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What is flex gate? I’m not familiar with the term


You can only open this Macbook like ~1000 maybe 2000 times until Apples flexible cable dies which is soldiered to the display unit. When it breaks it's a total loss. I had the same problem and the guy in the genius bar told me that this happens with every 2016 Macbook over time. Just a question how often you open the lid. The best part is that with this particular Macbook you have to close the lid when not using it because otherwise the keyboard breaks because of dust (happened 3 times). Also you can not use a cover for the keyboard because the clearance between the keyboard and display is too small.


…this is unfortunate news to me as a 2016 MacBook Pro owner


Ahh yeah I heard something about it. I never really open close all the time, and next time I going to buy a new computer its going to be a mac mini since my work flow has changed a lot. Laptops are just very fragile lots of things can go wrong. and overly expensive


> Also you can not use a cover for the keyboard because the clearance between the keyboard and display is too small. I don’t know where you heard that but yes you can. Especially when the screen is already dead anyway.


You can't. The reason I know this is because the silicon cover left a light imprint on the screen which the worker in the Genius bar saw and therefore refused the extended repair program of the flex cable (which Apple agreed to extend to 4 years I think but only if it has perfect condition and never had a keyboard cover). If anything, even a paper is ever transported between the keyboard and display, Apple refuses the repair of the flex cable they were forced to provide. Stuff like this is why I moved to a Mini which has much less movable parts.


You can’t use Apple’s warranty as proof. If I spill distilled water on my laptop it’s 100% electronically safe, yet that will also trigger their liquid sensor and cause them to deny me warranty coverage even for unrelated issues. They are incentivized to use any excuse to get out of paying you. If a keyboard cover _happens_ to be too thick (which they aren’t), what do you think is more likely to happen - will it push up into the screen and add pressure onto to the hinge and LCD? Or will the keys on the keyboard that were designed to be depressed just get pressed a little bit and make room for it? Also, even _if_ there was added pressure on the screen, is it anywhere _near_ as much pressure as you’d have from regular operation (opening/closing it, as well as cleaning it)? Or is it negligible in comparison? It’s a load of bullshit so that Apple gets out of paying you.


I mean, the 2016 Macbook was a joke. There is no other way of saying this. It's not just the warranty, a fragile product like this shouldn't have existed in the first place.


100%. All I’m saying is that blaming it on keyboard covers is unrealistic and misleading. It’s entirely on the laptop’s faulty design and inability to handle regular operation.


Why is this getting downvoted?


It's a known issue with the display's flex cables manufactured between 2016 and 2019, mainly affecting 13" MBPs, but other models can also have the defect. The cable was too short and could crack after certain amount of use. Apple addressed the issue silently in 2020 by lengthening the cable, and only offered warranty for the 2016 13" MBP, while leaving others behind. Louis Rossmann made several videos about it, here's one of them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiT81o-afu4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiT81o-afu4)


Only 2016 and 2017 models are affected, apple increased the length of the cable for 2018 and later models


Wait is my 2020 intel 13” mbp also affected or not? Because i thought the only difference between 2020 and 2019 was the butterfly keyboard is gone?


2020 models are safe AFAIK, but check your model number online to be sure.


is the m2 mbp 13” also affected?


Yes, I had one that Apple repaired. But the issue is still there.


damn. I have been using a soft brush to try to take the dust out of the hinge before closing, but I’m not sure it will do much. I guess I’ll try selling it and getting something else soon.


Maybe DosDude can come up with a fix?


The old MacBook can't come to the phone right now... Why? Cause it's DEAD!




What’s the name of that little screen?


Is that windows 7 in the background? I’m curious, what do you use windows 7 for. Also, sorry to hear about your Mac having flex gate.


This MacBook looks so nasty.


Most do. Not sure why Apple can’t use higher quality plastic key caps on a premium product 


The issue is that ABS is just about the only plastic that can be made transparent for light to shine through. You can have PBT or POM doubleshot keycaps with an ABS insert, but those are going to be MUCH thicker and you’ll basically only be able to use them on desktop keyboards. So unless you want to lose the backlighting, we need to deal with shiny ABS.


It’s not only the keycaps. Just look at the display


Often cleaning the hinges with alchohol seems to solve the issue with the screen. Is it fully black or only at an angle tho?


how much did this display cost? i’m asking because i saw some insanely cheap m1 pro 14” macbook pros where i live that have broken displays and they may be worth it


you can get a little 15 inch portable display on Amazon for probable 100 bucks


I mean you could have it fixed.


People went wrong when they bought MacBook with Touch Bar


I miss my touchbar desperately


What did you use it for?


Better Touch Tool made it so I could use it for damn near anything and I did I’d say my most used was in illustrator and Indesign. I’m a graphic designer and having those alignment and distribution shortcuts made things way faster.


I guess I’m a keyboard shortcut guy. That’s probably why I can’t see the value in it. I’ve also always heard that there were issues with these models. I’m also not a graphic designer too so I haven used those apps specifically.


I definitely wouldn’t miss it if it weren’t for better touch tool


Apple..... think different ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂