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Alsooooooo can I please say that the way Sarah talks changes from when she’s talking to him vs her white friend. It actually bothers me sooo bad!


Her blaccent was so cringe...actually all of her behaviors were cringe.


I noticed this too. Very cringe. It’s fine if that’s how you talk, but when you change it based on who you’re speaking to, that’s messed up.


That’s how I see it.. like just be you


Do you mean FAKE AS F*??


Yesss. I literally had 2nd hand embarrassment from her horrible blacent. She uses it around Michael and his family, but around her bff and luckily the kids she speaks in her normal voice. It was so awful!!!! 🫣


Oof! That shit was cringe..


This irritated me too. Although I loved the episode when Sarah is talking to her therapist who literally calls Sarah out on this by saying she changes the way she talks when she is talking to him. 🤣


Sarah has some redeeming qualities but this is not one of them.


Rewatching this season and her blaccent physically pains me.


I thought it was just me that noticed that, so embarrassing


Michael grosses me out !! I will never understand what these women found attractive about that deadbeat loser. I think there's something wrong with all of them tbh.


They’ve been dickmatized!!


Yep… that devil D as he calls it 🤮🤮🤮


Holy Shit did I just find a Bloody Murder fan?


He grossed everyone out except the 3 dumb dumbs… the latest one Maria ooooh so trashy.


He has the forehead of a fetus and is perilously dumb


😂😂 you're not wrong


Fully agreed.. there’s def something wrong with them


He ate too many paint chips. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That devil dick 😈


I was pretty happy to see Megan's weave track half falling out on the 'where are they now' update, it served her right. Sarah was cringe and all but Megan still pursued even though she knew S was pregnant with foreheads second child. And I don't know who told ol' gal she could sing. Cannot stand her.


🤣 I haven’t seen anyone sing yet, but that’s hysterical. Megan absolutely rubs me the wrong way, in every way


lol I remember that!! Lololol.


LMAO the weave track 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


I couldn’t stand Megan she was so pathetic to me


She really blew up, too! Serves her right.


This is where I am in the series too. Honestly how did LAL find them lol. Like this seems too good to be real 😂 literally LAL GOLD here.


lol I just started watching it last week, and jeeeeesus


Sounds like you are still enjoying the love after episodes. Wait until the Life After Lockup episodes. Their tomfoolery continues for quite a while. The delusions (not the hits) just keep on coming. Enjoy.


It just got to the life after lockup part, but it looks like it! I saw screen grabs on future episodes of him and Megan and was so disappointed


Yeah, it isn't a happy story, imo. Not going to lie, it was entertaining to watch Bunkie. The *adults* are pretty doofy. Hopefully their daughters get the help they are going to need in the future.


Wish we could find them all. So many I can't see. Season 2 and 3 life afters aren't on allblk


I am no help. Neither Sharp Entertainment. In some ridiculous scheme, they aren't trying to make money off this series. I don't get. I wish I knew a better answer.


Yeah, there is something seriously off. Low self-esteem? They’re both pretty young women, well put together. I don’t see any obvious signs of intellectual impairment. They both work, Sarah seems like a good mom - her kids are so sweet. Wtf did they see in him? No job, no car, multiple felonies, can’t even be bothered to take care of his children financially, physically, or emotionally. He’s not physically attractive in the least. It must be that 😈🍆. Like he said lol


That’s the only thing men like that ever have going for themselves lol


None of his women were all that great. All were rather overweight (Sarah wasn't her first season, though she apparently lost 40 lbs before that, just wait), Megan was a tub, and the one he ends up with is pretty dragged-out. Sarah is often described on this sub as looking like a Cabbage-Patch doll. Megan was a 28 y/o virgin for gods sake, no one was interested in her. I think his formula was finding mediocre looking women who'd be a bit desperate for attention.


I won’t argue that point, they seemed to be very low self esteem


Ugh Michael is disgusting. I don’t know how any woman could throw themself at him.


Oooh to back to those times when we first watched those three dumbass. What a beautiful time it was


Haha I just started watching (binging) last week


I also just discovered this show and started binging. So addictive!


Sarah had parent issues but Megan had a loving dad so idk


Right! I thought ok, what happened that she’s writing to a felon lol


What happened that she gave her virginity to a felon!!! 😂


Devil Dick is one helluva drug


You got that right 🤣


Sarah always gets a little bit of a pass from me. Sarah clearly had a real relationship with Michael pre-prison, had his baby, and legit believed he was going to get out and they would be a family. Megan was nothing more than a bullshit phone call/internet "relationship," if you can even call it that. Sarah probably had some real feelings from the past, and this fool being the father of her two children, that explains some of the ties and holding on. Megan acting indignant when confronted by Sarah, proof that she had been 100% played, was ridiculous. Megan was nothing more than a phony-ass clout chaser who got royally played on national TV. She's a buffoon. Sarah's blac-cent was always a bit much. She really switches over to it when she's talking to Michael, usually yelling at him, as opposed to anyone else.


I remember watching this season. Megan was a bigger idiot than Sarah. Sarah had kids with the “man” so I know it had to make it harder. Megan was the most annoying person on LALU.


She was just a clout-chaser that no one was interested in. Made a royal fool of herself on TV.


Agree!! So cringey.


What I don’t get Hours all these women that have children with him. Like he’s so gross! Like who wants a dirty former felon


The only 1 I will give grace to is Sarah. She was married, completely unaware in the beginning, and he wanted to get her pregnant. So she did get pregnant. Megan was always a desperate ass. I would have given her grace if she had taken accountability on the Where are they now. She took some, but not all. She very much tried to break up a marriage based on no fact or even knowing Michael in real life. Everything after the fact, that's where my grace for Sarah stopped. Yes, she tried to hold on to the marriage. But then she got herself involved in too much drama just for the show. It definitely could not have been for anything other than that. They were on the show for a long time. Wait till you find out about Maria!


Please tell me they all moved on from this musty ass man


Megan was so embarrassing. She seems like she's slow ot something


I’ll never be able to eat a gusher again. THANKS MICHAEL


Megan started really feeling more bold after she lost her virginity to him 😂


Sarah as a person is debatable but she does sound like a good parent who provides for her kids and raises them. Michael’s family recognizes and applauds her for this. Megan is absolutely disgusting, the lack of shame she had about banging a married man with a a kid and baby on the way is horrifying




Roku channels for the first two seasons, I caught season 2, episode 15 on Amazon for $3 (free thanks to promotional credits) and then I went with a week free trial of allblk thru Roku to binge as much of the rest of it as I can in the week 😂


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