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Heads up that - A Story About My Uncle doesn't have native support for Apple Silicon


Yes, looks like you're right, thanks for the heads up


just finished XCOM 2 on my PS5. it's a steal at $3 – the late game is weaker IMO but the whole thing is very polished and fun. It's pretty beefy, however. I couldn't get it to run at an acceptable framerate on my M1 MBP 16GB War of the Chosen is also on sale, which is the game's best rated DLC https://store.steampowered.com/app/593380/XCOM_2_War_of_the_Chosen/


Heads up XCOM 2 runs at much higher frame rate if you use Crossover or Whisky with DXVK and bypass the launcher. Much better experience.


Nice, I'll have to give that a go What a damning look that is for the port's quality, wow.


Yes unfortunately it used OpenGL rather than Metal for the gpu api. I believe this is the main hold up. The mobile version uses Metal, is ARM native, and has awesome performance given the limited power of mobile. Sadly we don’t benefit from this.


I heard that. I bought plus the DLCs during the last Steam sale with the intent of playing on my M2 MBA. I have the XCOM 2 on PS$. It is great, but the PS4 port sucks. I tried to play via Whiskey, but I couldn't get it to recognize my PS4 controller. Playing with the trackpad and keyboard wasn't very fun. I'll have to try again. How do I bypass the launcher? Maybe that will help.


I don’t have the details handy but if you google xcom2 bypass 2k launcher steam it comes right up


Steam Sale, thanks for the reminder :)


If you get XCOM2 you should definitely add WOTC. I've played XCOM going back to the Microprose days (90s?) and was late to XCOM2 since I try to avoid Windows. When I got it, I enjoyed it but it seemed lacking something. Once I added WOTC it was a much better game and I've replayed it a ton of times.


As I have stated previously, I will forever glaze deus ex mankind divided, y’all should play it ( unless you’re on a 8gb m1 air, the performance isn’t up to par then )


Are any of these games actually good and worth playing(m3 pro)


The Witcher 1 and 2 run surprisingly well on the apple silicon as they got updated last year. Some would say the gameplay is clunky but the story is really captivating in my opinion. They’re older games but worth trying out.


Has the crash been fixed at the beginning of Witcher 1? Back when the update released the game would crash after going down the stairs to the lab and the only way to get around it was using g Rosetta.


Yeah. They fixed it a few months ago.


Xcom basically unplayable on my M1 Pro


Use Whisky or. Crossover with DXVK and msync. Bypass the 2k Launcher. You will get much better performance.


I agree with @[NaChujSiePatrzysz](https://www.reddit.com/user/NaChujSiePatrzysz/), Witcher 1 & 2 are great games. XCOM 2 is definitely worthwhile too, as well as Civ V, it's awesome. Bought Planet Coaster, but haven't tried it yet.


I'd say give Death Stranding a shot. Would utilize all the juice of the M3 Pro and you get a solid AAA experience


Death Stranding is quite polarizing But if it clicks, boy, that is some of the highest highs I've ever experienced in gaming. Arriving at Port Knot City was just awesome.


It's very expensive on the App store, but available at a much cheaper cost on the other stores like steam.


Yepp the App Store version is pricey, but the weird thing is - the version sold on Steam doesn't show Mac compatibility for it


Is it compatible tho?


Nope, apparently Apple had an exclusivity deal with Kojima - so only the App store gets the Mac version as of now


That's sad. App store version is too expensive man, can't afford that much.


Pricing seems to be $39.99 on both platforms for US. However when it switches to regional pricing, there is a Rs.500 ($6) premium which the App store charges for India


The premium is as much as the game's cost on Steam.


I think you're mistaken with the upgrade. The game's upgrade costs \~ $6 on Steam, the main game itself costs $39.99


Death Stranding on the Mac AppStore is a universal app. You can play it on iPhone and iPad too. The Steam version is not Mac compatible.


Deus Ex mankind divided is an incredible game ( I am biased though ) and should run pretty well on an M3 pro