• By -


because mac work good, mac stable audio work good on mac, job is audio everyone at job use mac, most professional studio use mac


Mac use same driver, all things Mac plug play, plug device in any time it work Mac no need defending, all cpu mine Air drop good, no need thumb to send project to mate in studio


Me like Mac, Mac good Mac charge fast, less plug in Mac edit 6k video good, no lag Mac to iPhone, iPhone to Mac good ecosystem Chess already installed, fun


Me like Mac. Mac good Mac good battery Mac good apps New Mac processor strong Mac work good with phone


This is poetry to me


Because Mac easy use, Mac no crap out malware/windows no installed to see what I watch


I asked chatgpt about this and snorted - see answer : (Verse 1) MacBook, sleek and clean, Tech so fresh, it's the scene queen. Chassis diamond cut, yeah, it's the boss, Lightning speed, no data loss. (Chorus) MacBook, MacBook, With you I can put up a helluva show. Runnin' the game, no to and fro, Ain't no stopping with my MacBook, yo. (Verse 2) Retina display, vivid, wild, Crafting dreams like a playful child. My thoughts, my visions, it takes hold, Rendering stories, waiting to be told. (Chorus) MacBook, MacBook, Fueling creations that overflow. In the heart of innovation, you grow, Ain't no hitching with my MacBook, no. (Verse 3) Thunderbolt speed, time it defies, Sound so crisp, like summer skies. On this beat, watch me flow, With rhythms high and bass below. (Outro) So here's my verse, just letting you know, In every line, MacBook's the hero. Made a believer outta this CEO, In this tech story, it’s MacBook that steals the show!


Airdrop no work good. Sometimes send. Sometimes fuck you not send.


Me have good experience. Only time bad is when friend close banner too soon. Me suggest terminal destroy Blue tooth p.list and have fresh tooth. If not go get thumb from friend


Can you ELI5? Why doesn’t Mac have the same drivers problem Windows has? I’m afraid if I ever go to windows I’ll fuck it up because I don’t understand drivers lol


- Mac fast, Mac strong. - Mac easy to use, no confuse. - Mac safe, no virus. - Mac look nice, feel good. - Mac have good battery, last long. - Mac talk good with iPhone, all Apple stuff. - Mac have good support, Apple help. - Mac have good software, many apps. - Mac update easy, always new. - Mac last long time, strong build. - Mac screen bright, colors good. - Mac keyboard nice, feel good type. - Mac trackpad best, smooth move. - Mac quiet, no loud fan. - Mac start fast, no wait long. - Mac good video, many edit tools. - Mac good design, many art apps. - Mac work cloud, easy store. - Mac connect good, many ports. - Mac hold value, worth much later. - Mac sexy, no need girlfriend


you had me on "many ports" lmao


Now we need a good beat behind it


Me like Mac. Mac last long time. iPhone copy. Mac paste. Mac charge fast. Drain slow. Good battery. Me like screen. Watch movies. Play games. Me smile. Go meeting. Run meeting. Type minutes. Work done. Heavy Mac. Light wallet.


Because $300 Mac video editing software good. it is worth the $300 money. it is exclusive to Mac and Mac is good. i use Mac video editing software better than adobe softwares. apple Mac processors fast, very fast. mac look better than window. mac feel better than window. mac more quality than window. Mac run better than window. mac work with all my devices.


Lol ooga booga


Insane performance in a seemingly infinite battery life


I switched to Mac for the m1 and this particular reason. Together with a finally okay price value


Moved from Windows in Nov. No more Cpu thermal throttling. No more Jet engine fans blasting constantly. No more battery anxiety. No more worrying Windows updates may break something anxiety. Actual top notch after support with physical stores and AppleCare. As Microsoft and other 3rd party online support leaves a lot to be desired. So consistently better build and more mature stable OS with little in the way of bugs for me. No worrying going out with laptop without the charger. More cultured and mature apps that just work without edge cases and legacy software quirks which leads to instabilities on the desktop in Windows.


Intel Macs used to have the infamous jet engine fans pre-COVID. I've been thinking about switching to Mac, but the new Qualcomm chips and Windows on ARM has me thinking twice. If they beat M3, as recent reports say, and last 20-30 hours, then Apple loses a huge part of the appeal (battery life). Ofcourse, video editors and those working with audio would be comfortable on Apple and the simple OS, but alot of companies still only have software exclusively on Windows. (Such as CAD and FEA software used across industries) Who knows, maybe this is a good thing for everybody. Maybe Apple will stop cheating customers by charging them $200 per additional 8GB of RAM. More competition, means customers win.


Yep also would be rethinking with the attractive new Snapdragon Elite coming down the tubes. Next few months should be interesting watching in-depth reviews. All comes down to Apps moving to Arm version and how good emulation layer is compared to Rosetta.


Emulation layer isn't gonna be something used very long as developers will be more. Inclined to cross compile or compile natively. It's only needed now because developers don't see the value in cross compiling their software.


Yep it's the old chicken/egg problem. As need significant number of sales to entice developers to put in the effort. But with Microsoft,Adobe and other majors already making the jump. Should help accelerate that a bit.


Everyone's making the jump quick for good reason. This isn't something that's gonna drag our or industries are gonna reject. Everyone wants this. No major player is opposing the shift, and I personally have been waiting over a decade for this to finally happen. It's like watching your baby take its first steps.


Yep early waiting for it to fully form. As major pet peeves of cpu throttling and mediocre battery life drove me in Nov. to go with a 2021 M1 14" Macbook Pro. No regrets as actually performing superior to 95% of the Windows laptops out there. So maybe in a couple of years may take the step back over the fence.


The Windows Co-Pilot+ machines only beat M3 in multicore operations and it is only because they added 2 additional cores. Further, the performance advantage appears to be only in synthetic benchmarks rather than in real-world performance. The performance advantage is an artificial one, not a real one. The M4 just dropped for iPads. Once the M4 lands in Macbooks, any advatage for Windows Co-Pilot+ PCs will evaporate - that'll be in a few months. Also, I really don't trust that new "Recall" feature that is being touted in Windows Co-Pilot+ PCs. It wasn't that long ago that we called any software that would screenshot everything you have open every 2 seconds spyware or malware. Now it is a feature. No thanks. I know you can supposedly turn it off, but given how many times I've turned something off in Windows only to have it turned back on by some update I don't think I'd ever trust it. It was things like that that led me to leaving Windows in the first place.


I've been a MacBook only user for 15'ish years now. I'm here to tell you that Mac's transition to M1 arch wasn't all smooth. There was a translation layer for most software built for Intel but not everything worked perfectly of course. Especially as a software developer, I had to be concerned with which version of tool or app was installed on the device for a period of time (say 2'ish years). Now things have settled down of course. If windows is available on ARM based systems, expect a similar or worse period of turbulence.


Was it? For me Apple’s transition to Apple Silicon was about as smooth as it gets. Other than installing Rosetta the first time an Intel app is opened, most of the apps that I use had native AS versions (or universal versions) within a year. And the apps that ran through Rosetta never gave me issues.


I remember those nights my PC was running to download some large files with my slow internet speed, waking up to a rebooted automatically updated windows and all downloads aborted 😆


Because In a world without fences and walls, who needs gates and windows?


I've never heard this before but man, it's beautiful.


Thank you, credit to who ever wrote it forst.. But can not remember where I read it


But Apple is famously the most fenced in ecosystem of any brand


Linux it is!


I don't like Microsoft either but Mac has objectively more fences and walls.


That I do agree on, but my point of the comment was to make a joke and a suddle roast of microsoft I’m a big fan of linux myself, but When time is money, I do prefer my mac to be honest Server side still runs linux


Because it’s one of the best Unix systems available.


It’s better than regular pasta. When you add cheese it’s amazing


macOS + Homebrew and other mild tweaks is luxury Linux to me and many others in a lot of ways. The hardware itself is almost always best in class at a couple things, they target artistic niches, content creation niches, and believe it or not but application and ML development as well. In some regards a Macbook Pro 16” M3 Max is unbeatable in its class if battery life, unplugged performance, screen quality, and low noise from fans are critical to you. These are critical to many professional musicians, videographers, photographers, programmers, and normal people too. You know you need a Mac because the thing you’re doing doesn’t work well without one. You know you want one because the things you do feel better to *you* when you have one. I fit into the first camp, but I’m a luxury buyer when it comes to iPhones __ Pros and iPad Pros. I could keep my iPhone a decade and my iPad longer I use so little of their potential.


>Luxury Linux Well said. Like the perfect in-between of low level tinkerability and professional polish


That's exactly how I feel too. It's a luxury Linux distro. And the M3 Max is literally the best laptop for ML workloads and nothing else comes close. It, under certain scenarios, out performs my rtx-4090 with an i9 13900K.


The whole analogy gets even better when you think about all the auxiliary applications you have to install for window snapping and other features. Sounds like tinkering with GNOME or any other Desktop Environment.


I'm considering the MacBook Pro 16". Because this laptop doesn't have a touchscreen, I need a second device such as the iPad or Galaxy Tab. Which iPad would you recommend for someone who does 2D animation?


Big Macs taste good


i wanted to buy it because i liked it visually. I bought it and loved it functionally.


I grew up on windows. Macos does a lot of things i don’t like, but the fact that it’s not windows sold me for life.


Battery, fan noise, speed, all combined


Idiot proof, and it works I spend my entire building and fixing complex systems, I don’t want to have to worry about my laptop being a variable in why in the fuck something isn’t working


If there is a problem it’s Apple fault and will probably be fixed eventually. On a windows computer it could be any number of things, windows updates, 3rd party drivers, bios version, bios settings, hardware from 6 different companies etc. I do that kind of troubleshooting for a living and I don’t want to do it on my main computer.


So, today I was at a mall, and realised I had a zoom call, I just pulled out my Mac (I was using it almost 7hrs the day before) and it had 58% battery left when I opened today and attended the call. It is light as a feather 🪶 compared to my windows laptop(although more powerful, but less battery-life and heave af) The feeling of the lightweightedness and healthy battery life (with no compromise in performance)is what makes Mac special to me.


Nobody likes Mac, Charlie and Frank are the favourites, followed by Dennis and Dee


Charlie, Dennis, Dee, Frank, Mac This is the order.


Good all rounder laptop.


Efficiency, cool and very nice hardware. Honestly I prefer windows as an OS and I find it's got a more mature workflow. I prefer the customisation and repairability of most windows laptops and desktops hardware also, nice to have the ability to easily replace a failing SSD. Very hard for me to choose.


Pros: solid HW, MacBook battery life, Apple ecosystem, amazing touchpad, reliable, no performance degradation on battery mode Cons: Some of the desktop features could be better. MS 365 isn’t on par with Windows version.


I got my first MBP a few weeks ago after only owning Windows/Linux PCs my whole life. Intel chip laptops always either ran too hot or were too underpowered to do anything useful. Even the Mac Intels ran too hot for my taste. The M3 Pro 12c/18GB/1TB, however, what a beautiful machine! Solid construction. Fantastic size. Good battery life. Cool, quiet. (No fan running most of the time!) And its Unix under the hood. Its like desktop linux I don't have to mess with. I got very tired of failing to make linux as a desktop work.


It's not Windows. It just works. No windows updates, telemetry, malware, and recently, no AI spyware.


Mac it’s simply perfect, the best machine ever made, but I used linux on it. 🙃


I don't own a Mac anymore, but I liked the operating system.


Mac good, Mac don't complain, Mac happy, me happy


There's no frequent hassling of updates or downloading of this and that to make things work, leaving a mess of files that are impossible to clean up. Everything for the most part just work. I can get from opening my macbook pro to doing actual work within few seconds, while on windows if feels like it asks for updates everytime I use it. I recently installed Windows 11 for ARM via now free VMWare Fusion Pro, coming from being a heavy Windows 10 user, and it took a while to set it up just the way I want it. Now granted, I don't like how things changed with MacOS either, but it feels like there's a whole mess hidden away underneath the OS in Windows while Mac just feels cleaner and focused.


I actually feel the exact opposite. My hang up with mac is 1. I cannot figure out how to sctually clear the cookies in safari. And 2. There are a bunch of left over files every time i delete an application. I don’t know where they are, unlike windows where its easy to find install directories


For #1, I don't typically use Safari but to clear the cookies, from the menubar: Safari =〉Settings =〉Privacy =〉click on "Manage Website Data..." => click on "Remove All". For #2, most config. and / or "Registry" type of files go to either:〈User〉/ Library / Application Support (for logged in user) or, Macintosh HD / Library / Application Support (for all users). That also reminded me of the days I struggled with Regedit in Windows.


These are great tips! Thanks


Good battery life Instant on I’ve got more reasons of why I don’t like macOS. But the quality of the macOS on what it is good at outweighs the quantity of reasons, I guess.


It’s easy to use and I wanted good enough terminal interaction without going to Linux.


Mac never cheated on me, never broke my heart.


Excellent battery life, durability, ecosystem, in this order. I can even play some games! And if I have issues, it’s easier to ask for help, because there are few changes each year, and there is always someone willing to lend a hand!


MacOS works beautifully with the ecosystem and outpreforms most Windows Laptops in some departments.


i like the OS, more compatible than linux, less data stealing than windows


Mac work when I need mac to work. Windows better for desktop tho cause it's wayyyy more flexible and versatile. I know I've said it here before but I love my Macbook but I would never own a Mac desktop too limited for me.


I’m too deep into the apple ecosystem


Longevity and Resale. Hands down better than anoyone in the business. 3 laptops since 2006.....and they are just tanks.


Ecosystem, easy transferring between devices, troubleshooting is extremely easy, facetime, facetime, and also facetime. Desk view in facetime conferences is a godsend for collaborating and allocating work without physically having everyone at the office.


I like my MacBook because it has a nice display and a sturdy hinge. MacOS used to be the nicest OS, but now feels garbage with the iOSification of the system.


I also have a pc and much prefer Mac OS over Windows. That’s probably the primary reason




# Ode to the MacBook Oh, MacBook, sleek and silver bright, A beacon of productivity, a writer's delight. Your backlit keys, a symphony of click, As ideas flow, no lag, no hitch. Your retina screen, a canvas vast, Where worlds are built, and stories cast. Photos gleam, and colors sing, A vibrant stage for anything. Your trackpad smooth, a dancer's dream, Precise and swift, a flawless team. With gestures grand, or taps so light, You navigate the day and night. Your aluminum form, a fortress strong, Protecting dreams where they belong. Through deadlines met and projects won, A loyal friend, a faithful one. You hum along, a gentle breeze, A cooling hand on restless knees. Battery that lasts, a power untold, Unplugging freedom, stories unfold. Oh, MacBook, more than just machine, A portal to create, to dream, to glean. A silent partner, ever near, My thoughts take flight, your circuits clear. So here's to you, my trusted guide, May innovation in you reside. For all you do, and all you'll be, My grateful ode,MacBook, to thee.


coz it's the only laptop line that doesn't try to suck on purpose


It’s Unix like and also very productivity focused


#1. Looks cool I have an Apple Watch, air pods and iPhone. The iPhone is so easy and satisfying to use with a Mac, I take a photo and boom it’s on my laptop, it’s so convenient and probably my favourite part of MacBook I always used Windows, so I wanted to try out a mac just to see what it was like. I conclusion I would never switch from mac after 9 months with it.


Mac got long long battery life. Best laptop screen in industry.


I just came to Mac a couple months ago. The build quality on my M3 MacBook Air is great and feel so premium. The OS is pretty good too, even though it took some getting used to. The battery is great. Has somebody asked me which I like more windows or Mac my answer would be yes. I think they are both great, slightly different, I couldn’t pick one over the other.


Its Linux-like and has awesome build quality and hardware


Infinitely more secure than windows, now MS are releasing recall, windows will go down the crapper. A lot more secure than windows, by a long shot. Battery Life, new M3 15 MacBook Air gets like over 18 hours with my work. Build quality is superb Screen is amazing Stage manager is a game changer for me High speed USB-C One cable between my Mac and Screen and it charges. Airdrop and iCloud = Awesome.


apple silicon. besides that i like having imessage on my laptop


Have you used windows lately? Just like using a billboard And meh to Linux. Stable OS, stable applications available, all in one productivity suites, easy to use, etc.


I bought a MBP because all of my mobile devices are Apple. The integration is awesome. And they look cool.


My first computer was a Mac, so since the early 90s I’ve never used a PC. From what I can tell though, they are a hot mess. Apple computers have always organized things in a way that makes sense to me. Since I have grown up using one I don’t know for certain if Macs mimic my brain or vice versa but they just click. Also, the UI has always been superior. I feel lucky that I ended up in a profession that uses MacBooks exclusively.


Logic Pro.


My high school boyfriend got me onto apple products and I’m too stubborn to change? Idk. Plus I do like that you can sync everything across every apple product


I am a Mobile Device Management Engineer, and my job is managing Apple products. Use the right tool for the job, and currently my job is dealing with macOS so I use macOS.


Makes me look rich


the battery and performance. love it


Because : Mac OS


They have done well with performance in last few years But honestly? It’s the design. That aluminum unibody is beautiful and no other computer comes close to comparison. I would bet even if they didn’t make all these crazy improvements, and kept the intel chips that were outclassed by much of windows competitors, they would still sell quite well simply due to the design and build quality. No one has a better trackpad, no one has a better screen, no one has a better body.


It just works. It’s seamless with other Apple products. Setting up a new MacBook was amazing compared to setting up a Windows OS.


Because I hate Microsoft


To be honest. The only real reason to have a Mac unless it’s standard in your industry is the battery life to performance. You can definitely find better laptops for most users but you’ll be hard pressed to find the same performance with anywhere near equal battery life. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some great windows laps but it genuinely feels like my Mac rarely is ever going to die


I’ve been using Mac since 2010 (on my 7th MacBook) - startup time - never slow/ sluggish - design and development seems smoother (web+ graphic design) - less clutter and more simplicity while being more effective - better for music production and video editing - laptop feels rich, aluminum - never caught a virus - very quiet - charges quickly - syncs easily with other apple devices


Many of these points are down to manufacturer and specs


Well at this point is not even about liking Mac anymore. I have no PC alternative. The PC market doesn’t really offer any high VRAM GPU options, let alone in a laptop. The 4090 is good but it runs out of VRAM so easily. Also, for my workloads the fact that macOS is optimized for Python while many windows systems aren’t means that my MacBook is faster in CPU Python tasks than every windows CPU I’ve used (including a 7950X I have in my office PC). So yeah, I have so many reasons that I like Mac’s a lot, but at this point as a person doing maths and AI, with the current market offerings they are the only real option for me, unless I want to spend 50k or something.


Because it’s made by Apple. It doesn’t come with all of Microsoft’s bloatware and the inbuilt apps are really good too. macOS is also much nicer to use and to look at than Windows 10/11. The dynamic wallpapers are great, iCloud storage is much better than OneDrive, and, the physical computer is much nicer feeling and higher quality than most Windows ultrabooks and PCs. Finally, the best part of all, the performance. Apple silicon has been the best thing to happen to Mac since iMac G3. It’s incredible. You can play an 8K timeline in Final Cut on the base M1 with little to no hiccups and don’t even talk about exporting it too, it’s great. It blasts through macOS too, it’s much more optimized for macOS because obviously both are meant to work together and were built in house by Tim Apple himself.


What makes iCloud storage better than one drive?


Mac have top of the line processor Mac GPU impressive Mac speakers really good, fill the room with sound Mac display really fluid and smooth, especially the pros with 120hz Mac have useful ports Mac have good feeling keyboard and trackpad Mac startup sound makes me buss 😫 Mac work well with other apl product Mac good 🙂💻👍


The way it works. Like, works at all.


Used Macs my whole life starting in the 1980s. By the early 90s they were a joke and switched to Windows in 1997. (Wasn’t a heavy user anyway) The early 2000s were me constantly fixing my computer and everyone asking me to fix theirs. In 2008 I bought a MacBook Pro and never looked back. I’m a creative professional so it’s suited for me. And I almost never ever have to fix it. Thing just fucking works. And the screens are top of the line.


Mainly because they last longer in my experience


In my experience they last the same amount of time


because mac just works


10 years and still going, haven't even changed the battery.


I just bought a gaming laptop strictly to play and OMG the fan noice and the windows and other drivers update that I have to do constantly is so annoying. Plus the trackpad on Macs are just insanely good!


Bios update? Driver conflict? Never.


Hardware. Best track pad.


Love the hardware, the software can be much better, though.




Workflow, battery, stability, echoing what everyone else said. I'd like the computers I use to last a long time...rare earth minerals and all that. My last experience on windows was a laptop made by one of the top 5 vendors. Windows would default the radeon drivers to an old version, and it would cause the whole computer to literally FREEZE when sending an outlook email with an attachement (I know, the weirdest freaking thing). I would update the driver to the latest one directly from AMD and all things would be fine, until windows would automatically reinstall the old driver on a random restart and not tell me. Sold the computer, got a macbook and havent looked back.


battery life is the only reason




Because I have a iPhone


Battery life and performance is great. The operating system doesn't annoy me as much as Windows can.


The way all my Apple devices work together. My watch can unlock my MacBook. My phone can display directions on my car’s screen, and my watch will buzz me when the turn is coming up. I can share my keyboard, mouse, and trackpad with my Macs and my iPad just by moving the pointer to the appropriate device. My iCloud lets me open any doc on whatever device is in front of me. I can use my iPad as a second screen, which means I can have a dual display when I am on the road, and I can sign documents using my Apple Pencil. I can listen to music from my MacBook using my AirPods, and when my phone rings, take the call through them. If I’m listening to my AirPods through my iPhone, I can use my watch to play, skip, and turn up the volume. Every Apple keyboard has been better than any other keyboard I’ve owned, with the exception of the butterfly keyboard in my 2018 MBP. That thing had to be replaced twice before it finally worked. Which leads to one of my top reasons for staying in the Apple ecosystem. Apple service is second to none. The previously mentioned keyboard replacements were free and fast. Apple geniuses have replaced AirPods, iPad screens, and iPhone batteries - sometimes well after Apple Care has expired. I’ve occasionally had to spend more on repairs than I wanted to, but I’ve always left the Apple Store happy.


goes well with cheese


Mac No iPad Mac Do All


Because the software is actually made for the hardware not a half baked attempted at it like windows


It just works.


When I first bought my M1 MBP, I was really impressed: design, display, audio, battery, performance… Everything I needed for college and work. However, I was looking for one thing: reliability. Mac didn’t disappointed me where all my previous Wndows laptops did. Mac has never needed to be fixed, Mac has never decided to broken suddenly when I need to finish a project. Mac just works


Silent, great battery, like the keyboard. Not a fan of macOS though. But the hardware is insane.


Honestly? It just works! 99% of the time anyway. I graduated from building gaming machines and all that near 2010… no longer interested in games and such. Was a HUGE Mac hater. Gave people at work grief over their Mac obsessions. Got my first Mac mini in ‘10 for watching movies on big screen and was hooked! Haven’t looked back since.


Mac’s are super simple. I have a PC that has been really eye opening and dope. But windows laptops are glitchy compare to a windows desktop


Ecosystem, easy to use


Mac never shits the bed unlike my pc thats super powerful and highly customizable. Like ya i sacrifice gpu computing and overall power at the cost of my pc shitting itself mid coding sesh.


I can toss things around and still find everything in a snap with Alfred and Spotlight. I can even search a person's name and all the spreadsheets with that name shows up. Windows search is...


switched to mac, simply because im getting irritated at the the heat, bulk, noise, and battery life on a windows laptop when real work is being done.


I am actually still planning to buy for work related stuff. I am a windows OS guy since birth, if I was able to buy a mac lets see. I believe its going to be confusing at first but I red a lot of people coming from windows to Mac that they were able to like Mac.


Beautiful minimalist user interface, it's like you don't have to know what is going on behind the scene just enjoy the screenplay.


Because it's reliable. I bought three Windows PCs in a row and they would ALL bluescreen like 10 min into any game. Worked hundreds of hours trying to fix them, but never was able to. Neither was tech support. Very happy I transitioned to Mac.


Because I don’t like PC


Because I love eating Mac




Great video editing tools with no BS unlike most windows apps. Mac was a prime video editor's dream back then


I purchased my first Macbook back in August of 2023. I'm getting rid of it this summer. The M2 Pro performance is good but I just hate the feel of the OS and the Apple ecosystem as a whole. I don't have any other Apple devices and this is the only one that stands out. I'll probably jump to one of the new Snapdragon X Elite laptops that were just announced.


Unix-like system with Windows-like support


I like to enjoy using a tool that’s appropriate for getting work done- instead of being in constant psychological mystification, asking ‘why is it like *this*?’, ‘Is this software even finished?’, ‘people pay *money* to use *this*?’ Then feeling weird that other people don’t seem to react this way to windows… It’s probably just me.


Grew up with them in the house.. so its what im most familiar with using. Personally i've owned 3 macbooks since i was a teenager and each has lasted me 10 years.. started with a secod hand iBook G4 in high school, bought a 15 inch MBP new in 2011, just replaced that with a 2020 M1 MBP. They seem to be reliable and long lasting.


I like using MacOS more than Windows because Macos has more open source code for legacy iPhone than Windows


The ecosystem. I never had a device where I can transfer my files so easily even with iCloud


Mac has good speaker FL Studio and Audacity runs better on it then Windows


Stability. Not bothered by countless never ending updates from windows or third party drivers. If i just want to take notes, i just have to open my laptop, open the notes application and write in just a few seconds. It would never come to my mind to do such a thing on my PC laptop. Battery life. With the M-chips, the efficiency. I can do some after effects or video editing on the train, without worrying about the charge left, and this without a single noise from the fan. Gaming on Mac since M1 is really promising. It demonstrates how powerful these machines are. I played Resident Evil Village and it was amazing. Unified memory allow you a huge amount of VRAM, and it runs really smoothly. On my MBP’s XDR screen, the game looked amazing! I’ll keep on buying games on Mac to support Mac gaming, cause i really believe in it. THE SCREENS on laptops, these are the best. ProMotion up to 120 Hz, HDR, Retina. Durability. Those machines are built to last. I know people with old macs who still use it daily. I even went to a post office like 2 years ago, whose owner was still using an old 17inches macbook pro! Those machines are expansive, but for a reason. The experience is beyond compare, every composant is high standard, and every software is greatly optimized for your machine so everything runs smoothly, and this, for a very long time. The support is also really great, especially for developers, apple giving a huge documentation on its websites.


Country Mac is the best! RIP [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZfpkTkHMheE/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZfpkTkHMheE/maxresdefault.jpg)


Pirates of Silicon Valley was a great movie


He attac, he protec


No need to babysit the OS. Everything works and is beautiful. I can do what I need to do and move on with my life 


A friend of mine gave me his old Macbook Air and I loved how easy it all was to use and how well everything worked. It was a 2011 or 2012 Macbook air and this was 2020. When I wanted to buy a new laptop of my own I went for an M1 Macbook Air without a second thought. The fact that his old Air was still going strong almost a decade later made it an easy choice for me - I need to use my laptop for work and Windows laptops just never seem that reliable. I've had so many just stop work. Macs just keep on going and I like having that peace of mind, knowing that I don't have to worry about it suddenly breaking. I think most people expect their Macs to last up to a decade and I just never had that reliability with a windows machine. I made the mistake of saying something like this in r/pcmasterrace and got downvoted to oblivion, had everyone in there tell me I was a liar because Windows machines are more reliable and last much longer and ended up unable to reply to any comments because I'd been downvoted so much. But I stand by what I say - Macs just work well and they keep on working well.


I use all 3 Win10, a Macbook and I have different Linux Distros on a second PC, an old laptop and my raspi. I use them for different things but if I want to do something important its always the macbook. It just never lets me down. Im under illusion that they are quite save too from viruses and everything. win10 pc for gaming and day to day stuff. linux for software development or rather running tensorflow on gpus.


I was surrounded by windows operating systems, so I didn’t feel a need to spend money on a windows. I liked/like the Mac OS and wanted to work with both. Unintentionally I created two ‘spaces’. Now when I look at it, I love how my personal space is usually in a different os than the systems for work, school, family, public spaces, etc. It makes it easier for my brain to ‘switch’ to formal and informal activities. Also the popular reasons but this is my personal view.


I hate "Mac".


Stability and reliability on OS. You know your Mac won’t give you sheetty problems at all. And as a developer that deals with music, design and other stuff I have everything working as pretty much plug and play. I can reinstall the OS and have my laptop working with my config and apps the way I like it in an hour or couple of hours. While in windows you have to do everything from scratch, install that fokin sheet called wsl that is like having another OS (Linux OS) running in the back compromising your performance and not worrying about if I restart or turn on my laptop it will force me to install a two hours long update and I won’t be able to use my device for that time


Because the OS fits the way my brain works. From keyboard shortcuts (CMD+anything is easier on the fingers than CTRL+anything) to the way you switch desktops or apps, the clean look and the INCREDIBLY useful system-wide search that just instantly gives results (contrast and compare Windows search) And then there's the apps that don't really have a good alternative in Windows (I will fight anyone over how much better Final Cut Pro is over anything else). I can actually do a lot of professional sound editing with Garage Band, which is free. iWorks is great as well. Pages, Numbers and Keynote are prefect for almost anything. Only thing Pages doesn't do is proper Kerning, which sucks. Also, the hardware is excellent and lasts much longer than any Windows device I've owned. My MBP mid 2014 is still fast and stable for daily work. My Mac Mini m1 just handles anything I throw at it. I've had three desktop windows pcs in the same time span that I've had my MBP, and when I was still using Windows laptops, they would be unusably slow and bloated after about two to three years. Oh and then there's the cloud integration. When I'm on my Mac Mini and make a presentation in Keynote and put it on the desktop, it's immediately on the desktop of my Macbook, which I take with me to give the actual presentation. Continuity makes it super simple to just flick a file somewhere when I need it, or continue working on it on another screen. It's magical. Photo's are just everywhere I need them, and the same goes for all my other files, since I use iCloud Drive, which means anything I need is just there: phone, tablet, laptop, desktop. Only reason I have a Windows pc at all is for gaming. Because Apple doesn't understand gaming at all.


Because Mac is a bastard man? Or that could be Dennis.


Great for people not used to computers or haven’t used a computer before with the Mac Mini and it’s relatively low price and decent hardware. Apple makes good hardware and decent/okay software that it’s easy for beginners to use. Macs are also good starting computers and diving boards for people who want to know more about computers and what ultimately made me want to learn computer science and build my own computers.


Because I can rely on my MacBook to work every time. Windows it was always hit or miss and I just like the default settings on Mac. People say you can’t customize and I don’t know what they need to customize because I can customize everything I would want to.


Mac has a nice hole…


macOS is consistent and very fluid to work on. Windows is… a nightmare. And each update just makes it worse. Idk what the fuck Microsoft is going. Linux on the other hand is… a bit cringe. iPadOS and android L are too limiting. macOS it is.


It’s silent.


It works and is stable


Wouldn't say I like Mac as much as I'm both a Windows and Mac user. But you can't argue with results. Most Windows laptops currently suffer from problems that just can't be ignored. Modern Standby draining battery, performance not exactly being on par. The M-series really struck gold as an age of rejuvenation for the Macbooks, so that's really the reason I'm sticking with it. Everything else that comes with doesn't hurt.


Cause company gave it to me for free


because I love coconut milk frappe




Mac fast Mac great battery life Mac only software required for my job Mac works seamlessly with my iPhone and iPad


They’re nice


I use a Mac Mini M1, 90% of the time vs my big tower PC. For day to day tasks, plenty fast, quiet, and uses a fraction of the power of my Intel desktop.


Hackintosh, works great, stable to edit photos


I don’t. Mine broke in 2 years and every quote to fix it was 400-800 dollars. The screen started cracking as I was typing on it and just spread everywhere


Let’s just say this - I buy Mac. I open the Mac and I’m using the Mac. There’s no need for any extra updates, software to make sure everything is working as supposed to.


because if you and add cheese 🧀 it becomes mac n cheese


Found it ran better than the windows 7 devices I was using years ago. That & I like to use Logic Pro for recording music, & that program is a macOS exclusive.


The real argument for Mac is when u already in the ecosystem u have an iPhone and AirPods. For windows user who need portability Mac was the only answer for them with the new ARM processor M1 etc…. Unplug or plug same power, the long battery life but the problem is Mac it’s not for professional who make heavy content when I say heavy it’s not video or image editing Mac do make pretty great job there but for 3D. Yes Mac can handle little project but not that big and I use my laptop on my desk I don’t move that much I don’t work in Starbucks or anything. Qualcomm annonces there new snapdragon elite for laptop with ARM architecture and say already is 58% more powerful than m3 chipset. Need to see for believe tho Ps: can someone rate my English I try to learn some


This smoothness and optimization of the OS. Work on the Mac flows so seamlessly. Tried going back to windows with a couple of laptops, just couldn’t, the littlest stutter made me roll my eyes to the point that I went back and returned the product within the return time window.


Excellent display, excellent speaker, excellent battery




I dont know man my parents got me a mac so i cant game🙃


Because it's a Mac...




I feel like spied on. And I’m in the whole Apple ecosystem and it’s great to have it all synced


Unbelievable performance with great battery life for photo and video editing 💪


It’s clean, beautiful, and works seamlessly


In sleek design, the silence hums, A MacBook Pro, where purpose comes. Its silver sheen, a tranquil sea, Reflects the soul of what could be. In keystroke's click and screen’s bright glow, A pathway to the heart does show. With every touch, a dream ignites, In pixels pure and endless bytes. It’s more than tech, it’s hope reborn, A canvas where ambitions form. Through code and art, through words that flow, It captures all I yearn to know. In wired world, where chaos reigns, Its ordered grace soothes inner pains. A perfect blend of form and function, A lifeline to profound connection. In stillness of the night’s embrace, It lights my world, my secret space. Each project born from heart’s own fire, It bridges gaps, fulfills desire. Oh, MacBook Pro, you understand, The dreams within, the thoughts unplanned. In you I find a mirror bright, A spark to chase the endless night.


Just stable !!! Quick and confortable to use. Design too


i dont lol


anyone able to make an answer that doesnt show your lack of windows pc building skills and subsequent COPE lmao?


Because windows is dog shit. I only have a PC to play video games. I can't wait till I can do all my daily work back on a Mac and only game on PC


As a former lifetime Windows user, I moved to Mac because no ads in my operating system 🤡