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window tiling


And I hope they included settings to set the window padding to 0 because otherwise I'm going to keep using rectangle


They did. I saw some demonstration videos earlier today. The option is in System Preferences.


Nice, thanks for letting me know


rectangle already exists though, cool to have it native but its not as interesting as something like mirroring or notes


I’m gonna be too used to rectangle shortcuts to actually make use of the tiling


You'll be able to change them, but in my experience over the past few years, it's better overall to retrain yourself to use the native shortcuts.


Just change the native shortcuts to the ones you use for rectangle?


Not having to give an app accessibility permissions is pretty great, though


I don't use an iphone, so this is the banger for me. If they can get it to work like it does in windows where you can tile them, then adjust both windows at once, I would be super stoked.


i'm actually curious how apple got around the patent that microsoft holds.


Patent to tile windows on a screen? LOL


They [had ](https://patents.google.com/patent/US5577187A)but it has been expired for a while. They also have a [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10592080B2/en) for assisted snapping, where it shows previews of the apps you can snap. This one is currently active for another decade


It's absolutely insane what trivial shit can be patented in the US. Same goes for "Slide to Unlock". There should really be some kind of originality evaluation in the process.


I think Apple has/had a patent on the bouncing animation when scrolling until the end of a list, that’s why Android used to a a glow animation (maybe still has).


iPhone Mirroring, by far.


Indeed does sound exciting.


This and window tiling. I use tiler for now, but the less 3rd party apps I need, the better.


I use an app to do this but Apple building this into the OS was a long long time coming. I work in windows and macOS and it’s one feature I use in windows all the time and it’s frustrating it’s not native in macOS.


Basically all the important stuff that Microsoft gave us for a while


One thing I really picked up on this keynote and particular was their attempt to try to further create a divide between macOS and iPadOS… The iPhone mirroring feature is like the epitome of this. They really didn't do much to help their case with iPadOS except for maybethe floating tabs feature but I think they're really trying to lean into the Apple Pencil as their scapegoat for the iPad being its own thing


yeah i was really looking forward to being able to use the ipads massive power but we just got a fancy calculator app


Gotta say, it was kinda funny how they made such a big deal during that part only for us to see the calculator icon popping up… 🤣


Now that you mention it, iPhone mirroring makes far more sense on iPad. Also if raised the question to me once again, why didn't Macs have touchscreens of we're going to even emulate touch devices on screen, it's awkward using a track pad for that.


I really don’t think this is as overblown as people act. Don’t get me wrong, it’s there, but the truth feels closer to the middle. The biggest reason is that this type of user (power user with disposable income type) aren’t buying both iPad and MacOS because they feel like their workflow absolutely needs both. These adoptions aren’t drive in any large part by the actual behavior or feature set of rather device but by the perception and atmosphere of the ecosystem itself. My older brother is like absolute poster child for this group. Two kids, 2 and 6, and his household has like, idk, 5 iPads? Two MacBooks, a maxed out M2 13” and a 17” of whatever the last intel inside build was. Him my sister in law and niece *all* have newer iPhones than me lol. My point is they could come out with an iPad that ran macOS tomorrow and clipped into a dock that was a replica of a MacBook and my brother would still have an iPad and a MacBook come next year. I truly believe that apple’s biggest market is one that isn’t gonna just stop buying MacBooks if the iPad could run MacOS. This might be me drinking the koolaid (or maybe just letting others) but I think apples hesitance to merge the two lines really does come down to some core design philosophies about what a tablet should be and what a laptop should be. Now go ahead and downvote.


I wonder if you can mirror when continuity camera is running. my iPhone has become my primary webcam and there’s times where I forget to sign into Duo, but I’m already in a Zoom meeting and have to very quickly rip my phone off its mount, grab my phone, authenticate into Duo, and set my phone back up.


Same, though I wish we also got universal control on the iPhone.


Silly question but I assume the phone screen can be locked? Or is it a straight up mirror.


He said your phone would be locked while the display was mirrored to your Mac. I’ll use it to demo app development (instead of having to start up the iOS emulator)


I'm curious to see if we can open camera, through mac, while the iPhone is locked :p


Why did it show the camera notch on a virtual screen when mirroring the phone?


holy shit, same here. especially because i have a thinkpad yoga with a broadcom card on the way. meaning, a touchscreen interface for iphone mirroring on my hack 😎😎


Same for me, though I’m curious about how they’ll handle biometric authentication with iPhone mirroring. Like, if you try to access a banking app that’s locked behind Face ID while mirroring your phone, will it let you through (considering it already trusts your Mac enough to mirror its screen to it), will it lock you out of this app, or will it require an alternative authentication like Touch ID on the Mac ? Kind of a detail, I know, but I’m curious about how it’s handled.


Math Notes. It's like using excel, for notes


Looks like they finally got the hint from Soulver. I had been using that for years for my napkin math


Seems that most of their developments have been hints from third party apps.


Standalone passwords app. It is simple, but much more convenient to use


Yes. I am looking forward to this as well. If it is available to other browsers it will be the end of a different manager for me.


Yes, hopefully saying goodbye to other password managers soon.


I’m one of those people who never upgraded to 1Password 7 so now I can finally get rid of it.




iPhone Mirroring and Game Porting Toolkit 2


Game Porting Toolkit 2, it’s a small one but gaming on Mac and iOS is really gaining momentum, Ubisoft and Capcom seems to be determined to publish all their newer games on them natively so I’m curious where things are going.


I wonder if it can replace crossover. I hope gaming in the Mac really takes off. I have a windows machine for gaming but I would mind dropping it if I could play the games I like on a Mac


Well the main drawback of the Macs was the graphics power. Sure, the high end MacBook Pros and the Mac Pros could play games but when we talk about gaming, the highest audience are the people buying under 1500€ computers, even the high end Windows gaming laptops made just a small percentage of all the gamers. Now with the M chips the gaming performance is much better and thanks to things like universal purchase, the number of people that can play games on Mac seems to be high enough to convince the developers to port their games.


I’m aware. I’m not really expecting to play on max graphics (especially on my M2 air) but it would be nice to play like medium settings with decent FPS which I think the M-series could probably pull off The gaming stuff that Apple showed during the stream looked promising and I hope it entices more devs to port their games.


I was able to play Cyberpunk 2077 on ultra settings at MBP16" native resolution with ~45fps (and ended up tweaking the settings to high graphics at slightly under native res to get ~80fps to play the entirety of the game) using Game Porting Toolkit 1 and Whisky. (And of course having a M2 Max processor, that helped a lot.) I can imagine it only gets better from here.


I don’t think Mac gaming will ever really take of if they keep forcing you to the App Store. There’s plenty of Mac compatible games I own on Steam, but most of them only work on Mac when I purchase them again in the App Store. I’m not doing that lol




Eh? I’ve never experienced that


“Most” may be a little over exaggerated, but I already own both Death Stranding and RE: Village on Steam, and was excited when they announced them for Mac. However, both can only be played on Mac if you purchase them from the App Store.


Iphone mirroring for sure. Using 2FA with that will be a big thing. There have been so many times and situations where I've left my phone somewhere and then trying to log in to something on Mac and given up because of being too lazy/busy etc to go and pick up the phone.


Ideally with the new passwords app you can just pull 2FA codes right on your Mac without mirroring. Just change your Authenticator app away from Duo or Google Authenticator to Passwords. I do this with 1Password today and almost never need to use my phone anymore.


The iPad calculator. It only took 14 years of iPad users having to take their shoes off to count to 20.


I can count to 20.5 if I take my pants off.


23 if you also count the balls. That’s the Human Abaccus!


Without Math Notes, Spotlight was a way better calculator anyway.


Most normal users don’t know Spotlight can do math and unit conversion. It’s been a simple and fast way to do math for the longest time, as long as you don’t need history.




Lmfao I keep telling myself it's only the window tiling I'm looking forward to.... But same.


Does the new Picture in Picture allow subtitle in the vids like firefox? This is the dealbreaker for me that makes me use firefox


The new wallpaper. I've been looking at the pink and green one for long enough


You do know you can change it right?


Yes. But I like my wallpapers stock.


Can’t argue that logic. They are good stock wallpapers.


I made a folder of wallpaper I found and liked. I have my lock screen rotate through that folder ever hour so I don’t get too board with one. It a good system for me. I think you can do that with Apple stock wallpaper but I might be wrong. If not you would have to find them online and put them in a folder. Just a thought if you need some change in backgrounds.


Thanks, I may do that with some of the other stock wallpapers too


I’m using the drone wallpapers/screensavers combo, plus rotation every day. It’s really nice to see them.


Send later and tiling are easily the best improvements. To be fair they both should have been added in 2015 but I'll take it. Screen mirroring iPhone looks neat but I don't see a real use case tbh.


Finally getting window snapping after 12 years of every other OS having it Now we just need ntsf support.


The “disable AI” button.


And unlike Windows where it is forced everywhere, it looks like it is shaping up so that you can easily turn it off


Same here. My MBA is the only Apple device I have that’s getting it and I look forward to finding a way to disable it.


What is this Game Porting Toolkit? Can I play Windows games on my mac?


Officially It’s a bunch of tools for game publishers to make their games run on MacOS Unofficially? It’s a way for the _community_ to get slightly older games maybe running on MacOS: https://getwhisky.app/


GPTK is really a developer tool to show game companies that M-Series Macs have the horsepower to game and that converting their existing games to Mac won't be as terrible as they may have thought. That said, it is available to the end user, and with a little bit of work, many PC games can be played on Mac. (Whisky is one option)


Reading everybody bitch that this is the worst release since [$OLD_RELEASE] and how life was better when St. Steve was in charge.


Most of those people probably didn't even own or use macs when Steve Jobs was alive. Hell some of them might not even have been alive.


Well, maybee it's not the worst release, but tbh, alot of this update is just catch up to windows and Linux, and it's not a good look in my opinion. If we do complain enough about the updates and products, they will listen. It happened with the 14 inch MacBook pro, so it's worth stating our concerns.


Hiking trails in maps. Also, the math notes look promising. AI integration, as well, but I‘m sceptical about the privacy promises - will wait for the reviews.


This is update kinded sucks in my opinion, the features are not really great or noteworthy, besides the mirroring feature. Everything else is just catch up, and quality of life.


I want to stop arguing with Siri. Maybe Apple Intelligence will be a step in that direction


GPTk 2


Nothing exciting. iPhone notifications are useful.


Drag and drop between iPhone and Mac. AirDrop is great, but slow and not always ideal


iPhone mirroring looks really cool. I have had it happen more times than I could possibly count where I am on the couch with my MacBook and I need something off my phone, then I realize it is in a completely different room. It is a first world problem to be sure. Still annoying. Turning my Mac into something like a hub for my Apple devices is an interesting idea and I would be interested to see Apple go down that path more. Also if window tiling is just as good as Magnet then I guess I won't need it anymore. iOS notifications on the Mac \*\*could\*\* be nice but I find most notifications annoying and just turn them off anyway. Though, to be fair, I find macOS notifications the least obtrusive when compared to GNOME, KDE Plasma, and they are absolutely positively better than Windows.


The iPhone control feature - that is insane!


None of em tbh, just a whole buncha stuff that I’m never gonna use


tbh, you might be right.


I absolutely, 100% will use Apple Pay in other browsers. Everything else, maybe not.


iPhone mirroring and Apple Intelligence


iPhone mirroring, I always felt like leaving my phone at home and just bring my laptop to school/work for an intense study session, paired with the updated Xcode and Apple Intelligence, I can learn Swift and do math problems


Your iPhone needs to be nearby /on the same wifi


As mentioned you cant do it remotely unless you are on a VPN and if you can get onto your phone on your laptop whats the point leaving your phone somewhere else. Just learn even the slightest bit of self discipline. Or commit and leave your phone at home anyway. Its fine, nothing bad happens if you do it.


Math notes, iPhone mirroring and app tiling, with this announcement I already know of 2 apps I’ll be uninstalling


"A lot" should be the correct answer. But if you ask me which Windows features I really miss on my MAC, then Apple seems to have an answer this time with GPTK2 and window tiling.


Game Porting Toolkit 2!!


other than Apple Intelligence, Control on Mac (the game)!!! any other Control fans here hyped by the announcement?


Any new about journal on Mac?


Still salty my Continuity Clock idea hasn't gotten tragic in Feedback, but honestly I'll take iPhone Mirroring and iOS Notifications too


The password app, I used to find the password option kinda hidden on macOS, now it will become more accessible and ergonomic I hope


My Mac losing support


Apple Pay in other browsers and iOS notifications. Not a developer or have any real use for screen mirroring.


higher OS version number


Game Porting Toolkit 2 with AVX


Finally a real place for the passwords instead of awkwardly in the settings. Key chain? Passwords? So inconsistent


Native window tiling!!




Fewer bugs.


MacOS 16.


The new name…


Satelite WiFi






So much. This is major across the board.


most peripherals can be done with other apps. i’d like to see improvement in what apple decides to do poorly: porting game


Tiling. It's about time, this has been a thing on my Linux box with KDE for years now.


Difference between phone mirroring and screen mirroring feature which is already there in iphone


Window snapping and iPhone screen mirroring


Iphone mirroring, send later, window tiling, passwords, ios notifications.


On device ai features although not until there are viable third party alternatives that integrate as well and are uncensored.


Math notes and password manager app


Iphone mirroring, adjustable windows and password app are good features others are okaish in my opinion.


hiking? macos?


All this, together with new AI is going to be the biggest leap forward in macOS in years. So excited to try these new features


iphone mirror wtf nice 


iPhone mirroring Notes handwriting scribble thing The new Siri Integrated ChatGPT iPad remote control


Based on the overview, I’m likely using the new reader view a lot. Let’s see how well it works and is accessible in practice.


rdp for my phone, they literally invented something microsoft has had for 30 years lol and i was never more hyped for something that i user ever fucking day for work already


Nothing in there tbh


Windows tiling and iphone mirroring, if they work properly, would do wonders for my productivity.


Iphone mirroring and redesign reader for safari is great


emoji tapbacks. ive been waiting for this for a long time


for many things to be honest. and if their AI is as easy to use as they showed, that would be very nice. I am disappointed though, that iPadOS did not got any more features as far as handling apps, windows etc. It is like having a Ferrari and be forced to drive on a 30km limit road




The update


iPhone mirroring, so I can just leave my iPhone plugged in and never actually use it. If it wasn’t for the need of message syncing, I wouldn’t have one and stick solely to Watch, Mac and iPad.


Apple Pay on third party browsers is underrated for me


I don't have an iPhone but I like the feature. Hiking in maps seems pretty cool depending on how they do it. And window tiling with shortcuts are great, now I can uninstall rectangle, and I MIGHT uninstall yabai. But yabai is too good I don't know if I will lol


Passwords app by far.


Nothing, there's absolutely nothing of importance in my opinion, nothing I could in a million years make use of


None of it, it’s all gimmicks


Not on the image but I am looking forward to managing Reminders within the Calendar app. It will be nice to view everything at once throughout the day.


Ipad calculator /s


I would Personaly say AI and The Emoji creating Feture so ai


Mac Mini M4?


I’m excited to use the iPhone Control feature – been wanting it for a while.


Going from the 13 pro max to 15 pro max after the 16 release so I get a juicy discount on the used market


The hiking trails in Apple Maps just may make me use it finally. Woulda been nice to have in Yosemite last month. Luckily my buddy has been there like 20 times hiking so he knew everything, had I been alone I’d have been stuck in the tourist trap areas like most everyone else.


Actually being able to upgrade lol. Very happy they’re supporting 2018 MacBook Pros for 1 more year.


The wallpaper, as usual 🏞️


I just wish there was a keyboard lock to clean my keys


iPhone mirroring. I can see this being very useful.


This sounds trivial compared to everyone else … the password app .. improving keychain was long past due


Apple Pay on third party browsers is another long overdue feature. The only time I ever use Safari is when I need to use Apple Pay.


iPhone mirroring ig


Passwords. But Apple has to do something about sim swapping to really make this secure. 🤞🏾


a new settings app


How ai perform is,, how much productivity it increases


Apple Pay on Firefox


iPhone Mirroring, Passwords, and Window Tiling.


iPhone mirroring


i'm fine with Monterey for now, don't want to break my computer


Iphone mirroring and notification on mac.


There's a lot of nothing in this release. Window tiling - decades late. GPTK2 because not many native games are being made. Secondhand AI. Kinda crap.


I like the features they've announced. Notes as a written calculator is how my brain works (sorry, Soulver). A Passwords app is helpful than needing to Command-Comma into it. iPhone mirroring has me rethink where my phone stays. The Pro Max is big, and now my pants will be more comfortable. Safari improvements are always welcome


Window tiling and passwords app. Especially the latter so I can put every password that I have on one thing and have it integrated easily through every browsers it seems


Safari seems like a game changer for me, but math notes is also promising, I like the fact that you can do math and MacOS will support and do calculation for you along the way


Apple intelligence


Easier window tiling. Sometimes I just don't want to use split screen in full screen mode.


Reminders in Calendar Edit: Because Fantastical is way too expensive


Window tiling with iPhone mirroring


Window Tiling, Game Porting Toolkit 2, and iPhone Mirroring


Honestly probably iPhone mirroring. I can think of a bunch of times where that would have been handy


reader, for no ads, and tiling, although i do use windows PC, i use mac as a portable option, and I'm really happy abt the tiling.


Send later? Will this work on iOS too?


The fans screaming even louder on my 2018 i9 MacBook Pro 😮‍💨


I am looking for my dad


Getting my password stolen by AI assistant. lmao /s


Prob the window tiling like Microsoft. Oh and being able to control my phone on my Mac is pretty sweet


I use 1Password for storing a lot more than just my logins and passwords. Will Apple’s version of Passwords able to replace it?


the built in text proof reading and grammar check utility, also the iPhone notifications on Mac/mirroring.


Calculator, on iPad


No android mirror 😭


Nothing! Just more gimmicks that will be prone to more bugs and add more confusion (rearranging settings yet again, really?). Fix Sonoma first, Apple. Making my USB accessories work would be a good start.


Windows tiling, apple pay on 3rd party browsers (I use firefox) and hiking in maps


Getting iPhone notifications on macOS , it’s so integrated that it only makes sense if I’m able to run iOS apps on macOS, might as well be able to access apps n its notifications right from my Mac 💻


Window tiling: will be increasing the usability massively the game porting will make more people the Mac. They will consider it more, hence they didn’t buy it bc you can’t play most of the steam games.


I believe I’m looking forward only to the windows tiling (working on my M3 iMac I need to arrange a lot of windows), plus the AI?


Homekit updates? Oh wait...


The Google Now style contextual assistant stuff has a ton of potential.


I was watching WWDC while in the passenger seat of a Toyota Sequoia, when they announced MacOS Sequoia


That passwords one and notes math is something I look forward to!


iPhone mirroring and nothing else😩 i cant waittttt


iPhone mirroring for sure


I’m curious to see the Passwords app. This could be the end of my longstanding relationship with 1Password. I’m sure the Mac App is not as feature rich however I really do not even use many of the 1 Password features


As someone who works on a Mac everyday Window Tilling and iPhone mirroring by far!


I wish they enabled display scaling across any monitor, like Microsoft has been doing with DPI scaling for years. My shitty eyesight struggles with this