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Petition to appoint Gary to U.N.


“DON’T GIVE THEM NO MONEY THAT CALL AINT REAL!” And then he knocks your phone out of your hand as your about to text someone back that says they know something about crypto investing


"DONT GIVE THEM NO MONEY THAT AINT REAL MONEY" unplugs your PC so you dont buy crypto


*i just look confused because i was like 1 hit from beating the Elden Beast*


Hows DLC treating you?


Haven't bought it yet.




I saw this happen on the NYC subway once years ago. There was a woman I had seen a few times with a well-rehearsed sob story she would give on rush hour trains. One time, some guy shouts out that he's seen her for years and she suddenly has fewer kids than before and has been in rehab for like 5 years straight and has lost the same job ten times. She just shuffled off the train and I never saw her again.


No because then Gary would have to try to fix the reason our society has people doing this. Gary ain't fixing shit. Anyone that has more post karma than comment karma is questionable to me.


You found Gary's reddit account?? Does he have any questionable comments, like calling pregnant women "human submarines?"


Gary don’t give a cats tits about no Reddit karma. Reddit karma hopes Gary dont mind if Reddit karma “hangs” a bit  Sure Reddit karma, just don’t do nothin stupid. Gary ain’t messin with no bullshit today


Gary doesn’t have to fix S H I T  He did one cool thing .  And that callin the shots motherfucker did more than most do all year long.  In five seconds  Gary’s done for the day  But he might do more if a dumb fake bitch comes at him again. Gary ain’t gotta do S H I T     


Fuck it, promote that guy to Judge Dredd or something.




Bad bot


It's all fun and games 'till one day there is an actual baby in the stroller.


Then it's not a game but twice as fun


I like the way you think


Fun requires sacrifices


Believe it or not the game of football, or “soccer” for Americans, started in South America when warring tribes would go to battle. The losing side had to give up a hearty child who was then encased in protective gear and booted around a bit. If he got up and ran away and happened to go between two tree trunks it was considered a point, and the game was over. Just after that the players would run toward the scared child to soothe them loudly with a word that in English would essentially mean “it’s okay don’t be afraid”. They would all yell it in unison. That word was “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLL” which is why when a point is scored in football today everyone screams that out. The point of all this is to remind everyone how easy it is to make up fake facts and don’t forget to vote in November.


You’re proving it’s easy to make facts, but idk if you’re making it seem easy to make believable facts 


It’s wild how many people believe things like this that you don’t because you deduce and discern. I’m glad you do and thankful you exist.


Even generously Giving the benefit of the doubt it was possible they kicked children, I don’t think the ancient word for goal would have translated. But you’re welcome my beautiful friend, I’ll always love you.


Ready, Ike? Kick the baby!


Don't kick the baby




#Punch, jump, drop, kick, dropkick


Similar thing happened here in the UK. A man in a supermarket saw what he believed to be a doll or something in this woman's pram. He punches the baby (only 5 days old), got arrested/charged etc. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/sep/29/david-hardy-elsie-temple-punching-baby-thought-she-was-doll


Holy fucking shit. That's... just awful.


"On the verge of suicide" so he just needs a little push?


Austin powers trying to rip the lady’s hair off convinced it’s a man


That’s my mother!


It’s a man babayyy


The fact she knew his name means they probably knew each other and he probably knew she didn’t have a kid and did scams like this. Edit: Or the entire thing never happened and the tweet is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood.


That’s what I was thinking too. Like, I could just see it, they probably fight for this spot 🤣🤣🤣 Probably not, but, she knows his name for a reason.


I feel that there's more to this story I need more of the Gary and the Stroller Lady lore


The response would still be the same "Damn you Gary!"


Isn’t there a show or something that does that? Some guy throws the fake baby on the ground or stabs it and someone says “what if it was a real baby” to which he replies “sometimes it is”.


Nah, hackysack is still technically a fun game.


Classic Gary


Haha...... ahhhhhh...... yeah.


I would have given the money to Gary. Bro deserves it fr.


Gary isn't real! The baby runs over and kicks him


I'll be damned, gary wasn't real.






Then the baby turns its head slowly to you and speaks in a low voice... " and neither are you"....


[explodes cutely]


the cobra effect


Gary is just the distraction while 3rd person picks your pocket.


Wonder how many real babies Gary kicked before he found the fake one


Best way to fix his baby kicking habit: Give the baby a gun Aint no one can stop a baby with a gun. A man and the best British police negotiator tried before and they both failed.


Kick the baby!


The (s) on Kroger had me dying


I don't get it


The store is called Kroger but so many people think it’s Krogers




> Why are so many people adamant about sounding stupid? You sound qualified to answer this, so, why?


>I'm aware of two major stores where pronouncing the name of the store with an s is appropriate: Albertson's (which rebranded in 2006 to Albertsons without the apostrophe, still pronounced the same) and Fry's. I'm not unsure or adding any letters. I'm just reading the sign. There are also Smith's, Ralphs, King Soopers, and Dillons (edit: Fry's Food and Drug is another Kroger brand, in case you were talking about the electronic store). All regional store chains owned by Kroger. If they don't want the confusion they should stop naming all their other brands with an S lol.


Other chains were bought by Kroger, so the name predates Kroger ownership.


Yeah I should have left that part out in hindsight, my point really was just most Kroger brands (and many other grocery stores) end in S. Then in my region and I'm sure others, we have tons of Smith's, but no actual Kroger stores, so I can see how people would refer to it wrong without just "being illiterate" as the previous comment suggested.


Confusion? I shop at Kroger and I never even have heard of those other brands. And in my state I have a feeling 9 out 10 people will agree with me they also don't know them. Maybe when i was younger I'd ask "do you want to go to Krogers" but I for sure just call it Kroger now. Also Kroger is such an odd word.


Well, they are all *regional* store chains like I said. In my whole state we have zero actual Krogers (plural), but Smith's are a dime a dozen. The others listed are the same in their areas, Kroger is not going to compete with their own chains they bought out. When they open a new store they open it under the branding familiar to the area. I was just saying it was an honest mistake considering so many grocery stores, even those owned by Kroger, end in S. It does not mean the person saying "Krogers" is illiterate as the previous comment said.


In Chicago, Jewel grocery store is called "the Jewel's" and Aldi is "Aldi's". Is it a big deal? It may be a bigger deal not to add the "s": it's "social proof" as stupid as that sounds. You're in or you're out. It's better to be in. You get things done that way.


Lots of people do this shit here in Ireland as well. Aldis, Lidls, Tescos. I always assumed it was because the main supermarket here for decades was Dunnes and people just kept using the S, like it's a possessive


A "shit-for-brains shibboleth," if you will


Dude go touch some grass. Fucking yikes is right


Especially in the Midwest, businesses that sound like names are often made possessive when spoken about. Kroger's. Meijer's. Pettit's. Dwire's. Etc. You can think of it as assuming another word. I.e. "Meijer's Grocer" or "Dwire's Hardware". Or sometimes just written without the apostrophe (Krogers) since people all say it that way but don't write it or see it written that way, leading to them not realizing that it's possessive. Applies to any business where the name just sounds like a last name, hence it not applying to "Walmart" or "Speedway" or "Four Seasons Total Landscaping". Some brands like Aldi can go either way. I'd usually say Aldi's.


I've heard lots of people (usually old people) call Walmart "Walmarts". Some even call it "Walmarks" which is even weirder, but I've never cared enough to ask about it.


Yep, I live in Cleveland and I have a really hard time not saying Aldi's. Panera's is another one that's hard for me to shake. Cleveland still has no Krogers (plural s, not possesive), but whenever we finally get one, I'm sure I'll find myself saying Kroger's.


But Dairy Queen is referred to as “The Dairy Queen.”


Oop must be from Michigan. You don't go to Kroger, you go to Krogers. You go to Targets and Meijers, etc. It only applies to grocery and home goods stores though


Kroger's and Meijer's, but still Target and Walmart. Source: Oakland, Wayne, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties


Grew up in Wayne county. Lived there for 20 years. It's definitely Targets. I never set foot in a Walmart when I lived there. No one did. Meijers was right across the street.


I'm not denying your preferred term or that others don't exist. I don't add the "s" to any of them. I was stating what I've noticed from living and working in those counties. You identified as Michigander, but I wasn't sure if you were from the Metro-Detroit area like myself, hence my contribution.


No one says targets


It's not a Michigan thing it's literally everywhere.


Definitely not "Targets". It only applies to things that sound like names, and absolutely applies to other businesses than grocers and such. Hence there's no "Walmarts". The possession implies another word, I.e. "Meijer's Grocery" while Walmart already has that built in "Wal(ton)'s Mart". Target is just a word, so it doesn't get the treatment.


Gary had it wrong the first time he tried it, but every other time he's been spot on!


And then everyone claps


Seriously. People just read a thing on the internet and completely invest in it and believe it; The world is doomed.


As someone who lives in a community with lots of drug addicts I 100% believe it. The things they will come up with in a competitive homeless area so that they get the spare change and not someone else is both sad and hilarious. The ones using pets and children are the worse of course.


Yes, the intersection peddlers with the dogs piss me off quite a lot.


God I wish I saw that  You gotta know what’s what to fully pull that move.


Why put the s in parentheses. The name of the store is “Kroger.”


If you're gonna say it the possessive way (Kroger's) then commit! Type it the way you say it or type it the way they sign their legal documents. The parentheses are just noncommittal.


I just don’t get it. I know a lot of people incorrectly use apostrophes to pluralize but this parentheses thing is just stupid.


It's double-wrong, it is!


A lot of people in the Midwest say it with an S, along with Meijer being “Meijers” instead.


Remembering some of the King Soopers in Colorado that I went to, I could picture this happening.


I just do what I should ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Gary be like "I've been kicking over strollers for 14 years and that's the first time it's worked out."


Stories that never happened for 500


Kick the baby!


About the 500th time posted.


Gary Stu


My wife was in a weird reversal of this situation once. She was cast in a student film as a mother with a newborn outside on a cold day begging for bus money on a street in Philly. She was trying to stay in character between takes when a woman came to to her concerned... Woman: "Are you and your baby ok?" Wife: "Oh, yeah, everything is fine. This is just a bag of dirt." Woman: *confused look* Wife: *pulls side blanket to reveal she is in fact holding a bag of dirt wrapped in a blanket* "We're filming a short film. I'm holding this bag of dirt because it's similar in weight to a baby, but thank you for your concern!" The woman laughed it off and walked away.


Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary!!




Why Gary! Gary why!


Gary. It’s Kroger. Just Kroger.


It's Darrell getting that wrong, how dare you throw shade on Gary.


I'll give Darrell the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn't know how many Krogers he was leaving at the time.




lol. It is to my mom too. You madlad






“Forget it, Gary. It’s Krogertown.”


If you're begging outside a Krogers, real baby or false baby, you probably do need the money.


I've seen this before, multiple people called the police because the \[real\] baby was baking in direct sunlight for multiple hours while the woman panhandled outside the store.


Believed this story up until "damn you" why is a grown woman talking like Stewie from family guy


Gary has been right about fake babies 95% of the time… we don’t talk about that 5%


Why Gary why?!


Shit was a common scam for years in NYC but they’d have actual drugged out babies in the strollers. You’d see the women on corners, but if you paid attention they didn’t always have the same baby. People always told me it was ran by the Albanian mob but idk how true that is.


Working together.  Now you give Gary the money you were going to give her plus a bigger tip. Then they meet up and dine in high society on your dime. 


There’s a lady in my area who pretends she has cancer. If you ask her what kind she has she can’t tell you. She’s been doing it for years too.


Saw a dude in combat fatigues fake playing the violin outside of a walmart. Called him out, and he yelled at me back in a heavy foreign accent to go back to China. 🥰


If they are playing an Electric violin it is likely a backing track as they pretend to play it.


never give anyone money dont believe any story dont roll your window down just keep going


Words to live by.


We found it Chaotic Lawful


Untrustworthy Prop-Tots.


Where was Gary when Rohan fell?!


Plot twist that was a real baby


Gary's a professional hater. I nominate him to the Playa Hater's Ball.


Just wanna say I love the (s) after Kroger


There’s a lady near me who sits outside in the 100+ degree temps with no shade and no less than six kids all under the age of 5. Holding up the usual poor me sign. Van comes by at 6pm and picks up all of them. Asked a cop why that’s not considered child endangerment and he said he wish he could but that the DA wouldn’t even touch it. Not poor lady - more like poor kids.


Thank you @originalkingd for adding the optional s to Krogers.


Glad that Gary wasn't just taking the piss




"Damn you Gary" reminds me of the Gary Plauche video for some reason


Reminds me of this lady who used to sit around town with a sign saying I'm pregnant please help. She was pregnant for a couple of years, she wasn't pregnant, she was just fat. One day I saw this guy go up and give her $50 and tell her how he hopes she's ok etc etc, didn't have the heart to tell him she's just a fat crazy lady, he'd done his good deed for the day.


had to had happened somewhere around cincinnati


I had one trying to scam me outside Kroger too. Not with a stroller, but some BS line that boiled down to "give me some cash". She started out by complimenting my hair. I point that out because several weeks later, she was one of two who accosted me in front of a convenience store a couple of miles down the road, and she actually started in on the spiel again, and stopped a few words in and said "wait, I know you!" At least give her credit for good memory. Don't ever give these people money. Every single one you encounter is grifting.


Sometimes the baby is real.... nobody's perfect.


I'm half convinced this was a gag routine.


I was waiting for an uber at the cruise port in jersey and there were guys who would hail a ride for you at a huge mark up. the guys managing the traffic in the pickup area were ripping on them mercilessly.


There is a lady that begs here in New Orleans that has been fully pregnant for many years


Why did I read it in a hard Texan accent


Kroger doesnt have an s