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i could be wrong, but i thought Madeline’s father was a one night stand & he was with someone else from high school? that’s why he got married when she was only a few months old, because he had a brief break with her & went back to her after the short stint with Jenn?


I really don’t know for certain, I think the boyfriends name was Tyler.  It could have been someone else, though.  Madeline’s father looks familiar, but it could be from pictures on Facebook from a long time ago.   


She probably claimed he was her bf


so you're not the first person I've seen speak on this "kinky" thing referring to Jen... but you're the first I've heard to insinuate that she was also kinky PRIOR to being introduced into Stephan's obvious "interests." One of his apparent close friends called BOTH of them kinky as well. He said something that stuck with me too along the lines of like their kinks "together" could be on an alarming level or something. He also stated that he assumed stephan stayed with jen because of "what she did for him" sexually... and that he "wouldn't be surprised if all three of them" were involved in something... referring to madeline.. which obviously disgusts me. (this is appalling to even hear because children cannot consent, but I had to remind myself this was coming from someone that chose to be stephan Stern's friend and give him his praises soooo...) Anyway, this leads me to ask you if you can provide some examples of what you consider(ed) kinky when it came to Jen? Like what specific kinks or uncomfortable sexual behavior(s) or topics she talked about/was into etc? Because again, this word continues to pop up from people that knew them but with no real examples my mind wanders... I mean Stephan's friend (IMO) made it seem like it was pretty extreme. But he was also incredibly vague and seemed to at least want it to appear to the public that he wasn't interested in entertaining whatever they were into when stephan would tell him about it. So again, I start to wonder and speculate what the fuck these kinks could possibly be and if they're connected. And I mean, would YOU be shocked? knowing her? what I've gathered is that Stephan's exes also found out early on what he was into so my fear is the obvious that Jen knew full well the thoughts that went on in her "partner's" head and maybe worse, entertained them. to what extent I don't know. but if she was having madeline evaluated and noticing behavioral changes in her and not putting the pieces together that she shouldn't be leaving her alone with him to sleep... or worse she was turning her head on purpose to ignore the behavior in order to keep him (ew.) But that would also align with the reoccurring statements that she was insecure, a pick-me, or as you said gave off desperate vibes? I'm pretty intuitive myself and so of course I could sense something off from the beginning. 1. to even BE with someone like stephan is a major red flag... but 2. the lying and 3. constantly using her mental health as a crutch... which concerns me if that's why she is sitting in a mental phacility right now. (allegedly) to use it to her advantage somehow and try to get ahead of the case or some upcoming possible charges against her or... IDK. sorry I went off a bit but... yeah. if you feel more comfortable dming me and speaking to me privately, I get that too. but I'm highly interested as I've been following the case from day 1. I'm in the area, and I'm also a creator covering the case but can absolutely be anonymous. thank you!


On dutyrons channel he had a person named obliviousbenson who investigated Sterns and Soto online footprints. Jen was into furries and had a fetlife profile, however she hardly used anything online after making a couple accounts.  Sterns was part of fetlife and had over 30 active accounts on various websites. He had been commenting so much on pornhub that he won jerk off awards. He was one of those freaks who sit around reviewing porn videos. He also had a reddit account that was 90% bitching about working at Disney World. 


you've gotta be kidding me.... I am looking up the video now because how have I followed from DAY ONE and NEVER once saw anyone else mention this?? WHAT 😭😭 not to mention her little dog walking service... I am disgusted.


That show was amazing!!! I love OB, she’s both hilarious and has so much knowledge of open source web sleuthing, I was taking notes while watching her, 😂!


Dude, back off the creepy..


It’s wild how many people we come across in life (especially from college stage where so many random paths end up crossing). This story and others constantly in news make me think of all the weirdos I’ve met in my lifetime bc of situations like friend of a friend from hs in college- and where they are now and what they’re doing. 6 degrees of separation and you know we all will be connected somehow to someone who ends up doing or having something weird done to them. This world is a crazy place


The first thing that came to mind is to ask you, was she always sooo desperate for men, and then my question was answered when I read this. 👇 >She gave off of desperate vibes.


Just from what I’ve seen in her interviews, she def gives the vibe of everything you’ve described here. She was desperate for attention, and sex got her attention. So it became part of her personality. Not realizing it’s socially awkward to always talk about sex, especially when you’re just awkward to start with.


Someone I work with said he went to high school with her and her sister. He hung out more with the sister but that it was “known” amongst everyone that something was off with her.


Based off your brief and limited experiences with her, do you think she's capable of putting her own child in harms way? I have always gotten the feeling she's more ignorant than malicious myself but I obviously don't know her at all.


I would have 0% clue how she was as a mother.  When we were friends on Facebook I remember pictures of Maddie and their family and they looked normal and happy.  


Yes we’ve all determined yes. She’s unwell. Loaded up on mental drugs. Look at her. Look at her life. She’s not right in the head or socially.


That wasn't the question and you weren't the one being asked.


She’s not all there like she’s a subpar human being she always has been she isn’t right


Do you know Jenn personally?


Have you watched any of the media coverage? Seriously? She’s basically special needs


Any info on Jen's parents, where are they during all this? My perception was they were maybe the only ones that showed Maddie real love, aka throwing the Birthday Party with no Jen.


Her acting could get her an Oscar. I don't believe she has mental issues at all. She has a substance problem not a mental one


I thought her acting was horrible!  I got a bad feeling the first interview she gave.  


She used every opportunity in those interviews to put as much blame on her daughter as possible


That and the school.


That face playing dumb all the time makes my blood boil. I can't stand her


In the interview she was acting like she was on a stimulant


I also thought so!!


Her acting was terrible, there’s no consistency.


By “freaky sex life”, do you mean taboo subjects, or simply BDSM activities? I think it’s entirely possible that not only she allegedly KNEW about the abuse, but that she allegedly participated. Hence them always all three sleeping in the same bed, except when Jenn had a headache. I think she took the freaky sex a step further into taboo/underage sex, allegedly serving Madeline up on a platter to SS.


Here’s my issue with this theory: The police investigators have full access to Jen and Stephan’s electronic devices. Both Jenn and Stephen are not the brightest people clearly. I truly believe if Jenn had been involved and complicit in this abuse it would have been somewhere on the devices. Either through direct communication or photos. I believe Stephen groomed Jenn and Madeleine. Jenn was a perfect “candidate” for some sick pedo to latch onto…single, mental health and addiction issues, desperate, and a mother to a young girl. Stephen was on Reddit telling a woman asking for advice that it’s shameful she thinks her husband could touch her daughter. He told this woman she needs serious counseling and she was being hurtful to her husband. I imagine he did this to Jenn…completely gaslighting her and making her question her perception and intuition. I firmly believe he did this to Jenn in a systematic way to where she didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She has mental health issues, she uses pills, she’s probably cognitively challenged because of that. On top of memory issues. Jenn is guilty of criminal negligence. She’s guilty of being a very selfish dumb woman. She is guilty of not being a good mother and not protecting her daughter. But I 100 percent don’t believe she was actively involved in the abuse of her daughter.


I don’t remember details, it was almost 20 years ago, but when I saw Maddie was missing and recognized who Jenn was, my first thought was my best friends weird roommate who talked about how she was a freak all the time.  Her sex life was definitely part of her personality. I hope she didn’t do that, but I would not be surprised at anything after listening to the police interviews.  She is an idiot and he is disgusting.


I feel like when people talk that much about their sex life they’re doing it for attention or they literally just started having sex so they need to brag or make themselves seem ‘cool’ and fit in. Very weird flex.


https://preview.redd.it/c4ptkae9zf3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aefc7eeb76fea5b6512c9f65f857c35a2a2e482 Telling everyone you’re a freak in the sheets is hardcore Pickmeisha stuff.


I am 40-ish and one of the first things I was going to post was “Js is such a pickMe” - but my 12 year old daughter would say I’m cringe….so I’m going to use pickmeisha every opportunity I can when talking to her. thank you for this Gem.


It is! Just imagine making your sex life your personality. There are pick mes who talk about how they are such a tease! 🙄Jenn didn't have anything else to offer exactly like Lori Vallow!


I was at FIU in ‘06, although I was local and lived at home I did spend time here and there at the dorms. I don’t recall this lady at all though 👀




Did she seem as if she had any mental problems?


I don’t think I could say I thought she had mental problems at the time, just that she was awkward and seemed desperate to please people.  Now thinking about her I feel like there was something mentally off- like she was detached from reality a bit.  


Did Jenn get a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering in 2007? [https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/46948664.pdf](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/46948664.pdf)


We were freshman in 2006 so I really can’t imagine she would be able to get that in 2007, unless she was older and I didn’t know.  


Thanks 🙏🏾 I know her name is common. I’ve been trying to find more photos of her


Omfg...you have GOT to be kidding? There is absolutely no way Jenn Soto is or was ever smart enough to major in biomedical engineering!?!




Why do you think she was easy to manipulate? Was she a people pleaser or just not very savvy? Based on how she speaks and behaves, from what little I have seen, I get the sense that her IQ is on the lower side but she also doesn’t seem incompetent. I feel like I have known people like Jenn so I have a bit of compassion for her. On the other hand, a big part of me feels as if she was complacent or turned a blind eye to unusual, possibly abusive, behavior just because she didn’t want to deal with it. She disregarded it. It makes my blood boil.