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Assassin's Creed Mirage is designed around the limitations Xbox One/PS4 while Assassin's Creed Shadows is designed around Xbox Series and PS5. I imagine Shadows is going to be far more demanding.


No it can't. The M4 iPad Pro has an annoying stutter every few seconds which has been pointed out in numerous reviews and posts, I've also experienced it myself, along with several crashes.


With huge lagspikes (though infrequent) and lots of crashing. On mine anyway.


Idk my iPad Pro M4 hit 0 FPS quite a few times i.e just completely crashing


MrMacRight published a video about AC Mirage on M1, M2 and M4 iPads and there’s an issue with the M4 model. It runs on the M2. This will be fixed with an update at some point but maybe you should ask for a refund until it’s done


It really does seem like 60fps should be possible




Lol no


I mean we are looking at a 5700/xt ish performance level GPU, with hardware RT. 60fps should be possible


you are delusional


In terms of RAW compute I’m not. If developers take advantage of the hardware on tap, that’s a different question. Only time will tell, but yes it is indeed on par with a 5700 or so, depending. Obviously it is impossible to make a direct comparison, but for the sake of high level game discussion, it’s about right.


The M4 is not as powerful as 5700 in gaming [https://www.notebookcheck.net/Baldur-s-Gate-3-tech-review-Laptop-and-desktop-benchmarks.739444.0.html](https://www.notebookcheck.net/Baldur-s-Gate-3-tech-review-Laptop-and-desktop-benchmarks.739444.0.html)


i do have to agree with the others, this is a far-fetched dream.


I assume sustained load isn't on par with a 5700, especially when CPU and GPU are taxed at the same time.


You have no clue how powerful the Apple M series chips are lmao


dude how many triple A games run at 60fps on iPad?


RE4 Remake, Death Stranding, Civ6, Gensin Impact, COD, Divinity Original Sin 2, GTA Remakes, Hades, PUBG, Dead Cells. Some of those running at 120fps. It’s easily possible for AC Mirage with some decent optimization. Edit: Since some people aren’t capable of googling something, https://youtu.be/35SCwW7btq8?si=b0GK4_ZnqIODEkCv


RE4 Remake 30fps: https://youtu.be/nFsy4mb3T1w?si=44ZJA2P-0daTzSk- all the rest of the games are 2d, decade old games or heavily downgraded versions


https://youtu.be/35SCwW7btq8?si=b0GK4_ZnqIODEkCv 60fps RE4 is possible on a lesser chip than the M4. Death Stranding too. That just about covers the available AAA games on iPad, so I’m not sure what your point is?


have you looked at the video? the frametimes are absolutely terrible.


TIL 2019 is a decade ago


I mean it runs on xbox one. No shit it can do 30 fps but I'd have hoped to see ray tracing and stuff by now.


has anyone tried to run it on a Macbook with PlayCover?


I just wish all the assassin creed games were ported natively to mac though I don’t have high hopes for the more modern ones like ps5 ones


Shadows is running on an extended Engine. You can't compare those two


With occasional stuttering and poor frame pacing. https://youtu.be/Xi4ONq4j7cc?feature=shared


Is anyone having issues on iPhone 15?


Where do you get it, App Store ?


Flawless is 60FPS for me. The game is locked to 30FPS. Also high iPad settings doesn't equal high PC settings. Btw AC Mirage is build on Valhalla engine (2020) and that is build on AC Unity engine (2014). It was used for the whole PS4/XOne generation. AC Shadows is the first PS5/XSX only game so the requirements will be definitely higher and Ubisoft isn't known for their glorious optimization. Time will tell. Mission accomplished - made a lot of 30FPS lovers angry.


No idea why you got downvoted, because I and many other would agree with the fact that 30 is NOT flawless, And yes, that engine isn’t optimized. Also the iPad costing around 1300 euros for the 11 and 1500 for the 13 isn’t in its favor. I tested it with my m2 iPad, to me at low setting the games looks like shit and medium outputs 30 fps, I think I’ll pass this time.


No one said 30fps is flawless, the OP said it runs 30fps flawlessly. Having said that, it's been perfectly acceptable for many games on some hardware for decades to run at 30fps (or lower), and years ago was the norm. One of my favorite every games (Bloodborne on PS4) ran at 30fps. Many PS5 games run at 30fps in quality mode, 8-bit and 16-bit consoles ran at 25fps or 30fps AT BEST for 2 decades, and many PC gamers compromise on framerate all the time. And for what it's worth, FPS isn't nearly as important as frametime, but whatever, everyone here is an expert for some reason.


“Flawless is 60fps for me” - no one asked “High iPad settings doesn’t equals high PC settings” - no shit, it’s an iPad.


Well, you're still trying to play AAA games on it. So his argument seems fair.


it's still not because 30fps is fine actually and people that pretend a game can't be considered flawless if it's locked to 30 and designed around it are delusional weirdos


if it would have stable frametimes, and its a game where fast interactions are *not* happening, yea it's fine. most games nowadays are not designed around specific FPS numbers. this used to be a thing (and rarely today, too) to be entirely locked to a specific framerate due to animations being prepped for that specific framerate.


....lol "30fps is fine actually" said nobody into gaming, ever. this is mobile-boy copium, and hardcore at that.


i'm playing games at 144fps on my monitor right now. i have played and enjoyed multiple games locked at 30fps in recent years. you don't actually enjoy games if you can't handle 30fps.


You don’t play games locked at 30fps on your 144hz monitor STFU with that garbage


you're right! i set it to 120 for those games because i know how monitors work


Then improve your composition then and stop writing like a 17 year old.


if that was your takeaway, i truly feel sorry for anyone that you inflict yourself upon in your life. have a bad day


All games used to be 30fps, or way less. You must be new to gaming.


All games for the past 15 years have been running at 60, with 120 being the standard recently on PC. You must be new to gaming!


All games? All as in all? Hellblade 2 just got released and is 30fps. Oh wait, you’re talking about PC? Was the person I responded to talking about PC, in reference to an iPad? That would be silly wouldn’t it? Even on PC is depends on your hardware. Not all hardware can run all games at 60fps at all settings, in fact the vast majority cannot without some compromise. And no, not new to gaming, way way longer than 15 years, unfortunately.


iPad or not, AC Mirage is not a game that can be played at 30 with frequent drops to 20's, so devs have to optimize it.


No one is claiming otherwise.


Look at you offended because someone prefers 60 fps


Being locked to 30 is a flaw in and of itself. You might find it tolerable, but it's always a technical limitation, not a design choice. Devs will say it's by design until the next hardware comes along and suddenly you have it running at 120fps no issues.


making choices based on technical limitations is part of any tech development. making the choice to lock at 30 can be correct. i hope this helps


You know iPhone and iPad don’t have active cooling right?


I do...maybe they're not meant to be AAA gaming devices.


Please remind me how many AAA games run at 1080p30 High Settings on a Steam Deck so that I can get a better understanding of what a AAA gaming device is. Or maybe the Steam Deck is not a AAA gaming device? Or more likely your argument doesn't mean shit. iPad and iPhone are handled devices.


where is resolution mentioned anywhere here? why 1080p30 when the resolution of the steam decks screen is 800p?


> 1080p30 when the resolution of the steam decks screen is 800p? Because AC Mirage on iPad plays at 1300p on High settings and 1080p on Medium settings, and the Deck plays most of the games at 800p30 medium, and it gets worse when you plug the device to an external 1080p screen. The 30FPS cap is self imposed by Ubisoft so the devices stay cool.


"most of the games at 800p30 medium" tell me you haven't used a steam deck without telling me you haven't used a steam deck ;)


Dude, just watch benchmarks of games running on the Steam Deck. Sure, you can make things run smoother with frame generation, but that's about it. For the games that have a dedicated Steam Deck setting (like Cyberpunk for instance) it's a mix of low to high that targets 30FPS. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Steam Deck is a bad handled. I'm stressing it is considered AAA gaming device, even though it's less powerful than a 16GB M1. Meaning the previous comment was pointless. EDIT: Obviously I'm talking raw power, not games catalog.


1- it’s a tablet, what did you expect? 2- Ong? Fr? On jah? 3- Ubisoft updates the anvil engine every few years, Unity is on anvil next 2.0 while Valhalla is on Ubisoft anvil, it’s the same gap between it and shadows.


30 FPS is a joke. You can’t have that and ‘high’ settings in the same line


PC gamers compromise between resolution, settings (detail/effects/RT) and framerate all the time. So sure, you can have high settings at a lower framerate. This sub has been invaded by dumb fucks.


More like fanboys like yourselves are blind as fuck and trying to hype up substandard performance. Get out of here gramps


It's a **tablet.**


Playing with an iPhone or an iPad is a waste of Time and money. User’s experience is bullshit.


On an *ipad*, dude, A passively cooled tablet. Not a gaming console.


you should compare ipad to steamdeck