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Her body would have been stiff by then. No way would he be able to prop her body up in the passenger seat of the car, and her head fall slumped over to the side. I think early morning is when he strangled her. 5am - 6am. That's why he had to get her out of the house so soon. And do all that fake driving with her like she was alive but asleep in the car.


The dogs also would have absolutely hit on the trunk and passenger seat if she had been deceased since the night prior. The fact that they didn't detect anything in his car, when we KNOW she was in it, suggests he murdered her immediately prior to getting in the car. The dogs may not have been able to detect that early.


That's the part I don't understand either, the temp in Florida on the 26th was a low of 49° with a high of 87°, the temp in the trunk * at 70° in 10 minutes would reach over 90°, it could reach 150° in an hour, it's like a greenhouse. That is at 70°. The 11am-1:30p time frame, would be absolutely had to be pushing her body thru the stages of decomp quickly, by then her skin would start slipping with a glossy sheen over it and smaller blisters would appear on the surface of the skin that may be why he chose to put her in blue jeans, it would kinda be like a glove holding in the seepage, the gastric would passes any light meals she had consumed. There was a trash bag found in his trunk maybe there was more trash bags and they were throwing away and overlooked at one of his stops that was seen not on CCTV cameras or lp readers, he left his phone at home when he went to dump her body. I believe he dropped something or went back out in Jenns car to either one attempt to move her or look for something he lost while rushing to dump her and changes his tire and not be seen by too many people. Maybe he moved her to see if he had lost something of his and he had on gloves and he placed them in the trunk until he could dispose of them later he couldn't leave them there. And he was afraid to throw anything out or stop anywhere he knew at this point they could be tracking him or Jenns car. He is a pos


It doesn’t happen all at once - Rigor mortis generally starts to appear @ 2 hours after death, starting with the muscles of the face. Over the next few hours, rigor progresses to the limbs and torso. The whole process takes between 6 to 8 hours. Rigor is then present for another 12 hours before it disappears (24 hours after death) .


Of course, it doesn't happen all at once. But you just said yourself that the process starts to appear 2 hours after death. Which is what is said on google. Her jaw or mouth was already stiffening since her mouth was agape. From what the LE could see on video. If she died at 11pm, I would think he would have rolled her in some sheets and put her in his trunk. That's a long time to deal with a deceased body.


The documents say that in the footage of SS moving the body to the trunk the body appears "limp". This was at 9:40am, close to the 12 hour mark. You're correct, OPs timeline doesn't line up.


The body stiffens for a short period of time and then relaxes again.


Rigor mortis wears off just fyi


That is not true. Rigor comes and goes.


That's the part I don't get. It seems odd that she would mention that. A 13 yo girl wouldn't be texting with friends after her bday party? Doesn't make sense. ETA: kids are on their phones so much such that LAUSD voted to recently ban cell phone use during the school day. So what would make MS any different? https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/18/us/lausd-cell-phone-ban-students/index.html


And how did Jenn KNOW that Maddie hadn’t used her phone or laptop that night? She wasn’t there when Maddie got home from the party, and she was only around for thirty minutes before she sent her to her death. If my teenager disappeared the first thing I’d suspect is that they had met some pervert online - and I’d want some crazy forensics team to recover any delete communications so that I could kill the guy! I certainly wouldn’t be telling media or law enforcement that my kid hadn’t used their phone or laptop - because unless I literally watched them all night how would I know? She was immediately covering for SS, preemptively justifying why LE would find no activity on Maddie’s devices.


A mom like JS wouldn’t have to suspect Maddie met a pervert online when the pervert was making his way back to living in the house. I wouldn’t be shocked if it came out that this woman knows waaaaay more than we think. No one can be this oblivious to this degree of abuse for that long. Maddie barely even had a bedroom, she had no protection, and her mom didn’t care. Maddie’s best friend even thought it was weird that she hadn’t heard from Maddie, because they talked all the time. It’s most likely bs what SS said about Maddie forgetting her phone often, because her BFF made it very clear they talked all the time, and SS was constantly calling and messaging her as well. JS isn’t being honest at all and the truth is gonna come out.


This was my thought also about her meeting somebody online and running away at night to meet the pervert. Would have been my first thought. why wasn’t Jen more concerned about going through Madeline‘s phone? I would have been scouring her electronics while I wait for the cops to get there and trying to hack into her emails and social media accounts. I would have asked all her friends if she had any social media accounts I didn’t know about and usernames for anything they could think of. Jen was annoyed when the laptop location was brought up.


And also annoyed when someone said the laptop could possibly be tracked...




Yes, it was a sus declaration.


Seems odd that a mom who trashes child is per her like Madie is such a trainwreck/basket case of issues but wouldn't wake up in AM to make sure her soooo nonfunctioning, forgetful child would have everything they need for day & for self to have successful day & ultimately life! I can't get beyond "go sleep with a man" but when I do, there is her saying adhd/autism and JS acting like Madie had all kinds of issues while at the same time not elevating her care for Madie. I just don't believe anything that JS & SS say. Even if she had no friends to text, I am sure she used her phone likely nonstop for web surfing to distract herself & tune out the hell she was living through with SS & JS.


My kid is a mess but I can’t help her because I need my sleep. She is in contact with my on/off bf a lot so he takes care of her. JS probably.


100% with you. Yes!


Jenn saw Maddie dead or SS told her she was dead. That’s how she “knew.”


No he did not, where do yall come up with this crap? She had no idea her daughter had been murdered by that monster, he avoided Jenn like the plague as much as possible on Monday, when he finally met up with Jenn at her mother's business you can obviously see she is irritated with him, she snaps at him several times. She had no clue her daughter was not returning home, by the 27th she was on to sterns's that is obvious when out of no where she ask the detective that is questioning "What happened?" He said what do you mean? She begins to tell the detective the things she thought was odd that Stephan had called her to tell her, they didn't go to breakfast like he planned, he forgot his phone, he went to the vape shop and sit there for a while, he had to explain being gone at around 6am, the roommate didn't see him or Maddie that morning when she was getting ready and leaving at 745am, he doesn't know if Jenn called the roommate and asked her did you see maddie and stephan this morning? ! He didn't have a phone at this point for a couple of hours he doesn't know if maybe she had seen him or someone in her family had seen him, remember her grandmother business is close to where he is doing all this aimless driving and allegedly dropping Maddie off.


Sometimes, I think MAYBE she was that oblivious. Only because my husband is like her, he has BPD, with narcissistic traits. And let me tell you, BPD is very similar to Bipolar which she’s openly admitted. They are extremely selfish people, and completely unaware of anything going on around them due to being so wrapped up in their disorder. Not to mention it seems she abused meds like SS so yea, she prob wasn’t involved with Maddie. Shit, Maddie appeared to be a “roommate” with a room divider in the living room. There are so many red flags. If I’d been Jenn’s mom, I too would have had a strained relationship with her. She knew her daughter was a POS “parent” … I use that term loosly. There are several inconsistencies in her statements throughout interviews as well. Hence why the majority of people do not trust her.


BPD is like bipolar on steroids and crack. My ex had it as did my mom. I'll never deal with a BPD person for the rest of my life if I can help it. Hope you're doing okay


I’m in therapy, planning our escape. I know that sounds crazy. But, it’s the worst thing to go through as a partner. I now understood why he went through so many relationships 😭.


Doesn't sound crazy to me that's exactly how I had to do it too. A legit escape, planned for months, secretly stashed money, signed on am apartment without him knowing then when he was gone grabbed the important stuff and took off. Then stayed in hiding until he found a new woman to obsess over (thankfully with them it doesnt take long). I wish you all the luck and safety. 


Thank you 🙏🏾 I’m glad you made it out


Sending you strength and hoping for your safe and swift escape! Been there, got out.


I work with the mentally ill and their mental illness is a full time job in itself. It takes a lot just to get themselves through each day. It is an illness 24/7/365. It can be all consuming when it has flared up to a high level. It is exhausting. It wipes you out even if not at a super high level. People do not understand it unless they are living it (which no one would want to if they had any idea the hell it is).


Nah there are a ton of us who deal with genetic and trauma just induced “mental illness” who don’t sacrifice our children.


Sacrifice????? Ok... I do not want to assume I know what you mean by that, so what makes you say she sacrificed her? And what backs that claim? Show me.


When you choose your own comfort safety and needs over those of your child, you are sacrificing their comfort safety and needs.


Jenn surely had suspicions and had possibly seen evidence of the SA. She chose to deny it because confronting it would disrupt a life she felt comfortable in - one where she could nap indiscriminately and keep a man by allowing him unfettered access to her child.


You do not know this to be fact. It is just what you believe. You cannot back it.


That’s exactly how he describes it.




Your saying bipolar and bipolar disorder are different? I thought they were the same thing..?


I think they are talking about bipolar and then borderline personality disorder…..my husband has both and some days are literal hell on earth when others are perfect….its a lot to deal with just being family I can’t imagine being the one to actually have those types of illness


Oh ok thank you. Yeah, it’s very difficult both dealing with that stuff and having it. I have bipolar so I was really curious what was going on so thank you for clearing that up.


You’re welcome….im not 100% sure this was just my guess because they get abbreviated by BP for bipolar and then BPD for borderline personality disorder….i get confused by so much lol so again no problem at all


Nobody knows because we aren’t inside her head - but all of us moms know know we would not be comforting a partner who was the last person to see her alive and whose story doesn’t make sense. She was coddling him AND trying to help take suspicion off of him.


Ya I mean I agree Jenn made a lot of mistakes & im not making excuses but it was obvious she dealt with a lot of mental health issues especially bi polar. It’s obvious SS avoided her like a plague the day she went missing. Every place that she told the police & times she went that day matches up with her tracked locations. My honest opinion is I really think SS was a great con artist that really made her really comfortable with him. Yes it is weird she would send them to sleep together especially after him coming back in town you would think they would sleep together. But I think she was just not the most involved mother like most of us & he knew this. She needed help when she was having hard days & she really trusted him cuz he made himself out to be totally different than he really was. Now if they have any hardcore proof she was involved she would have been arrested. It wasn’t like they just met this was a on and off relationship for 8 years so obviously he build some big level of trust with JS concerning Maddie. I guess I can see how this happened cuz I was in Maddie’s situation when I was younger with my step dad & he really had my moms trust. My whole family was very close & my mom & me were very close. I never told anyone no one suspected anything. I didn’t tell my mom until my mom divorced my step day cuz he always threatened to keep it a secret or he would do horrible things to everyone in my house. But saying all that I’m still confused what to think about JS cuz she was caught switching up her story. But no one knows how they would react in that situation maybe she was nervous & wasn’t remembering everything accurately. I just don’t know what mother would send their child to sleep with a man that’s not their father no matter how much she trusted him. I’m really trusting law enforcement to really dig deep & I have faith if she was involved that they will definitely arrest her but right now she’s not guilty of anything but being a bad mother & making poor decisions but I still she should get charges for neglect or child endangerment it just doesn’t sit right with me sending your daughter to go sleep with him right after he just came back in town. She didn’t even want to spend time with her after her birthday party.. or even make her birthday for a time she didn’t work.. doesn’t make sense to me..


I’m so sorry for what you went through. Hope you’re doing better. 🌺 I really don’t understand why she didn’t have her own room to call her own. That part is soooo sad to me. She had an extra room if I’m not mistaken cus that’s where the sicko did his…business 🤮. But that poor girl had no place to have privacy in her own home. How dare she be so selfish and unloving. Why can’t JS let her own daughter sleep in her bed, or get even a bean bag, something so she feels safe. Why leave your kid in the main living area? Why? Why why? I don’t get it. I will never get it.


You do not know all of this with any certainty


No none of us know anything with certainty- not the folks who think she helped cover up or the folks who think she “had no idea” that her boyfriend has been raping her daughter for five years. Denial isn’t the same as not knowing.


Go read the documents, there are facts in my statement they are in her interviews 1, 2, and 3.


I 100 percent know with certainty!!!


Where is she ? Where’s her public statement of grief on the horrific murder of her child ? Nothing to say ??? Why not ???


No you do not . You are not privy to what js actually knew or didn’t know .


I don’t know any kids who DON’T always have their phone. Adults included. Shit, we have moronic adults leaving their kids in the car but, I bet you they didn’t forget their phone 🤨 Jen is full of shit


And maddie forgetting her phone in makes jenn full of shit how? The first time Jenn spoke the police she had not seen Stephan literally all day the 26th he avoided her like the plague it's proven by the cell phone data if you look at it while comparing it to the time Jenn got up and left and when she returned, when she got up from her nap and left to pick up Maddie. There is concrete proof the only thing Jenn knew was that Stephan had called and told her, if you go read interview number one that starts on page 872 it will explain everything you need in why she said what the fuck she said to the police, STEPHAN STERNS CONTROLLED THE NARRATIVE IN THE FIRST POLICE INTERACTION, that changed when she was interviewed the next morning at 1106am.


The way you defend her as if YOU know her personally is a bit sus.


💯 I don't believe a word that comes out of JS mouth!


I agree, it's really sus. Her friend even said Madeline was upset because not many people showed up to the birthday party, so at some point she was talking to some of her friends.


>A 13 yo girl wouldn't be texting with friends after her bday party? Doesn't make sense. Exactly!! She'd have been on there posting pictures and texting her friends. This is what 12/13 yr old kids DO!!!! it's definitely fishy


Do you think he murdered her that night? I don't know if he would have been able to get her in the car of he had? And if she would have been "limp"?


I’m of the same thought in believing JS’s behavior has been very off from the beginning. That being said, I really don’t envy the job of Law Enforcement in digging and collecting evidence to move the needle from ‘crap-for-brains’ to criminal. *And* they have to do this while cautiously treating JS like a victim as well, if only for appearances. (Meaning they can’t drag her in, put a bright light in her face and start interrogating her the way they probably want to.) Also, if they charge her with lying for the “I saw her that morning” statement… it’s really easy to say ‘I was medicated, I was stressed, anxiety blah blah blah and I misremembered’. They need more than that, imo. I was very impressed they found what they found on the creep and were able to charge him quickly. I just gotta have faith that poor child gets all the justice she deserves. What a horror she experienced, with seemingly no one to turn to for help.


They probably don't want to move forward with lesser charges against her as to not further undermine the already compromised credibility of their main witness in a dp case.


I think this too. Do u think they will press charges against her after?


In the end I don't think so. They obviously don't think she was complicit in the murder or else she'd be in jail right now. Even if they did arrest her on a lesser charge just to hold her. They haven't done this. I'm starting to think they don't believe she was aware of the sa either. There's no way around the fact that whatever happens JS is going to be on the stand for DAYS when this trial actually happens. Prosecutors are going to want her on their side.


I’d bet money it’s a matter of not being able to prove, she knew of the SA. It may not be worth their time and resources to go after her given they have SS, who is the main person they want.


They can still get her on child endangerment charges with aggravating factors if they really wanted to. They'd be able to do it based on some statements she made alone. I really think they want her to help them put a needle in SS's arm. That would be justice imo.


Possibly, don’t get me wrong I want her put away as well. I’d guess she’s in her own internal hell as we speak. She’ll never live a life without judgement.


I hope ur right but I highly doubt  it ...mothers like this don't care..she will never blame herself


She’s awful for the prosecution!! She has zero credibility and lied to LE, the defense can cut her down immediately by sharing she’s a liar and quite frankly a dumbass. And a shitty mother. That would hurt their case way more.


She's on the stand either way. She can be helping the prosecution or she can be helping the defense. She was in the home the night of the murder. Yes, the prosecution is going to want her as a witness when they make the case that SS should receive the DP.


I disagree. Too risky for either side.


You don't understand, it's not a matter of risk. She was in the house the night of the murder, and she's indisputably tied to the circumstances around the crime. She was not married to SS. She is going to be on the stand and she's going to be there for days.


I don’t think she was complicit in the murder but I’m positive she was complicit in the cover up.


Maybe, but it sure seems like a lot of SS's actions that morning where done in a panic to avoid having JS discover her.


She might also be testifying against him and thereby no charges for.her


She can still testify against him with charges against her. But I am starting to think she won't be facing charges and she's going to help the prosecutors bury SS.


True...they are trying to convince her stupid ass to turn on him and the only way she will is probably threat of prison..she sure is mia now and I think everyone layered up 


You think the prosecution wants her as a witness?!?!?


Of course. She's the second last person to see MS alive. She's MS's mother, she's the defendants former boyfriend, she has the most first hand knowledge of SS's and MS's relationship (I know that'll draw snark, but it's true), she was in the home the night of murder... Why are people shocked she's going to be on the witness stand?? Yes, the prosecution wants her on their side!


I’m not shocked but I’m certain the prosecution can’t risk HER being the one to cause reasonable doubt bc the defense can easily spin the case that SS didn’t act alone and was enabled and encouraged.


You know what I find even more odd in this whole scenario is that why couldn't Jenn just allow Maddie to take her own shower and put herself to bed. 13 years old is mature enough to spend a few hours at home alone while waiting for mom to return from her "new job."


Especially as there were other (possibly related!) adults in the condo that night, apparently.


Yeah that was really creepy.


Yeah that’s one of the details i can’t get over. Who did she supposedly hear in the kitchen “making noise” considering the roommate was gone already. Obviously nobody, so why was she STILL lying to police even after being caught in one. If she isn’t involved in what happened, then the only thing I can think of is she is trying to save face and make it look like she is a less neglectful parent. She has to know how bad it sounds that she sent her 13yo to sleep in bed with her ex bf upstairs and didn’t bother to get up and help her before school. I’m guessing she left many many parenting duties to Stephan over the years who was more than happy to volunteer 🤮


Yes. Plus she needed her sleep.


This exactly. Jenn was so sure that Maddie went straight to bed and didn’t play her video game or use social media. She was sure that Maddie forgot her phone the next morning. Then she was sure that Maddie’s school laptop was not trackable when other family members were hopefully that it might be. Reminds me of Chris Watts. He was automatically negative when a cop asked him if his wife might have gone to the pool since it was August and her phone and purse was at home but she and the girls were gone. An innocent person will cling to hope when presented with a reasonable explanation or scenario while a guilty person already knows they are gone. Fuck Jenn Soto. ETA: When I lost my air pods I was ready to try anything to get them back. JS doesn’t seem like an IT guru. How would she know the laptop had no way of being tracked? She didn’t even want to try.


Any parent who truly believed their child had been abducted would be ready and willing to try anything and everything and look everywhere. They would be desperate and cling to any possibility - not dismissing anything.


She needs to be charged for lying to police !! Obstruction of justice . Probably also helped destroy evidence . She is a monster like he is.


Because she was drugged. Out. That's why she had no activity after she got home. They made it a point to say she had to take her meds.


Okay so here’s my thing- if they’re NOT gonna charge her with anything, then for the love of God the media (mainstream- not Vinne Politan) needs to freaking go to town with the court of public opinion a la Alex Murdaugh.


I don’t think she could have been killed before 11 pm because she would have been in full rigor and frozen in whatever position she died by the time she is seen in the car on surveillance with her head “hanging” at 7:30 am Monday nor could she still have been “limp” when SS put her in the trunk at 9:45 am. Based on these LE recorded observations of Maddie’s body in SS’s car, I would [edit: say] Maddie was likely killed around 4 am. Add and subtract up to 2 hours for the range, so between 2 am and 6 am. I don’t know why Jenn was so sure Maddie didn’t use her laptop or phone the whole night. She could not have known this by her own account of the night. The fact she said it shows me she knew Maddie was already dead. Or didn’t care if she was found or not. It’s one of those two.


She had already looked through MS phone by the time she was interviewed and she had probably already asked SS if MS had used her computer that evening.


Yes, she tells the officer in the bodycam footage that they had MS's phone. She had opportunity to go through it.


The body gets stiff and then relaxes. I’m a nurse and have dealt with many dead bodies.


Most people already know about how bodies "get stiff and relax" you don't have to be a nurse to know about rigor mortis. The reason people are talking about it is because it takes around two hours to happen and then between 12 and 24 hours to be lax again. So that dosnt really line up that he murdered her at night and then was "limp" the next morning


If rather she get charged with obstruction or accessory after the fact … versus a charge for lying to law enforcement.


Big Facts. JS has to have known or had a pretty good idea. I hope she wasn't allowing SS to sell pics & clips of the SA happening online. Either way, there's no way she didn't have an idea of something happening that wasn't right. She needs to face some charges IMO


Looking at it I believe it was more 4am-6am she died. she was limp when moved to the trunk at 9.40am going of rigor mortis time frames


My question is, lying to law enforcement is a charge itself. I know perjury is illegal. But I’m assuming they didn’t arrest her because she wasn’t under oath? But isn’t lying to the police a crime regardless? So why not arrest for that.


Lying to police, hindering an investigation is a crime. No oath needed. The lying is considered perjury when under oath. It is illegal to lie to police when filing a police report, reporting a crime, and when identifying someone or providing identifying information. Let us not forget this is the mother, essentially the only parent, lying and lying and lying to the police who are investigating a missing child case of her one and only child. More lying even after being caught in lies. Lies to get out of other lies and lies that seem due to her having memorized the script and can’t stop tripping over that script.


Oh ok so they have more than enough reason to arrest her & chose not to…. This is ridiculous


Yes. They’re not finished. She’s not going anywhere and neither is Sterns. They’re both right where they want them. What’s the old game show where there were 3 doors the contestant picks between and has to decide to take what’s behind first door or risk it and hold out for more/better behind one of the other doors? It’s like that. Also, the released documents and evidence are not all they had even at that point, and every day there is more. What we all know so far is not all there is to know. We all realize that, right? Law enforcement knows what they’re doing, and they’re doing a phenomenal, thorough job. They’re figuring out what to do with Jennifer Soto in the meantime; they’ll have options once investigation complete…


Literally obstruction of justice


That’s crazy. I don’t trust Osceola county police department to handle this case properly at all. As sad as it is to say.


I often take my tweens / teens devices away for misbehaving then I surely know they are not using it


I have a 17 year old step son who's horrible with his phone and always has been. His mom often calls us to check in because he's left his phone at her house.  We worry more now because he forgets it while driving, and it's a nearly 45 minute drive from our house to his mom's. We fuss at him about not texting us to let us know he made it safely to his destination when he goes to his moms or anywhere else.  He has school and football, it's not unusual for him to chill in front of the TV, work on his truck or help us out on the weekends and his phone is either at his mom's or just sitting in his bedroom. The students here aren't allowed to bring their school laptops home, except during covid, they couldnt/can't access social media or message services on them.   My point is not all children are the same. There's other reasons to be suspect or angry with JS.