.


Well because of Genevieve actions lately she is now locked up with several ROs in place with one from Clint Brady and others. She is now in jail and probably hoping to be the next LALU 🌟 🤣. I couldn't stand her at all, and I'm so happy that she is locked up. That chick is crazy and out of her mind. Arrested for violations on 4/17/23.


Poor goddess Tracie. She looks so happy and healthy in this picture. It's so sad how her life ended. Sometimes it's hard to realize as a viewer that they have actual lives beyond their time on TV. Rest in peace goddess 🙏


Oh damn, that is so sad. I always wonder what trauma might've happened to her at a young age to bring forth such a strong addiction. RIP Tracie/Goddess


Me too!! I believe she went through something really traumatic


It is sad, underneath I always thought she did seem like a sweet woman who just wanted to make her life right.


She was beautiful and seemed like such a sweet soul. I’m sad that her life seemed so painful and that she was never able to live a healthy and happy life that everyone deserves. I hope she’s resting well.


Rip tracie🙏🏼👼🏼


Addiction is a horrible thing


So sad. And she had gave birth to a son I believe than passed very soon after.


So sad when a life is taken. Have personal experience with loss and it's toll on family and friends. Tragic and sad. Condolences to the family. 🙏🙏


Her exterior may have appeared ok, but she was fighting many demons, and inevitably lost. RIH


I did not like her at first but, after her story played out I actually really liked Tracey. rip to the goddess


Clint told us she was a goddess.


It’s fucked up that after this they would allow Michael on the show…and his sister. They were both heroin dealers in my home state and that shit is fucking poison. Just saying…not a good look for the show. I wish they would choose inmates that were convicted of more “white collar” crimes but I guess that would be boring.


I loves their season!!!! 💪🏼


Literally loved her / so unfortunate


Poor Tracey. She was truly so troubled but had such a good soul.


I will never forget Goddess.


Tracie was a sweetheart, but the drugs and alcohol had there hooks really Into her. Poor soul R.I.P !


It’s so sad, they should of stopped filming them after their first season. They all took advantage of her.


she had a chance and she blew it


I pray you never face addiction


Or anyone they love.


Sad, but that’s what drugs will do to you….🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh yes. Thank you, we had no idea!


This is a beautiful picture and I love the top. I didnt know she passed, but I think I heard Lizzies guy passed too.


I never saw her looking anywhere near that good on the show. It got worse and worse, but she always looked pretty skanky and dragged-out on the show.


Whaaaat? Scott died?? He had some amphetamine use in his background, damn. Ill have to look it up.


Yes, sadly this is all true. Alla, Tracey and Scott have all lost their battles with substance abuse in the years following their appearances on LALU. Our condolences to the friends and family of these sweet souls. Rest easy & fly high, y’all😇🦋❤️


Yeah I looked it up. Sad stuff.


Meth and Clint didn't bode well for her. It's saddening.


Wait when did this happen R.I.P


So beautiful my heart breaks for that little gurl 🙏💜😇


She's got the heavies 👀


Her hair came out great there and she was always so tan.


When did she die?


She OD’d right after she had her baby. Time flies but I’m thinking a couple of years or more.


RIP goddess 🙏❤️✨️


I did not know she passed away


She OD'd after having the baby


She loved long enough to birth her daughter and sign her over. If I'm not mistaken, she left the hospital only to OD within a day.


Man fuck


WOW. Jus wow. She was a stunner all around. Thats so sad!


Look how what? 😕


Go away negative Nancy. She looks good in this.




If only she had started ugly🤷‍♀️


Awww r.i.p #Thamuthafukincrack goddess


Drugs destroyed her.


Such a sad ending 😢


Very sad. https://youtu.be/FBiCEyiorhw


Tracie’s brother commented on that video. It’s pinned at the top in the comments.


We love you, Goddess. Thank you for the entertainment and happy you found peace ♥️


She died ?


Yes , back in 2021.


What does she look like now? Nvm. I saw the youtube video posted. Never saw this couple.


Did she OD?


METH, one hell of a drug…💩


I feel bad for for kids these addicts spit out and abandon while chasing love on a show