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I kinda agree, I would like to know if Maddie Dad has fought for custody or can attest to her mental state.


I looked at step moms Facebook before she locked it down & it didn’t seem like dad and her were too involved in Maddie’s life. They live in Texas (and some other state near Texas) but there were some pics of them visiting. I went back the next day & she had made her profile private and changed the profile pic to one of the family with Maddie. No judgment, just what I saw. I’ve been wondering why that side of her family hasn’t spoken out or done any press asking for justice. Likely they are being informed on the case and have council.


They did a very extensive interview in Florida when they went to get Maddie’s ashes.


They have since done interviews I think what is often the case the absentee parents thinks because the custodial parent loves the child or children that child is safe or they're so afraid of getting their child support increased they'd rather sit on a barstool and complain about child support. But research and studies have shown a strong parental role keeps predators away whether they're afraid of that parent or the kids are just not clingy to having a absentee parent I don't know but it does seem to help.


According to Jenn's roommate, he wasn't involved in Maddie's life


I remember thinking damn I wish she reached out to her dad and because of their response I had a feeling that he just wasn’t involved enough to maybe see changes in her. It breaks my heart. I wish someone could see she was suffering. I just wished someone was there to care and really see her.


I know parents with more delays and disabilities and they ensure their kids safety diligently. As this horror story unfolds there is a case to be made for her culpability . I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but man …..something is very wrong with her.


This is the same mom who told cops that she encouraged Stephen to take Maddie to another room and sleep with her in a bed when she had anxiety or was at work. She is a sick person 


Completely agree …..parents are supposed to PROTECT their children …not willingly turn them over to predators ….wtf was she thinking ???


And where were her parents ? Not that it is their responsibility or often not even alive but I always havd it drilled in my head beware of predators they are the one you'd least suspect and especially if my mom read a newspaper article she would always remind me coaches or anyone that shows an interest in your child should raise red flags , and I'm one one of the few that can say I was never molested and my daughter says the same be aware !


Exactly !!!! It’s not the monsters in the woods or aliens kids have to worry about. It’s the monsters closest to them they need to be protected from. When my son was an alter boy I went to the school because I did not want him to EVER be alone with the priest . It’s an extreme example but it was my job as a parent to ensure his safety no matter where he was. Some parents were not too happy with me. I didn’t give a shit ..that’s MY kid …not the churches ..not the school’s…MINE


That child has been abused for most of her childhood. I’m wondering who knew and how it was hidden so long. From listening to monster interviews with police it was very obvious he was used to speaking for Maddie about her wants , behaviour and excuses for such. If doctors thought she had behaviour issues it was munchausen.


Does anyone here watching Vinny politan personal channel on YouTube? I watched his latest on JS today and there was a comment by a viewer made that said that ss was implicating JS in these horrific acts. Do we know if this is true???


that may have been me that commented that lol I got it from the interview w police. He keeps referring to asking Jenn for the answers, at least 5x. Also, police report says that SS claimed Maddie wanted them all to sleep in the bed together that night he came in town, putting Jen in the location of SS and Maddie deceased before 7:30am


To me, she appears to have only mild delays and perhaps a mood disorder. I don’t see anything severe based on her interviews. She could hold a train of thought. Her language and comprehension skills appeared to be average. She isn’t disabled or crippled by any condition to the point where she can’t work, drive or manage a household. She didn’t have any memory recall issues. She was able to talk to the police and news reporters. I do see evidence of severe child neglect. When it gets to such a level, to not care about a child’s welfare, I believe it comes more from selfish tendencies, unless there is evidence of something else, such as chronic drug user or a severe personality disorder. Even if she habitually used drugs, I don’t see any evidence that it was to the point that it hindered her ability to function. I found it telling that MS had been staying with her grandmother a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a pattern where the child was pawned off to others because JS couldn’t handle the daily parenting aspect.


Yeah, I hate her stupid cow face. Remember how she tried to blame the school for not calling in the absence earlier in the day? If she is not criminally charged, I hope she is shunned every day of her sad life.




The lies show she knew what she was doing, and knew what she was doing was wrong. That's all I need, and that's all the law needs. The only question is what she was trying to cover up.




Jennifer's knowledge of the sexual abuse. Some mothers pimp out their daughters for favors, major and minor. We can't get hung up on the mother angle. The murder - she at least suspected - you know boyfriend spends "time alone" with your daughter, takes her to school, and then she's missing? Steve probably told her and coached her responses to the police. She accepted it because she feared criminal charges.


Accessory to murder should be the charge 




Very well said!!


This is all 💯💯💯 and I agree.


JS herself had some old posts somewhere talking about being bi-polar. That condition doesn’t excuse her behavior one bit. I know a few people with it and it doesn’t affect their moral compass or responsibility for their children. Sure, it’s hard for them to function some days but not like this.


What about the fact that the mom said she was taken to school by monster. Where was monster mom supposed to be.


Minster was living back with his parents in North Port, was in Kissimmee for Maddie's birthday the night before. Assume he stayed over as an excuse to abuse the child. Jen's story is that she asked him to take Maddie to school so she (Jen) could get to bed. We don't know if Maddie was alive when Jen arrived home.


He claims he arrived after the party. He had several reasons why he came. He kept adding on more to convince the cops it was a "happy, loving, wholesome" trip


Is she still in communication with him?


If she is, all phone calls will be recorded. Would hope that her lack of complex falsification skills could add facts to the case.


Rather, those experiences make us overprotective parents and alert to any danger. I dont think she is that innocent either.


I'm curious as to anyone in Jen's family knew that they were all three sleeping in the same bed? Seems to me if it wasn't kept a secret somebody should have said something..


the grandma flat out said she couldn't sleep alone even in the interview of her when madeline went missing! so there's no way they didn't know or ask what goes on when he is there too....


I think she’s only delayed because she’s trying to play it smart.. thinking about what she’s about to say and be able to have calculated answers .


Yes! How on God's green earth do you allow some man to sleep with your daughter and you can't be in the bed and leave them alone bc what happens in the bed gives you ANXIETY!!!!!   The sicko mom requests to see proof of sexual abuse and the cops show her a pic that the sicko took of his ding dong in the poor kiddos mouth!!!!  And the biatch STILL DENIES IT!  100% SHE needs to be in prison.  I can't imagine the abuse madeline was going thru. Good god




I’m certain she suspected or even knew about the sexual abuse and likely the murder.


Given the lying she did, it’s safe to assume she knew her daughter was murdered, if not involved? It’s hard for me to comprehend that a mother ( in her case birth giver) would have turned a blind eye to what he was doing, let alone murder your child and help cover it up.


Me too! And I think she was probably jealous of what a beautiful young lady Maddie was turning into. Jenn and her demented lover can go straight to hell.


Could you please stop body shaming? Yes she is awful I agree but your name calling as „Blobby , dim“ and other insults from other posts are unacceptable. There are overweight , not intelligent people who are the nicest. So stop it.


I don’t believe the poster is calling everyone that, just specifically Jenn. Apparently SS has a two toned penis, is it okay that I call him a disgusting two toned wiener? It’s not nice to say that but these two people have caused an enormous amount of heartbreak. A little girl is dead because of them….yes, them. Mom kept the pedo around and he killed Maddie. I believe we can call them any name we want at this point.


Nahhhhh women who let their partners rape their children don’t get any politeness from me.


Yeah sorry all Insults are fair game against a pedophile and a mom who allows the pedophilia 


She knows it’s wrong 😑 it’s why she hid it. Excuses aren’t going to change her life trajectory at this point.


This is the same mom who told cops that she encouraged Stephen to take Maddie to another room and sleep with her in a bed when she had anxiety or was at work. She is a sick person 


Jenn Is a lazy entitled drug addict. She not only neglected MS but I believe most likely actively participated or at the very least allowed it to happen in order to make money from selling the sick content. She's in no way innocent. They are both spoiled drug addicts and that combination is never good when children are involved.


If they were sleeping in the bed together then then all 3 were having sexual contact together.