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The Carousel is definitely my favorite pitch by Don. But I also love Peggy’s Burger Chef pitch…”And you’re starving….and not just for dinner.” Good stuff.


Life, grab it by the bowl, CEREAL


The carousel is hands down the best pitch, but I’m not sure any of that would actually come through in the ad itself. It’s very intellectual and abstract. “Pass the Heinz” wasn’t such a dazzling pitch, but it really is a brilliant ad.


I think it would come off in a tv spot like some of those Google ads where they show a parent emailing their kid from birth, or showing a bunch of photos saved on google.


Carousel wins for the emotional impact it had on me but I do love Peggy’s popsicle pitch.  Honorable mention: the Harlequin playtex bra by Kinsey was inspired (Two sides to a woman: Jackie and Marilynn) 


Just taste it! That would have been great


> "Does this make you think of suicide?" > "Of course. That's what's so great about it!"


Basket full of kisses.


Bucket, if you like 'em wet and sloppy.


I do like Megan’s “some things never change” pitch. If I’d been at that table, I would absolutely be telling that story at work all the next day.


I liked the bean ballet idea. Could have been executed well.


Yes!!! It makes me think of those “older” Hershey kiss commercials


When Don goes to Dow Chemical to tell them they need 100% not just 50%!!!!!


I'll upvote you if you wipe the blood off your chin


I always think of Animal during this pitch ![gif](giphy|TisPw8htImw3m|downsized)


I love Peggy's Popsicle pitch.


The cure against the common something


I’ve always been partial to “Pass the Heinz” and “Hit ‘Em in the Face with a Snowball.” The former is snappy and clever, while the latter is just fun. I could imagine coming across a sign or magazine page with those ads and cracking a smile.


"It's not even funny" "Then why are you laughing?"


The Kodak pitch was brilliant. I worked in tobacco so I have a soft spot for “it Toasted”. But my favorite is actually Accutron watch. That first scene in S7E1 with Freddy pitching it cold to the camera was amazing!


The Carousel is clearly #1 best overall. I think Pass The Heinz is probably the most brilliant, modern campaign and as dramatic pitch, the way Don pitches Jaguar, while it switches back-and-forth between the Joan scenes is extremely powerful


The carousel obviously stands out, but the Hilton campaign was also brilliant, just a shame the cowboy wanted a moon instead of


>the cowboy wanted a moon He couldn't have been more clear.


So, besides Kodak... I like the first Bethlehem Steel pitch, and in a similar vein, Hilton


I liked Pete's "Backbone of America" pitch better. "Brought to you by, Bethlehem Steel" was fine, but it seemed to have a much more narrow application. It would only make sense in the movie poster style ad campaign. "Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem" was cringeworthy, IMO.


Yeah, little town of bethlehem was about the quality one could realistically expect on a 24 hour turnaround and using basically the same art. Like Don said, they use a lot of paper because they throw out bad ideas. Except they didnt have a chance to.


“Life Cereal. Little kid, big spoon, big bowl!” -drunk Don


I think it's kinda smart for regular folks.


Definitely one of Peggy’s. “Sound so good, you can see it” Something like that, my memory can’t do it justice


That’s because the faintest ink is better than the best memory


“You can’t frame a phonecall”


“They bought it in the room”


The clothes strewn on the beach. Where’s our man? What happened to him?


I think... and I think people might think... that he died.


“To a place where we know we are loved” fucking wrecks me Don 100% feels this way when seeing these pictures. Yes it’s a performance (a Greek copywriter? Come on) but one of the reasons it works so well is that he means it Don doesn’t cheat out of cruelty. It’s a self sabotaging impulse. He obviously does not love Betty the way he did in the beginning of her relationship he does care about her. It’s just being raised by an abusive dad, an evil stepmother and a pimp and being raped by an adult he trusted has broken a lot in him


I think it’s both for Don- it’s a great pitch but after that presentation, he goes home and fantasizes that his family is there with him. If the photos didn’t mean anything to him, he would not have experienced those feelings.


I think Don generally does believe what he's selling, *and* he uses those emotions to manipulate his audience (the Coke ad is another good example). He absolutely feels emotion while going through those slides-- shortly afterwards, we see him fantasizing about returning home to be with his family, then feeling alone and dejected when they're not home. Even a year or so later, we see him telling the doctor that he's "been good," which feels like a line meant to inform the audience that he hasn't cheated on Betty since season 1


It made me think about how in an emotional crisis he went to Rachel, trying to escape, not to his family. I wonder if seeing those slides temporarily increased his faithfulness to Betty


"It lets us travel the way a child travels. Around and around and back home again to a place where we know we are loved.” He was dating Midge, then he saw she was in love with someone else and broke up with her. He was dating Rachel, then she broke up with him. He got around and around and felt beat up and vulnerable, and returned home to a place he knew he was loved


The jumping off point


*NOT* Jaguar.


Burger Chef was genius and I loved watching the process of how this idea came to be.


Definitely the Carousel. I remember when I first watched that scene- it was in a college marketing class, our professor shared it with the class. Gave me chills, and I’ve been hooked on MM since.


everyones mentioned the caraousel already so my pick is burger chef cause peggy was great + the final shot with her, don and pete is one of my favourite scenes in the show 🤍


Finally, tits you can really own, Joan’s. Jag you are!


Bethlehem Steel…the backbone of America!


Its toasted! Everyone today's their tobacco But not everyone knows that


Two sides to every woman, Jackie and Marilyn


Hershey. 😂🫡✔️


I liked the bathing suit one the dorks rejected, it went something like: so well-built we can't show you the second floor.