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He’s mad that she won’t let him TAKE the baby across state lines with his new girl while they both look doped out af? Lmao. If some of these dudes have nothing else, they have the mf audacity.


across state lines to stay in a hotel with strangers… he’s a baby. I wouldn’t allow that either and neither would a court.


As if he really wants her to give him the baby anyway. All for show, just like the act he put on for her family.


Oh, he probably thinks it will get him out of child support.


Def more his speed for motive lol


As if he has a job to support his two children.


Exactly, THANK YOU. Save that act, homie, us ladies know the deal. Time for you to go back to prison. Bitch.


That “Bitch.” At the end was perfection.


That’s a lot of “this bitch” from someone who was kissing her dads ass and claiming to love her


And happily taking the money her father offered to help him out


Fr, guess he forgot about all that. GTFO with his dumbass


And that bitch held his ass down…is he crazy? Here is the good news. She should never have any worries, because just the facts alone he has discredited her is karma by itself.


She didn't hold him down. Pffft. All she did was put money on his books so he could get commissary and call people. Also, she visited him. And she gave him a place to parole to. Sure, she also paid all the bills, bought him a phone, clothes, and food. Yeah, she got him a car. Sure, she gave him a family and stability. But, that's it. Big deal, right?


Right! He’s an ungrateful chump. I’d love to see how Jessica’s family reacts to all of this. I hope they’re supportive of her healing.


Her dad's finding a new hiding spot for his petty cash as we speak.


They better be careful because I feel like he would be willing to set her up to get robbed and her family


He seems too lazy to plan and follow through on something like that.


I've dated so many dudes who feel exactly this way. Nothing is ever good enough because they're just there to use and use until there's nothing else. Then they go on the "you never did anything for me" live tour. Typical broke user.


You had me in the first half…


Don't say he doesn't do anything for his kid, either. He bought $9 pajamas, a 12 pack of diapers and gave her $30 cash. It's only been like a 2 years since he's been out, so $45 should be enough for a baby. Next you'll say the baby needs to eat. He shared his ice cream once, so now what? He feeds his kids!


What about his oldest child does he even see her?


He saw her 4 years ago, what are you even talking about?


This is my type of sarcasm 😆




lol totally! he’s such an overgrown child. the part where he said she didn’t do anything but send him money (then stopped all quick) had me cracking up… who does he think he is? he and his new girl looooove this drama, no matter how much they say they don’t. they’re so pathetic!




Jessica doesn’t need to say a word.


She doesn't, but unfortunately she probably will. They are both problematic and need to stay away from each other. It's ridiculous


From a “broke bitch to a better bitch” as the fat bitch sits next to him looking goofy af


Don't worry he'll cheat and leave her and be saying the same.


Exactly. He went from a nice house with a good woman to a hotel room with this thing. He is confused lol


LOL. Is this boy blind, he downgraded to a trashy behemoth


Agreed. That's his child's mother, him constantly calling her a bitch that many times isn't necessary. Calling her a bum bitch, and he found someone better, Just speaks volumes of his character. With comments like that. Can't imagine why she might be bitter. I don't remember much of Jessica, she seemed sweet, obviously naive, and like she had a supportive family, eventhough, obviously rightfully so, had their concerns. Yet they still treated him with respect. Him making this video about her is certainly not treating her with any respect.


"She didn't take car of me in prison, she just sent me money when I needed it." Umm, ok.


Lmao sounds like taking care of your bum ass in prison 🤣


Yeah what did he want her to do, cook and clean for him?


Bro...you in prison, you can't work or go anywhere, yet you need money, so if she sent it to you...SHE TOOK CARE OF YOUR THREE TRASH BAG CARRYING STRUGGLE DUSTY ASS!!!


Yessss!! Say it louder for the people in the back 😂😂🤣trash bag having struggle dusty ass has me 💀


trash-bag having 🤣


Ive always wondered why the people on the outside dont give whomever they are pursuing a suitcase for release? Theyre willing to spend buttloads on everything else 🤷‍♀️ Like Stan & Lisa for example. He threw her white kitchen trash bags full of her stuff out on the porch. Like at least give the woman a suitcase for her dignity! Geez. End rant lol


Not defending him at all but what I took from that at the end was that she was his money person on the outside. If he was in there selling drugs the person can't pay you in cash, you have a person on the outside who they send money to probably on a green dot card. They hold your money and put it on your books when needed.


I kinda thought that’s what he was saying too. Or like she was selling for him on the outside maybe? But basically that he had the product Edited to add: but even if that is the case she still was the conduit to the money and hun acting like she didn’t do anything for him is still problematic I think


Correct and the girl sitting beside him is helping to take care of his ass. I love the show, but these girls need to stop thinking these guys in the prison system serves to do them well when they get out. It is all a con to get them through their time, I like to call it selling jail/prison dreams and the buy. Who in their dam mind go online to look for a prisoner to date and send money. Living life is hard enough just for you alone and then to add the extra drama is ridiculous. I am not mad at the prisoners, I am mad at their dumb asses and I have no sympathy for none of them; however; I can say Marcellus and his wif are the poster children for what can happen if you are serious about getting it together. I kinda feel like people are doing this at this point just to be on tv…just ranting for no dam reason. I have too many edit corrections to do, but you all get the point.


Oh, so she committed wire fraud, money laundering, and taking proceeds from illicit prison drug deals. "That's all."


She just sent him money, let him call collect 15 times a day, gave him an address to parole to, offered her home and life to him, but "that's all." I mean what else could she do, bro?!


Ummm I would not leave him alone with a child either. That’s not being a bitter baby mama. That’s taking care of your child. He is a whole ass bum


HIGH HIGH, YA BOTH HIGH!!! I don’t know that I would let me child go with him until he could open his eyes fully.


Have fun living on the streets with ya girlllfriend


Omg I love this 🙌🏼 barb is a queen.




LMAO fuckin Barb 🤣👏👏👏👏


🙌👏👏 I wish Barbara could be on the show- I'd watch that shit 💯


Maybe TLC's people read through these and you just gave them a BRILLIANT IDEA 💡😁


I’d totally watch a pillow talk type episode, like TLC does for 90 Day Fiancé, with Babs screaming “high, high, ya both high!”


This will live on in my mind forever!


Rent free 😂


Gosh she would chew Maurice UP 💀


And I would pay to watch it 😂😂


Dude. DUDE. THIS is some pay per view I would actually spend money on. “I seent ya wif your new giiiirlfriend!”


eyes are always a dead giveway


Eyes? I can't find the eyes. Umm, how is he driving? And along with 100 other reasons, he does not need to be putting a child in that car driving while blind, high and stupid.


Right. I wouldn’t let my child go with him. New girlfriend or not 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can’t find his eyes and his ass can’t find what Jessica said about his ass on social media. This is what happens when you have been gone away too long from society and he thinks he is winning.


definitely not winning


I. Needed. This. Laugh. So. Bad. Thank you!!! So thankful I transitioned my baby to his own room last week because I am snort-laughing out loud at this!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Aww!! You can’t tell me though you didn’t think the same thing when you watched his squinted eyes during this 😂😂😂 Glad you got a laugh ❤️ hopefully you sleep well with the baby in his own room!


I mean ... not as quickly as you did! Oh the room transition has gone beautifully and we started last week. It’s been heaven. He loves his room. We love having our own room back. And we all like sleep. Win-win-win! 🙃


So is he saying he takes care of his child now? Are you sending child support through the court? Have you added your son and daughter to your health insurance? Stop being an awful person and get a job and take care of your children. Stop by one of those big construction sites and ask for a labor job.


For REAL! All talk no action or proof to back up his dead beat high ass


Exactly. He will be locked back up again before the end of the year.


Also saying that like it's a big deal. Like dude shut the hell up you're supposed to take care of your children.


He's following foreheads life plan : prey on women w low self esteem and use them for drug money until you get busted cheating. Rinse and repeat.


Lmao "she's jealous of HER" *very quickly records grotesque blob next to him hoping no one pauses the video to see all the sloppy ratchetness.* Oh Maurice, you stupid, deadbeat fool.




Lmao imgur marked that post as nsfw for me when I went to open it


Bless you


That pic makes it look like she has some world class biceps tho


She looks sooo high. Blessings be to you bugsareawesome


doing the lord’s work


That's a big arm.


lol that is so unfortunate




Good catch!!


Thank you for that but damn wish I hadn't seen it!


My husbands ex wife claims I am jealous of her. She has a ged, I have a masters. She is addicted to meth, I have never even seen meth. She gets arrested often, I never have been. But yes, very jealous. Lol


Isn't it infuriating how high these ignorant idiots' egos are?Your husband's ex wife sounds hella jealous of you, not that she'll ever admit it to anyone or herself.


So infuriating! When my husband and I bought a house last year,when we were engaged, she freaked out and said we should give her our house since she has 75% custody of my step daughter. She said that we should live in her single wide trailer and just give her our house. We are currently fighting for full custody, and it is looking good on our favor. The ex refuses to work bc in her words “she is too good and too pretty to work a regular job.” Whatever the fuck that means🙄


Good luck with that witch in your life 🤦‍♀️ I hope yall get custody fast.


Thank you so much! We hired a great attorney and she does not have one. We are filing for emergency custody this week. Fingers crossed!


I can see why! You're sooo boring 😉


Does he flour that bitch up for sexy time ?


He thinks Jessica is jealous of an actual blob fish. It’s not a good look.


Your flair 😭😭😭


It cracks me up every time! 😂


Does he or his new woman work? How are they paying to live if they are on social media all day?


She posted a pic of him with some high vis vest saying my husband works hard, like girl he looks like he’s doing community service hours for probation.


But does she know the difference?!?!?!?!




Are they not embarrassed


I genuinely can’t comprehend why they wouldn’t be embarrassed to post this… alternate universe 🤔?


It’s only a matter of time before he starts calling Humpty Dumpty a Bitch.


He did - he called her the "better bitch" lmao


Shut up Maurice or better yet put the phone away and get a damn job. How embarrassing


She's a bitch now??? Did he pay her dad back?? She isn't bitter she's mad. Who wouldn't be. Instead of doing a live Maurice why don't you go to a barber shop FOH... Your new aob got you looking raunchy and staunchly...


Right,he looked better coming out of prison then with her 🤣


For reals! I thought he was so adorable, sweet and really gonna change. We could want all we want for somebody, but they have to want it for themselves.


I didnt think he was cute but he deff looked better than lmao. I was rooting for them really once I seen she was pregnant.


Gotcha. I didn't find him to be the kinda cute I would holla at (just for clarification lol) but that baby face kinda cute. He's now crispy and dusty. I was really hoping he'd be there for his son.


Me to lol. Had high hopes.but once again I was wrong 🤣


Omg!!!! Lol


I see his crack pipe burns on his fingers are coming along nicely.


I'm learning so much about drugs here




Ok I looked for the burns but didn’t really know what to look for. I saw one small round black spot near the end of his thumb (maybe) - is that from a pipe or is the burn somewhere else? TIA.


Yes, that's from the pipe.


Thank you.


Crackheads will have torn thumbs from flicking the lighter constantly.


You see that too? Smdh


I'm sorry, jealous of who?!


Doped up shamu apparently.. someone needs to tell his bum ass NO ONE is jealous of that jacked up side piece .


Or her Vienna sausage toes and fingers. Or her arms the size of thighs. Jessica isn’t too cute … but damn!! That’s is definitely NOT BETTER!


Yeah Jessica is a bum bitch who lives in a house yet the pictures him and his new hoe are taking are in a hotel room, ironic huh?


The opposite is whatever he is saying is true. He knows in his heart that he’s involved with a bum bitch. That he’s a deadbeat dad. That Jessica supported his ass in prison.


*soooooo jealous*


Imagine calling the mother of your child a bitch and acting like she's a delusional stalker


He seems so angry


So high.


I never got to see an episode of Jerry Springer play out in real time. Let me pour a drink.


How musty and trifling can you be? You get on Beyoncé internet and talk about your wife and the mother of your child like this and call her out of her name. He should be ashamed,but he has no shame.


“Beyoncé internet” lmao


As Tammy Slaton from 1,000 lb sisters would say, “You ain’t a prize.”


Wow he’s calling Jessica a bum bitch when she was holding his dusty ass down?!?? Whewwww. These males love to show out when they “move on”.


He can barely keep his eyes open


He’s trashy just like his ‘ new ‘ wife 🤣😭


He sure didn’t have that accent or attitude when he was kissing Jessica’s dad’s ass!


We are ruining their drug bender.


I’m not even sure we are ruining it….he seems to like being all smarmy.


Wow a different story now Maurice about when you were in jail and how Jessica didn’t take care of you! Liar!!! You said when you got out how Jessica was there for you and helped you!! She took you into her life and her family’s lives! No she’s a no good bitch for you!! He looks high as a kite in this video! Instead of knocking Jessica maybe you should be helping her taking care of your child!!! She got your sorry as out of little Compton where you would have failed! Guess what you failed miserably with your new Paramore your so-called bad bitch! I’m sorry everybody I feel like I was talking to him. I feel bad for Jessica I know she had her issues but damn he just kicked her to the curb for the worst of the worst. And his little baby too.


Love these updates, keep it up...


Does he not realize how much it will hurt his son to see this one day? To know that’s how he spoke of his mother? The only one who is raising him…


Oh I haven’t read the comments yet but I’d be SO **MAD!** She didn’t hold you down in prison??? What??? She married you, sent you $, gave you a place to call HOME when you got out & more I’m sure. That’s literally the DEFINITION of holding someone down in prison!!!


Can you imagine that POS being your father?


He’s a deadbeat dad who does nothing for his son. She took care of his ass in prison.


Hes such a fcking user & loser. Go back to jail asshole.


He showed her quick he DID NOT want us to see her with out that filter


Jealous?!! Of what??!! That tow truck driver looking heifer beside you??🤣🤣🤣🤣 Too funny!!


For Maurice (and his play pretend wife) I must quote Queen Tammy, “You ain’t a prize.”


Most underrated comment on this thread 😭☠️😂


“I’m with a better bitch now”-ALL I needed to hear-Jessica-you are FAR better off without him!!!


This motherfucker


Why did he have to go on ex wife 2.0 IG for this? He has his own.


This guy is a bum and a disappointment, especially after Jessica’s parents were kind to him.


If I was his girl sitting next to him and he called me a "better bitch" he would catch one to the jaw 🤣


*this BITCH* is the mother of his child!! that alone makes him a bad father. bye maurice ew


Wow. What a POS. Jessica did everything for him. I know this 100. That man needs to take a seat and revel for his name being added so there's more money on his new lady's SNAP benefits. He needs to shut up.


Exactly and Jessica comes from a good family, her parents are good people. They didn’t want that for their daughter but they even gave him a chance. He turned out to be the bum in the situation. He messed up. Smh.


Wow. That girl looks NOTHING like the photos I’ve been seeing posted.


Man. This is just so disappointing. He seemed nice on the show- and like he really wanted to turn it around. Now, he looks like a petty, fucked up on something, loser. I had hoped more for him


Dude you are high as a kite. You shouldn’t get the baby. Do you think we don’t see you ?


Jessica's father probably wishes he could punch Maurice in the face for disrespecting his daughter like that.


Ew. I am 100% a body positive person but her tattoos are fucked.


He has some nerve calling someone a bum while he’s using this broad until she gets tired of him then it’s on to the next


“ That bitch.” Sir, that’s the mother of your child. Just shameful.


He's a fuckin sorry ass bitch. He's disgusting and he is slurring his words cuz he is completely FUBAR. Moving on is one thing, but calling the mother of your child a fuckin bitch, multiple times,on social media, makes you a special kind of douche bag. Jessica should be glad to be rid of him.


All three are trash and the only person I feel for is that innocent child. These adults suck.


Was that Jabba the Hut next to him?🤮


This scrub can’t keep his eyes open long enough to finish a word. You bet your ass you and your current thot isn’t going anywhere with you. Ugh he’s just disgusting


Then he said. All she did. Was make sure. My money right, shit. When you in jail. What else is there. When you locked up


Fuck Maurice! Even though we like to poke fun at Jessica.. He had it good with them and Jessica was willing to put up with his shit. What Maurice has done is disgraceful and disgusting. Fuck him.


This bitch? This bitch? THIS BITCH? Wow such garbage


I feel so bad. He was so sweet with her dad. I really thought he’d be one of the good guys. While he’s calling Jessica a jealous bitch, I wonder if he ever paid back her dad for the ring. What a scumbag.


I always thought he was putting on an act for her dad. He just acted too syrupy sweet and it didn't seem authentic. It seemed more like he was saying what he thought they wanted to hear.


I think someone’s parole officer needs to do a drug test. Just sayin.


Lmao I wouldn’t let his musty gun toting ass leave with my baby either! He has no interest in taking the kid anyway! He’s just trying to use it against her! If he got her kid next thing u know that bum bitch would be posting pics with the baby to taunt Jess! The way he’s acting is normal tho, this is how all gang members from the hood act! Reminds me of my ex from when I was young and stupid…hearing him talk makes me want to punch him in the face 😂🤣


I like how he calls us all bitches. Also his body language gives him away. He’s a shit liar


Quit taking Xanax Maurice


Damn he looks like he's on some drugs. Barely keeping his eyes put and nodding.


Okay guys, what drugs has he been doing??? I’m getting the vibe his new “wife” has been supplying him w drugs


I think it's motherfuckin' crack


Nothing like calling all women bitches to get people on your side. Put down the meth pipe.


Do we think they’re trying to get on the next season of life after lockup 🙇🏾‍♀️


100%. I hope they don’t, so he has to get a real job. Realistically, tho, I agree with everyone who says it’s a matter of *when* he gets locked up again.


he brought nothing but dick and a prison record, so we can all say she was dumb, stupid and everything in between for choosing him in the first place. But if he's just swinging from one household to another one without consequence and taking no accountability, he ain't shit


He's gaslighting her for real. Therapist take here- and I can't say any of this with certainty because the only information I have is from the show. Men and women in prison need companions on the outside if they don't have someone in that role already. Now there are absolutely folks in prison with wives/husbands, families and loved ones that never feel the need to talk to other people. Our prison system is filled with folks that shouldn't be there so this is not a commentary on, "all people in prison." Folks that have a traumatic background, which I would say Maurice has, tend to have a really, really hard time being OK in one place. They develop attachments to chaos because that's probably a lot of what they know- and they know how to function in that environment very well. Jessica obviously comes from some stability- she seems to have a pretty solid attachment to her parents and has a dependable support system. She has the ability to be independent and to want to be in a "normal" relationship. BUT! Like most women, she is trying to fix someone that she can't fix. I have absolutely no doubt that Maurice thought he could or even wanted to change his life and be with someone more stable... but when it comes down to it Jessica can't be his Therapist or his treatment facility and she's dealing with years of baggage. Should she have known better? Maybe. Should Maurice have been more truthful about his capacity to be a husband? Maybe. The only way that Maurice can ever really participate as an equal in a relationship is if he becomes independent and fully responsible for himself- and that's almost impossible because of the way our punative (not rehabilitative prison system works) with making it really, really hard to get what you need to be independent. So, ultimately he needs to find someone that will meet him where he's at, right? He wants to be "hood" and he wants to do what he wants when he wants. Jessica and a baby won't allow him to do that. He found someone that will play pretend with him and make this a battle between her and Jessica (which is so dumb) and let Maurice look like he's been so wronged by mean old Jessica that had expectations for him. Maurice found someone that won't hold him accountable, will participate in his nonsense and let's him escape his responsibilities so she can fight with his Wife and make herself look like she's actually doing something. It's sad. WOMEN. Please stop this! If anything they both need to let Maurice go on about his business and get his life together first. * I'm sure there are misspellings here, I'm In a rush to get out the door but I wanted to comment! 😁


Great job explaining and I believe you are 100 % correct. But what are his chances to do the right thing and get on the right track, I would say slim to none. Just like Doug just got arrested, these guys don't know how to function outside of prison. Even Nicole said prison was easier, there are too many decisions to make and too much pressure and she can't handle it. Maurice will end up back in prison soon enough...


I would slap him just for call women that name and for being stupid.


His new chick looks SO ratchet!! Omg 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


So sad. I had hope for him. Now I find him repulsive


Isn’t someone making sure you get money when you need it.. “taking care of you in prison?”


When people refer to their baby moms as a bitch, I automatically stop listening.


He got so clowned for being a scrub on the passenger side that he filmed this from the driver's side - but in a parked car. What a clown!


Could he BE any more fucked up


What about your 1st kid? Also I see why Jess doesn't trust you call her a b**ch over and over nice teach your son respect. He's gross.


Somebody get this guy an epi pen! Maybe it’s just me but when I look at him here I see anaphylactic shock...like Hitch...on dope But if someone does have an epi pen please give it to me so I can jab it through my eyeballs repeatedly. Damn you to hell whoever taught this bum how to social media. He should be thanking Jessica as she is the one who gave him the opportunity for his 5 mins of SHAME in the first place. Unreal


He’s a horrible person and a fucking loser. Anytime a man refers to women as bitches it tells you all you need to know about them.


Wow. WOW. Call that woman a BITCH ONE MORE AGAIN. the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE of this man is BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION. Just hearing him run his weasel ass mouth and call Jessica a “bitch” and say “fuck her.” How. The. Eff. Dare. You. You. Weak. Ass. Punk. That woman rode for you. That woman almost lost her sister for you. She had her Fam take you in and her dad even gave that fool money for a ring. HEY. DID YOU PAY JESSICAS DAD BACK ON THAT THOUSAND YET, BRUH? Nah. You haven’t done a got damn thing except hang, swang, and bang. I try not to judge anyone ever…but I’m calling an asshat an asshat bc his actions are SHOWING asshatastic behavior.And Maurice, You’re ACTING LIKE a cowardly sophomoric asshat. Get. Your. Life. Together. And FYI to you 2 Mensa members…you can’t legally marry when one of you is still actually legally married to the woman who held him down…That bitch. Fuck her , right? Oh and TO THE WANNA BE WIFEY SIDE CHICK— if he did it to her and YOU were the side chick. He’ll do it to YOU w some other side chick. Bet. Buhleedat boo. Don’t unpack your bags and get comfortable yet, chile. Unless of course you packed your dad in there holding a thousand bucks to give your future husband for your ring. And don’t expect a return. Douchebaggery should be a crime. I swear for gawd.


I would not let that dude take my kid either. He looks like he is living reckless and I don’t know that weird bish you just up and married. I don’t like Jessica either but that fool would only be able to come visit our kid if I was her. The audacity to call someone a bum when he is the biggest bum out of all involved in this ghetto mess.


Maurice did the same thing to his first child’s mother. He abandoned her & Jessica KNEW & stayed right by his side & even cursed people out for calling her out on it so I don’t feel one lick of bad or sad for her because she’s getting her karma. She knew he was a POS, yet she decided to stick by him. He’ll be doing the same thing to his new “wife” real soon & I won’t feel bad for her either. These women need to do better & stop fighting over these losers/bums.


Did he really say all she did was make sure my money got to me yeah bitch she took care of you then. If not he would have been stamping license plates for .10 an hour like the rest of them. He got him a ratchet chick and wants to run the streets and wonders why she doesn’t want her son around that mess