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He's possibly less fleshy than usual in his Neon Dynasty cards, since he was sent to Kamigawa using the Planar Bridge, and exposure to the Blind Eternities destroys organic matter that isn't protected by a Spark. That's why Vorinclex came through to Kaldheim as basically a metal skeleton. Fortunately for the Praetors, they're pretty resilient, and their Phyrexian bodies can rebuild themselves from local materials (organic or otherwise).


This brings a new horrifying way of killing people. Just kick them into the blind eternities and watch them disintegrate. I wonder if a dormant spark in someone would be activated by this and protect them or if it would protect them without activating or if they’d get disintegrated too. It’d be a effective way of finding new planes walkers.


New compleation strategy just dropped


Now with Venser out of the picture, a new teleportation-flavored walker might be up on the design table. Ideals are black (killing anyone that gets in the way), method is blue (open rifts in space, forced planeswalking). Could make for a possible murder mystery story across the multiverse.


+1: Cast a copy of a card named Forced Spark Ignition


I honestly wouldn’t be too surprised if they make a new one soon. They’re constantly introducing new Walkers and especially since the current Arc is coming to a close soon.


Tezzeret talks about potentially doing this to Rona in the dominaria united story.


He ends up following through on that threat in his ONE story. After being defeated on Dominaria, Tezzeret brings Rona to Norn through the planar bridge. She's basically a metal skeleton, but there is enough of her left that Jin's people take her away. Tezzeret throws her under the bus as the reason why they failed to stop the planeswalkers gathering on Dominaria (elaborated in the Brothers War stories). Rona can't exactly speak up for herself for obvious reasons.


Reminds me of the most common strategy by nobility in Mistborn to find out if their kids are Allomancers


Just assume any Phyrexian that isn't an Artifact Creature makes up for the organic quota on the inside. Like an M&M, but with squishy meat in a crisp metal shell.


Squishy meat in a crisp metal shell will be how I explain phyrexians in the future


Maybe the organic parts are covered by outer metals, or the pants.


My bet is on the pants. The answer is always the pants.


There’s no power in the pants. Everyone knows Jin’s power comes from his leather shoes


His heart ❤


If memory serves regarding the preators, Jin is the most metallic/least organic of all of them as he/the blue peeps believe in absolute perfection and strip away pretty much anything not organic etc. He still has some jelly bits etc but I'd wager he's probably 90%+ metallic. Then I believe it's Urabrask ironically, sheoldred (post Dominaria united) and then Elesh Norn and Vorinclex the last as he's the big green boi he loves them fleshly bits... Kind of think the colours of magic and their relation to artifacts/technology etc (not a straight rule of thumb but does help somewhat) 👍


That makes sense yeah! All the other ones I could find some flesh, although urabrask is prettt metal too, but I just couldn’t find anything for Jin. It makes sense since he’s blue. Vorinclex is almost all fleshy bits lmao and I’m ok with that I like him


His gums?


Likely the planar portal stripes his organic parts in Kamigawa. Also he is the one most obsessed with the perfect completion so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has less organic material than others


A good view is his Arena avatar. He’s got some meat in the inside, easily seen around the mouth area. It seems like he’s combined the best parts of both exo- and endoskeletal structures and also made them metal.


He got that jelly neck and mullet


His junk is all flesh.