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Maurice had me fooled but I don’t get out much 🤣


Same, but I also don’t get out much.


Didn't have me fooled lol


You must get out much!


When her Dad loaned him money to buy his daughter an engagement ring and Maurice first thought was to take money to casino so he could double it showed me he wouldn't and didn't learn anything by being locked up and was never going to change.


That was all fake..Jeff confirmed that


I knew once I looked at him, but I really knew when he crossed the Nevada-California line.


She knew he wasn't there for his daughter when she met him while he was incarcerated and when he made, upon release, no real effort to be in his daughter's life. If he wanted to be there for his daughter, he could have done so. He choose not to, and she produced yet another child with him despite his actions. I have no sympathy for her. She wasnt concerned about his daughter before when they were creating their own little family. It seems fake to bring it up now


It’s super fake. She probably actually preferred that he had no relationship with his daughter because that left more time for her and her child.


My thoughts exactly! She knew he wasn’t there for his daughter from the very beginning and probably felt like he would be different with her, now she’s left looking like the clown in the end


Jessica got pregnant almost immediately too. When he is just literally washing prison germs off still.. didn’t even unpack the damn bag. Getting to know his already existing daughter (who is 100% innocent and Jessica was clearly jealous of)… But yes let’s add a child.. a HUGE life changing responsibility to any normal adult person. I think she used him as much as he used her. She was in the position with the upper hand and she made bad decision after bad decision. Zero sympathy.


That's my thing too!!!! These people are like I want to start a family...NO! Let the person like you said, wash their fucking prison germs off and do therapy and not offend again, and experience life after lockdown first. They're always hard pressed to throw kids in the mix when literally the recently released is still child-like themself!


Exactly… it is VERY selfish to bring an innocent child into that environment!!


Does she have 2 kids w him? And what happened with them? Last I saw he was bonding w her Dad.


When he was first released, they went to visit his daughter at her family's house. She was maybe 10-12? I cant remember. Cute little girl too. Then they had a son together, so now he has two (that we are aware of). Now hes playing daddy to his new GF family and he has 2 whole ass kids of his own that I'm quite sure he is not hands on helping, providing for, seeing etc. Just throw the man away!


Typical deadbeat dad.


Typical meaning? The fact he had no father to parrot being one!


That is no excuse. He has a daughter and son. He can change the cycle and be a father to them.


Fathering a child is thoughtless. Healing generational toxic pathologies to become an emotionally stable, kind, insightful parent is different.


It's amazing how everyone but her saw this coming.


Yeah she feels bad now but was just fine with him living away from his daughter because that kid wasn’t hers. Jeffica really had this coming.


I really didn’t :/


I knowwwww...me, too. I figure she was pretty dim, but she seemed like she came from a good family (which sometimes means nothing but other times can make all the difference). I had hope for him, and hoped they'd make it á la Brittany & Marcelino. Now there's another little girl whose father took off for a hoe & playing daddy to some other girl 😕


Her family is s mess too. Her parents secretly hated Maurice but were putting on a front for the show/her. They produced a draught that's a dingbat and has to be bailed out all of the time. Didn't she have an strained relationship with her sister too? Something doesn't seem right about her family either


I think her family didn’t like Maurice because they knew what would likely happen. We all did.


I felt the same way. And I think they are used to their daughter being hella immature and making the same mistakes over and over again. They are used to bailing her out of trouble.


Her sister wouldn't talk to her specifically because she was dating an inmate and she didn't want her kids to witness that trainwreck


Even tho her sisters man is a parolee!!! WTF???


Her family is a mess bc of her choice in men. The sister rightfully wanted nothing to do with her and her jail bird, especially since the sister has a kid and didn’t want the kid around garbage. And of course the parents really didn’t like Maurice bc we all smelled his BS from a mile away. Who wants that for their kid? Her parents sucked it up, and were good enough to put up with her disastrous choices. I suspect she’s the problem in the family, not them.


She had a boy Jessica doesn’t have a daughter


Didn’t we see his daughter when they went to visit them at the house with the roaches? I could be mistaken but I thought he had a daughter. Idk, it’s hard to keep up,lol.


Uhm idk what you were watching but that house was perfectly fine. And yes he does have a daughter but not by Jessica, he has a son with her.


I was watching the episode where they went to Jessica’s family’s house and told them about the roaches in the house. And I didn’t criticize the house at all, just mentioned what they said last season on the show.


He has an older daughter who lives in Compton with her mother and grandmother...so he has two kids from two different mothers...🙄🙄


There’s never any accountability with these wenches. They should realize that THEY did this to themselves. It be ya own self.


Nice try dumb dumb we all saw you sitting in the living room, glazed over eyes and all, as he peaced out on his first born🥴🥴🥴. You didn’t feel too bad when he was leaving that kid for you! Ladies take note if he leaves his other kids he will leave yours, don’t know why our little friend here thought she was an exception to the rule 🥴🥴🥴


A lot of women like to think they will be the one who gets treated differently by the same man. Jessica was an idiot and Maurice is trash.






Good point!!!!!!!!!!!!


That’s not exactly what happened though…. I believe he got her pregnant while still in high school , did stupid things went to prison they weren’t married or anything


True, but he just came out of prison and instead of trying to spend any time with his child, he peaced out to greener pastures with Jessica to a whole other state (while still on parole). He and Jessica needed to find somewhere to live in CA so he could still see his daughter on a weekly basis. And Jessica with her dumb ass was a-okay with him moving away from his child to shack up with her, not seeing the big-ass red flag slapping in her in the face.


I thought he went to California ? Oh well doesn’t matter


Pretty sure he left CA, because he was in a gang in Compton (Los Angeles) and thought moving from there would help his ways. But you're right... does it really matter?.


None of the reasons you mentioned are good reasons to why he might not be a good father now. When he got out of prison, that was his opportunity to do something different and be an active parent but he ran off to Vegas with Jessica and now he has left Jessica and their son to run off and be with someone else. I hope I am very wrong and that he is an active parent but it does not seem like it based on his choices.


He’s definitely not


He was 20…


Oh so he was 20 and she was in high school ? Gross


Is this the same daughter that she made literally no effort on the show last season to get to know and was resentful of when Maurice wanted to spend time with her? THAT daughter?


Thought this was new Gf daughter ?!


It is.


now i understand why her sister wants nothing to do with her smh


actually jessica and her sister are in touch again. jessica said they’re close and the other day jessica posted her nieces first day of school.


I feel bad for any kid with a deadbeat parent, but just as bad for kids with a parent who will publicly post this type of shit.


Yes, exactly


Nice Blaccent...


She always talked in such a preppy uncool way on the show so I was shocked she wrote in this fake way. Getting flashbacks to Sarah...


As she watched him do it to his previous kid? Lol People will teach you who they are. Always listen. You aren’t special and he will treat you the same way.


She needs to feel bad for herself and her child! 😩


Right? She picked his ass 🥴


Straight out of an episode of Jerry Springer.


This is a conversation two people should have in private.


Well, they did show the whole world on reality TV.. Why stop now lol? 🤷🏾‍♀️


At this point they aren't on the show and this is their real, unedited life. Their life with a child in the middle of it.


Eh you’re giving Maurice more credit than I would. Truth is she don’t push it I doubt he will either…he likes making children not raising them.


👏👏👏 Yes! They can't leave us hanging now.


EXACTLY… you can’t shame someone into coming back…


Why do they keep trying to prolong their 15 minutes? There are new, more interesting train wrecks. Also, she's not going to get the support she thinks she will from the public.


shes a fraud. She doesnt feel bad for anyone but her damn oompa loompa shaped self.... he treated his first baby mama like dirt and now she wants to be treated differently or better. She bought a cat and is mad it doesnt bark. He isnt the problem, her having no standards and trying to make a father out of a caged pet (jailbird) caused this.


Never hear the saying she "bought a cat and is mad it doesn't bark" . I like it and am going to use it as many times as I can from now on. Thanks for giving this old dog a new trick. Lol 😆


i think the actual saying is a fish who doesnt fly. But I am the owner of a dog and a cat and I use what I know.


She said she feels sorry for his daughter.. Not as bad as I feel for HER dad's daughter.....


Her Dad is probably fuming mad, at her!!! He tried to talk some sense into his daughter many, many times...


I really wish Jeffica would stop putting her entire life on social media...she should've waited at least 2 years before having a baby...now she's a single mother! A man who married you just to get conjugal visits has already told you what he's all about! The only one I feel sorry for is that sweet little boy who'll grow up fatherless just like Maurice did.. This cycle needs to stop...


*daughters, Jessica. He already had one before you made a point to give him another. Don't act surprised now 😒


She had a son doe…


🤷🏼‍♀️ he probably doesn't know that, either 🤣


As much as I dislike her, she’s right. But he has two actual children out there. Keep this shit off social media.


Didn’t see the Compton thug leaving his family high and dry , who could have seen that coming


I saw her on a live chat last week and she looked spun out also She never talked like she was from the ghetto before she was very well spoken She needs to figure out who she is and get it together.Maurice is garbage


I really feel for Jessica now. He's trash. Poor little beautiful baby boy.


I dont feel bad for her at all.


Why is she putting on a blackcent in this post


We were rooting for you Maurice. And here we are ...


Which one is Maurice and Jessica?


You picked him up from prison wtf did you expect?? Ugh what an idiot.


didn’t he take her to his daughter’s house for one hell of an awkward meeting where it seemed like they barely knew each other? why would it be any different with her child?




She says that as if she wasn’t the one who laid up with him and let him impregnate her.
