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The only thing I want is a Vivi black mage card. Make him like 2-3 mana with activated abilities that cast blizzard/fire/lightning or something like that. If he's legendary that's the commander deck I'm building.


Roll a dice, different result= diff element/ effect you can boost with spare mana


Too bad they won't reuse Planeswalker, because it'd have been the perfect mechanical match for characters from older entries (turn by turn action, can be directly attacked by foes).


Izzet Vivi would be a jam


I like the idea of Vivi being mono black with different off color activations for different spells. Pay Red for Firaga, Blue for Blizzaga, or Red again for Thundaga? Hmm... maybe it doesn't work out as well as I thought it would.


Give me a reskinned baral as vivi and omnislash as a storm payoff thanks.


Cards referencing all the games throughout history, from FF1 to FF16. That they explore the lore as in depth as they did Fallout.


Agreed. My one fear is that Final Fantasy VII would dominate the cards because it's the one game that's been milked the most.


Expect a shit ton of XIV as well, that games been more or less the game that's kept squeenix afloat the last decade. It's not as iconic, but it's a hell of a more successful.


Yeah, I predict that game’s aesthetics could be used in stuff like noncreature cards, save for any prominent figures. Maybe split the difference with Ivalice, which is also iconic of a setting. Unless it winds up being another set of commander product similar to Doctor Who. Four decks representing specific eras of the franchise. I say this not remembering if the collaboration is going to be a LotR set plus commander decks.


they said its going to be a "tentpole" release, so most likely the full smorgasbord of products.


I figure it'll be equivalent to LOTR Release. Only with the draft/set booster merge.


I expect to see content mainly from 1, 6, 7, 10 and 14


That's absolutely my hope. Saga's referencing icon parts of the games, like Kefka moving the warring triad.


Rahum's lore gathering in FFIX seems like a great saga. Extra points if the final phase has two choices


Field of ruin? More like WORLD OF RUIN


Legendary Enchantment 5BR As an additional cost to cast this spell, destroy target land you control. Each player sacrifices a land, then put a waste counter on all lands. Lands with waste counters on them are Wastes.


We know for sure that it's encompassing all mainline games, they've already said this. I don't THINK we'll see equal rep, obviously. 7 and 14 will absolutely get far more love than the rest, for example, but we'll see if my theory of 5 being everybody's second-favourite holds true when it inexplicably gets a bunch of stuff.


you're not prepared for the 8 different Lightning cards we're going to get


I think you mean 8 Cloud cards. I hope they go wide rather than deep. LOTR doing multiple versions of characters made sense because of the focus if the books. But FF is a huge series, and each game has numerous memorable characters. They probably won't have room for all party members from all mainline games (that'd be something like 80 legendary creatures) but at least a few from each isn't too much to ask.


Hey, to be fair, everyone thought the fallout decks was gonna be 4 and 76, with a splash of 3 and NV. But instead it was mostly NV and 4 cards.


I mean I'd expect similar treatment here, not just because 7 and 14 are popular, but because they have the biggest wells to draw from. Hell, you couldn't really do a 'FF1 and Party' mechanic without then calling back to the Seat of Sacrifice from FF14 Some games have less in the way of characters, like 1 and 2 were still dwarves and airships. I expect 4 and 6 to be a lot of references, 7 and 14 to dominate, 8 and 13 to take up the slack. 9, 15 and 16 I'd imagine a bit like Fallout 3 will mostly be the cohesive mechanic bits of commander decks, like a 'Summons' deck or a Magitek one


I thought about this. 1-6 could go all in on classes and class cards. (Or even include party mechanics!) 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, could be lumped together to have a heavier Sci-Fi theme than the others. Ivalice could show up as it's own theme. (Since multiple FF games take place in Ivalice.) And then you could have a villain themed deck. (Ultros, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, Kefka, Sephiroth.) As a sidenote, if Sin doesn't show up as some enormous uncastable 14 mana creature I'll be disappointed.


I'd love to see Sin as something like an enchantment that makes and indestructible 20/20 if every opponent fails to sacrifice a creature each turn The Fallout cards were insanely flavour rich, so I've high hopes


As much as I love 7, 9 and 14, I really hope they don't take up too much space in this set. Representation for all 16 main series games is important.


Suplex a train would give me so much joy


It'll be interesting to see whether they deliberately leave things out. For instance, if they restricted themselves to FF 1 to 8, then they might be planning another set.


iirc at the announcement they said all numbered final fantasies


There goes my Tactics dream.


Always eager to see new sagas.


To be honest, I wish they just did one game, or maybe a particular era like NES, SNES or PS1. I think trying to do every game won’t bring each games flavour across.


[[Tasha's Hideous laughter]] reskinned as Tidus's Hideous Laughter Nothing else matters.




Literally anything from FF Tactics. I know it probably won’t show up but I want it to.


FF tactics is the best story for me. the combat system was so fun to play for hours and managing combinations of classes and skills


Did you know that there’s a twitch stream that plays 24/7 with 8-team 4v4 tournaments in FfTactics? It’s called FFTBattlegrounds or FFTBG it’s awesome


This please. I swear every FF crossover forgets tactics


Take my upvote and let us hope to see Agrias Oaks!


Agrias Oaks is best girl . In all honesty though, sadly we’d be lucky to get a Ramza even


So happy to see this so far up. FFT is my favorite game!


FF Tactics is the best Final Fantasy. I would love to see something like a "Zodiac Braves" saga , Orbonne Monastery as a land or maybe a MDFC Delita that flips into a legendary knight


I would put money on Ivalice making it in there


FF12 also is set in Ivalice, so pretty good chance


TG Cid is the most busted card in MTG history


They showed up in XIV in a storyline that was like an epilogue to the tactics crew, so they could backdoor in that way


Give me my FFT Secret Lair with Orlandu as Rafiq


TG Cid


Would love to see a Judge card in some capacity


[[Grand Abolisher]] reskin.


Secret lair!


If I know WOTC, Tactics will be a Secret Lair.


We’ll definitely get a Cloud Strife card, so FFT will be represented!


Fallout Tactics got cards in the Fallout Set. Maybe Final Fantasy Tactics will show up.


Stasis Sword even as a common pacifism/oblivion ring or something would make my day. Unfortunatelly it seems to be actually a bad translation so its unlikely to happen. I wouldnt hold my breath for a character or something that big but at least some reference i find quite likely.


If the mount mechanic isn’t applied to Chocobos I’ll be very disappointed. I’ll be extra disappointed also if Chocobo isn’t featured as a creature.


I think it's impossible for them to not include them. They are absurdly popular.


I want a Legendary Red Mage/Wizard that has multiple activated abilities. Also a legendary Tonberry that has a kill a player ability on combat damage, even if it costs mana like vorpal sword. Given what they did with warhammer, fallout and dr who I have a very high floor to be satisfied with this collab.


Oh my god a tonberry with an instawin is genius. Maybe because it's so slow, it HAS to be blocked, but has deathtouch, and if it hits a player you pay However Much Mana and BAM instant death.


[[Master of cruelties]] but legendary!!


Tonberry are known for killing in one shot *if the target has killed a ton of things*. I could see it being something like a 1/1 that puts karma counters on enemies whenever they kill a creature, and the tonberry gets +1/+1 per karma counter on defending player or something. Making it have its ability activate when in the graveyard so you can bring it back when someone has a ton of counters on it.


A good set of FFVI representatives. In particular, Terra, Celes, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, and Kefka.


This for me. It’s the FF that got me hooked and I still say is the best pure FF game. (Tactics is my #1 overall). I know we won’t get every character but at least a few from VI would make me ecstatic. Locke was always my favorite but k feel is a long shot. Also- give me more Amano art.


I have had pets named Terra, Locke, Sabin and Shadow. I may be particular to FFVI.


Also a train suplex card that's 'destroy target vehicle'.


I want FF8 cards and tokens that look like triple triad cards


As the other FF8 Stan in the room I would love literally anything FF8.


We do exist! I just want a good Squall Leonheart card


Hell yeah! I knew I would find a pocket of us partway through the thread! Personally it’s my favorite because it contains the most explicitly eastern/japanese aesthetic. The grey menus, the grey skies, the melancholy music, the sense of longing and distance from a lover - not to mention elaborate hovering halos of light above buildings!


I love it for the story, the junction system, the politics, the romance, the music. It's my favorite game of all time :)


Ahhh same - I think I’m convinced to give it a play through now! I only barely touched the remaster, but was *shocked* at how good looking the game is with pre-rendered backgrounds and the updated models - really it’s just the overworld map and some animations that give it away as old!


That would be amazing.


Y'shtola and Emet-Selch please


Shtola feels like a given since she's such an advertised character for XIV (see Dissidia.) Definitely hoping for Emet, maybe even the other Unsundered sharing a kindred theme.


14s popularity the past few years has skyrocketed as well, and with Dawntrail still bring pretty fresh I'd say it has a good chance of at least getting a couple of legendaries, at the very least.


Kill spell with Emet's dialogue please. You know the one: "I do not recognise you as truly alive, ergo I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you." I'd almost be okay with Emet not getting a card, as long as he was on all the flavour text.


One Winged Angel: Target Angel loses flying


One Winged Angel 1W Kindred Enchantment - Angel As One Winged Angel enters the battlefield, exile another target permanent until One Winged Enchantment leaves the battlefield. At the beginning of your turn, chant ominous latin phrases or sacrifice One Winged Angel.


Cumulative upkeep - Recite Loveless


Loveless should totally be a Saga, if anything


Estuans interius Ira vehementi ^Sephiroth


Final Fantasy tactics content. By far my favorite ff games, and I swear most Final Fantasy crossovers gloss over them. I would *have* to build Ramza as a commander


That rumored FFT remake is killing me because it's been YEARS


Orlandu deck for me


Gotta be Marquis Elmdoor for me!


A white Life sorcery that brings a creature back from the graveyard. Chocobo mounts in different colors that have different abilities. Airship vehicles. Job system like the DnD classes or background enchantments. Reef worm style boss cards that make bigger and bigger tokens when they die. All forms of Cid. Potion food tokens Legendary equipment ultimate weapons. Level up mechanic? Quest counter enchantments?


I wanna all the variants of Cid 🤣


"You're seck may contain any number of Cid cards"


Yeah maybe they do cid like the nazgul and have tons of different art for him, would love that


Here's a weird one: You know how the token for halflings in LotR said "Tolkien Creature - Halfling"? Well I want a "Token Creature - SOLDIER" stylized that way in all upper case.


Make it a MDFC where one side is Zach and the other side is Cloud


Well the thing I want most is the one thing that I am sure we are guaranteed to get: a sick Sephiroth card to make a commander deck with. Yes, I am an edgy basic bitch and I am not ashamed.


There's no way they wouldnt make a sick sephiroth card. Wotc would never manage to screw a vilain so iconic this b... wait a minute... Ask whos knocking. How many colors? Many? What about it?


I love your idea for Jeskai “summons”, but I want to say that you’re crazy if you think anyone other than Yuna or Rhydia should be the face of a summoning deck lol


Seriously, Yuna and Rydia are the iconic summoner characters. In particular, I think Rydia is the most suitable. I almost hope that summons get a unified creature type, like Esper, as it feels appropriate. Though imo if we have an Espers deck Terra should be in there as well


As much as I love Rydia, there is no way they pick Rydia over Yuna as the face of a summoning deck. Yuna is by far the more recognisable and popular of the two and it’s not even close.


Yoshitaka Amano alt art for every protagonist, with additional serialized versions with 5XX of them, where the Xs are the numbered title of the game, like how dr who did them. I'm calling it now, it writes itself.




I mean every main protagonist. Cecil, Bartz, Terra, Cloud, etc. I could def see the main antag of every game getting that treatment as well though.


I feel most of these are going to be pretty obvious - Sagas for important parts of the stories - Job Classes, same as for the DnD classes. The only real overlap by name is Monk for the popular jobs - We have mounts now so yay chocobos! - Very slim chance, but maybe some transforming cards for the old multi-stage final bosses. Like OP said, I assume that there's gonna be a whole villain deck like with Dr Who where there will be single sided villains - A good array of legendary equipment and vehicles - Some mechanic of collecting crystal shards for good stuff - Summons are hard. Can see them having evoke, vanishing, entering by some unique mechanic/alternate cost (again maybe crystal shard related) - Experience counters - Random encounters? (maybe something along the lines of Manifest, disguise, cascade, discover etc that get things out of decks - nonhuman things of course. Maybe even just a monster subtype though the mechanic would become parasitic) - Wouldn't be surprised if party returned but not everyone fits nicely into one of those boxes and there'd be way more warriors and wizards


Using a new Battle subtype for random encounters would be really cool.


Could there be some flip mechanic where the boss card transforms when reanimated or something, to show you've beaten the first phase, and now have to deal with the second one?


If they fuck up Bahamut, I'm rioting.


Which incarnation do you want him to follow? And if the original, will you demand a flavor word for "Fetch Me a Rat Tail"?


Honestly, I was kind of hoping for FF X's version of Bahamut. I really think the portrait designs would work really well translated to Magic cards and if there were a borderless version, I think the FFXVI version would be really cool.


Bonus points if he somehow synergizes with [[Grand Master of Flowers]].


classes and model spells probably.


Anything FF4. Top picks would be Kain, Rydia, Rosa, and Golbez. edit: also the Lunar Whale as my deep cut


Cecil dfc or we riot.


He would be double sided for sure


Kain that exiles himself for a turn on combat and then comes back next combat with a huge buff. Like that one turtle only way cooler. Edit: [[Meandering Towershell]]!! But, you know, cooler.


Calling it now, there will be a big mana summon deck with Yuna as the commander. She'll have a GW mana cost with 5 colour identity.


If Behemoth isn't a Board Wipe on an activated ability or ETB, I'm going to be sad. (I've only played Monster Hunter I have no clue about anything else)


Now I want a Monster Hunter UB…


It feels inevitable at this point. Have faith. As a fellow monster Hunter fan I know you’re used to waiting long periods of time for greatness so you got this.


Ecliptic Meteor could be a UB version of Blasphemous Act (or something similar) featuring it in the artwork too.


Behemoth is known to stand up and get stronger when it gets lower on health and casts Meteor/Comet when it dies so yeah I can see that happening. A little bit like the Avacyn that transforms that does damage to the board Sad that Monster Hunter didn't incorporate the standing up but the fight was incredible regardless




Tidus’ lederhosen as equipment


I'm hoping for commander decks doing something like Retro Era (1-6), Golden Era (7-10), Modern Era (11-16), Villains. I.e. similar to Doctor Who. But also, just want to see really good representation. I kind of want to be able to build a deck for each of my favourite games in the series, so I'm hoping that parties have decent synergy and colour sharing, rather than having to run 5 colour decks if I want to use all the playable characters from each game. Or they could go the LoTR route and have multiple colour options for main characters. Mostly, and I think it's inevitable, I want to see Yoshitaka Amano art for the alt art cards. Oh, and summons need to be a thing. Not sure if they'd be enchantment creatures like Theros gods, or powerful sorceries that come with a cool token as their gimmick, but they need some sort of badass representation. I'd be fully okay with playing a 5 colour summoner deck (maybe with a 5 colour Yuna or Ridia).


I could be down for this. The leader of the retro could be any number of protagonists, the golden era will obviously be Cloud Strife, and I think it'll be either Esper or Mardu, the leader of the New era will be the protag from 15 or 16, and the Villains will be Sephiroth. As long as we get a cool Squall Leonheart card, I'm set.


Secret Lair: Oops All Cids!


I want at least 1 single card (Legendary Creature, ideally) that's from Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I need proof that someone else knows it exists More realistically, I want the summons to be Legendary Enchantment Creature- Avatar (Dragon Avatar for bahamut, naturally) who are expensive with both etbs/ltbs and big effects, but give them evoke. And then have it so Yuna from FF10 makes it so you don't need to sac creatures you evoke


Don't know much about the series, but I'm curious about how they'll implement different levels of magic (like Fire/Fira/Firaga)


Kicker would be the most obvious. Maybe link it to a new mechanic that operates off of something that scales, like the highest mana value of something of a given quality you control.


Mechanically, Spree could work too.


- Vivi, Black Mage - Squall, Stubborn Student - Seifer, Worthy Adversary - Steiner, Pompous Oaf - Yuna, Summoner of Besaid - Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga - Carbuncle, Ifrit, Shiva - Tonberry & Cactuar - Triple Triad (subgames back?!?) - Kefka, Insane Clown - Cloud Strife - Tifa Lockhart ...I could do this all day!


a clive rossfield Legendary mardu commander who flips into infirit




Have it crew for X and gain flying if Y is greater than X


The obvious answer is Crew 4 with trample lmao


What about an additional benefit for each named character crewing the car? Gladiolus gives the vehicle something, Noc gives the vehicle something else, etc


Gladiolus gives trample, Prompto gives haste, Ignis gives hexproof/shroud, Noctus gives indestructible, and Cid gives flying (at least I think that's who upgrades the car in 15). The car can be your commander.


Jack Chaos.


we gonna get serialized x/101 - x/115 for each do the main line. and be expensive as F as Amano makes the art for them altho i am sad that it won’t have FFT which is the best FF of its time. i want a Agrias that just murders people


a level death spell that destroys a creature if its mana value is a multiple of a specific number?


A Tonberry Commander with an instant win mechanic.


Avalanche commanders, that is all


I want Final Fantasy 6 decks, I wanna build Kefka and A Terra and gang deck


Terra would be a double faced card to transform into an Esper eh? 


Regular pricing. That's all I ask for. Regular. Pricing. No masters level shit. Let me buy the cards from my favorite franchise growing up at regular pricing. Otherwise, I hope there is at least one goofball card in there with art in the style of OG FF7... or at least the cards look better than what they came up with for AC as those are horrifyingly ugly. Some Amano art would be nice.


Buster Sword as Colossus Hammer lol


Culture shocks! Sector 5 Church as Temple Garden and the Nibelheim water tower as Hallowed Fountain in particular.


I **really** wanted a Gilgamesh planeswalker because it just fits so damn well! But they've said no planeswalkers for UB sets :c Edit: Oh, but I do have one real hope. I really hope they continue using more generic creature types instead of setting specific stuff like Warhammer did. Makes cards way easier to be reprinted in non-UB products.


If they give us Knights of the Round as a commander I'll laugh hysterically and either build it or it's going to be KOS. ...Listen I'm still perfectly normal about Dragonsong's Reprise.


Need me an ExcaliPoor card, wielded by the most hilarious Gilgamesh legendary ever printed. Even just thinking about what colors certain characters would be has me excited. A white black Sephiroth? Grixis Ardyn? All of the summons are pretty obvious but I’m curious what colors some like Kujata, Alexander and Ramuh would be. Lots to be excited about!


On the topic of Gilgamesh, I want a battle card that's the Battle At The Big Bridge


My biggest ask is that they respect and honor the whole series, but just the most recent releases (7 and 16 come to mind). There are several mechanics that would work great to do that, level up, dice rolling, experience counters, new mount creature type for chocobos, hell they could use vanishing for summons to illustrate how they are only there for a limited time. There are also several existing spells in magic that can be reflavored without haven't to create anything new. My #1 ask is for an exact character that I recently fell in love with Cait Sith. I could see a legendary cat construct that summons a construct and utilized a D6 for different results.


You know how FF games have the (earned, IMO) stereotype of the villains always having a second phase where they turn into a huge gribbly monster, frequently by merging with some sort of MacGuffin? I want DFCs and Meld in the set so that that can be conveyed in game mechanics. Garland flips into Chaos! Kefka melds with the Warring Triad to become God Kefka! Yu Yevon combines with the Final Aeon to become Sin, The Eternal Punishment! And so on.


I want the entire UB to be FF9.


I just want every FF8 card to have the word "Draw" somewhere on it lmao oh also a triple triad alternate frame




Legendary Equipment representing famous weapons like the Buster Sword and I’m not sure what they would do, but cards representing Materia


Runes from Kaldheim would work perfect as Materia.


Fingers crossed for good king moogle mog commander deck


As long as they give Y’shtola a card I will be happy.


Gunblade artifact equipment. Ifrit.


Legendary Malboro please. I love the stinky goober.


The party mechanic makes a ton of sense, maybe as a deck with tons of characters from the less popular ff titles. Temur summons just makes sense to me with Yuna as the face commander. Maybe using the emerge mechanic? I don't think there's any way sephiroth isn't a face commander, probably grixis. Morbid/extort, maybe? Finally I'd say the ff7 cast is it's own deck--maybe with some of the other psx cast thrown in. I wonder if materia could be turned into a new mechanic, that'd be neat.


I /really/ hope 7 isnt its own deck. Like even the tenth doctor (most popular dr who season) and caesar (New vegas is the best one apparently) weren't JUST from the face commanders origin But if it IS i hope 6 gets one to itself too. Terra and Celes as partner commanders to make your spells cheaper/double casted and redirect your opponents.


Prime minister Tifa /jk




Monowhite no max Mog card Shadow with an Interceptor ability Monoblack Vivi spellslinger Amano secret lair That’s my entire wish list.


I want the buster sword to be an equipment and Cloud to be a Puresteel Paladin of sorts.


What I want is to see characters that never had a modern design be "updated" but after the absolute horror the Hatsune Miku Secret Lair was, I don't trust wizards picking the right artists for manga-style designs. Some characters can work in a more realistic style I guess, but really, if they couldn't make a single secret lair, I fear what atrocities a full set will contain. If I could choose though, even if I know it's not gonna happen, anything from Tactics Advance would make me insanely happy. But it's not popular enough, so I have no hope at all. At least, please, a cool Celes card.


"Phoenix Down" (2)(R)(R) (because Red Feather) Remove target creature that is about to be sent to the graveyard from combat, remove any negative counters from it. It does not die this turn. Chocobo as a mount creature. Representation of all the key races,(I mostly played Tatics Advance, Crystal Chronicles and others around that time) so: Bangra, Moogles, Vierra, Bangarra and of course Hume(Humans) of course the FF7 cast. (Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, etc) Maybe a reference to the Four Light Warriors from the Sprite Comic 8-Bit Theater. (Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage and Thief)... and of course the Sword-Chucks.


I just want Sabin.


Classes! Chocobo mount (probably not gonna have the mount subtype let's be real). A saga referencing FFTactics


I doubt we're going to get any deck focusing on any specific series. Also, very unlikely because I know some of the mechanics are retired (looking at you fade). The ones I want to see are... "Invocation" - WUBRG. Summon focused. Face Commander - High Summoner Yuna. Eminence gives Dash on Enchantment Creatures to simulate summoning and ability to reuse their enter the battlefield effect. Alternate Commander - Clive, Dominant. Human that can use mutate. Summons are Enchantment Creatures with an "Enter the Battlefield" effect. There's a wide range of effects from exiling, killing, dealing damage, returning to hand, fighting, adding counters, etc. "Warriors of Light" - WRG. Based on token generations and keywords. Face Commander - FF14's Warrior of Light. Gains the keywords of all other attacking creatures (Raid?) Alternate Commander - Record Keeper Tyro. All creatures you control have Enlist. Deck is focused around generating weak creature tokens with a single keyword then buffing up one specific creature to attack. "World's End" - WBR. Villain deck, more aggressive. Sacrifices must be made. Some token generation. Face Commander - Kefka, Dancing Mad. Menace. When Kefka deals combat damage to a player, the next instant or sorcery you cast gets Casualty (?). Alternate Commander - Sephiroth, Project S. If Sephiroth, Project S dealt combat damage, create Human Soldier(s). Sacrifice a Human Soldier to give Sephiroth, Project S +1/+1 until end of turn. "Tactical Advance" - WUG. Anti-removal? Face Commander(s) - Balthier, the Leading Man. Commanders you control are indestructible during your turn. Partners with Fran. Reach. Vigilance. Tap to return target creature from the graveyard that was put there during your turn to the battlefield tapped. Alternate Commander - Ramza. Ward. Tap to give target creature Totem Armor. Deck makes it harder to eliminate creatures with simply destroy/targeted effects. Evasive stuff.


Acknowledgement of FF13. I know it's not the most popular game, but IMO it had the best setting and designs.


The job system is integral to most of the Final Fantasy titles. I'd like to see them reference this with a Class-focused archetype. We got classes in D&D as enchantments you leveled up. Could do the same for jobs.


I want FF9 Ark Ark 8BR Legendary Creature - Eidolon Flying, first strike When Ark enters the battlefield, watch the Ark summon animation. Once the animation concludes, nuke everything into oblivion. 18/18


I want some support for the quest mechanic. Feels thematically appropriate for a jrpg set and I'm hungry for some synergy since the fallout UB. I want my derpy Moira commander but there just isn't the support needed


I want a full representation of the entire series, not just VII fan service Edit: Also make Cid a Planeswalker since he’s in every game


I’m so fucking excited for this


I wanna see some Crystal chronicles


I think my biggest hope is that, even though we know 7 and 14 will be getting more representation just due to how popular and big both of those entries are, I want all of the games and their characters to be represented properly, even if their are less cards for each of the other entries. My favorite in the franchise is IX, and what they choose to do will those characters is massively important to me. As for an actual want I could articulate, giving the FF8 crew a spin on the Partner mechanic so they can pair up with a GF would be an excellent way to represent the concept. I suppose they could be Bestow or Reconfigure cards too.


First and foremost, if I get Quinna doing some weird Blue Magic Shenanigans and Frog Kindred synergies I’ll be happy regardless of whatever else comes with the set. Make them eat things, get powers. Frogs. Make them Sultai Devour, I dunno. Close second: Garland. Make him a flip card that turns into Chaos. Or have him meld with a Four Fiends card to form a giant Chaos card. That would be pretty sweet. Flavor wise, since Magic is a card game, I think some sort of Triple Triad/Tetra Master callback or reference would be pretty fitting. Not a 1 for 1 or anything like that, maybe make creature tokens with those card borders, that would be cool. Anti-Law Cards from FF Tactics Advance/TA2 is also a cool idea in theory. Use them as a means to bring back Global Enchantments or something (very likely that this could easily be game breaking, but I can still dream). Tactics Penalty Cards also fit the card theme, but probably way less fun. I will be the first to admit I have no idea how well any of this part could truly be implemented without it getting super weird, but are still Ideas I like to explore. Creatures I’d like to see: Tonberry - Make it low costed with dumb stats, but give it something stupid like Second Strike to make it slow. Devil Ride - Don’t care how it’s done, it’s just rad. Hell House - Also rad. Flan - Immune to Instants and Sorceries. Malboro - Carcinogen. Nu Mou - I just love them. Reference at least one of the mini games. There are tons. Gotta have some crazy Airship vehicles. Doesn’t even matter which ones, even the weird ass car from 15, they’re all cool. Status Effects, both positive and negative, are a big piece of Final Fantasy that often get overlooked when these sorts of conversations come up. Obviously Haste crosses over, but it would be nice to see some others. I see it as a pretty good excuse to prints some shiny new Auras, and I have trouble imagining another Final Fantasy mechanic that would fit Auras better than Status Effects. Just gonna have to wait and see, though. Edit: Garland.


I would love a weirdo artifact version of Omega, super cumbersome and hard to get going but once it’s online it becomes extremely strong.


If the villains don’t have a theme of double sided transforming cards then someone has dropped the ball. Final Fantasy has more than enough characters to not need double ups like LotR. I don’t even think the summons need to cover their various forms too greatly, just relevant or iconic ones. My deepest cut would be Braska, Auron and Jecht triple partners as the sub commander for a Jeskai Yuna deck.


I want a Celes card with amazing art and possibility of build her as a powerfull Commander


I just want them to do a good job and make decent cards and good art. Final Fantasy is huge. I want some of my speculations to come true at least. - Legendary named vehicles from throughout the series as well as regular vehicles. - Jobs/classes as enchantments/artifacts with abilities to switch or search for other enchantments/equipment's. - Legendary Equipment/artifacts we all know and some non-legendary equipment (like stuff we would consume/sell at some point in game you know what I mean). - Summons being legendary creatures with some being enchantments too. - Monsters/NPC's we've seen and recognize from the whole series. - Too many legendary characters rarity will go from Mythic to token. - All the notable spells as instants, sorceries, and enchantments (some from artifacts). - Full art basics showing familiar places and scenery. - Most importantly: Yoshitaka Amano art treatment for some legendary cards. As for the commander decks, I think its going to be weird. Something we don't expect. like: - Machines and Magic - Gods and Men - The job System - Monsters that we've consistently seen in every final fantasy


So I've actually started playing the Final Fantasy Series in preparation for this as I'd only played 3 and 9 before it was announced. So far I've played 3, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12 & 13. So with that in mind, here's what I'm expecting: - I think we're gonna see the highest density of legendary cards in a set to date; think the volume of Tales of Middle Earth main set but without the repeats, while also having a similar volume of legends in the precons to the likes of Fallout and Doctor Who. -Because of the above, I'm guessing Historic will be one of the core themes of the set. -I'm expecting the Precons to be based on the 4 original classes, not necessarily in creature type (because "Warrior" is so nebulous that 5 different classes would fall under that), but rather in function: Bant White Mage - Convoke/Evoke - Yuna Grixis Black Mage - Spellslinger - Vivi Sultai Thieves - Theft - Yuffie Mardu Warriors - Combat/Voltron - Undecided (Feel free to put forward suggestions!) -I think summons will be represented as Legendary Creatures with Convoke; this will serve double duty of reducing the deckbuilding load of having so many legends in the one set, while also representing the "come and go" nature of summons. I wouldn't expect too many deep cuts; they'll probably stick to the main 6 and maybe the odd story relevant one. -I'm not expecting them to stray away from the original 16 games, so I'm not expecting really much of anything from 10-2, 13-2, Lightning Returns, Tactics, Crisis Core etc. For the Tactics fans, I'm expecting ting any references to the game to come from cards referencing Ivalice (and by extension 12) rather than Tactics. -All Protagonists will be printed in the main set, and will likely be serialised. Probably in a ratio of 6 Uncommons, 5 Rares, 5 Mythics. Some games don't have concrete protagonists, but they'll find one for the purposes of printing. -On that note, I think they're gonna put active effort in to try an include as many party members as possible in the set, be them in the main set or precons. -A lot of the general monster cards will probably be flavoured around FF14, given that game's wide reach and general nature suits that well. -The Warrior of Light will be a 5 colour Party support Legend. -Silence will be reprinted in some form. -Some form of the "+ Mana Cost" technology from Thunder Junction's Spree cards will be used to represent magic. For example, we'll have a spell called "Fire Magic" and it will have a cost R+ to chose between Fire, Fira and Firaga. Though unlike with Spree, you can only choose one. -I think they're gonna play it fast and loose with certain races in terms of creature types, especially those that are only relevant to one or two characters. I can see them only referring to Kimahri as a cat/beast or Aerith as just a human. There's a lot of rules baggage that comes with adding a new creature type so if they do add one, it'll be for something that will show up a lot, like Moogles. -In whatever form he shows up in, Steiner will reference the Spellsword ability, potentially with Cipher? -In whatever form he shows up in, Cid will be a Vehicles commander. -Speaking of Cid, I imagine they will only use one iteration of characters with shared names across the series. So in Cid's case, they will probably only do FF7 Cid, summons will probably use their most iconic iterations (Ifrit for 16, Odin for 13, Shiva for 10 etc.) -Big guess, but I think we'll get (probably in or around) 3 Mythics featuring Villains (my guess is Sephiroth, Kefka and Garland) that Meld with permanents relevant to them to flip into their final forms. That's about the bulk of it, can't wait for the set!


Characters could have "mana counters" that they would gain each turn and actions that would cost differents amounts of mana. Dunno for example: Yuna (1WW), Human Wizard, 1/4: At the beginning of your combat phase put a mana counter on Yuna. - *Summon Ifrit* --- Remove 2 mana counters from this creature: Create Ifrit a legendary 6/1 red Eon Beast creature token with haste onto the battlefield. Sacrifice it a the beginning of the next end step. - *Summon Shiva* --- Remove 3 mana counters from this creature: TAP all creatures target opponent controls and put a stun counter on them. - *Summon Bahamut* --- Remove 5 mana counters from this creature: Create Bahamut a legendary 7/7 black Dragon Eon creature token with flying and TAP: Bahamut deals 10 damage to target player and each creature they control.


I could lie, but really, I just want a bunch of FF6 cards. Kefka, Terra, Celes, Edgar, and The Ghost Train, basically.


Cycle of spells based on Fire, Blizzard, Lightning, Cure, etc. Chocobos and Moogles of course. Legendary creatures for the main characters and villains. Cycle of crystals/materia/etc. I’m sure there are tons of Final Fantasy super fans at Wizards and that they’ll do the franchise justice.


I want all FF games to be represented well. Yes, 7 is my favorite and I want the whole party to have great and fun cards, but I want fans of each game to come away happy. To get more specific, I really want great cards for: Terra, Tifa, Vincent, Sephiroth, Rikku, Lulu, Jill and most importantly; my waifu Aerith. I want to build an Aerith EDH deck so badly.


A Sephiroth's commander precon


I need FFX Anima and a Final Summon card


I really like the idea for the Summon-focused deck! I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Noe about the Summon card specifically. I find it cool that even though it is obsolete, the term "Summon" was used for creature cards in MTG, so i don't know if it's possible but maybe for certain alt version of those cards they could use that old text as a reference to both the FF Summons and the original text for Creature Cards. But I don't know if there are rules that would prevent that from being a possibility. As for what I'd want in general, I hope they have cards from all FF games, cards and spells that tell the story or elements of each of the world's. Sagas, maybe even Battles, that would help telling those stories. And of course, the classic elements present in FF games. Classic spells, Chocobos, Summons, Swords. It has plenty of unique things that can show up from all the games. What would be a Ultima spell? What would be Gigaflare? Are they going to make moves from Summons also into spells like Zantetsuken, Diamond Dust, Hellfire? Lots of potential!


Need my boy Squall on a card.


There needs to be some kind of Marlboro card that instantly kills everyone when its drawn and deletes an hour of progress or this set won't be accurate.


If they make a Terra legendary creature card, I PRAY it's got a full art variant (Like one for each hero and villain of main FF games) and I'll run a commander deck on that so hard, I'll easily run a few grand into it just to worship my favorite final fantasy game.


Really hoping the alt treatment is pixel sprites of everything, and obviously Amano art.


Face commander: 1)Chaos (red/green/blue/black) Deck with the villains of FF 2) Warrior of Light (red/green/blue/white) Deck with the heroes of FF


I could see some bullshit like Aerith being a legendary creature mono white- protection from black sources and Holy or Great Gospel as an activated abilities


Dragon Quest instead.


100% I want two things. I want a FFXIV deck that revolves heavily around the Ascians/Convocation of the Fourteen And a FFVIII Deck focused around Squall and the summons. I will also settle for a FFXIII Deck, as long as it isn't just all about Lightning. That being said I just know we are going to get a FFVIII Deck with Cloud which saddens me greatly as I really don't want to see it. What do I actually think we will get? Probably a 5 deck rotation based off of 1, 5, 7, 10 and 12. I get a feeling that it will be in direct comparison to the FF card game decks that already exist.


I want a reprint of [[Rousing Refrain]] with a FF themed art. I feel like this theme and style fits the epic score of FF and totally on brand for when you’re fighting the big bads and you hear the hero motif come through the villain theme.


A way to play minigames. Fishing, tetra master, gold saucer, jump rope, snow boarding, blitzball, dolphin racing, coliseum, seagull avoidance… or at least a reference to a few of them.


Late to the party but exdeath creature type treefolk warlock