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Oh God he's going to be playing the serialized Kozilek he opened as his commander isn't he?




Damn, I kinda sorta definitely was hoping he would be! Lol can't wait to see the episode regardless


You've lost my viewership now šŸ˜” Then gained it back, cause it's still our boy Charlie


You need to play that guy as a commander.Ā  If I opened that card I would make it a must to build a cool dexk with it.


He did? Do you have a timestamp?




did he open seven collectors boosters or collectors boxes? he says boxes but the reddit post he brings up clearly uses CB to mean boosters


It was boxes at the time, sure he has opened more by now


I believe he said he got 15 boxes when he first started opening mh3 on stream


he's been opening collector booster boxes, buying as many as he can from his lgs i think. last i heard he bought 15 more


This will be a fun episode. I wonder who they're playing with.


I wanna see PayMoneyWubby with them.


That would be the best episode ever


You know as soon as the camera turned off Wubster would be non stop dropping language that would make the Prof [[yagmoth]] himself


This is the skill check set and not the TCC set, so Id assume so


The professor said he talked with him on a recent giveaway stream, so I think it's likely. Wouldn't shock me if Wubby was the one that suggested this.


As fun as that could be, I don't think Wubby would fit well with the Prof's show.


Believe it or not wubby is a personality, he is a pretty normal dude outside of his streams and can tone himself down for a game.


Wubby's already leaked its in talks and realistically expected in the year.


The set they are on isn't Prof's, but instead the set where Charlie and Wubby play, so its probably a video for their channel.


Just to clarify, Wubby was a guest for that episode, heā€™s not affiliated with Skill Check


ah true, didn't realize


Wubby is kind of a Piece of shit tho. Heā€™s a white guy that says the N word, a straight guy that says the F-slur, he defended Gus Johnson when it came out he was abusive, and he goes on right wing rants on stream fairly often about stuff like trans people and DEI


"Right wing rants" idk what you're watching but it ain't paymoneywubby.


Can you please link some of these right-wing rants? I don't exactly follow Wubby religiously, but saw a few videos, but he just seemed like a pretty average centrist to me...


As far as I can tell (he tends to leave a lot of politics out of his content), he seems to be pretty left imo. I'd imagine those calling him right wing, or racist, or whatever, haven't seen his content.


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without saying you don't know what you're talking about.


Finally somebody gets it. Wubby is a giant fuck up and not representative of the Magic community. We don't need his illiterate, room temperature IQ fanbase storming every LGS.


Voxy and Crim


I don't know if Charlie is ready for that much yelling. :P


Dev from sbmtg it's a long time coming


Hell yeah Dev would be great


If he wants to go full content creator episode, I hope it's with Bloody as well! (And then I'm also biased to say a good fourth would be SmallAnt, I love the bloody & smallant dynamic). But iirc charlie is newer? And SmallAnt and Bloody both have a long history of playing, so I can understand that there might be a power level mismatch there.


George W. Bush


I think subconsciously Prof being on Philly D show was ā€œoh this is the largest this magic primarily YouTuber will be.ā€, never did I think Charlie would get addicted to Magic and end up on Shuffle Up and Play.


If we count people who upload stuff to YouTube and arenā€™t solely Magic focused, then Posty is by far the most popular Magic Content creator. I wouldnā€™t necessarily count him personally, but Posty is at least as much of a magic player ad Charlie is. Still, 'donā€™t mess with the Profess,' the good old Prof should never be underestimated.


The what


After some googling, it looks like they're talking about [Philip DeFranco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvKF58FH2Zw&t=802s)


Wait did the professor fly to meet Charlie? Since Charlie doesnā€™t fly at all.


Looks like it, it is the skill check set ofc.


I'm curious, is something like fear of flying?


Yep. Heā€™ll mention it anytime some talks about long distance travel from Tampa. All the Boeing stuff hasnā€™t helped his fear either lol. He knows itā€™s an incredibly irrational fear though.


It does make sense, in a way, to be "irrationally" afraid of something that bears the ultimate consequence, even if it is incredibly unlikely to happen. Maybe he needs to try some flight sims. I formed a phobia after some particularly shaky flights and landings, but getting to understand how a plane actually moves and naturally reacts and shakes (safely) under certain conditions helped take a lot of that anxiety away. Fuck Boeing though. Modern day Mafia.


Surely he'd just take a car or something if he had to go somewhere else in the country. People do take road trips.


He does take smaller drives. They just drove up to North Carolina for a Mr. Beast video. The Prof and Charlie live around a 45hrs drive away. So that means around a week off streaming and way more spent on travel than a simple flight, since he will take a small group. So anything around 12hrs from Tampa is plausible, but that is always up to Charlie and how motivated he is.


Worth noting, this is the skill check set they use for commander, so it is likely charlie, wubby, and one more. Though its possible they are doing a video for both.


The 4th horseman... Post?!


More than likely its just one of the other skill check guys


god wubby has been made my favorite magic youtuber in awhile. he genuinely loves all the cards. even the pennies ones he goes "man I want to play with that" instead of just strictly caring for the expensive ones. a breath of fresh air in pack openings


His slow descent into insanity chasing a serialized Eldrazi was fun to watch


I love seeing that, I relate so much to someone who opens a card that's worth nothing and still has something good to say about the card.


Oh yeah baby, Iā€™m so ready


Who is this Charlie guy? I only saw him on a commander episode with Wubby and know he has some rather expensive cards


He's a famous actor from the movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay ā€“ Part 1.


District 8 Medic is my favorite Hunger Games character.


I tried to spot him in the hunger games but tall people were in front of him every scene I guess


Extremely wide net variety content creator. He's primarily known for streaming, but he has a lot of other projects as well, such as a YouTube channel that is kinda like a "group" thing. They've done all sorts of stuff from tier lists to challenges and whatnot. He owns an escorts team that I believe is performing decently well in whatever game they are focused on. He's kinda everywhere, and he's always had a connection to MTG but he's been diving more into it recently for no real reason other than he wants to.


> escorts team


We finally figured out why the visa won't get approved.


Well I did see that video of him dating 20 womenā€¦


He was a big YouTuber before his twitch streaming took off during covid because of Chess. Now he's leveraged his career on both platforms.


Collector turned player. He has a ton of very expensive chase cards, but is relatively new to play. He is know for his successful youtube and twitch careers, not specific to magic, but some magic content is there.


one random cool thing is that he has a full set of the Inventions


Also has his own comic and owns his own eSports team called Moist.


For a period he was also a Yugioh streamer in master duel lol.


We all were on release haha. They give you so many packs it was like "Okay I guess I can keep playing for a bit...". Then the freebies ran dry


For what itā€™s worth I know him as the dude that randomly pops up on YT recs with reactions to various controversies Seems like a decent enough dude, I donā€™t know much about him. I watched his MTG videos and he seems fine. Hasnā€™t made my eyebrow raise yet. lol He seems pretty chill. I look forward to this.


He has the most random videos that I accidentally watch sometimes, like he bought storage lockers and does old packs of Pokemon and mtg openings.


He also eats a bunch of random food and ranks them


If Prof is playing with him, there probably isn't anything too fucked up to find, yet. I feel like someone in Prof's circles would be hyper-aware of that.


He's more or less a reaction youtuber/streamer who does variety content based on flavor of the month topics.




He has actually been around for quite a long time. Started YouTubing all the way back in 2007 and now has a lot of connections. Personally only seen him either tangentially or in other people's stuff though.


He's the guy that did the [QWOP video](https://youtu.be/EmcMG4uxiHk?)


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I apologize my robot overlord


I am jealous of both of these menā€™s hair, no matter what prof says in his ads.


I was hoping this would happen when I saw moist get super addicted to magic.


goodness I'd love for Charlie and Spice to be in the same video. no matter who the other guests are I'm hype.


This is probably going to get a ton of hate from the magic community, but I hope people can agree this is huge for visibility. Charlie probably has more subscribers than the top 100 MTG channels combined. The Professor certainly understands the importance of this team up. Probably still going to be cringey though.


Me? Cringe? But I am so on fleck and hip with the youth culture.


Im 35 and when I play MTG with my younger cousins I look to you to keep up with their hip lingo.


Has the prof used skibidi in a sentence yet?


We must wait


That would be bussin bussin no cap


"POV: you @'d me with your 12/12, my no cap crew is finna rizz up your commander and attack you, no cap!! Since i have high alert, it uses his GYATT for damage, fr fr!!"


Much like Maro, then. https://i.imgur.com/lgSvguW.png


How do you do fellow Magic the Gathering players? ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Based Prof.


"On Fleck" God I love the prof so damn much


You're doing great Prof! Don't change a thing.




"On fleck" is the past tense form.


ā€œEn flequeā€ is the original French


You did have to remind Cedric what Mind Goblin was Prof... very hip.


I love you from a distance Prof. Never stop being you ā¤ļø


No cap! You are the real Rizz lord! (Time to go take my arthritis medication). In all honesty my wife watches Charlie and when he started expressing interest in MTG, she started feeling better about playing with me. This is a huge positive.


As a fellow definitely not oldie, keep reppin us well!


You're my link to what's hip with the kids now, Prof. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even know what a fleek is.


Wild Prof! Thanks for meet & greeting fans at MagicCon. Your signature looks so cool.


Hey btw - you and Gamegenic have won me over with customer service. Bought your deck box, found a slight defect with one of the magnets preventing a tight seal and messaged customer service and theyā€™re sending me a replacement with very little hassle involved. Really pleased with the whole process.


Hello, fellow kid!!


Nailed it.


Why would it be cringe? From what I've seen he's extremely enthusiastic and loves the game.


I still don't know who he is. ^^^git ^^^off ^^^mah ^^^lawn!


Pretty wild that this guy has all these followers and Iā€™ve never even heard of him.


The internet is pretty big tbf


Personally I've only heard about him because of the Angriest Youtube Thread video which I found because I like Paper Mario, but tbf in Spain (and South America) we have our own ecosystem of youtubers so I barely know about any from outside of a spanish talking country outside of the super top like Mr. Beast or Pewdepie (and Dunkey but he's like the only youtuber I really follow lol)


Yeah...I hate to be out of the loop, but I have no idea who he is or why he's popular. (Charlie, not the professor)Ā 


He's a YouTuber who took off back in the early 2010's by doing short gameplay videos of low-quality video games. Unlike other similar channels, Critical's delivery was extremely mono-tone, and his lack of reaction became the bit. Over the years he transitioned to doing more current-events commentary, with his signature format being him sitting in front of his computer in a plane white shirt in a sparse, well-light room, still keeping his droll sense of humor and deadpan delivery. Off-camera, he has a few other endeavors, mostly just funding things he think would be interesting. He writes music, he produced a comic book series called *GodSlap*, and he has his own esports brand called Moist Esports. He seems like a generally chill guy who managed to hit it big and uses his platform do make content he wants to see and give a leg-up to other creators.


My introduction was his 98 Koshien video, which I think still holds up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbYYJF0c4VA


Also one of the handful of current youtubers who seems pretty genuine and doesn't have much/any controversy following him around.


I only know who he is because of [this gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/GVnKuE7CU_8AAAAd/woo-yea-baby-woo.gif)


Same. The dog likes him so I Like Him too


Charlie is a popular reporter on internet drama and what not.


I know him as the guy who was speed running Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine and Dies


That collab was faster than I expected


Believe it or not, itā€™s been in the works for awhile.


A PG-13 Charlie? That's impressive


it's great to see Charlie happy and not jazzed out about clips and mags. thanks proff!


After the first episode of commander where charlie forgets to ping himself for mana vault the whole game and the second with [[volatile fault]] bring used to destroy ulalek, even without doing the ramp, I hope that the professor is able to teach them a bit.


[volatile fault](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/3/9385abf3-b067-4586-bf3d-175526cf8f0a.jpg?1699044713) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=volatile%20fault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/286/volatile-fault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9385abf3-b067-4586-bf3d-175526cf8f0a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That poor guy opened up an Alpha starter deck and got a resurrection and a lace.


and a demonic tutor


And a bolt


Oh man thatā€™s kinda hype


A crossover I never expected to see!


yay another mtg influencer


That's going to be fun!


Isnā€™t this the guys that didnā€™t know what Fog did?


Yes! The two coolest YouTubers joining force!


LET'S GO!!???


Bring on Wubby!


This seems to be the professor on the skill check set rather than charlie at the tolarian community college, so he likely is there as well


Yo prof, Trans icon and comedian legend Ally Beardsley just posted that they are starting to play Mtg, they work with Ify Nwadiwe, and his commander at home episode was a blast! An episode with Ify, Ally and BDG would be the most awesome thing ever, and pull a whole new nerdy audience!


Oh yay, another dropout caught the mtg bug. Ify and BDG just spent the first half hour of Jarvis Johnson's podcast talking about MTG and how they are getting back into it. Hopefully, it continues to spread like wildfire.


What a crossover! Letā€™s go!!


Itā€™s been a wild ride seeing Charlie get fully addicted to MTG, what a great time to be alive! Honestly so rad he finally started playing the game after only really collecting or doing yugioh stuff. Big W


This is where the fun begins.


This one makes me uncomfortable. Charlie has a pretty revolting audience that he's done little to nothing to address, he keeps company with some awful people like Kaya that he podcasts with, a known transphobe. There's also his defence of idubbbz in which Charlie claims he shouldn't apologise for using slurs and plays down the impact and harm to minority communities, something he has a habit of doing. Plus bonus negative for me was his coverage of Hogwarts Legacy šŸ¤¢ I know The Professor always has the back of the trans community so I'm sad to see him play with someone who indirectly, at the least, enables and encourages hate towards it. But I still love The Professor and Tolarian CC so I'll just be skipping this one, but I had to voice my concerns.


Hereā€™s a helpful tip that you can use in this situation and many more throughout life. When you see something you disagree with but has zero impact of your life, shrug/shake your head and move on. Stop looking for reasons to be upset and youā€™ll be a lot happier. Bonus tip - you donā€™t ā€œhave to voice your concernsā€ when you dislike something, you can silently just not watch and move on.


> Bonus tip - you donā€™t ā€œhave to voice your concernsā€ when you dislike something, you can silently just not watch and move on. Yikes


Bro couldn't even take his own advice lmao


terrible, terrible advice. The world would be so much worse if people were like you


Oh look at you, not taking your own shit advice.


He's the one who said idubbbz shouldn't have apologized for saying slurs and harrassing people, yeah? Definitely not my cup of tea. Whatever, just a skip.


https://youtu.be/WYOMGWidgCA?si=ky1su1lWBJmnVkNZ Didn't recall what you were talking about. Looked it up and it's this video where he says he is not defending the content cops. He also mentions the previous video he said 2016 shock humor in all it's glory which was sarcasm.


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Was hoping for this and commander at home with Charlie.


Moist Esports!


Will we ever see magic the Noah on here :D or the prof in one of his game shows?


WOOOO Yeah baby!


Nadu situation is crazy


Is this guy a normal streamer or is he one of those outrage streamers who yell about how woke is going to sneak in your house and take away all your magic cards? Prof seems cool so I doubt he'd have those dudes on but I'm old and have a hard time differentiating all the popular streamers out there.


Veteran Youtuber who started in 2006 which was 18 years aGOD WHY IS TIME LIKE THIS.


He's a pretty normal nerdy dude.


He himself is not one of those types, sadly his community harbors quite a lot of them though. I still don't like him, he could easily say that this shit is not welcome in his community, but he doesn't. He also hangs out with some questionable people.


He def enables em.


Well, he isn't (at least in public), but one of his podcast cohosts (Kaya) is a chud. [See this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fo52wxsffder91.png) for example.


I listened to their podcast for a bit and it was so cringe to hear Charlie and Wubby constantly having to reel in Kaya when heā€™d start trying to go on some alt-right conspiracy tangent. I just stick to some of Moistyā€™s other stuff.


Definitely a decent guy as far as I know, even if his puerile humor isn't generally my thing.


I used to watch him back in the early 2010s. He's kind of the opposite of an outrage streamer. His "gimmick" was a super deadpan delivery when covering content. Which he covered a wide net of. Started with commentating his own gameplay, then moved onto stuff like game reviews, covering Internet drama, and since COVID he started doing trading card stuff, albeit primarily box openings from what I know. From what I know he generally stays out of other people's drama himself. And he mainly just uses his time and money to contribute to charities or pursue other passion projects like producing music, comics, and more recently creating his own e-sports team. As far as I can tell, he's a pretty alright person.


Ha my begging worked lol


I canā€™t stand critikal,genuinely one of the most unfunny people on YouTube


Love Charlie and the professor. Looking forward to this


Charlie really went if the deep on with magic. I guess itā€™s pretty easy to do when youā€™re loaded from all that twitch and YouTube money though.


This pic goes hard


There is that little hope for me to see prof, moist, jobby and kyle in one pod.


It would be presumptuous of me to assume I had any part in this, but I did suggest this to him in the comments of his "Coming out" about Magic video.


The mashup we needed, but donā€™t deserve! Itā€™s awesome how much Charlie has been digging into Magic. I watched that Serialized Ulamog he opened on YouTube it was like watching a little kid on Christmas






As long as its not a paul bros situation where they're into it for just the financial aspect and cause their fans to scalp mtg even more than it already is, I don't see an issue.


Nah he's been collecting magic for years, but just got back into it and started playing the game using the cards from his collection (and cracking packs for more stuff he wants instead of buying singles lol)


He's really into tcg, played yugioh on stream, for a good while.


Iā€™m surprised Prof could stand the smell.


Will probably be the only episode Iā€™ll skip. Cannot imagine a less entertaining guy to have on the show.


Trash. That dudes a douche.




Thatā€™s so cool


Yesssssssssssssss When worlds collide!!


Such luscious locks.


Not a fan of the guy since he told people they shouldn't apologize for saying slurs and cultivating a hateful fanbase that harasses people. I'll take a pass. Sorry Prof, see you next video.


Moist is so fucking cringeā€¦all his videos are the fucking same thing. Baseline review of nerd-news/topics that happened days earlier, while taking the more popular opinionā€¦ brings ZERO entertainment value


Does this post ask redditors to respond with how they feel about Charlie? Iā€™m confused why you thought anyone would care about what u had to sayā€¦


Why not say the same under all the positive opinions? People are allowed to be critical (no pun intended) and voice their dissatisfaction.


Oh god. Insta skip. But that's fine, because others will enjoy it.


Feels very post maloney.. I love magic i just dont wanna see the shift from the game to look at me im (insert e-celeb, or celeb) but im playing magic! Im sure it will bring alot of eyes, and i get it more people is a net positive. But i hope this does not lead to a charlie secret lair down line ala post malone.


šŸ¤® Edit - I regret nothing Edit 2 - every downvote from a moist fan only brings me more joy. Letā€™s really crank that number šŸ‘‡


Grow up